def _verify_schema1_content( self, schema: SchemaDefinition, source_file, addl_checks: Callable[[SchemaDefinition], None] = None) -> None: expected = loads(f"""{{ "default_prefix": "{source_file}/", "name": "{source_file}", "id": "{source_file}", "title": "Load Raw Schema Test", "metamodel_version": "0.5.0", "source_file": "{source_file}.yaml", "source_file_date": "Mon Dec 31 11:25:38 2018", "source_file_size": 76, "generation_date": "2018-12-31 11:50" }}""") schema.source_file = os.path.basename(schema.source_file) if addl_checks: addl_checks(schema) self.assertTrue(isinstance(schema.metamodel_version, str)) expected.metamodel_version = schema.metamodel_version self.assertTrue(isinstance(schema.source_file_date, str)) expected.source_file_date = schema.source_file_date self.assertTrue(isinstance(schema.source_file_size, int)) expected.source_file_size = schema.source_file_size self.assertTrue(isinstance(schema.generation_date, str)) expected.generation_date = schema.generation_date self.assertEqual(expected, loads(as_json(schema)))
def test_merge_contexts_base(self): self.assertEqual( JsonObj(**{'@context': JsonObj(**{'@base': 'file://relloc'})}), merge_contexts(base='file://relloc')) self.assertEqual( loads(f'{{"@context": {{"@base": "{META_BASE_URI}"}}}}'), merge_contexts(base=META_BASE_URI)) self.assertEqual( loads(""" {"@context": [ "", { "ex": "", "ex2": "" }, { "ex": "", "ex2": { "@id": "" } }, { "@base": "" } ] }"""), merge_contexts([METAMODEL_CONTEXT_URI, json_1, json_2], base=META_BASE_URI))
def check_json(ifn: str, ifdir: str, opts: Namespace) -> bool: """ Check whether ifn is a valid FHIR file :param ifn: file name :param ifdir: file directory :param opts: options - we add in_json to it if the file passes :return: True if a valid FHIR resource """ if '://' in ifn: infilename = ifn resp = requests.get(ifn) if not resp.ok: print(f"Error {resp.status_code}: {ifn} {resp.reason}") return False in_json = loads(resp.text) else: infilename = os.path.join(ifdir, ifn) with open(infilename) as infile: in_json = loads( if not (hasattr(in_json, 'resourceType') or hasattr(in_json, 'id')): print(f"{infilename} is not a FHIR resource - processing skipped", file=sys.stderr) return False opts.in_json = in_json return True
def test_default_vocab(self): json_ld_text = ContextGenerator(without_default).serialize() json_ld = loads(json_ld_text) self.assertEqual('', json_ld['@context']['@vocab']) self.assertEqual('', json_ld['@context']['name']['@id']) json_ld_text2 = ContextGenerator(with_default).serialize() json_ld2 = loads(json_ld_text2) self.assertEqual('', json_ld2['@context']['@vocab']) self.assertNotIn('name', json_ld2['@context']['@vocab'])
def check_types(s: SchemaDefinition) -> None: output = os.path.join(outputdir, 'schema4.json') if not os.path.exists(output): with open(output, 'w') as f: f.write(as_json(JsonObj(**{k: as_dict(loads(as_json(v))) for k, v in s.types.items()})))"File {output} created - rerun test") with open(output) as f: expected = as_dict(load(f)) self.assertEqual(expected, {k: as_dict(loads(as_json(v))) for k, v in s.types.items()}) s.types = None
def compare_shexj( shex: Union[ShExJ.Schema, str], shexj: Union[ShExJ.Schema, str]) -> Tuple[bool, StringIO]: d1 = loads(as_json(shex) if isinstance(shex, ShExJ.Schema) else shex) d2 = loads( as_json(shexj) if isinstance(shexj, ShExJ.Schema) else shexj) log = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(log): return compare_dicts(d1._as_dict, d2._as_dict, d1name="expected", d2name="actual ", filtr=json_filtr), log
