def send_twitter(room, token, limit=None): conn = sqlite3.connect('../dbs/twitter.db') c = conn.cursor() cmd = "SELECT tweeter_name, tweeter_href, tweet_href, summary, display_pic FROM twitter WHERE timestamp = ?" count = c.execute(cmd, (timestamp,)) if count.fetchone() == None or count.fetchone()[0] == 0: print "No new records to push @ " + timestamp else: data = c.execute(cmd, (timestamp,)) rows = data.fetchall() print rows count = 0 for row in rows: description = textwrap.wrap(utils.escape(row[3]), width=75)[0] + " [...]" try: message = "<img src=\"{0}\"></img> • {1}<br> <a href=\"{2}\">{3}</a> • <a href=\"{4}\">Permalink</a>".format( "", description.encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[1]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[0]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[2]).encode("utf-8")) except: message = "error in encoding" print message if limit!= None and count != limit: send_message(room, message, "green", token) count += 1 elif limit == None: send_message(room, message, "green", token)
def topic_browser_tree(tree, level=0): s = "" class_name = "topline" for child in tree.children: href = "#%s" % escape( if not child.children: if level == 0: s += "<li class='solo'><a href='%s' class='menulink'>%s</a></li>" % (href, escape(child.title)) else: s += "<li class='%s'><a href='%s'>%s</a></li>" % (class_name, href, escape(child.title)) else: if level > 0: class_name += " sub" s += ("<li class='%s'>" "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" "<ul>" % (class_name, href, escape(child.title))) s += topic_browser_tree(child, level=level + 1) s += "</ul></li>" class_name = "" if level == 2: s = "<span class='mobile-only'>%s</span>" % s return s
def do_xmlattr(_eval_ctx, d, autospace=True): """Create an SGML/XML attribute string based on the items in a dict. All values that are neither `none` nor `undefined` are automatically escaped: .. sourcecode:: html+jinja <ul{{ {'class': 'my_list', 'missing': none, 'id': 'list-%d'|format(variable)}|xmlattr }}> ... </ul> Results in something like this: .. sourcecode:: html <ul class="my_list" id="list-42"> ... </ul> As you can see it automatically prepends a space in front of the item if the filter returned something unless the second parameter is false. """ rv = u' '.join( u'%s="%s"' % (escape(key), escape(value)) for key, value in iteritems(d) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Undefined) ) if autospace and rv: rv = u' ' + rv if _eval_ctx.autoescape: rv = Markup(rv) return rv
def user_edit(request): user_id = request.POST.get("user_id") user_name = request.POST.get("user_name") user_password = request.POST.get("user_password") user_email = request.POST.get("user_email") user_group_id = request.POST.get("user_group_id") if not user_name or not user_email or not user_group_id: return redirect("add_a_user") user_id = int(user_id) user_name = utils.escape(user_name) user_email = utils.escape(user_email) hashed_password = None if user_password: hashed_password = hashers.make_password(password=user_password, salt=settings.SALT) user_group_id = int(user_group_id) update_dict = { "name": user_name, "email": user_email, "user_group_id": user_group_id } if hashed_password: update_dict["password"] = hashed_password User.objects.filter(id=user_id).update(**update_dict) return redirect("add_a_user")
def register(): from flask import request if request.method == 'POST': name = str(utils.escape(request.json['name'])) email = str(utils.escape(request.json['email'])) password = pbkdf2_sha256.hash(request.json['pass']) if len(name) != 0 and len(email) != 0 and len(password) != 0: if email_validator(email): conn = mysql.connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM User WHERE username = '******'") data = cursor.fetchone() if data is None: cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO User(username,email,password) VALUES(%s,%s,%s)', [name, email, password]) conn.commit() return "登録できました!" else: return "すでに同じユーザーネームのユーザーが存在します" else: return "正しいメールアドレスではありません" else: return "空のフィールドが存在します"
def topic_browser_tree(tree, level=0): s = "" class_name = "topline" for child in tree.children: if not child.has_children_of_type(["Topic", "Video", "Url"]): continue if not child.children or in topic_models.Topic._super_topic_ids: # special cases if == "new-and-noteworthy": continue elif child.standalone_title == "California Standards Test: Algebra I" and != "algebra-i": = "algebra-i" elif child.standalone_title == "California Standards Test: Geometry" and != "geometry-2": = "geometry-2" # show leaf node as a link href = "#%s" % escape(slugify( if level == 0: s += "<li class='solo'><a href='%s' data-tag='TopicBrowser' class='menulink'>%s</a></li>" % (href, escape(child.title)) else: s += "<li class='%s'><a href='%s' data-tag='TopicBrowser'>%s</a></li>" % (class_name, href, escape(child.title)) else: if level > 0: class_name += " sub" s += "<li class='%s'>%s <ul>%s</ul></li>" % (class_name, escape(child.title), topic_browser_tree(child, level=level + 1)) class_name = "" return s
