Exemple #1
    def ImageRotation(self, bound, image, angle):
		self.ArrayRotation() is 3D rotation
		self.ImageRotation() is 2D rotation

			True / False

			Must be 2D array or 3D with .shape[2]==3

			[float] in degree
			angle>=0: anticlockwise
			angle <0: clockwise
        angle %= 360
        ang = angle - 360 if (angle > 180) else angle
        if (abs(ang) < 1e-4): return image
        import numpy as np
        from jizhipy.Basic import IsType, Raise
        import imutils
        image = np.array(image)
        if (len(image.shape) == 2): pass
        elif (len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] == 3): pass
                'image must be 2D, or 3D with shape[2]==3, but now image.shape='
                + str(image.shape))
        if (bound): image = imutils.rotate_bound(image, -angle)
        else: image = imutils.rotate(image, angle)
        return image
Exemple #2
 def _Angle(self, kwargs, orderkwargs):
     ''' degree to rad, not call directly '''
     from jizhipy.Basic import IsType
     import numpy as np
     from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
     N = len(orderkwargs)
     islist = []
     raisestr = 'Shape miss-matching, '
     for i in range(N):
         ok = orderkwargs[i]
         if (kwargs[ok] is None): kwargs[ok] = 0
         islist.append(1 - IsType.isnum(kwargs[ok]))
         kwargs[ok] = Asarray(kwargs[ok]) * np.pi / 180
         raisestr += ok + '.shape=' + str(kwargs[ok].shape) + ', '
         for i in range(N):
             oki = orderkwargs[i]
             for j in range(N):
                 okj = orderkwargs[j]
                 if (i == j): continue
                 kwargs[oki] = kwargs[oki] + kwargs[okj] * 0  # broadcast
         Raise(Exception, raisestr)
     if (np.array(islist).sum() == 0): islist = False
     else: islist = True
     return [kwargs, islist]
Exemple #3
    def _CoordInOut(self, coordin, coordout):
		return registered coordin and coordout
			'equatorial', 'galactic', 'ecliptic'
        from jizhipy.Baise import Raise
        raisestr = "coordin='" + str(coordin) + "', coordout='" + str(
            coordout) + "' not in ['galactic', 'equatorial', 'ecliptic']"
        coordin, coordout = str(coordin).lower(), str(coordout).lower()
        if ('gal' == coordin[:3]): coordin = 'galactic'
        elif ('equ' == coordin[:3]): coordin = 'equatorial'
        elif ('ecl' == coordin[:3]): coordin = 'ecliptic'
        else: Raise(Exception, raisestr)
        if ('gal' == coordout[:3]): coordout = 'galactic'
        elif ('equ' == coordout[:3]): coordout = 'equatorial'
        elif ('ecl' == coordout[:3]): coordout = 'ecliptic'
        else: Raise(Exception, raisestr)
        return [coordin, coordout]
Exemple #4
    def ToHealpix(self, nside, RA, Dec=None, T=None, replace=True):
			=True : if there are several values in 1 pixel, use the lagest value to fill this pixel (for diffuse emission)
			=False : if there are several values in 1 pixel, fill this pixel with the sum of all values (for point sources)
		RA, Dec:
			in rad
			RA  or lon : 0 ~ 2pi
			Dec or lat : -pi/2 ~ pi/2
		if Dec=None and T=None : 
			RA, Dec, T = RA[0], RA[1], RA[2] = RA  (ROW)
        import healpy as hp
        import numpy as np
        from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
        from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
        replace = bool(replace)
        if (Dec is None and T is None): RA, Dec, T = RA
        RA, Dec, T = 1 * Asarray(RA).flatten(), 1 * Asarray(
            Dec).flatten(), 1 * Asarray(T).flatten()
        size = max(RA.size, Dec.size, T.size)
        if ((RA.size not in [size, 1]) or (Dec.size not in [size, 1])
                or (T.size not in [size, 1])):
                Exception, 'jizhipy.CoordTrans.ToHealpix(): RA.size=' +
                str(RA.size) + ', Dec.size=' + str(Dec.size) + ', T.size=' +
                str(T.size) + ' not in [' + str(size) + ',1]')
        if (RA.size == 1): RA = np.zeros(size) + RA[0]
        if (Dec.size == 1): Dec = np.zeros(size) + Dec[0]
        if (T.size == 1): T = np.zeros(size) + T[0]
        if (replace):
            T = np.sort(T + 1j * np.arange(size))
            n = T.imag.astype(int)
            T = T.real
            RA, Dec = RA[n], Dec[n]
        hpmap = np.zeros(12 * nside**2)
        pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, np.pi / 2 - Dec, RA)
        if (replace):
            hpmap[pix] = T
            return hpmap
        for i in range(pix.size):
            hpmap[pix[i]] += T[i]
        return hpmap
Exemple #5
    def _RAlDecb(self, RAl, Decb):
		Make RAl and Decb can broadcast
			[RAl, Decb, islist]
        from jizhipy.Basic import IsType
        from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
        if (IsType.isnum(RAl) and IsType.isnum(Decb)):
            islist = False
            islist = True
        RAl, Decb = Asarray(RAl), Asarray(Decb)
            RAl = RAl + Decb * 0
            Decb = RAl * 0 + Decb
                Exception, 'RAl.shape=' + str(RAl.shape) + ', Decb.shape=' +
                str(Decb.shape) + ', can NOT broadcast')
        return [RAl, Decb, islist]
Exemple #6
    def thetaphi2xyz(self, thetaphi, Amp=1):
			in rad, NOT degree
			Can be any shape, but must:
				theta, phi = thetaphi
			theta, phi can NOT have the same shape, but must can broadcast

