def LoadTransformationGogma(transformationPathGogma): with open(transformationPathGogma) as f: x = np.loadtxt(f) print x if x.size > 12: x = x[0,:] t_abGlobal = x[:3] R_abGlobal = np.reshape(x[3:],(3,3)) print "R_ab",R_abGlobal print "t_ab",t_abGlobal q_baGlobal = Quaternion() q_baGlobal.fromRot3(R_abGlobal.T) transformationPathGogmaRefined = os.path.splitext(transformationPathGogma)[0]+"_refinement.txt" print transformationPathGogmaRefined with open(transformationPathGogmaRefined) as f: x = np.loadtxt(f) print x if x.size > 12: x = x[0,:] t_ab = x[:3] R_ab = np.reshape(x[3:],(3,3)) print "R_ab",R_ab print "t_ab",t_ab q_ba = Quaternion() q_ba.fromRot3(R_ab.T) return q_ba,, q_baGlobal,,
def RunFFT(scanApath, scanBpath, transformationPathFFT, q_gt=None, t_gt=None, returnBoth=False): scanApathAbs = os.path.abspath(scanApath) scanBpathAbs = os.path.abspath(scanBpath) transformationPathFFTAbs = os.path.abspath(transformationPathFFT) args = ["./", '\'' + scanApathAbs + '\'', '\'' + scanBpathAbs + '\'', '\'' + transformationPathFFTAbs+'\''] print " ".join(args) t0 = time.time() err =" ".join(args), shell=True) dt = time.time() - t0 print "dt: ", dt, "[s]" if err > 0: print "ERROR in run FFT" return Quaternion(), np.zeros(3), dt, False qs,ts = LoadTransformation(transformationPathFFT) id_best = 0 if not (q_gt is None and t_gt is None): dist = np.zeros(len(qs)) for i in range(len(qs)): dist[i] = q_gt.angleTo(qs[i]) print dist id_best = np.argmin(dist) if returnBoth: return qs[id_best], ts[id_best], qs[0], ts[0], dt, True else: return qs[id_best], ts[id_best], dt, True
def RunBBsimple(scanApath, scanBpath, transformationPathBB, lambdaS3, lambdaR3, EGImode=False): args = ['../pod-build/bin/dpOptTransPly', '-a {}'.format(scanApath), '-b {}'.format(scanBpath), '-l {}'.format(lambdaS3), '-t {}'.format(lambdaR3), '-o ' + re.sub(".csv","",transformationPathBB) ] if EGImode: args.append('-e') print " ".join(args) t0 = time.time() err =" ".join(args), shell=True) dt = time.time() - t0 if err > 0: print "ERROR in RunBB" return Quaternion(), np.zeros(3), np.zeros(4), dt, False q,t,lbS3,lbR3, KvmfA, KvmfB, KgmmA, KgmmB =\ LoadTransformationAndBounds(transformationPathBB) Ks = np.array([KvmfA, KvmfB, KgmmA, KgmmB]) print "dt: ", dt, "[s]" if np.logical_or(np.isinf([lbR3]), np.isnan([lbR3])).all(): return q, np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]), Ks,dt,False return q,t, Ks, dt,True
def LoadTransformation(transformationPath): with open(transformationPath) as f: f.readline() qt = np.loadtxt(f) if len(qt.shape) == 1: q = Quaternion(w=qt[0], x=qt[1], y=qt[2], z=qt[3]) t = qt[4:7] else: q = [] t = [] for i in range(qt.shape[0]): q.append(Quaternion(w=qt[i,0], x=qt[i,1], y=qt[i,2], z=qt[i,3])) t.append(qt[i,4:7]) print "from path: ", transformationPath print 'q', q print 't', t return q,t
def LoadTransformationGoICP(transformationPathGoICP): with open(transformationPathGoICP) as f: dt = float(f.readline()) R = np.zeros((3,3)) for i in range(3): Ristring = f.readline()[:-1].split(" ") print Ristring R[i,:] = np.array([float(Ri) for Ri in Ristring if len(Ri) > 1]) t = np.zeros(3) for i in range(3): t[i] = float(f.readline()[:-1]) print "R",R print "t",t print "dt",dt # R = R.T # t = - q = Quaternion() q.fromRot3(R.T) return q,, dt
