Exemple #1
    def add_token(self, token: str) -> None:
        """Adds a Bearer token to authenticate the API.

        :param token: An API key

        :return: None
        if not isinstance(token, str):
            raise JiraOneErrors("value",
                                "An API token of type string is required")
        if token == "":
            raise JiraOneErrors("value",
                                "Your API token cannot be an empty string.")
        self.AUTH.update({"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"})
        # Make a request to get the organization id, domain_id and policy_id and store it as a <property.name_id>
            # Get access to property values
                                 "filter_by": "policies"
                                 "filter_by": "domains"
            # This property is accessible to premium / enterprise users, so turning off this feature by default,
            # You can still call this from the events request.
            # threading.Thread(target=self.get_organization, kwargs={"filter_by": "events", "action": False}).run()
        except KeyError:
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "Your connection has failed. Please check the response to see the reason!"
Exemple #2
    def api_token(self,
                  account_id: str,
                  method: str = "GET",
                  token_id: str = None) -> t.Any:
        """Gets the API tokens owned by the specified user
        or Deletes a specified API token by ID.

        :param account_id:  A user string value for Atlassian accounts

        :param method:  A response method condition

        :param token_id: A user token id to be deleted.

        :return: Any
        if "Authorization" not in self.AUTH:
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "login", "You need to authenticate to use this resource")
        url = f"{self.LINK}/users/{account_id}/manage/api-tokens" if token_id is None else \
        if method.lower() == "get":
            return requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH)
        elif method.lower() == "delete":
            return requests.delete(url, headers=self.AUTH)
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "Unexpected method received. Only \"GET\" or \"DELETE\" methods allowed"
Exemple #3
    def manage_profile(self,
                       account_id: str,
                       method: str = "GET",
                       **kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Any:
        """Returns information about a single Atlassian account by ID by using a "GET" request.

        :request PATCH: Updates fields in a user account.
        The profile.write privilege details which fields you can change.

        :request PUT: Sets the specified user's email address.
        Before using this endpoint, you must verify the target domain

        :param account_id:  A user string value for Atlassian accounts

        :param method:  A response method condition

                      *Available options*

                       :request GET:  Get the return request

                       :request PATCH:  Updates a given set of data

                               :body parameter: Any or all user object this is value

                               e.g. {"name": "Lila User", "nickname": "marshmallow"}

                       :request PUT: Change the email account of the user

        :body parameter: email - string
                        e.g. {"email": "*****@*****.**"}

        :param kwargs: - Contains other options passed to the requests.<patch>

        .. code-block:: python

            # previous expression
            # json=<variable_name>
            payload = {"email": "*****@*****.**"}
            manage.manage_profile("account_id", "<method>", json=payload)

        :return: Any

        if "Authorization" not in self.AUTH:
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "login", "You need to authenticate to use this resource")
        url = f"{self.LINK}/users/{account_id}/manage/profile" if method.lower() == "get" or method.lower() == "patch" \
            else f"{self.LINK}/users/{account_id}/manage/email"
        if method.lower() == "get":
            return requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH)
        if method.lower() == "patch":
            return requests.patch(url, **kwargs, headers=self.AUTH)
        if method.lower() == "put":
            return requests.put(url, **kwargs, headers=self.AUTH)
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "The method you posted is not available for this operation.")
def field_update(field,
                 key_or_id: Union[str, int],
                 name: str = None,
                 update: Optional[str] = None,
                 data: Any = None,
                 **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
    """Ability to update a jira field or add to it or remove from it.

    :param name: The name of the field

    :param key_or_id: The issue key or id of the field

    :param field: An alias to jiraone's field variable

    :param update: A way to update a field value.

    :param data: A way to send out data.

            *options to use for ``update`` parameter*

                  * add - add to list value or dict value

                  * remove - remove an option value from a list or dict

    :return: Any object
    if name is None:
        raise JiraOneErrors("name")
        field_type = field.get_field(name).get("custom")
        if field_type is True:
            determine_field = "custom"
            determine_field = "system"
        output = field.update_field_data(data,
    except AttributeError:
        raise JiraOneErrors("name")
    return output
def bulk_change_email(data: str, token: str) -> None:
    """Bulk change managed user's email address if they do not exist.