def dumpit(argv: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, prog: Optional[str] = None) -> int: """ Dump resources from a FHIR server :param argv: command line arguments :param prog: program name for testing help output :return: number of resource instances dumped """ if isinstance(argv, str): argv = argv.split() opts = genargs(prog).parse_args(argv if argv is not None else sys.argv[1:]) os.makedirs(os.path.join(opts.outdir, opts.resource), exist_ok=True) url = f"{opts.server}/{opts.resource}?_format=json&_summary=false" if opts.max: url += f"&_count={opts.max}" nwritten = 0 while True: resp = requests.get(url) url = None if resp.ok: rslts = loads(resp.text) nwritten = save_instances(opts, rslts, nwritten) if opts.max is None or nwritten < opts.max: for l in if l.relation == "next": url = l.url else: print(resp.reason) if not url: break if opts.verbose: print(f"{nwritten} instances written to {opts.outdir}") return nwritten
def test_uri_type(self): """ URI datatype should map to ShEx URI instead of NONLITERAL """ shex = loads( ShExGenerator(LOCAL_TYPES_YAML_FILE, format='json').serialize()) uri_shape = [s for s in shex.shapes if == str(METATYPE.Uri)] self.assertEqual(1, len(uri_shape)) self.assertEqual('iri', uri_shape[0].nodeKind)
def test_issue_types(self): """ Make sure that types are generated as part of the output """ def generator() -> str: gen = JsonSchemaGenerator(env.input_path('issue_129.yaml')) gen.topCls = 'c' return gen.serialize() sobj_str = env.generate_single_file('issue_129.json', lambda: generator(), value_is_returned=True) sobj = jsonasobj.loads(sobj_str) defs = sobj['definitions'] C = defs['C'] props = C['properties'] assert props['age_in_years']['type'] == 'integer' assert props['has_prop']['type'] == 'boolean' # multivalued primitive type, inlined assert props['scores']['type'] == 'array' assert props['scores']['items']['type'] == 'number' # single-valued complex type, inlined assert props['has_d']['$ref'] == "#/definitions/D" # multi-valued, inlined assert props['has_ds']['type'] == 'array' assert props['has_ds']['items']['$ref'] == "#/definitions/D" # single-valued, non-inlined (foreign key) assert props['parent']['type'] == "string" # multi-valued, non-inlined (foreign key) assert props['children']['type'] == 'array' assert props['children']['items']['type'] == "string"
def test_andras_loop(): manifast = \ "" manifest = jsonasobj.loads(requests.get(manifast).text) for case in manifest: print(case._as_json_dumps()) if"Endpoint:"): sparql_endpoint ="Endpoint: ", "") schema = requests.get(case.schemaURL).text shex = ShExC(schema).schema print("==== Schema =====") # print(shex._as_json_dumps()) evaluator = ShExEvaluator(schema=shex, debug=True) sparql_query = case.queryMap.replace("SPARQL '''", "").replace("'''@START", "") df = get_sparql_dataframe(sparql_endpoint, sparql_query) for wdid in df.item: slurpeddata = requests.get(wdid + ".ttl") results = evaluator.evaluate(rdf=slurpeddata.text, focus=wdid, debug=False) for result in results: if result.result: print(str(result.focus) + ": CONFORMS") else: print("item with issue: " + str(result.focus) + " - " + "shape applied: " + str(result.start))
def resource_url(server: str, text: str) -> str: """ Create a URL out of the resource text """ def as_url(resource_name: str, resource_format: str, resource_id: str) -> str: # Note that the 'json' below defines the response format. The server is clever enough to figure out # what you are shipping... return f"{server}{'/' if not server.endswith('/') else ''}{resource_name}" \ f"/{resource_id}?