def RunBB(cfg, scanApath, scanBpath, transformationPathBB,\ EGImode=False, TpSmode=False, AAmode=False, outputBoundsAt0=False): lbsS3 = np.zeros(len(cfg["lambdaS3"])) lbsR3 = np.zeros(len(cfg["lambdaS3"])) Ks = np.zeros((len(cfg["lambdaS3"]), 4)) qs, ts = [],[] dt = 0. for j,lambdaS3 in enumerate(cfg["lambdaS3"]): args = ['../pod-build/bin/dpOptTransPly', '-a {}'.format(scanApath), '-b {}'.format(scanBpath), '-l {}'.format(lambdaS3), '-t {}'.format(cfg["lambdaR3"]), '-o ' + re.sub(".csv","",transformationPathBB) ] if EGImode: args.append('-e') if TpSmode: args.append('--TpS') if AAmode: args.append('--AA') if outputBoundsAt0: args.append('--oB0') print " ".join(args) t0 = time.time() err =" ".join(args), shell=True) dt += time.time() - t0 if err > 0: print "ERROR in RunBB" return Quaternion(), np.zeros(3), np.zeros(4), dt, False q,t,lbsS3[j],lbsR3[j], KvmfA, KvmfB, KgmmA, KgmmB =\ LoadTransformationAndBounds(transformationPathBB) qs.append(q) ts.append(t) Ks[j,0], Ks[j,1], Ks[j,2], Ks[j,3] = KvmfA, KvmfB, KgmmA, KgmmB print 'lbsS3', lbsS3 print 'lbsR3', lbsR3 print "dt: ", dt, "[s]" if np.logical_or(np.isinf(lbsR3), np.isnan(lbsR3)).all(): idMax = np.argmax(lbsS3) return qs[idMax], np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]), Ks[idMax,:],dt,False idMax = np.argmax(lbsS3*lbsR3) print "choosing scale {} of run {}".format(cfg["lambdaS3"][idMax],idMax) q,t = qs[idMax], ts[idMax] lbS3, lbR3 = lbsS3[idMax], lbsR3[idMax] KvmfA, KvmfB, KgmmA, KgmmB = Ks[idMax,0], Ks[idMax,1], Ks[idMax,2], Ks[idMax,3] with open(transformationPathBB,'w') as f: # write best one back to file f.write("qw qx qy qz tx ty tz lbS3 lbR3 KvmfA KvmfB KgmmA KgmmB\n") f.write("{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format( q.q[0],q.q[1],q.q[2],q.q[3],t[0],t[1],t[2],lbS3,lbR3,KvmfA,\ KvmfB, KgmmA, KgmmB)) return q,t, Ks[idMax,:], dt,True
def LoadTransformationAndData(transformationPath): with open(transformationPath) as f: f.readline() qt = np.loadtxt(f) if len(qt.shape) == 1: q = qt[:4] t = qt[4:7] data = qt[7:] else: q = qt[0,:4] t = qt[0,4:7] data = qt[0,:] q = Quaternion(w=q[0], x=q[1], y=q[2], z=q[3]) return q,t,data
def RunGogma(scanApath, scanBpath, transformationPathGogma, pathGOGMAcfg = '/home/jstraub/workspace/research/3rdparty/gogma/build/config.txt', timeout_sec = 3600): PreparePcForGogma(scanApath, scanBpath) args = ['/home/jstraub/workspace/research/3rdparty/gogma/build/gogma', os.path.abspath(re.sub(".ply",".txt",scanApath)), os.path.abspath(re.sub(".ply",".txt",scanBpath)), pathGOGMAcfg, os.path.abspath(re.sub(".csv",".txt",transformationPathGogma)), "2>&1" ] print " ".join(args) t0 = time.time() err = run(" ".join(args), timeout_sec) t1 = time.time() dt = t1 - t0 print "error ", err if err == 0: # err =" ".join(args), shell=True) q_ba,t_ba,q_baGlobal,t_baGlobal = LoadTransformationGogma(re.sub(".csv", ".txt",transformationPathGogma)) return q_ba,t_ba,q_baGlobal,t_baGlobal,dt,True else: return Quaternion(),np.array([0,0,0]),Quaternion(),np.array([0,0,0]),dt,False
