Exemple #1
def pento(n_trials):
    ri = numpy.random.random_integers

    state = DD()
    with open('mnist_powerup_temp.yaml') as ymtmp:
        state.yaml_string = ymtmp.read()

    state.powerup_nunits = 240
    state.powerup_npieces = 5
    state.W_lr_scale = 0.04
    state.p_lr_scale = 0.01
    state.lr_rate = 0.1
    state.l2_pen = 1e-5
    state.l2_pen2 = 0.0000
    state.init_mom = 0.5
    state.final_mom = 0.5
    state.decay_factor = 0.5
    state.max_col_norm = 1.9365
    state.max_col_norm2 = 1.8365
    state.batch_size = 128

    state.save_path = './'

    n_pieces = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]
    n_units = [200, 240, 280, 320, 360, 420, 480]
    batch_sizes = [128, 256, 512]

    learning_rates = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(0.001), numpy.log10(1.0), 30)
    learning_rate_scalers = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(0.01), numpy.log10(1), 30)
    l2_pen = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(1e-6), numpy.log10(8*1e-3), 100)
    max_col_norms = [1.7365, 1.8365, 1.9365, 2.1365, 2.2365, 2.4365]

    ind = 0
    TABLE_NAME = "powerup_mnist_1layer_fixed"
    db = api0.open_db('postgresql://[email protected]/gulcehrc_db?table=' + TABLE_NAME)

    for i in xrange(n_trials):

        state.lr_rate = learning_rates[ri(learning_rates.shape[0]) - 1]
        state.powerup_nunits = n_units[ri(len(n_units)) - 1]
        state.powerup_npieces = n_pieces[ri(len(n_pieces)) - 1]
        state.W_lr_scale = learning_rate_scalers[ri(len(learning_rate_scalers)) - 1]
        state.p_lr_scale = learning_rate_scalers[ri(len(learning_rate_scalers)) - 1]
        state.batch_size = batch_sizes[ri(len(batch_sizes)) - 1]

        state.l2_pen = l2_pen[ri(l2_pen.shape[0]) - 1]
        state.init_mom = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.3, high=0.6)
        state.final_mom = numpy.random.uniform(low=state.init_mom + 0.1, high=0.9)
        state.decay_factor = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.01, high=0.05)
        state.max_col_norm = max_col_norms[ri(len(max_col_norms)) - 1]

        alphabet = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ0123456789')
        state.save_path = './'
        state.save_path += ''.join(alphabet[:7]) + '_'
        sql.insert_job(experiment, flatten(state), db)
        ind += 1

    db.createView(TABLE_NAME + '_view')
    print "{} jobs submitted".format(ind)
def update_default_layer_hyperparams(state):
    #state = sanity_checks(state)
    prev_layer_dim = get_dim_input(state)
    for key,layer in state.layers.iteritems():
        default_hyperparams = copy.deepcopy(layer_config)
        update_irange_in_layer(layer, prev_layer_dim)
        prev_layer_dim = layer.dim
        state.layers[key] = default_hyperparams
    # TODO: find a better way to check for list of items in the hyperparams.
    # random_sampling should give a good string representation for list of values
    # in the hyperparams.
    flattened_state = flatten(state)
    for k,v in flattened_state.iteritems():
        if str(v)[0] == '[' and str(v)[-1] == ']' and type(v) != type([]):
            # It is a list of values but represented as a string.
            # Get just the content of the list.
            values = str(v)[1:-1]
            # Add the content in a proper list (not represented as a string).
            values = [val.strip() for val in values.split(',')]
            flattened_state[k] = values
    # TODO : why the modified state is not kept after returning from this function?
    # However, the updated state above is kept after returning from this function.
    state = expand(flattened_state)
    return state
def update_default_layer_hyperparams(state):
    #state = sanity_checks(state)
    prev_layer_dim = get_dim_input(state)
    for key, layer in state.layers.iteritems():
        default_hyperparams = copy.deepcopy(layer_config)
        update_irange_in_layer(layer, prev_layer_dim)
        prev_layer_dim = layer.dim
        state.layers[key] = default_hyperparams
    # TODO: find a better way to check for list of items in the hyperparams.
    # random_sampling should give a good string representation for list of values
    # in the hyperparams.
    flattened_state = flatten(state)
    for k, v in flattened_state.iteritems():
        if str(v)[0] == '[' and str(v)[-1] == ']' and type(v) != type([]):
            # It is a list of values but represented as a string.
            # Get just the content of the list.
            values = str(v)[1:-1]
            # Add the content in a proper list (not represented as a string).
            values = [val.strip() for val in values.split(',')]
            flattened_state[k] = values
    # TODO : why the modified state is not kept after returning from this function?
    # However, the updated state above is kept after returning from this function.
    state = expand(flattened_state)
    return state
def tfd(n_trials):
    ri = numpy.random.random_integers

