def output_geojson_bzipped(index, routes):
        ids = [id for (id, t, g) in routes]
        geometries = [cascaded_union(geoms) for (i, t, geoms) in routes]
        geometries = [geom.__geo_interface__ for geom in geometries if geom]
        properties = [tags for (i, tags, g) in routes]
        features = [dict(type='Feature', id=id, properties=p, geometry=g)
                    for (id, p, g) in zip(ids, properties, geometries)]
        geojson = dict(type='FeatureCollection', features=features)
        encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
        encoded = encoder.iterencode(geojson)

        output = BZ2File('routes-%06d.json.bz2' % index, 'w')
        for token in encoded:
            if charfloat_pat.match(token):
                # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
                output.write(token[0] + '%.6f' % float(token[1:]))
            elif float_pat.match(token):
                # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
                output.write('%.6f' % float(token))

    except Exception, e:
        return index, len(routes), e
Exemple #2
  def to_output(self, output: TextIOBase, **kwargs):
    Outputs the given object to the given output stream in
    the JSON data representation format.

      output:   The output stream to serialize object to.
      kwargs:   Additional arguments to be passed to the
                JSON encoder.

    assert output.writable()

    default = JSONEncoder.default

    def json_encoder(value):
      if isinstance(value, IOable):
        return value.to_dict()
      elif hasattr(value, 'to_json'):
        return value.to_json()
        raise TypeError(f'{value}')

    if 'indent' not in kwargs:
      kwargs['indent'] = 2
    encoder = JSONEncoder(default=json_encoder, **kwargs)
    for chunk in encoder.iterencode(self):
def output_geojson_bzipped(index, streets):
        ids = [str(uuid1()) for (n, k, h, g) in streets]
        geometries = [geom.__geo_interface__ for (n, k, h, geom) in streets]

        properties = [dict(name=short_street_name(n), long_name=n, kind=k, highway=h)
                      for (n, k, h, g) in streets]
        features = [dict(type='Feature', id=id, properties=p, geometry=g)
                    for (id, p, g) in zip(ids, properties, geometries)]
        geojson = dict(type='FeatureCollection', features=features)
        encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
        encoded = encoder.iterencode(geojson)

        output = BZ2File('streets-%06d.json.bz2' % index, 'w')
        for token in encoded:
            if charfloat_pat.match(token):
                # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
                output.write(token[0] + '%.6f' % float(token[1:]))
            elif float_pat.match(token):
                # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
                output.write('%.6f' % float(token))

    except Exception, e:
        return index, len(streets), e
def json_encode(data, pretty=False):
    ''' Encode stream of JSON with 7-digits floating point precision.
    if pretty:
        separators = (', ', ': ')
        indent = 2
        separators = (',', ':')
        indent = None
    encoder = JSONEncoder(indent=indent, separators=separators)
    encoded = encoder.iterencode(data)
    output = StringIO()
    for token in encoded:
        if charfloat_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
            output.write(token[0] + '%.7f' % float(token[1:]))
        elif float_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
            output.write('%.7f' % float(token))
    return output.getvalue()
Exemple #5
class JsonEncoder(object):
    """JSON Encoder."""

    def __init__(self, stream, **kwargs):
        """Create JSON Encoder.

        :param stream: Output stream
        :type stream: file or io.IOBase
        """ = stream

        self.encoder = JSONEncoder(**kwargs)

    def write_dict(self, items):
        """Write dictionary to stream.

        :param items: Items
        :type items: generator
        for chunk in self.encoder.iterencode(DictionaryEmitter(items)):
            if six.PY3:
                chunk = bytes(chunk, encoding='utf8')


    def write_list(self, items):
        """Write list to stream.

        :param items: Items
        :type items: generator
        raise NotImplementedError
 def dump(iterator, f=sys.stdout):
     """ Converts a Python generator (iterator) to a JSON list and
 outputs to a file handle (f) (defaults to sys.stdout)"""
     encoder = JSONEncoder(indent=2)
     for chunk in encoder.iterencode(
Exemple #7
class JsonFormatter(Formatter):
    def begin(self, fields):
        self.encoder = JSONEncoder(indent=2, separators=(', ', ': '))

    def iterout(self, iterable):
        for chunk in self.encoder.iterencode(list(iterable)):

    def out(self, d):
Exemple #8
def json_encode(data):
    ''' Encode stream of JSON with 7-digits floating point precision.
    encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
    encoded = encoder.iterencode(data)
    output = StringIO()

    for token in encoded:
        if charfloat_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
            output.write(token[0] + '%.7f' % float(token[1:]))

        elif float_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
            output.write('%.7f' % float(token))


