Exemple #1
def getJpegInfo(path):
    @summary: Gets jpeg information.
    @return: Tuple with exif info, exif2 info and comments.
        infoExif = jpeg.getExif(path)
        __log__.debug("Gets EXIF information %s" % infoExif)
    except Exception:
        __log__.warning("It could not get EXIF information from %s" % path)
        infoExif = None
        infoExif2 = jpeg.getExif2(path)
        __log__.debug("Gets EXIF2 information %s" % infoExif2)
    except Exception:
        __log__.warning("It could not get EXIF2 information from %s" % path)
        infoExif2 = None
        infoComments = jpeg.getComments(path)
        __log__.debug("Gets comments %s" % infoComments)
    except Exception:
        __log__.warning("It could not get comments information from %s" % path)
        infoComments = None

    return (infoExif, infoExif2, infoComments)
Exemple #2
    def save( self ):
        """Writes metadata out to photo comments."""

        # load existing comments
        c = jpeg.getComments( self.fname )

        # Find previous metadata and get comments that precede and follow
        # our metadata (so we don't nuke somebody else's comments).
        before = ''
        after = ''
        i = c.find( BEGIN_TAG )
        if i == -1:
            # No previous tags
            before = c

            # Get before
            before = c[:i]

            # And get after
            i = c.find( END_TAG )
            assert i != -1, "Bad metadata"
            after = c[i+len( END_TAG ):]

        # Generate metadata block
        meta = BEGIN_TAG
        for ( name, value ) in self.items():
            meta = '%s<%s>%s</%s>' % ( meta, name, value, name )
        meta = '%s%s' % ( meta, END_TAG )

        # Write comments back out
        jpeg.setComments( '%s%s%s' % ( before, meta, after ), self.fname )
Exemple #3
def pipp_jpeg_comment(context, src):
    ctx = context.processor.extensionParams[(NAMESPACE, 'context')]
    src = ctx.abs_in_path(Conversions.StringValue(src))
    return jpeg.getComments(src)
Exemple #4
def pipp_jpeg_comment(context, src):
    ctx = context.processor.extensionParams[(NAMESPACE, 'context')]
    src = ctx.abs_in_path(Conversions.StringValue(src))
    return jpeg.getComments(src)
Exemple #5
    def _load( self ):
        """Loads photo metadata from file comments."""

        # load comments from file
        c = jpeg.getComments( self.fname )

        # look for our semaphore
        i = c.find( BEGIN_TAG )
        if i == -1:
            # if it is not present, then we haven't tagged this file yet

        # start parsing after semaphore
        i += len( BEGIN_TAG )
        state = STATE_SCANNING
        tagname = None
        iTagname = -1
        iTagbody = -1
        closingTag = None

            if state==STATE_SCANNING:
                # Check for begin of tag name
                if c[i] == '<':
                    # Check for end of tags
                    if c[i:i+len(END_TAG)] == END_TAG:

                    # Start parsing tag name
                    state = STATE_INTAGNAME
                    iTagname = i+1

                # else ignore
                i += 1

            elif state==STATE_INTAGNAME:
                # Check for end of tag name
                if c[i] == '>':
                    # Get tag name
                    tagname = c[iTagname:i]
                    closingTag = '</%s>' % tagname

                    # Start parsing tag body
                    state = STATE_INTAGBODY
                    iTagbody = i+1

                # else just keep trucking on the tag name
                i += 1

            elif state==STATE_INTAGBODY:
                # Check for closing tag
                if c[i:i+len(closingTag)] == closingTag:
                    # Store tag in metadata
                    tagbody = c[iTagbody:i]
                    tagbody = COMMENT_RE.sub('', tagbody)
                    self[tagname] = tagbody
                    state = STATE_SCANNING
                    i += len(closingTag)

                # else keep on trucking on tag body
                    i += 1

            assert i < len(c), "Bad metadata"

            # In old metadata, absence of 'published' attribute was equivalent
            # to published == False
            if not 'published' in self:
                self['published'] = 'False'