def RunMM(scanApath, scanBpath, transformationPathMM): args = ['../pod-build/bin/moment_matched_T3', '-a {}'.format(scanApath), '-b {}'.format(scanBpath), '-o {}'.format(re.sub(".csv","",transformationPathMM)) ] print " ".join(args) t0 = time.time() err =" ".join(args), shell=True) dt = time.time() - t0 print "dt: ", dt, "[s]" if err > 0: print "ERROR in run MM" return Quaternion(), np.zeros(3), dt, False q,t = LoadTransformation(transformationPathMM) return q,t, dt,True
def LoadTransformationAndBounds(transformationPath): with open(transformationPath) as f: f.readline() qt = np.loadtxt(f) if len(qt.shape) == 1: q = qt[:4] t = qt[4:7] lbS3 = qt[7] lbR3 = qt[8] KvmfA, KvmfB, KgmmA, KgmmB = qt[9],qt[10],qt[11],qt[12] else: q = qt[0,:4] t = qt[0,4:7] lbS3 = qt[0,7] lbR3 = qt[0,8] KvmfA, KvmfB, KgmmA, KgmmB = qt[0,9],qt[0,10],qt[0,11],qt[0,12] print 'q', q print 't', t q = Quaternion(w=q[0], x=q[1], y=q[2], z=q[3]) return q,t, lbS3, lbR3, KvmfA, KvmfB, KgmmA, KgmmB
def RunICP(scanApath, scanBpath, transformationPathICP, useNormals=True, transformationPathGlobal=None): args = ['../pod-build/bin/icp_T3', '-a {}'.format(scanApath), '-b {}'.format(scanBpath), '-o {}'.format(re.sub(".csv","",transformationPathICP)) ] if not transformationPathGlobal is None: args.append('-t {}'.format(transformationPathGlobal)) if useNormals: args.append("-n") print " ".join(args) t0 = time.time() err =" ".join(args), shell=True) dt = time.time() - t0 print "dt: ", dt, "[s]" if err > 0: print "ERROR in run ICP" return Quaternion(), np.zeros(3), dt,False q,t = LoadTransformation(transformationPathICP) return q,t,dt,True
def RunFFT(scanApath, scanBpath, transformationPathFFT, q_gt=None, t_gt=None, returnBoth=False, timeout_sec = 3600 ): scanApathAbs = os.path.abspath(scanApath) scanBpathAbs = os.path.abspath(scanBpath) transformationPathFFTAbs = os.path.abspath(transformationPathFFT) args = ["./", '\'' + scanApathAbs + '\'', '\'' + scanBpathAbs + '\'', '\'' + transformationPathFFTAbs+'\''] print " ".join(args) t0 = time.time() err = run(" ".join(args), timeout_sec) dt = time.time() - t0 print "dt: ", dt, "[s]" if not err == 0: print "ERROR in run FFT" return Quaternion(), np.zeros(3), dt, False qs,ts,raw = LoadTransformation(transformationPathFFT) if not isinstance(qs, (list, tuple)): qs = [qs] ts = [ts] id_best = 0 if not (q_gt is None and t_gt is None): dist = np.zeros(len(qs)) for i in range(len(qs)): dist[i] = q_gt.angleTo(qs[i]) print dist id_best = np.argmin(dist) if len(qs)==1: if np.all(ts[0] == 0): print "translation 0 => FFT failed" return qs[0], ts[0], dt, False if returnBoth: return qs[id_best], ts[id_best], qs[0], ts[0], dt, True else: return qs[id_best], ts[id_best], dt, True