    :param data: A string of the file name

    :param token: A string of the API token to authenticate the request

    Additionally, the output of failed attempts it written back to your data file.

    :return: None
    from jiraone import file_reader, file_writer, manage as org
    collect = deque()
    # Provide a CSV file data source
    read = file_reader(file_name=data, skip=True)
    data_check = deepcopy(read)
    headers = ["account_id", "current_email", "name", "target_email"]
    file_writer(file_name=data, mode="w+", mark="single", data=headers)
    if len(data_check[0]) != 4:
        raise JiraOneErrors(
            f"The expected data column should be 4 columns got {len(data_check[0])} instead"
    items = namedtuple("items",
                       ["account_id", "current_email", "name", "target_email"])
    for _ in read:
        user = items._make(_)
        payload = {"email": user.target_email}
        response = org.manage_profile(account_id=user.account_id,
        if response.status_code < 300:
                f"Changed current email: {user.current_email} to target email: {user.target_email}"
                f"Not able to change current email: {user.current_email} to target email: {user.target_email} "
                f"- {response.reason}")

    # If any of the email address isn't changed, write the output to the same file.
    file_writer(file_name=data, mode="a+", mark="many", data=collect)
    print("Change process completed".upper())
Exemple #6
    def find_user(query: str,
                  source: t.List = None) -> t.Union[t.Dict, t.List]:
        """Finds a specific user.

        :param query: A search term, could be an email, displayname or accountId if
        the ``source`` data is gotten from ``self.get_all_users`` and parameter ``detail=True``

        :param source: A list of users

        :returns: A dict of the user data or a list of the data
        search = None
        pattern_name = r"[\s]"  # This could be the name of a person
        pattern_email = r"[\@]"  # This could be an email address
        pattern_aaid = r"[{5|6|7|8}[a-z]+"  # This could be the account_id
        for term in source:
            if len(re.findall(pattern_aaid, query)) > 3:
                if 'account_id' in term:
                    if term['account_id'] == query:
                        search = term
                    if term[0] == query:
                        search = term
            if len(re.findall(pattern_email, query)) == 1:
                if 'email' in term:
                    if term['email'] == query:
                        search = term
                    if term[1] == query:
                        search = term
            if len(re.findall(pattern_name, query)) == 1:
                if 'name' in term:
                    if term['name'] == query:
                        search = term
                    raise JiraOneErrors(
                        "You cannot search with displayName, received 2 items only."
        return search
Exemple #7
    def get_user_permission(self,
                            account_id: str,
                            query: list = None) -> t.Any:
        """Returns the set of permissions you have for managing the specified Atlassian account.

        :param account_id:  A user string value for Atlassian accounts

        :param query:  A query parameter of Array<string>

                      *Valid options*

                       Valid values: profile, profile.write, profile.read, email.set, lifecycle.enablement,
                       apiToken.read, apiToken.delete

        :return: Any

        if "Authorization" not in self.AUTH:
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "login", "You need to authenticate to use this resource")
        url = f"{self.LINK}/users/{account_id}/manage" if query is None else \
        return requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH)
Exemple #8
    def manage_user(self,
                    account_id: str,
                    disable: bool = True,
                    **kwargs) -> t.Any:
        """Disables the specified user account.
        The permission to make use of this resource is exposed by the lifecycle.enablement privilege.


        Enables the specified user account.

        The permission to make use of this resource is exposed by the lifecycle.enablement privilege.

        :param account_id:  A user string value for Atlassian accounts

        :param disable: A bool option, if True this API url is set to disabled

        :param kwargs: Additional keyword argument to pass body data

                     *Options available when disable is False*

        .. code-block:: python

            # previous expression

            payload = {"message": "On 6-month suspension"}
            manage.manage_user("account_id", json=payload)

        :return: Any
        if "Authorization" not in self.AUTH:
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "login", "You need to authenticate to use this resource")
        url = f"{self.LINK}/users/{account_id}/manage/lifecycle/disable" if disable is True else \
        return requests.post(url, **kwargs, headers=self.AUTH)
def time_in_status(
        # a variable to call the `PROJECT` alias of `jiraone.report.PROJECT`
        var: Any,
        # issue key or id of an issue, or a list of issue key or id
        key_or_id: Union[str, int, List[Union[str, int]], dict],
        # a file reader function
        reader: Callable = None,
        # A file name used to store the output file
        report_file: Optional[str] = "time_status.csv",
        # a folder which can used to store the file
        report_folder: Optional[str] = "TimeStatus",
        # shows an output type
        output_format: Optional[str] = None,
        # A status to check
        status: Optional[str] = None,
        **kwargs: Any):
    """Return a difference in time between two status or multiple statuses.
    across different sets of issues. Display the output or send the output into
    a file either in CSV or JSON.

