from jetlag import Universal, pp, mk_input, pcmd, RemoteJobWatcher from knownsystems import * from time import sleep import os import html import re # Test creation of shelob configuration using Agave uv = Universal() uv.init(backend=backend_agave, notify='{NOTIFY_URL_PASSWORD}', **rostam) os.unlink(uv.get_auth_file()) uv.init(backend=backend_agave, notify='{NOTIFY_URL_PASSWORD}', **rostam) uv.configure_from_ssh_keys() j1 = RemoteJobWatcher(uv, uv.hello_world_job('fork')) print("Job was submitted") j1.wait() assert j1.status() == "FINISHED" err = j1.err_output() assert'(?m)^This is stderr', err) out = j1.std_output() assert'(?m)^This is stdout', out) if True: j2 = RemoteJobWatcher(uv, uv.hello_world_job('queue')) print("Job was submitted") j2.wait() assert j2.status() == "FINISHED" else: print("Test skipped: Agave can't queue on slurm")
from jetlag import Universal, pp, mk_input, pcmd, RemoteJobWatcher from knownsystems import * from time import sleep import os import html uv = Universal() uv.init(backend=backend_tapis, notify='*****@*****.**', **shelob) j1 = RemoteJobWatcher(uv, uv.hello_world_job('fork')) print("Job was submitted") j1.stop() j1.wait() assert j1.status() == "STOPPED" print("Test passed") exit(0)
def remote_run(uv, fun, args, queue='fork', lim='00:05:00', nodes=0, ppn=0): if hasattr(fun, "backend"): wfun = fun.backend.wrapped_function else: wfun = fun funname = wfun.__name__ src = inspect.getsource(wfun) pargs = to_string(args) label = mk_label(funname, args) input_tgz = { "" : open("/JetLag/", "r").read(), "" : open("/JetLag/", "r").read(), "filter.json" : open("/JetLag/filter.json", "r").read(), "py-src.txt" : src, "label.txt" : label, "name.txt" : funname, "" : """#!/bin/bash source ../.env export CPUS=$(lscpu | grep "^CPU(s):"|cut -d: -f2) export APEX_OTF2=1 export APEX_PAPI_METRICS="PAPI_TOT_CYC PAPI_BR_MSP PAPI_TOT_INS PAPI_BR_INS PAPI_LD_INS PAPI_SR_INS PAPI_L1_DCM PAPI_L2_DCM" export PYTHONUSERBASE=/usr/local/userbase export PHYSL_EXE=/usr/local/build/bin/physl pwd singularity exec $SING_OPTS $JETLAG_IMAGE python3 """, "" : """#!/usr/bin/env python3 import codecs, pickle, re, os, sys # Need to make sure APEX is turned off # when we generate the physl source files # otherwise things hang. os.environ["APEX_OTF2"]="0" from phylanx import Phylanx, PhylanxSession import numpy as np import socket # Possibly convert a host name to an ipaddress def format_host(host, ipaddr): if ipaddr: return socket.gethostbyname(host) else: return host # Slurm gives hostnames like: mach[01-02] # instead of mach01,mach02. Expand this out. def unslurm(fname, ipaddr=False): hosts = [] g = re.match(r'([\w-]+)\[([\d,-]+)\]', fname) if g: base = for ext in','): g2 = re.match(r'(\d+)-(\d+)', ext) if g2: assert len( == len( fmt = "%0"+str(len("d" for i in range(int(, int( hosts += [format_host(base + (fmt % i),ipaddr)] else: hosts += [format_host(base+ext,ipaddr)] else: hosts += [format_host(fname,ipaddr)] return hosts # Ignoring the batch environment is # the most important thing. It can # cause generation of physl source # to hang. cfg = [ "hpx.run_hpx_main!=1", "hpx.commandline.allow_unknown!=1", "hpx.commandline.aliasing!=0", "hpx.os_threads!=1", "hpx.diagnostics_on_terminate!=0", "hpx.ignore_batch_env!