Exemple #1
def test_component_with_children():
    class ComponentWithChildren:
        children: bool
        template: str = 'component.html'

    env = ComponentEnvironment([ComponentWithChildren])
    env.loader = DictLoader({
        '{% ComponentWithChildren %}'
        '<span>Body of the tag for the {{ component.template }}</span>'
        '{% endComponentWithChildren %}'
        '<div class="header"></div>'
        '<div class="content">{{ children() }}</div>'
        '<div class="footer"></div>'

    template = env.get_template('main.html')
    assert template.render() == '<html><body>' \
                                '<div class="header"></div>' \
                                '<div class="content">' \
                                '<span>Body of the tag for the component.html</span>' \
                                '</div>' \
                                '<div class="footer"></div>' \
def get_soup(component_class: dataclass):
    env = ComponentEnvironment(components)
    context = dict(
    root = component_class(**context)
    result = env.render(component=root, context=context)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(result, 'html5lib')
    return soup
Exemple #3
def test_no_template_field():
    class NoTemplateField:
        name: str

    env = ComponentEnvironment([NoTemplateField])
    env.loader = DictLoader({'template.html', '<html></html>'})

    # TODO we should throw the exact error at some point
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Exemple #4
def test_dataclass_fields_render():
    def build_color_list():
        return ['red', 'green', 'blue']

    class PaintTool:
        # defaults with prop value
        paint_color: str
        # defaults without prop value
        effect: str
        # default value without prop value
        default_color: str = 'red'
        # default factory without prop value
        color_list: List[str] = field(default_factory=build_color_list)
        # default value with prop value
        size: int = 10
        # default factory with prop value
        properties: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)

        template: str = 'paint_tool.html'

    env = ComponentEnvironment([PaintTool])
    env.loader = DictLoader({
        '{% PaintTool paint_color = "green", size = 15, properties = ["soft", "tapered"] %}'
        '<li>{{ component.paint_color }}</li>'
        '<li>{{ component.effect }}</li>'
        '<li>{{ component.default_color }}</li>'
        '<li>colors: {{ component.color_list|join(", ") }}</li>'
        '<li>{{ component.size }}</li>'
        '<li>properties: {{ component.properties|join(", ") }}</li>'
    template = env.get_template('painter.html')

    assert template.render() == '<html><body>' \
                                '<ul>' \
                                '<li>green</li>' \
                                '<li></li>' \
                                '<li>red</li>' \
                                '<li>colors: red, green, blue</li>' \
                                '<li>15</li>' \
                                '<li>properties: soft, tapered</li>' \
                                '</ul>' \
def rootenv():
    components = [
        Root01, Root02, Root03, Child01, Root04, Root05,
    env = ComponentEnvironment(components)

    return env
Exemple #6
def test_access_children_in_childfree_component():
    class ComponentWithoutChildren:
        template: str = 'component.html'

    env = ComponentEnvironment([ComponentWithoutChildren])
    env.loader = DictLoader({
        '{% ComponentWithoutChildren %}'
        '{{ children() }}'

    template = env.get_template('main.html')

    with pytest.raises(UndefinedError):
Exemple #7
def test_template_path_expression():
    class TemplatePathExpression:
        name: str = 'TemplatePathExpression'

    env = ComponentEnvironment([TemplatePathExpression])
    env.loader = DictLoader({
        '{% set extension = ".html" %}'
        '{% TemplatePathExpression template = "component" + extension %}'

    template = env.get_template('main.html')
    assert template.render(
    ) == '<html><body><span>Component</span><body></html>'
Exemple #8
def env():
    return ComponentEnvironment()
Exemple #9
def test_render_component_extra(helloworld_component):
    env = ComponentEnvironment([helloworld_component])
    extra_context = dict(name='extra')
    result = env.render_component(helloworld_component,
    assert '<div>Hello extra</div>' == result
Exemple #10
def test_render_component(helloworld_component):
    env = ComponentEnvironment([helloworld_component])
    result = env.render_component(helloworld_component)
    assert '<div>Hello World</div>' == result
Exemple #11
def test_nested_elements():
    class Page:
        children: bool
        title: str
        template: str = 'page.html'

    class Navigation:
        template: str = 'navigation.html'

    class Article:
        children: bool
        template: str = 'article.html'

    env = ComponentEnvironment([Page, Navigation, Article])
    env.loader = DictLoader({
        '{% Page title = "Jinja2" %}'
        '{% Navigation %}'
        '{% Article title = "AST Nodes" %}'
        '{% endArticle %}'
        '{% endPage %}'
        '<head><title>{{ component.title }}</title><head><body>{{ children() }}</body>',
        '<div class="navigation">'
        '<div class="button prev">Prev</div>'
        '<div class="button next">Next</div>'
        '<div class="article">'
        '<div class="title">{{ component.title }}</div>'
        '<div class="content">{{ children() }}</div>'

    template = env.get_template('main.html')
    assert template.render() == '<html>' \
                                '<head><title>Jinja2</title><head>' \
                                '<body>' \
                                '<div class="navigation">' \
                                '<div class="button prev">Prev</div><div class="button next">Next</div>' \
                                '</div>' \
                                '<div class="article">' \
                                '<div class="title">AST Nodes</div>' \
                                '<div class="content"><ul>' \
                                '<li>Include</li>' \
                                '<li>Macro</li>' \
                                '<li>Scope</li>' \
                                '<li>Assign</li>' \
                                '<li>Name</li>' \
                                '<li>Const</li>' \
                                '</ul></div>' \
                                '</div>' \
                                '</body>' \
Exemple #12
def get_soup(env: ComponentEnvironment, ts: str, context: Dict):
    template = env.from_string(ts)
    r = template.render(context)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r, 'html5lib')
    return soup