    :param var: Alias to the ``PROJECT`` which can invoke the ``change_log()`` method

    :param key_or_id: An issue key or id or keys put in a list to derive multiples values
                    or use a jql format in dictionary

    :param reader: ``file_reader`` function needs to be passed here

    :param report_file: A string of the name of the file

    :param report_folder: A folder where data resides

    :param output_format: An output format either in CSV or JSON. e.g csv or json (case insensitive)

    :param status: A status name to check or output.

    :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to use

               *Available options*

               * login - Required keyword argument to authenticate request

               * pprint -Bool, Optional -formats the datetime output into a nice pretty format.

               * is_printable - Bool, prints output to terminal if true

    .. code-block:: python

      # previous expression
      # To print out the function, you can either use ``echo`` function or ``print`` built-in
      status = time_in_status(PROJECT, key, file_reader, login=LOGIN, pprint=True, output_format="json",

    :return: A Printable representation of the data or output files.

    login = kwargs["login"] if "login" in kwargs else False
    pprint = kwargs["pprint"] if "pprint" in kwargs else False
    is_printable = kwargs["is_printable"] if "is_printable" in kwargs else False
    output_filename = kwargs[
        "output_filename"] if "output_filename" in kwargs else "data_output_file"
    if login is False:
        raise JiraOneErrors(
            "The `LOGIN` alias is required to authenticate this request")
    if reader is None or not callable(reader):
        raise JiraOneErrors(
            "You need to pass the `file_reader` function, so the data can be read."
    determine = key_or_id
    form = "key {ins} {determine}"
    if "," in determine:
    jql = "key in ({})".format(determine) if isinstance(determine, (str, int)) else \
        "{}".format(determine["jql"]) if isinstance(determine, dict) else \
            form.format(ins="in" if len(determine) > 1 else "=", determine=tuple(determine)
            if len(determine) > 1 else determine[0]) if isinstance(determine, list) else \
                exit("Unexpected data type received as issue key. Exiting")
    data_dog = namedtuple("data_dog", ["IssueKey", "Summary", "Author", "created", "FieldType",
                                       "Field", "From", "fromString", "To", "toString"]) if login.api is False else \
        namedtuple("data_dog", ["IssueKey", "Summary", "Author", "created", "FieldType",
                                "Field", "FieldId", "From", "fromString", "To", "toString", "FromAccountId",

    history = reader(folder=report_folder, file_name=report_file, skip=True)
    log_data = deque()
    collect_data = deque()
    for histories in history:
        items = data_dog._make(histories)
        time_stat = {
            "issue_key": items.IssueKey,
            "created": items.created,
            "from_string": items.fromString,
            "summary": items.Summary,
            "author": items.Author,
            "to_string": items.toString,
            "blank_data": items.FieldType

    # do the difference in time between two status
    rows = 0
    number_of_history_items = len(log_data)
    history_copy = deepcopy(log_data)
    if len(history_copy) > 0:
        del history_copy[0]
        exit("No data to read.Quiting...")
    for items, item in zip_longest(log_data,
                                       "issue_key": 0,
                                       "created": 0,
                                       "author": 0,
                                       "from_string": 0,
                                       "to_string": 0,
                                       "summary": 0,
                                       "blank_data": 0

        def initialize(to_, from_) -> None:
            """Rerun the data for time extraction.

