def _linkRecurse(fromDir, toDir):
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(fromDir):
        for dir in dirs:
            newRoot = toDir + root[len(fromDir):]
            util.mkdirChain(os.path.join(newRoot, dir))
        for file in files:
            newRoot = toDir + root[len(fromDir):]
            src = os.path.join(root, file)
            dest = os.path.join(newRoot, file)
            gencslist._linkOrCopyFile(src, dest)
Exemple #2
def lndir(src, dest, excludes=[]):
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(src):
        curdir = dirpath[len(src) + 1:]
        # skipping the directory by itself is not enough, we need to ensure
        # that sub directories get excluded as well (since we can't know them
        # ahead of time)
        if [x for x in excludes if curdir.startswith(x)]:
        for p in (filenames + dirnames):
            if curdir:
                curpath = join(curdir, p)
                curpath = p
            if curpath in excludes:
            if not os.path.exists(join(dest, curpath)) or os.path.isfile(join(dest, curpath)):
                # this is perfectly fine since the exact same path can't appear
                # in both the directory list and the file list.
                if p in filenames:
                    _linkOrCopyFile(join(dirpath, p), join(dest, curpath))
                    os.mkdir(join(dest, curpath))
    def buildIsos(self, topdir):
        outputDir = os.path.join(constants.finishedDir, self.UUID)
        self.outputDir = outputDir
        # add the group writeable bit
        os.chmod(outputDir, os.stat(outputDir)[0] & 0777 | 0020)

        isoList = []

        if self.basefilename:
            isoNameTemplate = self.basefilename + '-'
            isoNameTemplate = "%s-%s-%s-" % \
        sourceDir = os.path.normpath(topdir + "/../")

        for d in sorted(os.listdir(sourceDir)):
            if not d.startswith('disc'):

            discNum = d.split("disc")[-1]
            discNumStr = "Disc %d" % int(discNum)
            truncatedName = self.jobData['name'][:31-len(discNumStr)]
            volumeId = "%s %s" % (truncatedName, discNumStr)
            outputIsoName = isoNameTemplate + d + ".iso"
            if os.access(os.path.join(sourceDir, d, "isolinux/isolinux.bin"), os.R_OK):
                os.chdir(os.path.join(sourceDir, d))
                call("mkisofs", "-o", outputDir + "/" + outputIsoName,
                                "-b", "isolinux/isolinux.bin",
                                "-c", "isolinux/",
                                "-boot-load-size", "4",
                                "-boot-info-table", "-R", "-J",
                                "-V", volumeId,
                                "-T", ".")
                os.chdir(os.path.join(sourceDir, d))
                call("mkisofs", "-o", outputDir + "/" + outputIsoName,
                     "-R", "-J", "-V", volumeId, "-T", ".")

            # mkisofs will happily ignore out of space conditions and produce a
            # truncated ISO file, so assume that if there's less than 1MB of
            # free space afterwards that it failed.
            fst = os.statvfs(outputDir)
            if fst.f_bsize * fst.f_bfree < 1000000:
                raise RuntimeError(
                        "Not enough scratch space while running mkisofs")

            isoList.append((outputIsoName, "%s Disc %s" % (self.jobData['project']['name'], discNum)))

        isoList = [ (os.path.join(outputDir, iso[0]), iso[1]) for iso in isoList ]
        # this for loop re-identifies any iso greater than 700MB as a DVD
        for index, (iso, name) in zip(range(len(isoList)), isoList[:]):
            szPipe = os.popen('isosize %s' % iso, 'r')
            isoSize = int(
            if isoSize > 734003200: # 700 MB in bytes
                newIso = iso.replace('disc', 'dvd')
                newName = name.replace('Disc', 'DVD')
                os.rename(iso, newIso)
                isoList[index] = (newIso, newName)

        for iso, name in isoList:
            if not os.access(iso, os.R_OK):
                raise RuntimeError, "ISO generation failed"
                cmd = [constants.implantIsoMd5]
                if not self.showMediaCheck:

        # add the netboot images
        for f in ('boot.iso', 'diskboot.img'):
            inF = os.path.join(topdir, 'images', f)
            outF = os.path.join(outputDir, f)
            if os.path.exists(inF):
                gencslist._linkOrCopyFile(inF, outF)
                isoList += ( (outF, f), )
        return isoList