_format=json&_pretty=true" """ Create a server URL for uploading text """ if text.startswith('<'): # XML doc = ElementTree().parse(source=StringIO(text)) '{}ClinicalProfile' typ = doc.tag.replace(f'{{{FHIR_XML_URI}}}', '') res_id = doc.findall('{}id')[0].attrib['value'] return as_url(typ, 'xml', res_id) elif text.startswith('{'): # JSON json_text = loads(text) return as_url(json_text.resourceType, 'json', elif text.startswith('@'): g = Graph() g.parse(data=text, format='turtle') focus = g.value(predicate=FHIR.nodeRole, object=FHIR.treeRoot) typ_uri = g.value(subject=focus, predicate=RDF.type) res_id = g.value(subject=focus, typ = str(typ_uri).replace(str(FHIR), '') return as_url(typ, 'ttl', res_id) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized file type")
def nb_filter(s: str) -> str: """ Filter for jupyter (ipynb) notebooks """ # It is easier to deal with notebook content in JSON s_json = loads(ldcontext_metadata_filter(s)) for cell in s_json.cells: if hasattr(cell, 'execution_count'): cell.execution_count = 1 if hasattr(cell, 'metadata'): delattr(cell, 'metadata') if hasattr(cell, 'outputs'): del_outputs = [] for output in cell.outputs: to_del = [] if hasattr(output, 'text'): for line in output.text: if 'WARNING: You are using pip' in line or\ 'You should consider upgrading via' in line or\ 'Requirement already satisfied:' in line: to_del.append(line) for del_line in to_del: output.text.remove(del_line) if not output.text: del_outputs.append(output) if del_outputs: for del_output in del_outputs: cell.outputs.remove(del_output) if hasattr(s_json.metadata, 'language_info'): if hasattr(s_json.metadata.language_info, 'version'): s_json.metadata.language_info.version = '3' return as_json(s_json)
def test_get(self): py_obj = jsonasobj.loads(test_json) self.assertEqual(1, py_obj.k1) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): py_obj.e1 self.assertIsNone(py_obj._get('e1')) self.assertEqual("abc", py_obj._get('e2', 'abc'))
def test_merge_contexts(self): self.assertIsNone(merge_contexts()) self.assertEqual('file://local.jsonld', merge_contexts("local.jsonld")['@context']) self.assertEqual('file://local.jsonld', merge_contexts(["local.jsonld"])['@context']) self.assertEqual(METAMODEL_CONTEXT_URI, merge_contexts(METAMODEL_CONTEXT_URI)['@context']) self.assertEqual(METAMODEL_CONTEXT_URI, merge_contexts([METAMODEL_CONTEXT_URI])['@context']) self.assertEqual(JsonObj(ex='', ex2=''), merge_contexts(json_1)['@context']) self.assertEqual(JsonObj(ex='', ex2=''), merge_contexts([json_1])['@context']) self.assertEqual(JsonObj(ex='', ex2=JsonObj(**{'@id': ''})), merge_contexts(json_2)['@context']) self.assertEqual(JsonObj(ex='', ex2=JsonObj(**{'@id': ''})), merge_contexts([json_2])['@context']) self.assertEqual([f'file://local.jsonld', '', JsonObj(ex='', ex2=''), JsonObj(ex='', ex2=JsonObj(**{'@id': ''}))], merge_contexts(["local.jsonld", METAMODEL_CONTEXT_URI, json_1, json_2])['@context']) self.assertEqual(loads(context_output), merge_contexts(["local.jsonld", METAMODEL_CONTEXT_URI, json_1, json_2])) # Dups are not removed self.assertEqual( JsonObj(**{'@context': [JsonObj(ex='', ex2=''), JsonObj(ex='', ex2='')]}), merge_contexts([json_1, json_1])) self.assertEqual('file://local.jsonld', merge_contexts("local.jsonld")['@context'])
def test_uri_and_curie(self): """ Compile a model of URI's and Curies and then test the various types """ self.single_file_generator('py', PythonGenerator, filtr=metadata_filter, comparator=compare_python) # Check that the interpretations are correct self.single_file_generator( 'jsonld', ContextGenerator, filtr=ldcontext_metadata_filter, comparator=lambda expected, actual: compare_rdf( expected, actual, fmt="json-ld")) self.single_file_generator('json', JSONLDGenerator, filtr=json_metadata_filter) module = compile_python(env.expected_path(self.model_name + '.py')) curie_obj = module.C1("ex:obj1", hasCurie="ex:curie", hasURI="", hasNcName="A123", id2="ex:id2") instance_jsonld = loads('{ "ex": "" }') g = as_rdf( curie_obj, [env.input_path(self.model_name + '.jsonld'), instance_jsonld]) env.eval_single_file(env.expected_path('uriandcurie.ttl'), g.serialize(format='ttl').decode(), lambda s: s, compare_rdf)