            :param to_: A timedelta object showing the present or future datetime

            :param from_: A timedelta object showing the previous datetime

            :return: none
            difference = to_ - from_
            data_bundle = {
                "time_status": pretty_format(difference, pprint),
                "issue_key": items['issue_key'],
                "from_string": items['from_string'],
                "to_string": items['to_string'],
                "summary": items['summary'],
                "author": items['author'],
                "blank_data": items['blank_data']

        rows += 1
        # for each row, check the next row if exist and if the key is the
        # same as of the period the status changed
        if items['issue_key'] == item['issue_key']:
            # parse the datetime string with a proper format
            from_time = dt.strptime(items['created'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
            to_time = dt.strptime(item['created'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
            # get a timedelta of the datetime value
            initialize(to_time, from_time)
            if items['from_string'] == items['to_string']:
                from_time = dt.strptime(items['created'],
                # convert the current time to something we that we can use timedelta on
                present = dt.strftime(dt.astimezone(dt.now()),
                today = dt.strptime(present, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
                initialize(today, from_time)
                # default here if this is the current status.
                from_time = dt.strptime(items['created'],
                present = dt.strftime(dt.astimezone(dt.now()),
                today = dt.strptime(present, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
                initialize(today, from_time)
        if rows >= number_of_history_items:

    data_collection = deque()

    def matrix_loop(proxy, rev: bool = True) -> None:
        """Repeat of ``if`` steps validating the status.

        :param proxy: The name of the iterable data within the dict

        :param rev: Changes context of dict value for proxy argument

        :return: None
        matrix = [
            proxy['issue_key'], proxy['summary'], proxy['author'],
            proxy['from_string' if proxy['blank_data'] == "" else 'to_string']
            if rev is True else proxy['to_string']

    if status is not None:
        if isinstance(status, str):
            for name in collect_data:
                if name['blank_data'] == "":
                    if name['from_string'].lower() == status.lower():
                    if name['to_string'].lower() == status.lower():

            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "wrong", "Expecting `status` argument to be a string value "
                "got {} instead".format(type(status)))
    elif status is None:
        for name in collect_data:

    from jiraone import file_writer, path_builder
    output_name = f"{output_filename}.{output_format.lower()}"
    if output_format is None:
        if output_format.lower() == "csv":
            header = [
                "Issue Key", "Summary", "Author", "Time in Status", "Status"
        elif output_format.lower() == "json":
            make = []
            for load in data_collection:
                payload = {
                    "issueKey": load[0],
                    "summary": load[1],
                    "author": load[2],
                    "timeStatus": load[3],
                    "status": load[4]
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                f"Unexpected output \"{output_format}\" received as value, "
                f"for output_format argument - unable to understand option. Exiting"

    return f"Output file is located at: {path_builder(report_folder, output_name)}" if is_printable \
                                                                                       is False else data_collection
def bulk_change_swap_email(data: str, token: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    """The function helps to swap an email address to another.

    If the target email exist as an Atlassian account email, this will help to swap
    that email address to the desired target email.

    :param data: A string of the file name

    :param token: An API token to authenticate the API.

    :param kwargs: Additional keyword argument to pass

                *Valid values*

                * dummy - A dummy email address to choose if not a default is formed
                   from your email address

                * users - The name of a file to check the users and their account_id
                    only needed if you want to search a predefined set of users.

    :return: None
    from jiraone import file_reader, file_writer, manage as org
    collect = deque()
    # Provide a CSV file data source
    read = file_reader(file_name=data, skip=True)
    data_check = deepcopy(read)
    copy_name = data.split('.')[0] + "_cp.csv"
    headers = ["account_id", "current_email", "name", "target_email", "reason"]
    headers_2 = ["account_id", "email"]
    file_writer(file_name=data, mode="w+", mark="single", data=headers)
    file_writer(file_name=copy_name, mode="w+", mark="single", data=headers_2)
    dummy = kwargs['dummy'] if 'dummy' in kwargs else ""
    if len(data_check[0]) != 4:
        raise JiraOneErrors(
            f"The expected data column should be 4 columns got {len(data_check[0])} instead"
    user_items = namedtuple("user_items", ["account_id", "email"])
    items = namedtuple("items",
                       ["account_id", "current_email", "name", "target_email"])
    # If you want, you can supply your own user list for find_id()
    users = file_reader(file_name=kwargs['users'],
                        skip=True) if 'users' in kwargs else None
    data_response = {'count': 0, 'email': None}
    source_data = org.get_organization(filter_by="users").json()
    source_user = org.get_all_users(source_data)
    file_writer(file_name=copy_name, mark="many", mode="a+", data=source_user)
    get_file = file_reader(file_name=copy_name, skip=True)

    def find_id(email: str) -> Any:
        """Return a string if email is found else None.