    state = DD()
    with open('mnist_powerup_temp_l2.yaml') as ymtmp:
        state.yaml_string = ymtmp.read()

    state.powerup_nunits = 240
    state.powerup_npieces = 5

    state.powerup_nunits2 = 240
    state.powerup_npieces2 = 5

    state.W_lr_scale = 0.04
    state.p_lr_scale = 0.01
    state.lr_rate = 0.1
    state.init_mom = 0.5
    state.final_mom = 0.5
    state.decay_factor = 0.5
    state.max_col_norm = 1.9365

    state.save_path = './'

    n_pieces = [2, 3, 4, 5]
    n_units = [200, 240, 320, 360, 420, 480]

    learning_rates = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(0.09), numpy.log10(1.2), 60)
    learning_rate_scalers = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(0.1), numpy.log10(1), 50)
    decay_factors =  numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(0.001), numpy.log10(0.06), 40)
    max_col_norms = [1.8365, 1.9365, 2.1365, 2.2365, 2.3486]

    ind = 0
    TABLE_NAME = "powerup_mnist_finest_large_2l"
    db = api0.open_db('postgresql://[email protected]/gulcehrc_db?table=' + TABLE_NAME)

    for i in xrange(n_trials):
        state.lr_rate = learning_rates[ri(learning_rates.shape[0]) - 1]

        state.powerup_nunits = n_units[ri(len(n_units)) - 1]
        state.powerup_npieces = n_pieces[ri(len(n_pieces) - 1)]

        state.powerup_nunits2 = state.powerup_nunits
        state.powerup_npieces2 = state.powerup_npieces

        state.W_lr_scale = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.09, high=1.0)
        state.p_lr_scale = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.09, high=1.0)

        state.init_mom = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.3, high=0.6)
        state.final_mom = numpy.random.uniform(low=state.init_mom + 0.1, high=0.9)
        state.decay_factor = decay_factors[ri(len(decay_factors)) - 1]
        state.max_col_norm = max_col_norms[ri(len(max_col_norms)) - 1]

        alphabet = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ0123456789')
        state.save_path = './'
        state.save_path += ''.join(alphabet[:7]) + '_'
        sql.insert_job(experiment, flatten(state), db)
        ind += 1

    db.createView(TABLE_NAME + '_view')
    print "{} jobs submitted".format(ind)
def tfd(n_trials):
    ri = numpy.random.random_integers

    state = DD()
    with open("tfd_powerup_temp.yaml") as ymtmp:
        state.yaml_string = ymtmp.read()

    state.powerup_nunits = 240
    state.powerup_npieces = 5
    state.W_lr_scale = 0.04
    state.p_lr_scale = 0.01
    state.lr_rate = 0.1
    state.l2_pen = 1e-5
    state.l2_pen2 = 0.0000
    state.init_mom = 0.5
    state.final_mom = 0.5
    state.decay_factor = 0.5
    state.max_col_norm = 1.9365
    state.max_col_norm2 = 1.8365

    state.save_path = "./"

    n_pieces = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]
    n_units = [200, 240, 280, 320, 420]
    learning_rates = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(0.001), numpy.log10(1.0), 32)
    learning_rate_scalers = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(0.01), numpy.log10(1), 30)
    l2_pen = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(1e-6), numpy.log10(3 * 1e-3), 100)
    max_col_norms = [1.8365, 1.9365, 2.1365, 2.2365, 2.3486, 2.4365]

    ind = 0
    TABLE_NAME = "powerup_tfd_1layer_finer_large2"
    db = api0.open_db("postgresql://[email protected]/gulcehrc_db?table=" + TABLE_NAME)

    for i in xrange(n_trials):

        state.lr_rate = learning_rates[ri(learning_rates.shape[0]) - 1]
        state.powerup_nunits = n_units[ri(len(n_units)) - 1]

        if state.powerup_nunits >= 320:
            state.powerup_npieces = n_pieces[ri(low=0, high=5)]
            state.powerup_npieces = n_pieces[ri(low=3, high=(len(n_pieces) - 1))]

