Exemple #1
    def docstring(self, fast=True, raw=True):
        The docstring ``__doc__`` for any object.

        See :attr:`doc` for example.
        full_doc = ''
        # Using the first docstring that we see.
        for value in self._get_values(fast=fast):
            if full_doc:
                # In case we have multiple values, just return all of them
                # separated by a few dashes.
                full_doc += '\n' + '-' * 30 + '\n'

            doc = value.py__doc__()

            signature_text = ''
            if self._name.is_value_name:
                if not raw:
                    signature_text = _format_signatures(value)
                if not doc and value.is_stub():
                    for c in convert_values(ValueSet({value}),
                        doc = c.py__doc__()
                        if doc:

            if signature_text and doc:
                full_doc += signature_text + '\n\n' + doc
                full_doc += signature_text + doc

        return full_doc
Exemple #2
        def definition(correct, correct_start, path):
            should_be = set()
            for match in re.finditer('(?:[^ ]+)', correct):
                string = match.group(0)
                parser = grammar36.parse(string,
                parser_utils.move(parser.get_root_node(), self.line_nr)
                node = parser.get_root_node()
                module_context = script._get_module_context()
                user_context = get_user_context(module_context,
                                                (self.line_nr, 0))
                node.parent = user_context.tree_node
                results = convert_values(user_context.infer_node(node))
                if not results:
                    raise Exception('Could not resolve %s on line %s' %
                                    (match.string, self.line_nr - 1))

                should_be |= set(
                    Definition(inference_state, r.name) for r in results)
            debug.dbg('Finished getting types', color='YELLOW')

            # Because the objects have different ids, `repr`, then compare.
            should = set(comparison(r) for r in should_be)
            return should
Exemple #3
 def _get_value_filters(self, name_or_str):
     origin_scope = name_or_str if isinstance(name_or_str, Name) else None
     yield from self.get_filters(origin_scope=origin_scope)
     # This covers the case where a stub files are incomplete.
     if self.is_stub():
         from jedi.inference.gradual.conversion import convert_values
         for c in convert_values(ValueSet({self})):
             yield from c.get_filters()
Exemple #4
    def completion_names(self, inference_state, only_modules=False):
        :param only_modules: Indicates wheter it's possible to import a
            definition that is not defined in a module.
        if not self._infer_possible:
            return []

        names = []
        if self.import_path:
            # flask
            if self._str_import_path == ('flask', 'ext'):
                # List Flask extensions like ``flask_foo``
                for mod in self._get_module_names():
                    modname = mod.string_name
                    if modname.startswith('flask_'):
                        extname = modname[len('flask_'):]
                        names.append(ImportName(self._module_context, extname))
                # Now the old style: ``flaskext.foo``
                for dir in self._sys_path_with_modifications(
                    flaskext = os.path.join(dir, 'flaskext')
                    if os.path.isdir(flaskext):
                        names += self._get_module_names([flaskext])

            values = self.follow()
            for value in values:
                # Non-modules are not completable.
                if value.api_type not in ('module',
                                          'namespace'):  # not a module
                if not value.is_compiled():
                    # sub_modules_dict is not implemented for compiled modules.
                    names += value.sub_modules_dict().values()

            if not only_modules:
                from jedi.inference.gradual.conversion import convert_values

                both_values = values | convert_values(values)
                for c in both_values:
                    for filter in c.get_filters():
                        names += filter.values()
            if self.level:
                # We only get here if the level cannot be properly calculated.
                names += self._get_module_names(self._fixed_sys_path)
                # This is just the list of global imports.
                names += self._get_module_names()
        return names
Exemple #5
def complete_trailer(user_context, values):
    completion_names = []
    for value in values:
        for filter in value.get_filters(origin_scope=user_context.tree_node):
            completion_names += filter.values()

        if not value.is_stub() and isinstance(value, TreeInstance):
            completion_names += _complete_getattr(user_context, value)

    python_values = convert_values(values)
    for c in python_values:
        if c not in values:
            for filter in c.get_filters(origin_scope=user_context.tree_node):
                completion_names += filter.values()
    return completion_names
Exemple #6
    def _trailer_completions(self, previous_leaf):
        user_value = get_user_context(self._module_context, self._position)
        inferred_context = self._module_context.create_context(previous_leaf)
        values = infer_call_of_leaf(inferred_context, previous_leaf)
        completion_names = []
        debug.dbg('trailer completion values: %s', values, color='MAGENTA')
        for value in values:
            for filter in value.get_filters(origin_scope=user_value.tree_node):
                completion_names += filter.values()