def RunGoICP(scanApath, scanBpath, transformationPathGoICP, NdDownsampled=3000, timeout_sec = 3600): scale = PreparePcForGoICP(scanApath, scanBpath) args = ['../goIcp/src/build/GoICP', re.sub(".ply",".txt",scanApath), re.sub(".ply",".txt",scanBpath), '{}'.format(NdDownsampled), '../goIcp/config.txt', re.sub(".csv",".txt",transformationPathGoICP) ] print " ".join(args) t0 = time.time() err = run(" ".join(args), timeout_sec) dt = time.time() - t0 print "error ", err print "dt: ", dt, "[s]" # err =" ".join(args), shell=True) if err == 0: q,t,_ = LoadTransformationGoICP(re.sub(".csv",".txt",transformationPathGoICP)) t*= scale return q,t,dt,True else: return Quaternion(),np.array([0,0,0]),dt,False
version = "3.06" # early termination of rotations to get multiple peaks (lvl 11) version = "3.07" # eval on 3Dsim data validInput = False if"config_[0-9]+.txt", cmdArgs.input): with open(cmdArgs.input) as f: scanApath = os.path.join( os.path.split(cmdArgs.input)[0], f.readline()[:-1]) scanBpath = os.path.join( os.path.split(cmdArgs.input)[0], f.readline()[:-1]) f.readline() x = np.loadtxt(f) # T_gt is T_ba but the saved config is T_ab q_gt = Quaternion(w=x[3], x=x[0], y=x[1], z=x[2]).inverse() t_gt = -q_gt.rotate(x[4:7]) data_gt = x[7:] paramString = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(cmdArgs.input)[1])[0] print paramString q_A = Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0) t_A = np.array([0, 0, 0]) q_B = Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0) t_B = np.array([0, 0, 0]) if os.path.isfile(scanApath) and os.path.isfile(scanBpath): validInput = True else: validInput = False
import numpy as np from scipy.linalg import solve from js.geometry.quaternion import Quaternion for path in [ "../data/gazebo_winter/", "../data/mountain_plain/", "../data/gazebo_summer/" ]: #for path in [ "../data/stairs/", "../data/apartment/", "../data/wood_summer/" ]: with open(path+"pose_scanner_leica.csv") as f: f.readline() x = np.loadtxt(f,delimiter=",") for i in range(x.shape[0]): T_wc = np.reshape(x[i,2:],(4,4)) R_wc = T_wc[:3,:3] q_wc = Quaternion() q_wc.fromRot3(R_wc) t_wc = T_wc[:3,3] print t_wc, q_wc with open(path+"pose_{}.csv".format(i),"w") as fout: fout.write("q_w q_x q_y q_z t_x t_y t_z\n") fout.write("{} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(q_wc.q[0],\ q_wc.q[1],q_wc.q[2],q_wc.q[3],t_wc[0],t_wc[1],t_wc[2]))
R_BA = t_BA = + t_B results = {"GT":{"q":q_gt.q.tolist(), "t":t_gt.tolist(), "q_A_W":q_A.q.tolist(), "t_A_W":t_A.tolist(), "q_B_W":q_B.q.tolist(), "t_B_W":t_B.tolist(), "overlap":data_gt[0], "sizeA":data_gt[1], "sizeB": data_gt[2], # compute magnitude of translation as well as rotation of the two # viewpoints of the scene. "dtranslation": np.sqrt((t_BA**2).sum()), "dangle": q_A.angleTo(q_B)*180./np.pi }, "version":version} if showUntransformed: q0 = Quaternion(1.,0.,0.,0.) DisplayPcs(scanApath, scanBpath, q0, np.zeros(3), False, False) DisplayPcs(scanApath, scanBpath, q_gt,t_gt, True, True) if runGoICP: q,t,dt,success = RunGoICP(scanApath, scanBpath, transformationPathGoICP) if not success: err_a, err_t = np.nan, np.nan else: err_a, err_t = EvalError(q_gt, t_gt, q, t) print "GoICP: {} deg {} m".format(err_a, err_t) results["GoICP"] = {"err_a":err_a, "err_t":err_t, "q":q.q.tolist(), "t":t.tolist(), "dt":dt} q0 = Quaternion(1.,0.,0.,0.) DisplayPcs(scanApath, scanBpath, q0, np.zeros(3), False, False, False)