def test_rm_usage(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["teammember", "rm", "TO"]) self.assertEqual(args.command, "teammember") self.assertEqual(args.subcommand, "rm") self.assertEqual(args.lookup, "TO")
def test_rm_usage(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["theme", "rm", "admin"]) self.assertEqual(args.command, "theme") self.assertEqual(args.subcommand, "rm") self.assertEqual(, "admin")
def test_mv_usage(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["mv", "path/to/move", "/dest/"]) self.assertEqual(args.command, "mv") self.assertEqual(args.src, "path/to/move") self.assertEqual(args.dest, "/dest/")
def test_run(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = MagicMock() args.command = "dummy" cli.dummy = MagicMock() cli.dummy.assert_called_once_with(args)
def test_basic_usage(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Simple task", "1"]) self.assertEqual(args.command, "add") self.assertEqual(args.title, "Simple task") self.assertEqual(args.storypoints, 1) self.assertFalse(args.current)
def test_add_usage(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["theme", "add", "admin", "report writing"]) self.assertEqual(args.command, "theme") self.assertEqual(args.subcommand, "add") self.assertEqual(, "admin") self.assertEqual(args.description, "report writing")
def test_add_usage(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["teammember", "add", "TO", "Tjelvar", "Olsson"]) self.assertEqual(args.command, "teammember") self.assertEqual(args.subcommand, "add") self.assertEqual(args.lookup, "TO") self.assertEqual(args.first_name, "Tjelvar") self.assertEqual(args.last_name, "Olsson")
def test_primary_contact(self): from jicagile import Team from jicagile.cli import CLI team = Team() team.add_member("TO", "Tjelvar", "Olsson") cli = CLI() = team args = cli.parse_args(["list", "dirpath", "-p", "TO"]) self.assertEqual(args.primary_contact, "TO")
def test_themes(self): import jicagile.config from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() themes = jicagile.config.Themes() themes.add_member("sysadmin", "managing linux desktops and servers") cli.project.themes = themes args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Simple task", "1", "-e", "sysadmin"]) self.assertEqual(args.theme, "sysadmin")
def test_primary_contact(self): import jicagile from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() team = jicagile.config.Team() team.add_member("TO", "Tjelvar", "Olsson") = team args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Simple task", "1", "-p", "TO"]) self.assertEqual(args.primary_contact, "TO")
def test_valid_storypoint_choices(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() for s in [1, 3, 5, 8]: args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Simple task", str(s)]) self.assertEqual(args.storypoints, s) for s in [2, 4, 6, 7, 9]: with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): with capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Simple task", str(s)])
def test_add_to_current(self): import jicagile from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["add", "-c", "Basic task", "1"]) current_todo_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "current", "todo") task_fpath = os.path.join(current_todo_dir, "basic-task.yml") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(task_fpath)) task_from_file = jicagile.Task.from_file(task_fpath) self.assertEqual(task_from_file["title"], "Basic task") self.assertEqual(task_from_file["storypoints"], 1)
def test_add_to_empty(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI from jicagile.config import Themes cli = CLI() # Add one to create the .theme.yml file. args = cli.parse_args(["theme", "add", "admin", "stuff we need to do"]) # Remove it to create an empty file. args = cli.parse_args(["theme", "rm", "admin"]) # Add something to the empty file. args = cli.parse_args(["theme", "add", "admin", "stuff we need to do"])
def test_basic_usage(self): import jicagile from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() team = jicagile.config.Team() team.add_member("TO", "Tjelvar", "Olsson") = team args = cli.parse_args(["edit", "fpath", "-t", "Simple task", "-s", "1", "-p", "TO"]) self.assertEqual(args.command, "edit") self.assertEqual(args.fpath, "fpath") self.assertEqual(args.title, "Simple task") self.assertEqual(args.storypoints, 1) self.assertEqual(args.primary_contact, "TO")
def test_add_with_theme(self): import jicagile from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() themes = jicagile.config.Themes() themes.add_member("admin", "grants, appraisals, etc") cli.project.themes = themes args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Basic task", "1", "-e", "admin"]) backlog_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "backlog") task_fpath = os.path.join(backlog_dir, "basic-task.yml") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(task_fpath)) task_from_file = jicagile.Task.from_file(task_fpath) self.assertEqual(task_from_file["theme"], "admin")
def test_mv(self): import jicagile from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Basic task", "1"]) src_fpath = os.path.join("backlog", "basic-task.yml") todo = os.path.join("current", "todo") dest_fpath = os.path.join(todo, "basic-task.yml") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(src_fpath)) args = cli.parse_args(["mv", src_fpath, todo]) self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(src_fpath)) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(dest_fpath))