        python_values = convert_values(values)
        for c in python_values:
            if c not in values:
                for filter in c.get_filters(origin_scope=user_value.tree_node):
                    completion_names += filter.values()
        return completion_names
    def _complete_trailer_for_values(self, values):
        user_value = get_user_context(self._module_context, self._position)
        completion_names = []
        for value in values:
            for filter in value.get_filters(origin_scope=user_value.tree_node):
                completion_names += filter.values()

            if not value.is_stub() and isinstance(value, TreeInstance):
                completion_names += self._complete_getattr(value)

        python_values = convert_values(values)
        for c in python_values:
            if c not in values:
                for filter in c.get_filters(origin_scope=user_value.tree_node):
                    completion_names += filter.values()
        return completion_names
Exemple #8
    def infer(self,
        Return the definitions of under the cursor. It is basically a wrapper
        around Jedi's type inference.

        This method follows complicated paths and returns the end, not the
        first definition. The big difference between :meth:`goto` and
        :meth:`infer` is that :meth:`goto` doesn't
        follow imports and statements. Multiple objects may be returned,
        because depending on an option you can have two different versions of a

        :param only_stubs: Only return stubs for this method.
        :param prefer_stubs: Prefer stubs to Python objects for this method.
        :rtype: list of :class:`.Name`
        pos = line, column
        leaf = self._module_node.get_name_of_position(pos)
        if leaf is None:
            leaf = self._module_node.get_leaf_for_position(pos)
            if leaf is None or leaf.type == 'string':
                return []
            if leaf.end_pos == (line, column) and leaf.type == 'operator':
                next_ = leaf.get_next_leaf()
                if next_.start_pos == leaf.end_pos \
                        and next_.type in ('number', 'string', 'keyword'):
                    leaf = next_

        context = self._get_module_context().create_context(leaf)

        values = helpers.infer(self._inference_state, context, leaf)
        values = convert_values(

        defs = [classes.Name(self._inference_state, c.name) for c in values]
        # The additional set here allows the definitions to become unique in an
        # API sense. In the internals we want to separate more things than in
        # the API.
        return helpers.sorted_definitions(set(defs))
Exemple #9
    def _infer(self, only_stubs=False, prefer_stubs=False):
        assert not (only_stubs and prefer_stubs)

        if not self._name.is_value_name:
            return []

        # First we need to make sure that we have stub names (if possible) that
        # we can follow. If we don't do that, we can end up with the inferred
        # results of Python objects instead of stubs.
        names = convert_names([self._name], prefer_stubs=True)
        values = convert_values(
            ValueSet.from_sets(n.infer() for n in names),
        resulting_names = [c.name for c in values]
        return [self if n == self._name else Definition(self._inference_state, n)
                for n in resulting_names]
Exemple #10
    def _infer(self, line, column, only_stubs=False, prefer_stubs=False):
        pos = line, column
        leaf = self._module_node.get_name_of_position(pos)
        if leaf is None:
            leaf = self._module_node.get_leaf_for_position(pos)
            if leaf is None or leaf.type == 'string':
                return []

        context = self._get_module_context().create_context(leaf)

        values = helpers.infer(self._inference_state, context, leaf)
        values = convert_values(

        defs = [classes.Name(self._inference_state, c.name) for c in values]
        # The additional set here allows the definitions to become unique in an
        # API sense. In the internals we want to separate more things than in
        # the API.
        return helpers.sorted_definitions(set(defs))
    def infer(self, *, only_stubs=False, prefer_stubs=False):
        Like :meth:`.Script.infer`, it can be useful to understand which type
        the current name has.

        Return the actual definitions. I strongly recommend not using it for
        your completions, because it might slow down |jedi|. If you want to
        read only a few objects (<=20), it might be useful, especially to get
        the original docstrings. The basic problem of this function is that it
        follows all results. This means with 1000 completions (e.g.  numpy),
        it's just very, very slow.

        :param only_stubs: Only return stubs for this goto call.
        :param prefer_stubs: Prefer stubs to Python objects for this type
            inference call.
        :rtype: list of :class:`Name`
        assert not (only_stubs and prefer_stubs)

        if not self._name.is_value_name:
            return []

        # First we need to make sure that we have stub names (if possible) that
        # we can follow. If we don't do that, we can end up with the inferred
        # results of Python objects instead of stubs.
        names = convert_names([self._name], prefer_stubs=True)
        values = convert_values(
            ValueSet.from_sets(n.infer() for n in names),
        resulting_names = [c.name for c in values]
        return [
            self if n == self._name else Name(self._inference_state, n)
            for n in resulting_names