=1", ] PhylanxSession.config(cfg) def to_string(obj): return re.sub(b'\\s',b'',codecs.encode(pickle.dumps(obj),'base64')) def from_string(s): return pickle.loads(codecs.decode(s,'base64')) import numpy as np def fstr(a): if type(a) in [bool, float, int, str, np.int64, np.float64, np.int32, np.float32]: return str(a).lower() elif type(a) in [list,np.ndarray]: s = "[" for i in range(len(a)): if i > 0: s += "," if i % 10 == 9: # Note that because this is a string, the backslash # n will get expanded... so double it. s += "\\n" s += fstr(a[i]) s += "]" return s else: raise Exception("Unsupported type "+str(type(a))) args = from_string({argsrc}) @Phylanx(startatlineone=True) {funsrc} with open("call_{funname}.physl","w") as fw: alist = [] aasign = [] for i in range(len(args)): argn = "a"+str(i) alist += [argn] aasign += ["define(",argn+","+fstr(args[i])+")"] from phylanx.ast.physl import print_physl_src import contextlib, io physl_src_raw = {funname}.get_physl_source() f = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(f): print_physl_src(physl_src_raw) physl_src_pretty = f.getvalue() print(physl_src_raw,file=fw) for a in aasign: print(a,file=fw) print("{funname}("+(",".join(alist))+")",file=fw) np = int(os.environ["AGAVE_JOB_PROCESSORS_PER_NODE"])*int(os.environ["AGAVE_JOB_NODE_COUNT"]) if "PBS_NODEFILE" in os.environ: machf = os.environ["PBS_NODEFILE"] elif "SLURM_JOB_NODELIST" in os.environ: hosts = os.environ["SLURM_JOB_NODELIST"] machf = "hosts.txt" with open(machf,"w") as fd: for i in range(np): print(hosts,file=fd) else: machf = "hosts.txt" with open(machf,"w") as fd: for i in range(np): print("localhost",file=fd) from random import randint from subprocess import Popen, PIPE use_mpi = False has_mpi = False with open("/hpx/build/CMakeCache.txt", "r") as fd: for line in fd.readlines(): g = re.match(r'HPX_WITH_PARCELPORT_MPI:BOOL=(\w+)',line) if g: val = if val == "on": has_mpi = True elif vall == "off": has_mpi = False else: raise Exception("Bad MPI parcelport value") break cmd = [] if use_mpi: cmd += ["mpirun","-np",str(np)] #"-machinefile",machf, else: hpxrun = "./" port = str(randint(7900,8000)) cmd += ["python3",hpxrun,"-d",port,"-l",str(np),"--environ=APEX_OTF2,APEX_PAPI_METRICS,APEX_EVENT_FILTER_FILE,PWD"] if "SLURM_NODELIST" in os.environ: hosts = unslurm(os.environ["SLURM_NODELIST"],True) print("HOSTS:",hosts) if len(hosts) > 1: cmd += ["-n",','.join(hosts)] cmd += [os.environ.get("PHYSL_EXE","/usr/local/build/physl")] if not use_mpi: cmd += ["--"] cmd += [ "--dump-counters=py-csv.txt", "--dump-newick-tree=py-tree.txt", "--dump-dot=py-graph.txt", "--performance", "", "call_{funname}.physl" ] print("cmd:",' '.join(cmd)) print("cmd:",' '.join(cmd),file=sys.stderr) os.environ["APEX_OTF2"]="1" #os.environ["APEX_EVENT_FILTER_FILE"]="filter.json" p = Popen(cmd,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE,universal_newlines=True) out, err = p.communicate() print(out,end='') print(err,end='',file=sys.stderr) with open("physl-src.txt","w") as fd: print(physl_src_pretty,file=fd) """.format(funsrc=src, funname=funname, argsrc=pargs) } jobid = uv.run_job('py-fun',input_tgz,jtype=queue,run_time=lim,nodes=nodes,ppn=ppn) return RemoteJobWatcher(uv,jobid)