    return output.getvalue()
Exemple #9
    def iterencode(self, o: object, *args, **kwargs):
        Overriding the iterencode method in json.JSONEncoder class

        keyword argument:
            o -- A python object
            *args and **kwargs -- Cover any other positional arguments
        def is_namedtuple() -> bool:
            Returns true if object is a namedtuple for the typing or collections library.
            return (isinstance(o, tuple)
                    and getattr(o, '_fields', None) is not None)

        if is_namedtuple():
            ntuple_odict: 'OrderedDict[str, Any]' = o._asdict()
            return str({k: v
                        for k, v in ntuple_odict.items()}).replace("'", '"')
        return JSONEncoder.iterencode(o, *args, **kwargs)
Exemple #10
def write_liljson(data, output, precision):

    args = {'separators': (',', ':')}

    encoder = JSONEncoder(**args)
    encoded = encoder.iterencode(data)

    format = '%.' + str(precision) + 'f'

    for token in encoded:

        if charfloat_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
            output.write(token[0] + format % float(token[1:]))

        elif float_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
            output.write(format % float(token))

Exemple #11
def write_liljson(data, output, precision):

    args = { 'separators': (',', ':') }

    encoder = JSONEncoder(**args)
    encoded = encoder.iterencode(data)
    format = '%.' + str(precision) + 'f'
    for token in encoded:

        if charfloat_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
            output.write(token[0] + format % float(token[1:]))

        elif float_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
            output.write(format % float(token))

Exemple #12
  def to_output(cls, object: 'IOable',
                     output: TextIOBase, format: str = 'json',
                     options: Dict = {}, **kwargs):
    Outputs the given object to the given output stream in
    the specified output data representation format.

      object:   The object to serialize.
      output:   The output stream to serialize object to.
      format:   The output serialization format: 'json'.
      options:  The options to be passed to to_object
                via json_encoder_default, used to customize
                and tweak the object generation process.
      kwargs:   Additional arguments to be passed to the
                specific output format encoder.

      ValueError: If output format is unsupported.
    assert output.writable()

    default = JSONEncoder.default

    def json_encoder(value):
      if isinstance(value, IOable):
        return value.__class__.to_object(value, **options)
      elif hasattr(value, 'to_json'):
        return getattr(value, 'to_json', default)(value, **options)
        raise TypeError(f'{value}')

    if format == 'json':
      if 'indent' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['indent'] = 2
      encoder = JSONEncoder(default=json_encoder, **kwargs)
      for chunk in encoder.iterencode(object):
      raise ValueError(f'Unsupported "{format}" output format')
def merge_geojson(geojsonPath, outfile):
    float_pat = compile(r'^-?\d+\.\d+(e-?\d+)?$')
    charfloat_pat = compile(r'^[\[,\,]-?\d+\.\d+(e-?\d+)?$')
    precision = 6

    infiles = glob.glob(geojsonPath)
    outjson = dict(type='FeatureCollection', features=[])

    for infile in infiles:
        injson = load(open(infile))

        if injson.get('type', None) != 'FeatureCollection':
            raise Exception('Sorry, "%s" does not look like GeoJSON' % infile)

        if type(injson.get('features', None)) != list:
            raise Exception('Sorry, "%s" does not look like GeoJSON' % infile)

        outjson['features'] += injson['features']

    encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
    encoded = encoder.iterencode(outjson)

    format = '%.' + str(precision) + 'f'
    output = open(outfile, 'w')

    for token in encoded:
        if charfloat_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
            output.write(token[0] + format % float(token[1:]))

        elif float_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
            output.write(format % float(token))

Exemple #14
float_pat = compile(r'^-?\d+\.\d+(e-?\d+)?$')
charfloat_pat = compile(r'^[\[,\,]-?\d+\.\d+(e-?\d+)?$')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    features = []
    for line in stdin:
        except Exception, e:

    geojson = dict(type='FeatureCollection', features=features)
    encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
    encoded = encoder.iterencode(geojson)
    for token in encoded:
        if charfloat_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
            stdout.write(token[0] + '%.5f' % float(token[1:]))
        elif float_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
            stdout.write('%.5f' % float(token))
Exemple #15
    outjson = dict(type='FeatureCollection', features=[])

    for infile in infiles:
        injson = load(open(infile))

        if injson.get('type', None) != 'FeatureCollection':
            raise Exception('Sorry, "%s" does not look like GeoJSON' % infile)

        if type(injson.get('features', None)) != list:
            raise Exception('Sorry, "%s" does not look like GeoJSON' % infile)

        outjson['features'] += injson['features']

    encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
    encoded = encoder.iterencode(outjson)