def send_fulldisclosure(room, token, limit=None): conn = sqlite3.connect('../dbs/fulldisclosure.db') c = conn.cursor() cmd = "SELECT title, link, date, description FROM fulldisclosure WHERE timestamp = ?" count = c.execute(cmd, (timestamp,)) if count.fetchone() == None or count.fetchone()[0] == 0: print "No new records to push @ " + timestamp else: data = c.execute(cmd, (timestamp,)) rows = data.fetchall() print rows count = 0 for row in rows: description = textwrap.wrap(utils.escape(row[3]), width=25)[0] + " [...]" try: message = "<img src=\"{0}\"></img> New Mail: <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a> • Posted on {3}: {4}".format( "", str(utils.escape(row[1])), str(utils.escape(row[0])), row[2], description) except: message = "error in encoding" print message if limit!= None and count != limit: send_message(room, message, "purple", token) count += 1 elif limit == None: send_message(room, message, "purple", token)
def update(request): import json if request.method == 'POST': response_data = {} film = Film.objects.get(pk=request.POST.get('film')) name = str(utils.escape(request.POST.get('name'))) year = str(utils.escape(request.POST.get('year'))) discript = str(utils.escape(request.POST.get('discription'))) if name: film.f_name = name if year: film.f_year_creation = year if discript: film.f_discription = discript response_data['name'] = film.f_name response_data['year'] = film.f_year_creation response_data['discription'] = film.f_discription return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_data), content_type="application/json") else: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"result": "nothing has happened"}), content_type="application/json")
def format_message_explicit_emotes(message, emotes, size="1.0"): if not emotes: return Markup(urlize(message).replace('<a ', '<a target="_blank" ')) # emotes format is # <emoteid>:<start>-<end>[,<start>-<end>,...][/<emoteid>:<start>-<end>,.../...] # eg: # 123:0-2/456:3-6,7-10 # means that chars 0-2 (inclusive, 0-based) are emote 123, # and chars 3-6 and 7-10 are two copies of emote 456 parsed_emotes = [] for emote in emotes.split('/'): emoteid, positions = emote.split(':') emoteid = int(emoteid) for position in positions.split(','): start, end = position.split('-') start = int(start) end = int(end) + 1 # make it left-inclusive, to be more consistent with how Python does things parsed_emotes.append((start, end, emoteid)) parsed_emotes.sort(key=lambda x:x[0]) bits = [] prev = 0 for start, end, emoteid in parsed_emotes: if prev < start: bits.append(urlize(message[prev:start]).replace('<a ', '<a target="_blank" ')) url = escape("" % (emoteid, size)) command = escape(message[start:end]) bits.append('<img src="%s" alt="%s" title="%s">' % (url, command, command)) prev = end if prev < len(message): bits.append(urlize(message[prev:]).replace('<a ', '<a target="_blank" ')) return Markup(''.join(bits))
def send_stackoverflow(room, token, limit=None): conn = sqlite3.connect('../dbs/stackoverflow.db') c = conn.cursor() cmd = "SELECT title, link, answers, date, summary FROM stackoverflow WHERE timestamp = ?" count = c.execute(cmd, (timestamp,)) if count.fetchone() == None or count.fetchone()[0] == 0: print "No new records to push @ " + timestamp else: data = c.execute(cmd, (timestamp,)) rows = data.fetchall() print rows count = 0 for row in rows: description = textwrap.wrap(utils.escape(row[4]), width=25)[0] + " [...]" try: message = "<img src=\"{0}\"></img> <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a><br> {3} answers • {4}".format( "", utils.escape(row[1]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[0]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[2]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[3]).encode("utf-8")) except: message = "error in encoding" print message if limit!= None and count != limit: send_message(room, message, "red", token) count += 1 elif limit == None: send_message(room, message, "red", token)
def label_badge(label, cls="", remove_from_ticket=None): """Return HTML markup rendering a label badge. Additional HTML classes can be passed via the `cls` parameter. If a Ticket is passed in `remove_from_ticket`, a removal button will also be rendered for removing the label from given ticket. """ name = escape( color = escape(label.text_color) bg_color = escape(label.color) html_class = escape(f"label {cls}".strip()) style = f"color: {color}; background-color: {bg_color}" search_url = urls.label_search_url(label) if remove_from_ticket: remove_url = urls.label_remove_url(label, remove_from_ticket) remove_form = f""" <form method="POST" action="{remove_url}"> {csrf_token()} <button type="submit" class="btn btn-link"> {icon('times')} </button> </form> """ else: remove_form = "" return Markup( f"""<span style="{style}" class="{html_class}" href="{search_url}"> <a href="{search_url}">{name}</a> {remove_form} </span>""")
