Exemple #1
def mkp_dfa(Q, Sigma, Delta, q0, F):
    """In : Traits of a DFA
       Out: A DFA
       Check for partial consistency of the given DFA traits.
       If the check passes, make and return a DFA with a partial 
    newDFA = {"Q": Q, "Sigma": Sigma, "Delta": Delta, "q0": q0, "F": F}
    assert (
    ), "DFA given to mkp_dfa is not partially consistent. Plz check its components."
    return (newDFA)
Exemple #2
def totalize_dfa(D):
    """In : Partially consistent DFA
       Out: A consistent DFA 
       Given a partially specified DFA, make it total by 
       transitioning to state BH wherever the incoming Delta 
       has gaps. The returned DFA is structurally consistent.
    assert (is_partially_consistent_dfa(D)
            ), "DFA given to totalize_dfa is not partially consistent."
    if set(fn_dom(D["Delta"])) == set(product(D["Q"], D["Sigma"])):
        # It is already total!
        return D
        # We must introduce a BH state of not already present
        # and proceed from there
        incoming_Delta = D["Delta"].copy()

        # Gaps in incoming_Delta's transition function are sent
        # to the BH (black-hole) state
        gaps_in_Tr = {(q, c): "BH"
                      for q in D["Q"] for c in D["Sigma"]
                      if (q, c) not in D["Delta"]}

        # We are gonna add a new black-hole-state.
        # It must curl back to itself for every symbol in Sigma
        bh_self_absorbent_moves = {("BH", c): "BH" for c in D["Sigma"]}

        # Fill the gaps in incoming_Delta

        # Add in the moves where the black-hole state curls
        # back to itself

        # All updates required are accomplished
        finished_Delta = incoming_Delta

        # See that we update D["Q"] with the "BH" (black-hole)
        # state; also return the fixed-up incoming_Delta
        return {
            "Q": D["Q"] | {"BH"},
            "Sigma": D["Sigma"],
            "Delta": finished_Delta,
            "q0": D["q0"],
            "F": D["F"]