def __init__(self, halFile, phyloPModel, bedFileDict, jobsPerGenome, threshold): Target.__init__(self) self.halFile = halFile self.phyloPModel = phyloPModel self.bedFileDict = bedFileDict self.jobsPerGenome = jobsPerGenome self.threshold = threshold
def __init__(self, halfile, names, outdir, maxOut, minIn): Target.__init__(self) self.halfile = halfile self.names = names self.outdir = outdir self.maxOut = maxOut self.minIn = minIn
def __init__(self, options, outdir, halfile, genome2seq2len, type): Target.__init__(self) self.options = options self.outdir = outdir self.halfile = halfile self.genome2seq2len = genome2seq2len self.type = type #type has to be bed or wiggle
def __init__(self, outputss, outPaths, doSamplings, numSampless, headers): Target.__init__(self) self.outputss = outputss self.outPaths = outPaths self.doSamplings = doSamplings self.numSampless = numSampless self.headers = headers
def __init__(self, exp, ref, sample, outdir, options): Target.__init__(self) self.exp = exp self.ref = ref self.sample = sample self.outdir = outdir self.options = options
def __init__(self, genome, seq2len, halfile, outdir, options): Target.__init__(self) self.genome = genome self.seq2len = seq2len self.halfile = halfile self.outdir = outdir self.options = options
def __init__(self, options): Target.__init__(self) self.options = options = [] self.totalp = 0 self.edges = [] self.historyScores = []
def __init__(self, halfile, tree, bigbeddir, maxOut, minIn): Target.__init__(self) self.halfile = halfile self.tree = tree self.bigbeddir = bigbeddir self.maxOut = maxOut self.minIn = minIn
def __init__(self, indir, outdir, size, pair, cutoffs): Target.__init__(self, time=0.00025) self.indir = indir #simTempDir (which has simTempDir/sampleId/rep.pickle) self.outdir = outdir #outdir/sims/batchId/sim-Id/sampling-Id self.size = size self.pair = pair self.cutoffs = cutoffs
def __init__(self, experiment, sample, dir, outdir, mask): Target.__init__(self, time=0.00025) self.exp = experiment self.sample = sample self.dir = dir self.outdir = outdir self.mask = mask
def __init__(self, sample1, sample2, c2n2s_dir, outfile, opts): Target.__init__(self) self.sample1 = sample1 self.sample2 = sample2 self.c2n2s_dir = c2n2s_dir self.outfile = outfile self.opts = opts
def __init__(self, c2n2s_dir, sams, indir, outdir, opts): Target.__init__(self) self.c2n2s_dir = c2n2s_dir self.sams = sams self.outdir = outdir self.indir = indir self.opts = opts
def __init__(self, outputDir, experiments): Target.__init__(self) self.experiments = experiments self.outputDir = outputDir #Quadruples of (readFastqFile, readType, referenceFastaFile, mapper) to pairs of (analyses, resultsDir) self.experimentHash = {} #Mappers self.mappers = set() #Read file readType double self.readFastqFiles = set() #Reference files self.referenceFastaFiles = set() #readTypes self.readTypes = set() #base mappers (lastz, last, bwa, blasr) self.baseMappers = set() #Store all this stuff for readFastqFile, readType, referenceFastaFile, mapper, analyses, resultsDir in self.experiments: self.experimentHash[((readFastqFile, readType), referenceFastaFile, mapper)] = (analyses, resultsDir) self.mappers.add(mapper) self.readFastqFiles.add((readFastqFile, readType)) self.referenceFastaFiles.add(referenceFastaFile) self.readTypes.add(readType) self.baseMappers.add(re.findall("[A-Z][a-z]*", mapper.__name__)[0])
def __init__(self, samplenames, pair2stat, outbase, attr, opts): Target.__init__(self) self.names = samplenames self.pair2stat = pair2stat self.outbase = outbase self.attr = attr self.opts = opts
def __init__(self, indir, outdir, opts=None, *args): Target.__init__(self) self.indir = indir self.outdir = outdir self.opts = opts self.args = args self.name2obj = None
def __init__(self, options): Target.__init__(self) self.options=options[] self.totalp=0 self.edges=[] self.historyScores=[]
def __init__(self, events, pedgesfile, historyScores, totalp, ignore_cn): Target.__init__(self) self.pedgesfile=pedgesfile self.historyScores=historyScores self.totalp=totalp self.ignore_cn=ignore_cn
def __init__(self, readFastqFile, referenceFastaFile, outputSamFile, options): Target.__init__(self) self.readFastqFile = readFastqFile self.referenceFastaFile = referenceFastaFile self.outputSamFile = outputSamFile self.options = options #These are the options from cactus_expectationMaximisation