def send_hackerone_hacktivity(room, token, limit=None): conn = sqlite3.connect('../dbs/hackerone_hacktivity.db') c = conn.cursor() cmd = "SELECT company, company_href, hunter, hunter_href, bounty, time_ago FROM hacktivity WHERE timestamp = ?" count = c.execute(cmd, (timestamp,)) if count.fetchone() == None or count.fetchone()[0] == 0: print "No new records to push @ " + timestamp else: data = c.execute(cmd, (timestamp,)) rows = data.fetchall() print rows count = 0 for row in rows: try: message = "<img src=\"{0}\"></img> <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a> rewarded <a href=\"{3}\">{4}</a> with a {5} bounty. ({6})".format( "", str(utils.escape(row[1])), str(utils.escape(row[0])), str(utils.escape(row[3])), str(utils.escape(row[2])), str(utils.escape(row[4])), str(utils.escape(row[5]))) except: message = "error in encoding" print message if limit!= None and count != limit: send_message(room, message, "gray", token) count += 1 elif limit == None: send_message(room, message, "gray", token)
def send_netsec(room, token, limit=None): conn = sqlite3.connect('../dbs/netsec.db') c = conn.cursor() cmd = "SELECT name, href, author, author_href, rep, comment_count, comment_href, domain FROM posts WHERE timestamp = ?" count = c.execute(cmd, (timestamp,)) if count.fetchone() == None or count.fetchone()[0] == 0: print "No new records to push @ " + timestamp else: data = c.execute(cmd, (timestamp,)) rows = data.fetchall() print rows count = 0 for row in rows: try: message = "<img src=\"{0}\"></img> <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a> submitted by <a href=\"{3}\">{4}</a><br>{5} upvotes • <a href=\"{6}\">{7}</a> • <a href=\"{8}\">{9}</a>.".format( "", utils.escape(row[1]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[0]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[3]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[2]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[4]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[6]).encode("utf-8"), utils.escape(row[5]).encode("utf-8"), "http://" + utils.escape(row[7]).encode("utf-8"),utils.escape(row[7]).encode("utf-8")) except: message = "error in encoding" print message if limit!= None and count != limit: send_message(room, message, "green", token) count += 1 elif limit == None: send_message(room, message, "green", token)
def do_xmlattr(_eval_ctx, d, autospace = True): rv = u' '.join((u'%s="%s"' % (escape(key), escape(value)) for key, value in d.iteritems() if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Undefined))) if autospace and rv: rv = u' ' + rv if _eval_ctx.autoescape: rv = Markup(rv) return rv
def employee_attandance_save_viewlist_json(request): attandance_data_filepath = request.GET.get("filepath") attandance_list = {"total": 0, "rows": []} if not attandance_data_filepath: attandance_list["total"] = 1 attandance_list["rows"].append({"employee_id": "-", "employee_name": "-", "employee_gender": "-", "employee_position": "-", "is_late": "-", "checktime": "-", "standardtime": "-"}) else: if attandance_data_filepath.startswith(Employee._meta.app_label + "/files/") and attandance_data_filepath.endswith(".csv"): try: with open(attandance_data_filepath, encoding='UTF-8') as file_h: standard_time_line = file_h.readline() heading_line = file_h.readline() data_line = file_h.readline() standard_time = utils.escape(standard_time_line.split(",")[1]) attandance_list["total"] = 0 while data_line: attandance_list["total"] += 1 data_line = data_line.strip() attandance_item = data_line.split(",") attandance_list["rows"].append( {"employee_id": int(attandance_item[0]), "employee_name": utils.escape(attandance_item[1]), "employee_gender": utils.escape(attandance_item[2]), "employee_position": utils.escape(attandance_item[3]), "is_late": utils.escape(attandance_item[4]), "checktime": attandance_item[5], "standardtime": utils.escape(standard_time)}) data_line = file_h.readline() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) attandance_list["rows"].append( {"employee_id": "-", "employee_name": "文件处理出错", "employee_gender": "-", "employee_position": "-", "is_late": "-", "checktime": "-", "standardtime": "-"}) return HttpResponse(json.dumps(attandance_list, ensure_ascii=False), content_type="application/json, charset=utf-8")
def _url_args(d, append=u'?', filter=[]): from jinja2.utils import escape rv = append + u'&'.join(u'%s=%s' % (escape(key), escape(value)) for key, value in d.iteritems(True) if value is not None and key not in filter # and not isinstance(value, Undefined) ) return rv