			x = sin(theta) * cos(phi)
			y = sin(theta) * sin(phi)
			z = cos(theta)

			Must can broadcast with theta

			xyz = [x, y, z]
			x.shape = y.shape = z.shape = theta.shape = phi.shape
        import numpy as np
        from jizhipy.Array import Asarray
        from jizhipy.Basic import Raise
        theta, phi = thetaphi
        theta, phi, Amp = Asarray2(theta,
                                   True), Asarray2(phi,
                                                   True), Asarray2(Amp, True)
            x = Amp * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
            y = Amp * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
            z = Amp * np.cos(theta) * np.ones(phi.shape, phi.dtype)
                Exception, 'theta.shape=' + str(theta.shape) + ', phi.shape=' +
                str(phi.shape) + ', Amp.shape=' + str(Amp.shape) +
                ', can NOT broadcast')
        xyz = np.array([x, y, z])
        del x, y, z
        return xyz
Exemple #7
 def _RotationMatrix(self, key, ang, islist):
     ''' return R, not call directly '''
     from jizhipy.Array import ArrayAxis
     import numpy as np
     one = np.ones(ang.shape)
     zero = np.zeros(ang.shape)
     if (key == 'ax'):
         R = np.array([[one, zero, zero], [zero,
                       [zero, -np.sin(ang), np.cos(ang)]])
     elif (key == 'ay'):
         R = np.array([[np.cos(ang), zero, -np.sin(ang)], [zero, one, zero],
                       [np.sin(ang), zero, np.cos(ang)]])
     elif (key == 'az'):
         R = np.array([[np.cos(ang), np.sin(ang), zero],
                       [-np.sin(ang), np.cos(ang), zero], [zero, zero,
         Raise(Exception, "key in **kwargs not in ['ax', 'ay', 'az']")
     R = ArrayAxis(R, 0, -1, 'move')
     R = ArrayAxis(R, 0, -1, 'move')
     if (not islist): R = R[0]
     return R
Exemple #8
    def _xyzRotation(self, xyz, **kwargs):
		(x,y,z) coordinates rotation with ax,ay,az=

			xyz can be any shape, but must:
			x, y, z = xyz

			x = sin(theta) * cos(phi)
			y = sin(theta) * sin(phi)
			z = cos(theta)

			See self.xyzRotationMatrix()
			ax=None: means NOT rotate this axis
			(1) xyzRotation(xyz, ay=1, ax=2, az=3)
				ang = {'ay':1, 'ax':2, 'az':3, 'order':['ay','ax','az']}
				xyzRotation(xyz, **ang)