def __init__(self, indir, outdir, size, topFreqs, samSizes): Target.__init__(self) self.indir = indir #simSampleTempDir self.outdir = outdir #simTempDir/sampleID self.size = size self.topFreqs = topFreqs self.samSizes = samSizes
def __init__(self, options, refseq, outdir, readdir): #Target.__init__(self, time=0.00025) Target.__init__(self) self.options = options self.refseq = refseq self.outdir = outdir self.readdir = readdir
def __init__(self, halFile, genome, bedForJob, modelFile, output): Target.__init__(self) self.halFile = halFile self.genome = genome self.bedForJob = bedForJob self.modelFile = modelFile self.output = output
def __init__(self, tree, event, sleepTime, startTime, cpu): Target.__init__(self, cpu=cpu) self.tree = tree self.event = event self.sleepTime = sleepTime self.startTime = startTime self.cpu = cpu
def __init__(self, cactusDisk, flowerName, finalResultsFile, blastOptions): Target.__init__(self) self.cactusDisk = cactusDisk self.flowerName = flowerName self.finalResultsFile = finalResultsFile self.blastOptions = blastOptions blastOptions.roundsOfCoordinateConversion = 2
def __init__(self, i, i2, options, events, datadir): Target.__init__(self) self.options=options self.i=i self.i2=i2 self.outdir=datadir
def __init__(self, indir, outdir, pattern, filteredSamples, includeCoverage=False): Target.__init__(self, time=0.25) self.indir = indir self.outdir = outdir self.pattern = pattern self.includeCoverage = includeCoverage self.filteredSamples = filteredSamples
def __init__(self, options, sequences, newickTree, outputDir, params): #requiredSpecies, #singleCopySpecies, #referenceAlgorithm, minimumBlockDegree, #blastAlignmentString, baseLevel, maxNumberOfChains, permutations, #theta, useSimulatedAnnealing, heldOutSequence): Target.__init__(self, cpu=4, memory=4000000000) self.sequences = sequences self.newickTree = newickTree #self.requiredSpecies = requiredSpecies #self.singleCopySpecies = singleCopySpecies self.outputDir = outputDir #self.referenceAlgorithm = referenceAlgorithm #self.minimumBlockDegree = int(minimumBlockDegree) #self.blastAlignmentString = blastAlignmentString #self.baseLevel = baseLevel #self.maxNumberOfChains = maxNumberOfChains #self.permutations = permutations #self.theta = theta #self.useSimulatedAnnealing = useSimulatedAnnealing self.options = options #self.heldOutSequence = heldOutSequence self.params = params
def __init__(self, args): Target.__init__(self) self.clonefile = args[0] self.vfile = args[1] self.jfile = args[2] self.dfile = args[3] self.outdir = args[4]
def __init__(self, opts, positions, outputFile, speciesTree, positionSet): Target.__init__(self) self.opts = opts self.positions = positions self.outputFile = outputFile self.speciesTree = speciesTree self.positionSet = positionSet
def __init__(self, nodesList, leafsDict, options): Target.__init__(self) self.options = options self.nodesList = nodesList self.nodeParentDict = lsc.buildNodeParentDict(self.nodesList) self.leafsDict = leafsDict self.nodeDict = lsc.buildNodesDict(self.nodesList, self.leafsDict)
def __init__(self, genomes, genome2seq2len, halfile, options, outdir): Target.__init__(self) self.genomes = genomes self.genome2seq2len = genome2seq2len self.halfile = halfile self.options = options self.outdir = outdir
def __init__(self, clone, indir, outfile, opts, s2g): Target.__init__(self) self.clone = clone self.indir = indir self.outfile = outfile self.opts = opts self.s2g = s2g
def __init__(self, events, pedgesfile, historyScores, totalp, ignore_cn): Target.__init__(self) = events self.pedgesfile = pedgesfile self.historyScores = historyScores self.totalp = totalp self.ignore_cn = ignore_cn
def __init__(self, blocks, events, i, outputdir, options): Target.__init__(self) self.options=options self.blocks=blocks self.outputdir=outputdir self.i = i
def __init__(self, options, trueMaf, predictedMaf, outputFile, params): Target.__init__(self) self.options = options self.trueMaf = trueMaf self.predictedMaf = predictedMaf self.outputFile = outputFile self.params = params
def __init__(self, outDir, dataDir, genomes, psls, primaryKeyColumn): Target.__init__(self) self.outDir = outDir self.genomes = genomes self.psls = psls self.primaryKeyColumn = primaryKeyColumn self.tmpDir = dataDir