        :param email: A string

        :return: str if email is found else None.
        data_parse = get_file if 'users' not in kwargs else users
        for z in data_parse:
            obtain = user_items._make(z)
            if email in obtain._asdict().values():
                return obtain.account_id

    def dummy_swap(emails: Any, count: int) -> Dict:
        """Returns a dictionary

            :param emails: A namedtuple to string of an email address

            :param count: An integer count, basically trying to see if we can keep track of the changes.

            :return: dict
        check_email = org.manage_profile(emails.account_id).json()
        if dummy == check_email.get("account").get("email"):
            access = {"email": emails.target_email}
            result = org.manage_profile(emails.account_id,
            if result.status_code < 300:
                count += 1
                return {
                    "result": result,
                    "count": count,
                    "email": emails.target_email
        return {"result": None, "count": count, "email": None}

    def target_swap(emails: Any, count: int) -> Dict:
        """Returns a dictionary

            :param emails: A namedtuple to string

            :param count: An integer count, basically trying to see if we can keep track of the changes.

            :return: dict
        access = {"email": emails.current_email}
        get_id = find_id(emails.target_email)
        if get_id is not None:
            result = org.manage_profile(get_id, json=access, method="put")
            if result.status_code < 300:
                count += 1
                return {
                    "result": result,
                    "count": count,
                    "email": emails.current_email
        return {"result": None, "count": count, "email": None}

    swap_completion = 0
    for _ in read:
        user = items._make(_)
        current = user.current_email.split("@")[1]
        dummy = "dummy0000008@" + current if 'dummy' not in kwargs else kwargs[
        payload = {"email": dummy}

        response = org.manage_profile(user.account_id,
        if response.status_code < 300:
            print("Success:", f"Status: {response.status_code}", sep="---")
                f"Changing current email: {user.current_email} to dummy email: {dummy}"
            data_response['count'] += 1
            if data_response['count'] > 0:
                data_response = target_swap(user, data_response['count'])
                if data_response['email'] is not None:
                        f"Changing target email: {user.target_email} to current email: {data_response['email']}"
                    data_response = dummy_swap(user, data_response['count'])
                    if data_response['email'] is not None:
                            f"Changing dummy email: {dummy} to target email: {data_response['email']}"
                        swap_completion += 1
                        data_response['count'] -= 2
                            f"Unable to change dummy email: {dummy} to target email: {data_response['email']}"
                        f"Unable to change target email: {user.target_email} to current email: {data_response['email']}"
                    error_data = [
                        user.account_id, user.current_email, user.name,
                        user.target_email, data_response['result']
                  f"status: {response.status_code}",
                  f"Reason: {response.reason}",
                f"Unable to change current email: {user.current_email} to dummy email: {dummy}"
            error_data = [
                user.account_id, user.current_email, user.name,
                user.target_email, response.reason
        print("*" * 100)

    # For any email that is not changed, write it back to the same file
    file_writer(file_name=data, mode="a+", mark="many", data=collect)
        "Process complete, made swap attempt of {} email(s), complete cycle swap of {} email(s)."
        .format(data_response['count'], swap_completion))
Exemple #11
    def manage_organization(self,
                            org_id: str,
                            method: str = "POST",
                            policy_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
                            resource_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
                            **kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Any:
        """Create, put and delete organization data

        Create a policy for an org
        Send a post request by using method="post" as keyword args

        Update a policy for an org.
        Send a put request by using method="put" as keyword args
           You will need to send a payload for the body using the example shown below

        .. code-block:: json

                  "id": "<string>",
                  "type": "policy",
                   "attributes": {
                    "type": "ip-allowlist",
                     "name": "<string>",
                      "status": "enabled",
                      "rule": {},
                       "resources": [
                                     "id": "<string>",
                                      "meta": {
                                        "scheduledDate": "<string>",
                                        "migrationStartDateTime": "<string>",
                                          "migrationEndDataTime": "<string>",
                                           "atlassianAccountId": "<string>"
                                   "links": {
                                    "ticket": "<string>"