def employee_attandance(request): def check_file(file_h): try: standard_time_line = file_h.readline() if len(standard_time_line.split(",")) != 2 or len(standard_time_line.split(",")[1].split(":")) != 2: raise Exception("基准时间行格式错误") heading_line = file_h.readline() if len(heading_line.split(",")) != 6: raise Exception("表头格式错误") data_line = file_h.readline() if not data_line: raise EOFError() line_no = 3 while data_line: data_line = data_line.strip() data_item = data_line.split(",") if len(data_item) != 6: raise Exception("数据行%s格式错误" % line_no) try: time.strptime(data_item[5].strip(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except Exception as e: raise Exception("数据行%s日期格式错误: %s" % (line_no, data_item[5])) data_line = file_h.readline() line_no += 1 except EOFError: return "数据缺失" except Exception as e: return str(e) return "" context = {} error_msg = request.GET.get("error_msg") ok_msg = request.GET.get("ok_msg") filename = "" if request.method == 'POST': file_handler = request.FILES.get('upload_file') if file_handler: filename = Employee._meta.app_label + '/files/attandance-%s.csv' % uuid.uuid1() with open(filename, 'wb') as destination: for chunk in file_handler.chunks(): destination.write(chunk) with open(filename, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: error_msg = check_file(f) if error_msg: os.remove(filename) else: error_msg = "提交文件不能为空" if error_msg: context["error_msg"] = utils.escape(error_msg) if ok_msg: context["ok_msg"] = utils.escape(ok_msg) if filename and not error_msg: context["grid_url"] = reverse("employee_attandance_save_viewlist_json") + "?filepath=" + filename context["save_btn_redirect"] = reverse("employee_attandance_save") + "?filepath=" + filename else: context["grid_url"] = reverse("employee_attandance_save_viewlist_json") context["save_btn_redirect"] = "not-allowed" return render(request, "employee_attandance.html", context)
def do_xmlattr(_eval_ctx, d, autospace=True): rv = u' '.join((u'%s="%s"' % (escape(key), escape(value)) for key, value in d.iteritems() if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Undefined))) if autospace and rv: rv = u' ' + rv if _eval_ctx.autoescape: rv = Markup(rv) return rv
def _url_args(d, append=u'?', filter=[]): from jinja2.utils import escape rv = append + u'&'.join( u'%s=%s' % (escape(key), escape(value)) for key, value in d.iteritems(True) if value is not None and key not in filter # and not isinstance(value, Undefined) ) return rv
def build_message_html(time, source, target, message, specialuser, usercolor, emoteset, emotes, displayname): if source.lower() == config['notifyuser']: return '<div class="notification line" data-timestamp="%d">%s</div>' % ( time.timestamp(), escape(message)) if message[:4].lower() in (".me ", "/me "): is_action = True message = message[4:] else: is_action = False ret = [] ret.append('<div class="line" data-timestamp="%d">' % time.timestamp()) if 'staff' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="badge staff"></span> ') if 'admin' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="badge admin"></span> ') if "#" + source.lower() == target.lower(): ret.append('<span class="badge broadcaster"></span> ') if 'mod' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="badge mod"></span> ') if 'turbo' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="badge turbo"></span> ') if 'subscriber' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="badge subscriber"></span> ') ret.append('<span class="nick"') if usercolor: ret.append(' style="color:%s"' % escape(usercolor)) ret.append('>%s</span>' % escape(displayname or (yield from get_display_name(source)))) if is_action: ret.append(' <span class="action"') if usercolor: ret.append(' style="color:%s"' % escape(usercolor)) ret.append('>') else: ret.append(": ") if 'cleared' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="deleted"><message deleted></span>') # Use escape() rather than urlize() so as not to have live spam links # either for users to accidentally click, or for Google to see ret.append('<span class="message cleared">%s</span>' % escape(message)) else: messagehtml = yield from format_message(message, emotes, emoteset, cheer='cheer' in specialuser) ret.append('<span class="message">%s</span>' % messagehtml) if is_action: ret.append('</span>') ret.append('</div>') return ''.join(ret)
def post(request): message = Message(body=escape(request.POST.get('body', '')), author=escape(request.POST.get('author', ''))) if message.is_valid(): body = {'status': 'SUCCESS'} else: body = dict(message.errors) body.update({'status': 'FAILED'}) return Response(body=json.dumps(body))
def remove(): from flask import request, jsonify if request.method == 'POST': name = str(utils.escape(request.json['name'])) title = str(utils.escape(request.json['title'])) print(title) conn = mysql.connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM Task WHERE username ='******'AND title ='" + title + "'") conn.commit() return "タスクは削除されました"