def test_basic_json_read(self) -> None: """ Test the basic JSON level read """ py_obj = jsonasobj.loads(test_json) self.assertEqual("Markus Lanthaler", self.assertEqual("Dave Longley", py_obj.knows[0].name) self.assertEqual("", py_obj["@context"].name) self.assertEqual("", py_obj["@id"])
def test_decimal(self): test_json = loads(json_data) from fhirtordf.loaders.fhirresourceloader import FHIRResource test_rdf = FHIRResource(FHIRGraph(), None, "", test_json, add_ontology_header=False) g = test_rdf.graph self.assertEqual({URIRef(''), URIRef('')}, set(s for s in g.subjects() if isinstance(s, URIRef)))
def test_reference(self): test_json = loads(data) from fhirtordf.loaders.fhirresourceloader import FHIRResource test_rdf = FHIRResource(FHIRGraph(), None, "", test_json) g = test_rdf.graph expected_graph = Graph() diffs = rdf_compare(expected_graph, test_rdf.graph, ignore_owl_version=True, ignore_type_arcs=True) self.assertEqual("", diffs)
def check_types(s: SchemaDefinition) -> None: self.assertEqual({ 'integer': {'base': 'int', 'from_schema': '', 'name': 'integer'}, 'string': {'base': 'str', 'from_schema': '', 'name': 'string'}}, {k: as_dict(loads(as_json(v))) for k, v in s.types.items()}) s.types = None
def test_reference(self): test_json = loads(data) from fhirtordf.loaders.fhirresourceloader import FHIRResource fmv_loc = "" test_rdf = FHIRResource(FHIRMetaVoc(fmv_loc).g, None, "", test_json) g = test_rdf.graph subj = URIRef("") self.assertEqual("", str(g.value(g.value(subj, FHIR.CoverageEligibilityResponse.request),
def proc_response(response: Response) -> Optional[str]: if response.status_code != 200: return response.reason elif response.status_code == 400: outcome = loads(response.text) rval = [] for issue in outcome.issue: rval.append(f"Severity: {issue.severity} - {issue.diagnostics}") return '\n'.join(rval) return None
def test_example(self): pyobj = jsonasobj.loads(str(test_json)) self.assertEqual('Markus Lanthaler', self.assertEqual(, pyobj['name']) self.assertEqual('Dave Longley', pyobj.knows[0].name) self.assertEqual('', pyobj['@context'].name) self.assertEqual(json.loads(test_json), json.loads(pyobj._as_json)) self.assertEqual(json.loads(pyobj._as_json), json.loads(as_json(pyobj))) self.assertTrue(compare_dicts(test_data, pyobj._as_dict)) self.assertTrue(compare_dicts(test_data, as_dict(pyobj)))
def test_dct_prefix(self): """ Make sure prefixes are handled correctly """ with self.assertRaises(ValueError, msg="A colon in an identifier is illegal"): shex = loads( ShExGenerator(env.input_path('Issue_6.yaml'), format='json').serialize()) shex = loads( ShExGenerator(env.input_path('Issue_6_fixed.yaml'), format='json').serialize()) company_shape = [s for s in shex.shapes if 'Company' in][0] for expr in company_shape.expression.expressions: if expr.min == 0: self.assertEqual( str(DCT.created), expr.predicate, ) return self.assertFalse(True, "DCT.created predicate not found")
def check_types(s: SchemaDefinition) -> None: output = env.expected_path('schema4.json') if not os.path.exists(output): with open(output, 'w') as f: f.write( as_json( JsonObj( **{ k: as_dict(loads(as_json(v))) for k, v in s.types.items() }))) with open(output) as f: expected = as_dict(load(f)) self.assertEqual( expected, {k: as_dict(loads(as_json(v))) for k, v in s.types.items()}) s.types = None