        Delete a policy for an org

        :param org_id: ID of the organization to create policy for

        :param method: A response method to set

                        *Valid options*

                         * PUT - updates resource

                         * POST - creates resource

                         * DELETE - removes resources

        :param policy_id: ID of the policy

        :param resource_id: Resource ID

        :param kwargs: Additional data to sent in request body

        :return: Any
        if "Authorization" not in self.AUTH:
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "login", "You need to authenticate to use this resource")
        if method.lower() == "post":
            if org_id is not None and policy_id is None:
                url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/policies"
                return requests.post(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
            elif org_id is not None and policy_id is not None:
                url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/policies/{policy_id}/resources"
                return requests.post(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
        elif method.lower() == "put":
            if org_id is not None and policy_id is not None and resource_id is None:
                url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/policies/{policy_id}"
                return requests.put(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
            elif org_id is not None and policy_id is not None and resource_id is not None:
                url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/policies/{policy_id}/resources/{resource_id}"
                return requests.put(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
        elif method.lower() == "delete":
            if org_id is not None and policy_id is not None and resource_id is None:
                url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/policies/{policy_id}"
                return requests.delete(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
            elif org_id is not None and policy_id is not None and resource_id is not None:
                url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/policies/{policy_id}/resources/{resource_id}"
                return requests.delete(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "Method is not allowed - unexpected option entered method argument."
Exemple #12
    def get_organization(self,
                         org_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
                         filter_by: t.Optional[str] = None,
                         domain_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
                         event_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
                         action: t.Optional[bool] = True,
                         policy_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
                         **kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Any:
        """GET request for the organization API.

        Returns a list of your organizations (based on your API key).

        Returns information about a single organization by ID.

        Returns a list of users in an organization.

        Returns a list of domains in an organization one page at a time.

        Returns information about a single verified domain by ID.

        Returns information about a single event by ID.

        Returns information about org policies

        Returns information about a single policy by ID

        :param org_id: Retrieve the organization id from the API key

        :param domain_id: Retrieve domain details

        :param filter_by: Use to determine the endpoint to return

                   *Valid options*

                     * users - return the users in an organization

                     * domains - list of domains in an organization

                     * events - list of events in an audit log

                     * policies - get the policy of the organization

        :param event_id: Use to determine the events in the audit log

        :param action:  Additional positional argument for events. True sets events-actions

                       * action - Sets the event actions, true to enable by default set to true.
                                  e.g action=True

        :param policy_id: An id of the policy

        :param kwargs: Optional arguments

                     *Valid options*

                     Any response argument

                     e.g json=payload

        :return: Any
        if "Authorization" not in self.AUTH:
            raise JiraOneErrors(
                "login", "You need to authenticate to use this resource")
        org_id = self._org_id_ if org_id is None else org_id

        if filter_by is None:
            if org_id is None and domain_id is None:
                url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs"
                resp = requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
                self._parse_data_obj(resp, types="org")
                return resp
            elif org_id is not None and domain_id is None:
                url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}"
                return requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
            if filter_by == "users":
                if org_id is not None and domain_id is None:
                    url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/users"
                    return requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
            elif filter_by == "domains":
                if org_id is not None and domain_id is None:
                    url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/domains"
                    resp = requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
                    self._parse_data_obj(resp, types="domain")
                    return resp
                elif org_id is not None and domain_id is not None:
                    url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/domains/{domain_id}"
                    return requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
            elif filter_by == "events":
                if org_id is not None:
                    if action is False and event_id is None:
                        url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/events"
                        resp = requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
                        self._parse_data_obj(resp, types="event")
                        return resp
                    elif action is False and event_id is not None:
                        url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/events/{event_id}"
                        return requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
                    elif action is True and event_id is None or event_id is not None:
                        url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/event-actions"
                        return requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
            elif filter_by == "policies":
                if org_id is not None:
                    if policy_id is None:
                        url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/policies"
                        resp = requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
                        self._parse_data_obj(resp, types="policy")
                        return resp
                    elif policy_id is not None:
                        url = f"{self.LINK}/admin/v1/orgs/{org_id}/policies/{policy_id}"
                        return requests.get(url, headers=self.AUTH, **kwargs)
                raise JiraOneErrors(
                    "Unexpected error - unable to determine parameter value")