def remote_run(uv, fun, args, queue='fork', lim='00:05:00', nodes=0, ppn=0): if hasattr(fun, "backend"): wfun = fun.backend.wrapped_function else: wfun = fun funname = wfun.__name__ src = inspect.getsource(wfun) pargs = to_string(args) label = mk_label(funname, args) input_tgz = { "py-src.txt": src, "label.txt": label, "name.txt": funname, "": """#!/bin/bash source ../.env export CPUS=$(lscpu | grep "^CPU(s):"|cut -d: -f2) export APEX_OTF2=1 export APEX_PAPI_METRICS="PAPI_TOT_CYC PAPI_BR_MSP PAPI_TOT_INS PAPI_BR_INS PAPI_LD_INS PAPI_SR_INS PAPI_L1_DCM PAPI_L2_DCM" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/jovyan/install/phylanx/lib64/phylanx:/home/jovyan/install/phylanx/lib64:/usr/local/lib64:/home/jovyan/install/phylanx/lib/phylanx:/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib" export PYTHONPATH="/home/jovyan/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/phylanx-0.0.1-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg" singularity exec $JETLAG_IMAGE python3 """, "": """#!/usr/bin/env python3 from phylanx import Phylanx, PhylanxSession import codecs, pickle, re, os cpus = int(os.environ["CPUS"].strip()) PhylanxSession.init(16) def to_string(obj): return re.sub(b'\\s',b'',codecs.encode(pickle.dumps(obj),'base64')) def from_string(s): return pickle.loads(codecs.decode(s,'base64')) args = from_string({argsrc}) @Phylanx {funsrc} with open("call_{funname}.physl","w") as fw: alist = [] aasign = [] for i in range(len(args)): argn = "a"+str(i) alist += [argn] aasign += ["define(",argn+","+str(args[i])+")"] from phylanx.ast.physl import print_physl_src import contextlib, io physl_src_raw = {funname}.get_physl_source() f = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stdout(f): print_physl_src(physl_src_raw) physl_src_pretty = f.getvalue() print(physl_src_raw,file=fw) for a in aasign: print(a,file=fw) print("{funname}("+(",".join(alist))+")",file=fw) np = int(os.environ["AGAVE_JOB_PROCESSORS_PER_NODE"])*int(os.environ["AGAVE_JOB_NODE_COUNT"]) if "PBS_NODEFILE" in os.environ: machf = os.environ["PBS_NODEFILE"] elif "SLURM_JOB_NODELIST" in os.environ: machf = os.environ["SLURM_JOB_NODELIST"] else: machf = "hosts.txt" with open(machf,"w") as fd: for i in range(np): print("localhost",file=fd) from subprocess import Popen, PIPE p = Popen([ "mpirun", "-np",str(np), "-machinefile",machf, "/home/jovyan/phylanx/build/bin/physl", "--dump-counters=py-csv.txt", "--dump-newick-tree=py-tree.txt", "--dump-dot=py-graph.txt", "--performance", "", "call_{funname}.physl" ] ,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE,universal_newlines=True) out, err = p.communicate() with open("physl-src.txt","w") as fd: print(physl_src_pretty,file=fd) """.format(funsrc=src, funname=funname, argsrc=pargs) } jobid = uv.run_job('py-fun', input_tgz, jtype=queue, run_time=lim, nodes=nodes, ppn=ppn) return RemoteJobWatcher(uv, jobid)
import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) from time import sleep import os import html # Test creation of shelob configuration using Agave uv = Universal() uv.init( backend=backend_tapis, #notify = "{PBTOK_PASSWORD}&status=${JOB_STATUS}:${JOB_ID}", notify='*****@*****.**', **shelob) uv.configure_from_ssh_keys() j1 = RemoteJobWatcher(uv, uv.hello_world_job('fork')) print("Job was submitted") j1.wait() assert j1.status() == "FINISHED" j2 = RemoteJobWatcher(uv, uv.hello_world_job('queue')) print("Job was submitted") j2.wait() if j2.status() != "FINISHED": pp.pprint(j2.full_status()) assert False print("Test passed") exit(0)