        state.W_lr_scale = learning_rate_scalers[ri(len(learning_rate_scalers)) - 1]
        state.p_lr_scale = learning_rate_scalers[ri(len(learning_rate_scalers)) - 1]
        state.l2_pen = l2_pen[ri(l2_pen.shape[0]) - 1]
        state.init_mom = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.3, high=0.6)
        state.final_mom = numpy.random.uniform(low=state.init_mom + 1.0, high=0.9)
        state.decay_factor = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.01, high=0.05)
        state.max_col_norm = max_col_norms[ri(len(max_col_norms)) - 1]

        alphabet = list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ0123456789")
        state.save_path = "./"
        state.save_path += "".join(alphabet[:7]) + "_"
        sql.insert_job(experiment, flatten(state), db)
        ind += 1

    db.createView(TABLE_NAME + "_view")
    print "{} jobs submitted".format(ind)
Exemple #6
def generate_jobs_list(n_jobs, recorded, use_gpu, host, model_config):

    exps_list = []
    for i in range(n_jobs):
        # TODO: do not hardcode the common options!
        if recorded:
            print('..outputs of job (' + str(i) + ') will be recorded')
            exp_cmd = 'jobman -r cmdline experiment.job '
            exp_cmd = 'jobman cmdline experiment.job '

        if type(use_gpu) is int and host is 'local':
            exp_cmd = 'THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu%d,floatX=float32 '%use_gpu + exp_cmd

        exp_cmd = cmd_line_embed(exp_cmd, flatten(model_config))
        # print exp_cmd


    return exps_list
state.mem_nel = 200
state.mem_size = 28


ri = np.random.random_integers
learning_rates = np.logspace(np.log10(lr_min), np.log10(lr_max), 100)
stds = np.random.uniform(std_min, std_max, 100)

#Change the table name everytime you try
TABLE_NAME = "adam_grusoft_model_search_v0"

# You should have an account for jobman
db = api0.open_db('postgresql://[email protected]/gulcehrc_db?table=' + TABLE_NAME)
ind = 0

for i in xrange(n_trials):
    state.lr = learning_rates[ri(learning_rates.shape[0]) - 1]
    state.std = stds[ri(len(stds)) - 1]
    state.batch_size = batches[ri(len(batches)) - 1]
    state.renormalization_scale = renormalization_scale[ri(len(renormalization_scale)) - 1]
    state.mem_nel = mem_nels[ri(len(mem_nels)) - 1]
    state.mem_size = mem_sizes[ri(len(mem_sizes)) - 1]
    state.std = stds[ri(stds.shape[0]) - 1]
    sql.insert_job(memnet.train_model_adam_gru_soft.search_model_adam_gru_soft, flatten(state), db)
    ind += 1

db.createView(TABLE_NAME + "_view")
print "{} jobs submitted".format(ind)

Exemple #8
    for i in range(args.n_jobs):
        # TODO: do not hardcode the common options!
        if args.record:
            print('..outputs of job (' + str(i) + ') will be recorded')
            exp_cmd = 'jobman -r cmdline %s '%exp_model
            exp_cmd = 'jobman cmdline %s '%exp_model

        print exp_cmd

        if 'ip05' in host:
            exp_cmd = 'THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32 ' + exp_cmd
        if args.use_gpu and host == 'local':
            exp_cmd = 'THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu,floatX=float32 ' + exp_cmd

        exp_cmd = cmd_line_embed(exp_cmd, flatten(model_config[model]))
        exps_by_model.setdefault(model, [])



    print '..commands: ', cmd

    if not args.n_concur_jobs:
        print 'Jobs will be run locally.'
        print '%s jobs will be run simultaneously.'%args.n_concur_jobs
    for i in range(args.n_jobs):
        # TODO: do not hardcode the common options!
        #exp_cmd = 'jobman -r cmdline mlp_training_framework.model.experimTHEANO_FLAGS=profile=True,floatX=float32ent '
        if args.record:
            exp_cmd = 'jobman -r cmdline mlp_model.model.experiment '
            exp_cmd = 'jobman cmdline mlp_model.model.experiment '
        print exp_cmd

        if 'ip05' in host:
            exp_cmd = 'THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32 ' + exp_cmd
        if args.use_gpu and host == 'local':
            exp_cmd = 'THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu2,floatX=float32 ' + exp_cmd
        exp_cmd = cmd_line_embed(exp_cmd, flatten(model_config[model]))
        exps_by_model.setdefault(model, [])
        #import pdb
    #import pdb
    #print '====cmd====', cmd
    #print '==args.n_concur_jobs', args.n_concur_jobs
    if not args.n_concur_jobs:
        #import pdb