def generate_report(results): """Generates HTML report from test results in JSON format.""" tests = [] for i, name in enumerate(sorted(results["test_cases"])): test = results["test_cases"][name] if "tags" in test: name = "%(name)s [%(tags)s]" % { "name": name, "tags": ", ".join(test["tags"]) } if "traceback" in test: output = utils.escape(test["traceback"]) elif "reason" in test: matcher = SKIP_RE.match(test["reason"]) if matcher: href = LAUNCHPAD_BUG_LINK.format("bug_number")) output = re.sub("bug_number"), href, test["reason"]) else: output = utils.escape(test["reason"]) else: output = "" tests.append({ "id": i, "time": test["time"], "name": name, "output": output, "status": test["status"] }) template = ui_utils.get_template("verification/report.mako") return template.render( report={ "tests": tests, "total": results["tests"], "time": "{0} ({1} s)".format( datetime.timedelta( seconds=round(float(results["time"]))), results["time"]), "success": results["success"], "failures": results["failures"], "skipped": results["skipped"], "expected_failures": results["expected_failures"], "unexpected_success": results["unexpected_success"] })
def build_message_html(time, source, target, message, specialuser, usercolor, emoteset, emotes, displayname): if source.lower() == config['notifyuser']: return '<div class="notification line" data-timestamp="%d">%s</div>' % (time.timestamp(), escape(message)) if message[:4].lower() in (".me ", "/me "): is_action = True message = message[4:] else: is_action = False ret = [] ret.append('<div class="line" data-timestamp="%d">' % time.timestamp()) if 'staff' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="badge staff"></span> ') if 'admin' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="badge admin"></span> ') if "#" + source.lower() == target.lower(): ret.append('<span class="badge broadcaster"></span> ') if 'mod' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="badge mod"></span> ') if 'turbo' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="badge turbo"></span> ') if 'subscriber' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="badge subscriber"></span> ') ret.append('<span class="nick"') if usercolor: ret.append(' style="color:%s"' % escape(usercolor)) ret.append('>%s</span>' % escape(displayname or (yield from get_display_name(source)))) if is_action: ret.append(' <span class="action"') if usercolor: ret.append(' style="color:%s"' % escape(usercolor)) ret.append('>') else: ret.append(": ") if 'cleared' in specialuser: ret.append('<span class="deleted"><message deleted></span>') # Use escape() rather than urlize() so as not to have live spam links # either for users to accidentally click, or for Google to see ret.append('<span class="message cleared">%s</span>' % escape(message)) elif emotes is not None: messagehtml = format_message_explicit_emotes(message, emotes) ret.append('<span class="message">%s</span>' % messagehtml) else: messagehtml = format_message(message, (yield from get_filtered_emotes(emoteset))) ret.append('<span class="message">%s</span>' % messagehtml) if is_action: ret.append('</span>') ret.append('</div>') return ''.join(ret)
def thumbnail_link_dict(video=None, exercise=None, thumb_url=None): link_dict = None if video: link_dict = { "href": "/video/%s" % video.readable_id, "thumb_urls": models.Video.youtube_thumbnail_urls(video.youtube_id), "title": video.title, "desc_html": templatetags.video_name_and_progress(video), "teaser_html": video.description, "youtube_id": video.youtube_id, "marquee": ("marquee" in video.keywords), "selected": False, "key": video.key(), "type": "video-thumb", } if exercise: link_dict = { "href": exercise.relative_url, "thumb_urls": { "hq": thumb_url, "sd": thumb_url }, "desc_html": escape(exercise.display_name), "teaser_html": "Exercise your <em>%s</em> skills" % escape(exercise.display_name), "youtube_id": "", "marquee": False, "selected": False, "key": exercise.key(), "type": "exercise-thumb", } if link_dict: if len(link_dict["teaser_html"]) > 60: link_dict[ "teaser_html"] = link_dict["teaser_html"][:60] + "…" return link_dict return None
def update(): from flask import request, jsonify if request.method == 'POST': name = str(utils.escape(request.json['name'])) title = str(utils.escape(request.json['title'])) status = request.json["status"] conn = mysql.connect() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE " "Task SET status ='" + status + "'WHERE username ='******'AND title ='" + title + "'") conn.commit() return "タスクは完了しました"
def group_add(request): group_name = request.POST.get("group_name") group_remark = request.POST.get("group_remark") if not group_name: return redirect("add_a_usergroup") group_name = utils.escape(group_name) if group_remark: group_remark = utils.escape(group_remark) else: group_remark = "" new_usergroup = UserGroup(name=group_name, remark=group_remark) return redirect("add_a_usergroup")
