Exemple #1
def populate_existing_reports():
    reports = Report.objects.all()
    for report in reports:
        jql = report.jira_jql
        jir = create_jira_connector(report)
            jira_list = jira.search_issues(jql)
            i = 0
            for item in jira_list:
                id = jira_list[i].key
                des = jira_list[i].fields.summary
                pr = jira_list[i].fields.priority.name
                st = jira_list[i].fields.status.name
                fv = ""
                if len(jira_list[i].fields.fixVersions) != 0:
                    fv = jira_list[i].fields.fixVersions[0]
                ass = jira_list[i].fields.assignee.displayName
                create_bug(jir, id, des, pr, st, fv, ass)
                i += 1
        except exceptions.JIRAError as r:
            print "something went wrong with the jira search: "
            print exceptions.get_error_list(r)
        except testrail.APIError as e:
            print "something went wrong with testrail"
            print e
Exemple #2
def populate_existing_reports():
    reports = Report.objects.all()
    for report in reports:
        jql = report.jira_jql
        jir = create_jira_connector(report)
            jira_list = jira.search_issues(jql)
            i = 0
            for item in jira_list:
                id = jira_list[i].key
                des = jira_list[i].fields.summary
                pr = jira_list[i].fields.priority.name
                st = jira_list[i].fields.status.name
                fv = ""
                if len(jira_list[i].fields.fixVersions) != 0:
                    fv = jira_list[i].fields.fixVersions[0]
                ass = jira_list[i].fields.assignee.displayName
                create_bug(jir, id, des, pr, st, fv, ass)
                i += 1
        except exceptions.JIRAError as r:
            print "something went wrong with the jira search: "
            print exceptions.get_error_list(r)
        except testrail.APIError as e:
            print "something went wrong with testrail"
            print e
Exemple #3
        :param async: if true the request will be added to the queue so it can be executed later using async_run()
        if async is None:
            async = self._options['async']

        data = {}
        for arg in kwargs:
            data[arg] = kwargs[arg]

        r = self._session.put(self.self,
                              headers={'content-type': 'application/json'},
        if 'autofix' in self._options and \
                r.status_code == 400:
            user = None
            error_list = get_error_list(r)
            if "The reporter specified is not a user." in error_list:
                if 'reporter' not in data['fields']:
                        "autofix: setting reporter to '%s' and retrying the update."
                        % self._options['autofix'])
                    data['fields']['reporter'] = {
                        'name': self._options['autofix']

            if "Issues must be assigned." in error_list:
                if 'assignee' not in data['fields']:
                        "autofix: setting assignee to '%s' for %s and retrying the update."
                        % (self._options['autofix'], self.key))
class Resource(object):
    Models a URL-addressable resource in the JIRA REST API.

    All Resource objects provide the following:
    ``find()`` -- get a resource from the server and load it into the current object
    (though clients should use the methods in the JIRA class instead of this method directly)
    ``update()`` -- changes the value of this resource on the server and returns a new resource object for it
    ``delete()`` -- deletes this resource from the server
    ``self`` -- the URL of this resource on the server
    ``raw`` -- dict of properties parsed out of the JSON response from the server

    Subclasses will implement ``update()`` and ``delete()`` as appropriate for the specific resource.

    All Resources have a resource path of the form:

    * ``issue``
    * ``project/{0}``
    * ``issue/{0}/votes``
    * ``issue/{0}/comment/{1}``

    where the bracketed numerals are placeholders for ID values that are filled in from the
    ``ids`` parameter to ``find()``.

    # A prioritized list of the keys in self.raw most likely to contain a human
    # readable name or identifier, or that offer other key information.
    _READABLE_IDS = ('displayName', 'key', 'name', 'filename', 'value',
                     'scope', 'votes', 'id', 'mimeType', 'closed')

    def __init__(self, resource, options, session):
        self._resource = resource
        self._options = options
        self._session = session

        # explicitly define as None so we know when a resource has actually been loaded
        self.raw = None
        self.self = None

    def __str__(self):
        # Return the first value we find that is likely to be human readable.
        if self.raw:
            for name in self._READABLE_IDS:
                if name in self.raw:
                    pretty_name = unicode(self.raw[name])
                    # Include any child to support nested select fields.
                    if hasattr(self, 'child'):
                        pretty_name += ' - ' + unicode(self.child)
                    return pretty_name