    format = '%.' + str(options.precision) + 'f'
    output = open(outfile, 'w')

    for token in encoded:
        if charfloat_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
            output.write(token[0] + format % float(token[1:]))

        elif float_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
            output.write(format % float(token))

outjson = dict(type='FeatureCollection', features=[])

for infile in infiles:
    injson = load(open(infile))

    if injson.get('type', None) != 'FeatureCollection':
        raise Exception('Sorry, "%s" does not look like GeoJSON' % infile)

    if type(injson.get('features', None)) != list:
        raise Exception('Sorry, "%s" does not look like GeoJSON' % infile)

    outjson['features'] += injson['features']

encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
encoded = encoder.iterencode(outjson)

format = '%.' + str(options.precision) + 'f'
output = open(outfile, 'w')

for token in encoded:
    if charfloat_pat.match(token):
        # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
        output.write(token[0] + format % float(token[1:]))

    elif float_pat.match(token):
        # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
        output.write(format % float(token))

Exemple #17
                  type='int', help='Digits of precision, default %(precision)d.' % defaults)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    # Read!
    input = len(args) and open(args[0]) or stdin
    data = load(input)
    # Write!
    encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
    encoded = encoder.iterencode(data)
    format = '%.' + str(options.precision) + 'f'
    output = len(args) == 2 and open(args[1], 'w') or stdout
    for token in encoded:
        if charfloat_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
            output.write(token[0] + format % float(token[1:]))

        elif float_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
            output.write(format % float(token))

from re import compile
import encode_postgis
float_pat = compile(r'^-?\d+\.\d+(e-?\d+)?$')
charfloat_pat = compile(r'^[\[,\,]-?\d+\.\d+(e-?\d+)?$')

#input = { "type": "FeatureCollection","features": [{ "type": "Feature",                  "geometry": {                      "type": "Polygon",                      "coordinates": [                          [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0],                            [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]                      ]                  },                  "properties": {                      "prop0": "value0",                      "prop1": {"this": "that"}                  }                }            ]}
input = { "type": "FeatureCollection",            "features": [                { "type": "Feature",                  "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [102.0, 0.5]},                 "properties": {"prop0": "value0"}                },                { "type": "Feature",                  "geometry": {                      "type": "LineString",                      "coordinates": [                          [102.0, 0.0], [103.0, 1.0], [104.0, 0.0], [105.0, 1.0]                      ]                  },                  "properties": {                      "prop0": "value0",                      "prop1": 0.0                  }                },                { "type": "Feature",                  "geometry": {                      "type": "Polygon",                      "coordinates": [                          [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0],                            [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ]                      ]                  },                  "properties": {                      "prop0": "value0",                      "prop1": {"this": "that"}                  }                }            ]}
data = dumps(input)
print data
#data = loads(data)
#print data
# Write!
encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
encoded = encoder.iterencode(input)

# format = '%.' + str(options.precision) + 'f'
# output = len(args) == 2 and open(args[1], 'w') or stdout
prev_lat = 0
prev_lng = 0
out = ""
char_lat = True

# p = ""
# for feature in input['features']:
#     print feature['geometry']['type']
#     print feature['geometry']['coordinates']
#     print encode_postgis._encode_geometry(feature['geometry'])
#     feature['geometry']['coordinates'] = encode_postgis._encode_geometry(feature['geometry'])
Exemple #19
            "prop0": "value0",
            "prop1": {
                "this": "that"
data = dumps(input)
print data
#data = loads(data)
#print data
# Write!
encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
encoded = encoder.iterencode(input)

# format = '%.' + str(options.precision) + 'f'
# output = len(args) == 2 and open(args[1], 'w') or stdout
prev_lat = 0
prev_lng = 0
out = ""
char_lat = True

# p = ""
# for feature in input['features']:
#     print feature['geometry']['type']
#     print feature['geometry']['coordinates']
#     print encode_postgis._encode_geometry(feature['geometry'])
#     feature['geometry']['coordinates'] = encode_postgis._encode_geometry(feature['geometry'])
Exemple #20
                  type='int', help='Digits of precision, default %(precision)d.' % defaults)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    # Read!
    input = len(args) and open(args[0]) or stdin
    data = load(input)
    # Write!
    encoder = JSONEncoder(separators=(',', ':'))
    encoded = encoder.iterencode(data)
    format = '%.' + str(options.precision) + 'f'
    output = len(args) == 2 and open(args[1], 'w') or stdout
    for token in encoded:
        if charfloat_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.7, we see a character followed by a float literal
            output.write(token[0] + format % float(token[1:]))

        elif float_pat.match(token):
            # in python 2.6, we see a simple float literal
            output.write(format % float(token))