def xmlattr (self, * ds, ** kw) : """Convert (sorted) items of dict `d` to SGML/XML attribute string. This is similar to jinja's `xmlattr` filter but ensures deterministic output by sorting by attribute name. """ from jinja2.utils import escape d = self.filtered_dict (* ds, ** kw) result = " ".join \ ( '%s="%s"' % (escape (k), escape (v)) for k, v in sorted (pyk.iteritems (d), key = TFL.Getter [0]) ) return (" " + result) if result else ""
def comment(pagename): if request.is_xhr is True: if not 0 < len(request.form["data"]) <= 500: return jsonify(res="error") comment = str(utils.escape(request.form["data"])) # for xss filtering icon = str(utils.escape(request.form["icon"])) # for xss filtering id = models.Comment().add(pagename=pagename, username=session["username"], comment=comment) # コメントのIDを返す。このIDはMongoDBの備え付けのIDではない data = "<div class='comment' data-id='%s'><div class='pic'><img src='%s' style='width:45px;height:45px;' alt=''></div><div class='content'>\ <div class='flright'><a href='#' data-gifId='%s' data-comId='%s'>x</a></div>\ <a href='/%s'>%s</a><br>%s<p style='clear:both;float:none;'></p></div></div>" % (id, icon, pagename, id, session["username"], session["username"], comment) return jsonify(res=data)
def thumbnail_link_dict(video=None, exercise=None, thumb_url=None, parent_topic=None): link_dict = None if video: if parent_topic: href = "/%s/v/%s" % (parent_topic.get_extended_slug(), video.readable_id) else: href = "/video/%s" % video.readable_id link_dict = { "href": href, "thumb_urls": ( video_models.Video.youtube_thumbnail_urls(video.youtube_id)), "title": video.title, "desc_html": templatetags.video_name_and_progress(video), "teaser_html": unicode(video.description), "youtube_id": video.youtube_id, "marquee": ("marquee" in video.keywords), "selected": False, "key": unicode(video.key()), "type": "video-thumb", } if exercise: link_dict = { "href": exercise.relative_url, "thumb_urls": {"hq": thumb_url, "sd": thumb_url}, "desc_html": escape(exercise.display_name), "teaser_html": ("Exercise your <em>%s</em> skills" % escape(exercise.display_name)), "youtube_id": "", "marquee": False, "selected": False, "key": exercise.key(), "type": "exercise-thumb", } if link_dict: if link_dict["teaser_html"] and len(link_dict["teaser_html"]) > 60: link_dict["teaser_html"] = (link_dict["teaser_html"][:60] + "…") return link_dict return None
def post(self): subject = request.form.get("subject") message = request.form.get("message") name = request.form.get("name") email = request.form.get("email") subject = str(utils.escape(subject)) message = str(utils.escape(message)) name = str(utils.escape(name)) email = str(utils.escape(email)) smtp_server = current_app.config['MAIL_SERVER'] port = current_app.config['MAIL_PORT'] sender_email = current_app.config['MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER'] mail_username = current_app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] receiver_email = current_app.config['MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER'] password = current_app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD'] msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative") msg["Subject"] = subject msg["From"] = sender_email msg["To"] = receiver_email text = "A message from the contact form: " + \ message + ". From: " + name + "(" + email + ")" html = "<h2>A message from the contact form</h2><p>" + \ message + "</p><p>From: " + name + "(" + email + ")" part1 = MIMEText(text, "plain") part2 = MIMEText(html, "html") msg.attach(part1) msg.attach(part2) context = ssl.create_default_context() with smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, port=port, local_hostname="") as server: try: server.starttls(context=context) server.login(mail_username, password) server.send_message(msg, sender_email, receiver_email) message = "Thank you for your message. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. <a href=\"/\">Home</a>" flash(message, 'info') except Exception as e: error = "Sorry, your message could not be sent. Please try again later. <a href=\"/\">Home</a>" flash(error, 'error') return redirect(url_for('contact'))
def visit_Output(self, node, frame=None): if self.has_known_extends and frame.require_output_check: return outdent_later = False if frame.require_output_check: self.writeline("if (parentTemplate === undefined) {") outdent_later = True body = [] for child in node.nodes: try: const = child.as_const() except nodes.Impossible: body.append(child) continue try: if self.environment.autoescape: if hasattr(const, "__html__"): const = const.__html__() else: const = escape(const) const = unicode(const) except Exception, e: # if something goes wrong here we evaluate the node # at runtime for easier debugging body.append(child) continue if body and isinstance(body[-1], list): body[-1].append(const) else: body.append([const])