def test_list_backlog_with_trailing_slash(self): import jicagile from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Basic task", "1"]) backlog_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "backlog/") args = cli.parse_args(["list", backlog_dir]) with capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): text = ansi_escape.sub("", stdout.getvalue()) expected = """# BACKLOG [1] ## None's tasks [1] [] Basic task [1] """ self.assertEqual(text, expected, "\n" + text + expected)
def test_current(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["add", "-c", "Simple task", "1"]) self.assertTrue(args.current)
def test_list(self): import jicagile from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Basic task", "1"]) backlog_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, "backlog") args = cli.parse_args(["list", backlog_dir]) with capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): text = ansi_escape.sub("", stdout.getvalue()) expected = """# BACKLOG [1] ## None's tasks [1] [] Basic task [1] """ self.assertEqual(text, expected, "\n" + text + expected) team = jicagile.config.Team() team.add_member("TO", "Tjelvar", "Olsson") team.add_member("MH", "Matthew", "Hartley") = team themes = jicagile.config.Themes() themes.add_member("admin", "forms etc") themes.add_member("fun", "programming etc") cli.project.themes = themes args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Have fun", "1", "-p", "TO", "-e", "fun", "-c"]) args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Email people", "1", "-p", "TO", "-e", "admin", "-c"]) args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Attempt to fill in appriasal form", "5", "-p", "TO", "-e", "admin", "-c"]) args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Other stuff", "1", "-p", "TO", "-c"]) args = cli.parse_args(["add", "Management stuff", "8", "-p", "MH", "-e", "admin", "-c"]) args = cli.parse_args(["list", "todo"]) with capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): text = ansi_escape.sub("", stdout.getvalue()) expected = """# TODO [16] ## Matthew's tasks [8] [admin] Management stuff [8] ## Tjelvar's tasks [8] [] Other stuff [1] [admin] Email people [1] [admin] Attempt to fill in appriasal form [5] [fun] Have fun [1] """ self.assertEqual(text, expected, "\n" + text + expected) args = cli.parse_args(["list", "todo", "-p", "TO"]) with capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): text = ansi_escape.sub("", stdout.getvalue()) expected = """# TODO [8] ## Tjelvar's tasks [8] [] Other stuff [1] [admin] Email people [1] [admin] Attempt to fill in appriasal form [5] [fun] Have fun [1] """ self.assertEqual(text, expected, "\n" + text + expected) args = cli.parse_args(["list", "done"]) with capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr): text = ansi_escape.sub("", stdout.getvalue()) expected = """# DONE [0]\n""" self.assertEqual(text, expected, "\n" + text + expected)
def test_theme_command(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI from jicagile.config import Themes cli = CLI() # No .themes.yml file exists yet. themes_fpath = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, ".themes.yml") self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(themes_fpath)) args = cli.parse_args(["theme", "add", "admin", "stuff we need to do"]) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(themes_fpath)) themes = Themes.from_file(themes_fpath) self.assertEqual(len(themes), 1) self.assertEqual(themes["admin"].description, "stuff we need to do") args = cli.parse_args(["theme", "add", "sysadmin", "configure servers"]) themes = Themes.from_file(themes_fpath) self.assertEqual(len(themes), 2) args = cli.parse_args(["theme", "rm", "admin"]) themes = Themes.from_file(themes_fpath) self.assertEqual(len(themes), 1) self.assertFalse("admin" in themes) self.assertTrue("sysadmin" in themes) args = cli.parse_args(["theme", "rm", "admin"])
def test_teammember_command(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI from jicagile.config import Team cli = CLI() # No .themes.yml file exists yet. team_fpath = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, ".team.yml") self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(team_fpath)) args = cli.parse_args(["teammember", "add", "TO", "Tjelvar", "Olsson"]) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(team_fpath)) team = Team.from_file(team_fpath) self.assertEqual(len(team), 1) self.assertEqual(team["TO"].first_name, "Tjelvar") self.assertEqual(team["TO"].last_name, "Olsson") args = cli.parse_args(["teammember", "add", "MH", "Matthew", "Hartley"]) team = Team.from_file(team_fpath) self.assertEqual(len(team), 2) args = cli.parse_args(["teammember", "rm", "TO"]) team = Team.from_file(team_fpath) self.assertEqual(len(team), 1) self.assertFalse("TO" in team) self.assertTrue("MH" in team) args = cli.parse_args(["teammember", "rm", "TO"])
def test_basic_usage(self): from jicagile.cli import CLI cli = CLI() args = cli.parse_args(["list", "dirpath"]) self.assertEqual(args.command, "list") self.assertEqual(, "dirpath")