def get_key_from_addr(self, addr):
     """usable addresses: privkey all 1s, 2s, 3s, ... :"""
     privs = [x*32 + b"\x01" for x in [struct.pack(b'B', y) for y in range(1,6)]]
     addrs = {}
     for p in privs:
         addrs[p] = BTC_P2PKH.privkey_to_address(p)
     for p, a in iteritems(addrs):
         if a == addr:
             return p
     raise ValueError("No such keypair")
def test_on_sig(setup_taker, dummyaddr, schedule):
    #plan: create a new transaction with known inputs and dummy outputs;
    #then, create a signature with various inputs, pass in in b64 to on_sig.
    #in order for it to verify, the DummyBlockchainInterface will have to 
    #return the right values in query_utxo_set
    utxos = [(struct.pack(b"B", x) * 32, 1) for x in range(5)]
    #create 2 privkey + utxos that are to be ours
    privs = [x*32 + b"\x01" for x in [struct.pack(b'B', y) for y in range(1,6)]]
    scripts = [BTC_P2PKH.key_to_script(privs[x]) for x in range(5)]
    addrs = [BTC_P2PKH.privkey_to_address(privs[x]) for x in range(5)]
    fake_query_results = [{'value': 200000000, 'utxo': utxos[x], 'address': addrs[x],
                           'script': scripts[x], 'confirms': 20} for x in range(5)]

    dbci = DummyBlockchainInterface()
    jm_single().bc_interface = dbci
    #make a transaction with all the fake results above, and some outputs
    outs = [{'value': 100000000, 'address': dummyaddr},
            {'value': 899990000, 'address': dummyaddr}]
    tx = bitcoin.mktx(utxos, outs)
    # since tx will be updated as it is signed, unlike in real life
    # (where maker signing operation doesn't happen here), we'll create
    # a second copy without the signatures:
    tx2 = bitcoin.mktx(utxos, outs)

    #prepare the Taker with the right intermediate data
    taker = get_taker(schedule=schedule)
    taker.nonrespondants=["cp1", "cp2", "cp3"]
    taker.latest_tx = tx
    #my inputs are the first 2 utxos
    taker.input_utxos = {utxos[0]:
                        {'address': addrs[0],
                         'script': scripts[0],
                         'value': 200000000},
                        {'address': addrs[1],
                         'script': scripts[1],
                         'value': 200000000}}    
    taker.utxos = {None: utxos[:2], "cp1": [utxos[2]], "cp2": [utxos[3]], "cp3":[utxos[4]]}
    for i in range(2):
        # placeholders required for my inputs[i].scriptSig = bitcoin.CScript(hextobin('deadbeef'))[i].scriptSig = bitcoin.CScript(hextobin('deadbeef'))
    #to prepare for my signing, need to mark cjaddr:
    taker.my_cj_addr = dummyaddr
    #make signatures for the last 3 fake utxos, considered as "not ours":
    sig, msg = bitcoin.sign(tx2, 2, privs[2])
    assert sig, "Failed to sign: " + msg
    sig3 = b64encode([2].scriptSig)
    taker.on_sig("cp1", sig3)
    #try sending the same sig again; should be ignored
    taker.on_sig("cp1", sig3)
    sig, msg = bitcoin.sign(tx2, 3, privs[3])
    assert sig, "Failed to sign: " + msg
    sig4 = b64encode([3].scriptSig)
    #try sending junk instead of cp2's correct sig
    assert not taker.on_sig("cp2", str("junk")), "incorrectly accepted junk signature"
    taker.on_sig("cp2", sig4)
    sig, msg = bitcoin.sign(tx2, 4, privs[4])
    assert sig, "Failed to sign: " + msg
    #Before completing with the final signature, which will trigger our own
    #signing, try with an injected failure of query utxo set, which should
    #prevent this signature being accepted.
    sig5 = b64encode([4].scriptSig)
    assert not taker.on_sig("cp3", sig5), "incorrectly accepted sig5"
    #allow it to succeed, and try again
    #this should succeed and trigger the we-sign code
    taker.on_sig("cp3", sig5)