def do_join(eval_ctx, value, d=u""): """Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the sequence. The separator between elements is an empty string per default, you can define it with the optional parameter: .. sourcecode:: jinja {{ [1, 2, 3]|join('|') }} -> 1|2|3 {{ [1, 2, 3]|join }} -> 123 """ # no automatic escaping? joining is a lot eaiser then if not eval_ctx.autoescape: return unicode(d).join(imap(unicode, value)) # if the delimiter doesn't have an html representation we check # if any of the items has. If yes we do a coercion to Markup if not hasattr(d, "__html__"): value = list(value) do_escape = False for idx, item in enumerate(value): if hasattr(item, "__html__"): do_escape = True else: value[idx] = unicode(item) if do_escape: d = escape(d) else: d = unicode(d) return d.join(value) # no html involved, to normal joining return soft_unicode(d).join(imap(soft_unicode, value))
def _to_br(self, text): """ Replaces \n by <br /> Inspired from """ result = '<br />'.join(p for p in self._TEXT_LINEBREAK_RE.split(escape(text))) return Markup(result)
def employee_attandance_save(request): attandance_data_filepath = request.GET.get("filepath") msgs = {} attandance_list = [] if attandance_data_filepath: if attandance_data_filepath.startswith(Employee._meta.app_label + "/files/") and attandance_data_filepath.endswith(".csv"): try: with open(attandance_data_filepath, encoding='UTF-8') as file_h: standard_time_line = file_h.readline() heading_line = file_h.readline() data_line = file_h.readline() standard_time = utils.escape(standard_time_line.split(",")[1]) while data_line: data_line = data_line.strip() attandance_item = data_line.split(",") late_type = 0 if attandance_item[4] == "是": late_type = 1 attandance_list.append(EmployeeAttendance(**{"employee_id": int(attandance_item[0]), "type": late_type, "check_time": attandance_item[5].strip(), "standard_time": standard_time})) data_line = file_h.readline() EmployeeAttendance.objects.bulk_create(attandance_list) msgs["ok_msg"] = "保存成功" except Exception as e: logger.error(e) msgs["error_msg"] = "保存失败, 请重新提交" if os.path.isfile(attandance_data_filepath): os.remove(attandance_data_filepath) return redirect("employee_attandance/?" + urlencode(msgs))
def __init__(self, verifications): self._runs = verifications self._uuids = list(verifications.keys()) # NOTE(amaretskiy): make aggregated list of all tests tests = {} for uuid, verification in self._runs.items(): for name, test in verification["tests"].items(): if name not in tests: # NOTE(amaretskiy): it is suitable to see resource id # at first place in the report tags = sorted(test["tags"], reverse=True, key=lambda tag: tag.startswith("id-")) tests[name] = {"name": name, "tags": tags, "by_verification": {}, "has_details": False} tests[name]["by_verification"][uuid] = { "status": test["status"], "duration": test["duration"], "details": test["details"]} if test["details"]: tests[name]["has_details"] = True match = self.SKIP_RE.match(test["details"]) if match: href = self.LP_BUG_LINK.format("bug_number")) test["details"] = re.sub("bug_number"), href, test["details"]) test["details"] = jinja_utils.escape(test["details"]) self._tests = list(tests.values())
def empty_and_escape(value): ''' returns '' for a None value else escapes the content useful for form elements. ''' if value is None: return '' else: return escape(value)
def _send_mail(self, maybe_mistake=False): """ Send mail :return: boolean """ if len(self.content) == 0:'none content for send mail') return True if maybe_mistake: title = '〔GSIL〕MB_MT ' else: title = '〔GSIL〕' subject = '{title}[{types}] [{rule_name}] {count}'.format(title=title, types=self.rule_object.types, rule_name=self.rule_object.corp, count=len(self.content)) to = get('mail', 'to') html = '<h3>Rule: {rule_regex} Count: {count} Datetime: {datetime}</h3>'.format(rule_regex=self.rule_object.keyword, datetime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), count=len(self.content)) for i, v in self.content.items(): html += '<h3>({i})<a href="{url}">{hash}</a> {repository}/{path}</h3>'.format(i=i, url=v['url'], hash=v['hash'][:6], repository=v['repository'], path=v['path']) if len(v['match_codes']) > 0: code = '' for c in v['match_codes']: code += '{c}<br>'.format(c=utils.escape(c)) html += '<code>{code}</code><hr>'.format(code=code) self._save_file(v['hash'], v['code']) html += '</table></body>' return Notification(subject, to).notification(html)
def empty_and_escape(value): """ returns '' for a None value else escapes the content useful for form elements. """ if value is None: return "" else: return escape(value)