        # If all else fails, use repr to make sure we get something.
        return repr(self)

    def __repr__(self):
        # Identify the class and include any and all relevant values.
        names = []
        if self.raw:
            for name in self._READABLE_IDS:
                if name in self.raw:
                    names.append(name + '=' + repr(self.raw[name]))
        if not names:
            return '<JIRA %s at %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
        return '<JIRA %s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(names))

    def find(self, ids=None, headers=None, params=None):
        if ids is None:
            ids = ()

        if isinstance(ids, basestring):
            ids = (ids, )

        if headers is None:
            headers = {}

        if params is None:
            params = {}

        url = self._url(ids)
        headers = self._default_headers(headers)
        self._load(url, headers, params)

    def update(self, async=False, jira=None, **kwargs):
        Update this resource on the server. Keyword arguments are marshalled into a dict before being sent. If this
        resource doesn't support ``PUT``, a :py:exc:`.JIRAError` will be raised; subclasses that specialize this method
        will only raise errors in case of user error.

        :param async: if true the request will be added to the queue so it can be executed later using async_run()
        data = {}
        for arg in kwargs:
            data[arg] = kwargs[arg]

        r = self._session.put(self.self,
                              headers={'content-type': 'application/json'},
        if 'autofix' in self._options and \
                r.status_code == 400:
            user = None
            error_list = get_error_list(r)
            if "The reporter specified is not a user." in error_list:
                if 'reporter' not in data['fields']:
                        "autofix: setting reporter to '%s' and retrying the update."
                        % self._options['autofix'])
                    data['fields']['reporter'] = {
                        'name': self._options['autofix']
                print data

            if "Issues must be assigned." in error_list:
                if 'assignee' not in data['fields']:
                        "autofix: setting assignee to '%s' for %s and retrying the update."
                        % (self._options['autofix'], self.key))
                    data['fields']['assignee'] = {
                        'name': self._options['autofix']
                    # for some reason the above approach fails on Jira 5.2.11 so we need to change the assignee before

            if "Issue type is a sub-task but parent issue key or id not specified." in error_list:
                    "autofix: trying to fix sub-task without parent by converting to it to bug"
                data['fields']['issuetype'] = {"name": "Bug"}
            if "The summary is invalid because it contains newline characters." in error_list:
                logging.warning("autofix: trying to fix newline in summary")
                data['fields']['summary'] = self.fields.summary.replace(
                    "/n", "")
            for error in error_list:
                if re.search(u"^User '(.*)' was not found in the system\.",
                             error, re.U):
                    m = re.search(
                        u"^User '(.*)' was not found in the system\.", error,
                    if m:
                        user = m.groups()[0]
                        raise NotImplemented()
                if re.search("^User '(.*)' does not exist\.", error):
                    m = re.search("^User '(.*)' does not exist\.", error)
                    if m:
                        user = m.groups()[0]
                        raise NotImplemented()

            if user:
                    "Trying to add missing orphan user '%s' in order to complete the previous failed operation."
                    % user)
                # print pprint.pprint(self.__dict__)
                jira.add_user(user, '*****@*****.**', 10100, active=False)
                # if 'assignee' not in data['fields']:
                #    logging.warning("autofix: setting assignee to '%s' and retrying the update." % self._options['autofix'])
                #    data['fields']['assignee'] = {'name': self._options['autofix']}
            # if async and 'grequests' in sys.modules:
            #   if not hasattr(self._session, '_async_jobs'):
            #        self._session._async_jobs = set()
            #    self._session._async_jobs.add(grequests.put(self.self, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, data=json.dumps(data)))
            # else:
            #    print "x", data
            r = self._session.put(self.self,
                                  headers={'content-type': 'application/json'},
Exemple #5
        if async is None:
            async = self._options['async']

        data = {}
        if fields is not None:
            data['body'] = fields
            for arg in kwargs:
                data[arg] = kwargs[arg]

        r = self._session.put(self.self, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}, data=json.dumps(data))
        if 'autofix' in self._options and \
                r.status_code == 400:
            user = None
            error_list = get_error_list(r)
            if "The reporter specified is not a user." in error_list:
                if 'reporter' not in data['fields']:
                    logging.warning("autofix: setting reporter to '%s' and retrying the update." % self._options['autofix'])
                    data['fields']['reporter'] = {'name': self._options['autofix']}

            if "Issues must be assigned." in error_list:
                if 'assignee' not in data['fields']:
                    logging.warning("autofix: setting assignee to '%s' for %s and retrying the update." % (self._options['autofix'], self.key))
                    data['fields']['assignee'] = {'name': self._options['autofix']}
                    # for some reason the above approach fails on Jira 5.2.11 so we need to change the assignee before

            if "Issue type is a sub-task but parent issue key or id not specified." in error_list:
                logging.warning("autofix: trying to fix sub-task without parent by converting to it to bug")
                data['fields']['issuetype'] = {"name": "Bug"}