def __init__(self, sample, samdir, outfile, func, *func_args): Target.__init__(self) self.sample = sample self.samdir = samdir self.outfile = outfile self.func = func self.func_args = func_args
def __init__(self, vj, sams, indir, outfile, sizetype): Target.__init__(self) self.vj = vj self.sams = sams self.indir = indir self.outfile = outfile self.sizetype = sizetype
def __init__(self, indir, minsam, maxsam, outdir, sampling): Target.__init__(self) self.indir = indir self.minsam = minsam self.maxsam = maxsam self.outdir = outdir self.sampling = sampling
def __init__(self, blocks, events, i, outputdir, options): Target.__init__(self) self.options = options self.blocks = blocks = events self.outputdir = outputdir self.i = i
def __init_(self, cladedir, halfile, query, queryBed, target, chrsizefile): Target.__init__(self) self.cladedir = cladedir self.halfile = halfile self.query = query self.queryBed = queryBed = target self.chrsizefile = chrsizefile
def __init__(self, uuid, path, out_dir, graph): Target.__init__(self) self.counts = defaultdict(float) self.normalizing = 0.0 self.uuid = uuid self.path = path self.out_dir = out_dir self.graph = graph
def __init__(self, genomeoutdir, wig, genome, othergenome, halfile, outdir): Target.__init__(self) self.genomeoutdir = genomeoutdir self.wig = wig self.genome = genome self.othergenome = othergenome self.halfile = halfile self.outdir = outdir
def __init__(self, indir, halfile, genome2seq2len, bigwigdir, noLiftover, outdir): Target.__init__(self) self.indir = indir self.halfile = halfile self.genome2seq2len = genome2seq2len self.bigwigdir = bigwigdir self.noLiftover = noLiftover self.outdir = outdir
def __init__(self, data_frame, signature_name, positive_samples, negative_samples, parameters, directory): Target.__init__(self, time=10000) self.data_frame = data_frame self.signature_name = signature_name self.positive_samples = positive_samples self.negative_samples = negative_samples self.parameters = parameters = directory
def __init__(self, newickTree, haplotypeSequences, assemblyFile, outputDir, configFile, options): Target.__init__(self, cpu=1, memory=8000000000) self.newickTree = newickTree self.haplotypeSequences = haplotypeSequences self.assemblyFile = assemblyFile self.outputDir = outputDir self.configFile = configFile self.options = options
def __init__(self, peventsfile, trueID, historyScores, outname, outputdir, binwidth): Target.__init__(self) = pickle.load(open(peventsfile, 'rb')) self.outname = outname self.trueID = trueID self.historyScores = historyScores self.outputdir = outputdir self.binwidth = binwidth
def __init__(self, outDir, resultsDir, simTrueMafDir, simName, cactusRunTime): Target.__init__(self) self.outDir = outDir self.resultsDir = resultsDir #Directory contains cactus cactusDisk and jobTree #self.simNum = simNum self.simTrueMafDir = simTrueMafDir self.simName = simName self.cactusRunTime = cactusRunTime
def __init__(self, readFastqFile, readType, referenceFastaFile, samFile, outputDir): Target.__init__(self) self.readFastqFile = readFastqFile self.referenceFastaFile = referenceFastaFile self.samFile = samFile self.outputDir = outputDir self.readType = readType print(str(self.samFile))
def __init__(self, analysis, paradigm_setup, directory, nulls=None): Target.__init__(self, time=10000) self.analysis = analysis self.paradigm_setup = paradigm_setup = directory if nulls is None: self.nulls = self.paradigm_setup.nulls else: self.nulls = nulls
def __init__(self, newickTree, haplotypeSequences, assembliesDir, outputDir, configFile, options): Target.__init__(self) self.newickTree = newickTree self.haplotypeSequences = haplotypeSequences self.assembliesDir = assembliesDir self.outputDir = outputDir self.configFile = configFile self.options = options
def __init__(self, region, databaseString, outputDir, refSpecies, geneDir): Target.__init__(self, time=120) self.region = region self.dbStr = databaseString self.refSpecies = refSpecies self.outputFile = os.path.join(outputDir, "%s-%s.xml" % ("genemapChain", region)) self.geneFile = os.path.join(geneDir, "refGeneConverted.bed")
def __init__(self, indir, halfile, genome2seq2len, bigbeddir, noLiftover, tab, outdir, options): Target.__init__(self) self.indir = indir self.halfile = halfile self.genome2seq2len = genome2seq2len self.bigbeddir = bigbeddir self.noLiftover = noLiftover = tab self.outdir = outdir self.options = options