			Same shape and type as input xyz

			xyz_new.shape = xyz.shape+(3,)   # (3,) for x,y,z
        from jizhipy.Basic import OrderKwargs, Raise
        from jizhipy.Array import ArrayAxis, Asarray
        xyz = Asarray(xyz, True, float)
        shapexyz = xyz.shape
        if (shapexyz[0] != 3):
            Raise(Exception, 'xyz.shape=' + str(shapexyz) + ', shape[0] != 3')
        if (xyz.shape == (3, )): islistx = False
        else: islistx = True
        x, y, z = xyz
            kwargs['order'] = OrderKwargs()
        if ('which' in kwargs.keys()):
            which = kwargs['which']
            which = 'system'
        R = self.xyzRotationMatrix(which, **kwargs)
        shapeR = R.shape
        R = ArrayAxis(R, -2, 0, 'move')  #@#@
        if (R.shape == (3, 3)): islistr = False
        else: islistr = True
        Rx, Ry, Rz = R.T
        Rx, Ry, Rz = Rx.T, Ry.T, Rz.T
        if (Rx.shape == (3, )):
            sR = Rx.shape + len(x.shape) * (1, )
            Rx, Ry, Rz = Rx.reshape(sR), Ry.reshape(sR), Rz.reshape(sR)
            xyz = x * Rx + y * Ry + z * Rz
                Exception, 'x.shape=' + str(x.shape) + ', Rx.shape=' +
                str(Rx.shape) + ', can NOT broadcast')
        return xyz
Exemple #9
    def xyzRotationMatrix(self, which, **kwargs):
		Right-hand rule:
			Your right thumb points along the +Z axis and the curl of your fingers represents a motion from +X to +Y to -X to -Y. When viewed from the top along -Z, the system is counter-clockwise.
			The angle along the fingers is positive.

			'system' | 'point'
			Rotate coordinate system or point

			(1) kwargs={'ax':, 'ay':, 'az':, 'order':}
				Only allow keys 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'order', all the keys are options
				'order'=['ay', 'ax', ...] like
				Rotate about which axis with how many degree, 'order' is to determinate rotate which axis first, then which axis, ....

			(2) kwargs={'atheta':, 'aphi':, 'ang'}
				Only allow keys 'atheta', 'aphi', 'ang'
				('atheta', 'aphi') reprecents the rotation axis (any axis), 'ang' is the rotation angle (right-handed)
				NOTE THAT atheta is theta, NOT lat

		Case (1)
		xyzRotationMatrix(ay, ax, az)    OR
		xyzRotationMatrix(ax, ay, az, order=['ay','ax','az']) 
			First rotate about Y-axis, second rotate about X-axis, third rotate about Z-axis

		ax: Rotation angle about X-axis, thumb points to +X
		ay: Rotation angle about Y-axis, thumb points to +Y
		az: Rotation angle about Z-axis, thumb points to +Z
		order: give the order manually, order=['az','ax','ay']

		ax, ay, az:
			in degree, NOT rad
			Can be one or N-D array which can broadcast

		Case (2)
		xyzRotationMatrix(atheta, aphi, ang)
			Rotate about axis (atheta, aphi) with ang

		atheta, aphi, ang: 
			all in degree
			Can be one or N-D array which can broadcast

			Rotation matrix R in np.array(), NOT np.matrix()
				new_xyz = R * old_xyz

			R.shape = ax.shape+(3,3)
        from jizhipy.Basic import Raise, OrderKwargs
        # Check kwargs
        case1, case2 = False, False
        if ('ax' in kwargs.keys() or 'ay' in kwargs.keys()
                or 'az' in kwargs.keys()):
            case1 = True
        if ('atheta' in kwargs.keys() or 'aphi' in kwargs.keys()
                or 'ang' in kwargs.keys()):
            case2 = True
        if (case1 and case2):
                'jizhipy.CoordTrans.xyzRotationMatrix(), have both (ax,ay,az,order) and (atheta,aphi,ang), NOT allow'
        if (case1):
            return self._xyzRotationMatrix1(**kwargs)
        elif (case2):
            return self._xyzRotationMatrix2(**kwargs)
Exemple #10
 def _Nside(self, nside):
     import numpy as np
     n = np.log(nside) / np.log(2)
     if (n != int(n)): Raise(Exception, 'nside=' + str(nside) + ' != 2**n')
     return int(round(nside))