def set_user_passiv(gid, uid): game = Game.query.filter_by(UUID=gid).first() user = User.query.get_or_404(uid) if game is None: response = jsonify(Message='Game not found') response.status_code = 404 return response data = request.get_json() or {} if 'userstate' in data: escapeduserstate = str(utils.escape(data['userstate'])) val = escapeduserstate.lower() in ['true', '1'] user.passive = val # # TODO: Wheren player needs to dice and check the box if game.move_user_id == and val: print('Hier') db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() response = jsonify(Message='success') response.status_code = 201 # needed ??? emit('reload_game', game.to_dict(), room=gid, namespace='/game') return response else: response = jsonify(Message="Request must include userstate") response.status_code = 400 return response
def do_replace(eval_ctx, s, old, new, count=None): """Return a copy of the value with all occurrences of a substring replaced with a new one. The first argument is the substring that should be replaced, the second is the replacement string. If the optional third argument ``count`` is given, only the first ``count`` occurrences are replaced: .. sourcecode:: jinja {{ "Hello World"|replace("Hello", "Goodbye") }} -> Goodbye World {{ "aaaaargh"|replace("a", "d'oh, ", 2) }} -> d'oh, d'oh, aaargh """ if count is None: count = -1 if not eval_ctx.autoescape: return text_type(s).replace(text_type(old), text_type(new), count) if hasattr(old, '__html__') or hasattr(new, '__html__') and \ not hasattr(s, '__html__'): s = escape(s) else: s = soft_unicode(s) return s.replace(soft_unicode(old), soft_unicode(new), count)
def _send_mail(self, maybe_mistake=False): """ Send mail :return: boolean """ if len(self.content) == 0:'none content for send mail') return True if maybe_mistake: title = '〔GSIL〕MB_MT ' else: title = '〔GSIL〕' subject = f'{title}[{self.rule_object.types}] [{self.rule_object.corp}] {len(self.content)}' to = get('mail', 'to') cc = get('mail', 'cc') html = '<h3>Rule: {rule_regex} Count: {count} Datetime: {datetime}</h3>'.format( rule_regex=self.rule_object.keyword, datetime=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), count=len(self.content)) for i, v in self.content.items(): html += '<h3>({i})<a href="{url}">{hash}</a> {repository}/{path}</h3>'.format( i=i, url=v['url'], hash=v['hash'][:6], repository=v['repository'], path=v['path']) if len(v['match_codes']) > 0: code = '' for c in v['match_codes']: code += '{c}<br>'.format(c=utils.escape(c)) html += '<code>{code}</code><hr>'.format(code=code) self._save_file(v['hash'], v['code']) html += '</table></body>' return Notification(subject, to, cc).notification(html)
def do_join(environment, value, d=u''): """Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in the sequence. The separator between elements is an empty string per default, you can define it with the optional parameter: .. sourcecode:: jinja {{ [1, 2, 3]|join('|') }} -> 1|2|3 {{ [1, 2, 3]|join }} -> 123 """ # no automatic escaping? joining is a lot eaiser then if not environment.autoescape: return unicode(d).join(imap(unicode, value)) # if the delimiter doesn't have an html representation we check # if any of the items has. If yes we do a coercion to Markup if not hasattr(d, '__html__'): value = list(value) do_escape = False for idx, item in enumerate(value): if hasattr(item, '__html__'): do_escape = True else: value[idx] = unicode(item) if do_escape: d = escape(d) else: d = unicode(d) return d.join(value) # no html involved, to normal joining return soft_unicode(d).join(imap(soft_unicode, value))
def get_context(context): context.no_cache = 1 if frappe.form_dict.q: frappe.form_dict.q = str(utils.escape(frappe.form_dict.q)) context.title = _('Search Results for "{0}"').format(frappe.form_dict.q) context.update(get_search_results(frappe.form_dict.q)) else: context.title = _('Search')
def test_xss(self): app = self.get_app() = u"My app é <script>alert(5)</script>" self.make_mine() content = smart_unicode(self.client.get(self.url).content) ok_(not unicode( in content) ok_(unicode(escape( in content)
def test_markup_leaks(self): counts = set() for count in range(20): for item in range(1000): escape("foo") escape("<foo>") escape(u"foo") escape(u"<foo>") counts.add(len(gc.get_objects())) assert len(counts) == 1, 'ouch, c extension seems to leak objects'
def test_markup_leaks(self): counts = set() for count in xrange(20): for item in xrange(1000): escape('foo') escape('<foo>') escape(u'foo') escape(u'<foo>') counts.add(len(gc.get_objects()))
def do_escape(value, except_starts_with=None): if except_starts_with is not None: condition = lambda l: any(l.startswith(s) for s in except_starts_with) else: condition = lambda l: False return "\n".join( line if line == "" or condition(line) else escape(line) for line in value.split("\n") )
def add_entry(): if not session.get('logged_in'): abort(401) g.db.execute('insert into entries (username,title, text) values (?, ?, ?)', [session.get('username'), request.form['title'], str(utils.escape(request.form['text']))]) g.db.commit() flash('Nowa wiadomość została dodana.') session['info'] = None return redirect(url_for('show_entries'))