def end_schema(self, context: str = biolink_context) -> None: # self._visit(self.schema) json_str = as_json(self.schema) json_obj = loads(json_str) if '://' not in context: context = urljoin('file:', pathname2url(os.path.abspath(context))) base_prefix = self.default_uri() json_obj["@context"] = [context, {'@base': base_prefix}] if base_prefix else context json_obj["@id"] = print(as_json(json_obj, indent=" "))
def test_as_json(self): schema = self.fix_schema_metadata( load_raw_schema(os.path.join(inputdir, 'schema6.yaml'))) outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, 'schema6.json') if not os.path.exists(outfile): with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(as_json(schema))"Generated {outfile} - run test again") else: self.assertEqual(load(outfile), loads(as_json(schema)))
def test_reference(self): test_json = loads(data) from fhirtordf.loaders.fhirresourceloader import FHIRResource test_rdf = FHIRResource(FHIRGraph(), None, "", test_json) g = test_rdf.graph subj = URIRef("") self.assertEqual( "", str( g.value(g.value(subj, FHIR.EligibilityResponse.request),
def loinc_name_for(code: str) -> str: userAndPass = b64encode(b"hsolbrig:instill-geminate-tehran").decode( "ascii") headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % userAndPass} resp = requests.get( f"$lookup?system={code}", headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 200: vals = map_parameters(loads(resp.text)) if vals: return vals.display else: return "Unknown Code"
def __init__(self, source: Union[fname, json_txt]) -> None: """ Construct a FHIR StructuredDefinition from a source file name, file or string :param source: JSON source """ valueset_directory = None if hasattr(source, 'read'): # an open file self._obj = load(source) elif source.strip().startswith('{'): # a dictionary in text form self._obj = loads(source) else: self._obj = load(open(source)) # a file name valueset_directory = os.path.dirname(source) self.elements = [FHIRElement(self._obj, e, valueset_directory) for e in self._obj.snapshot.element if '.' in e.path and self._significant_differential(e)]
def test_issue_177(self): def generator() -> str: gen = JsonSchemaGenerator(env.input_path('issue_177.yaml')) return gen.serialize() json_str = env.generate_single_file( 'issue_177.json', lambda: JsonSchemaGenerator(env.input_path('issue_177.yaml') ).serialize(), value_is_returned=True) sobj = jsonasobj.loads(json_str) props = sobj['properties'] assert props['sa']['type'] == 'string' assert props['sb']['type'] == 'integer'
def test_as_json(self): schema = self.fix_schema_metadata( load_raw_schema(os.path.join(datadir, 'schema6.yaml'))) self.assertEqual( loads("""{ "name": "schema6", "id": "", "title": "Load Raw Schema Test", "types": [ { "name": "foo", "from_schema": "", "base": "str", "uri": "" } ], "slots": [ { "name": "s1", "from_schema": "", "domain": "c1", "range": "foo" } ], "classes": [ { "name": "c1", "from_schema": "" } ], "metamodel_version": "0.5.0", "source_file": "schema6.yaml", "source_file_date": "2018-12-31 17:23", "source_file_size": 259, "generation_date": "2018-12-31 17:23" }"""), loads(as_json(schema)))
def get(self, relurl: Optional[str], params: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> Optional[JsonObj]: url = self.url + relurl resp = requests.get(url, params=params, auth=(self._user, self._password) if self._user else None) if self.show_urls: print(f"GET {resp.url}") if resp.ok: return loads(resp.text) else: print(f"{resp.url}: Error: {resp.reason}", file=sys.stderr) return None
def run_test(self, manifest_uri: str, num_entries: Optional[int]=None, verbose: bool=True, debug: bool=False, stop_on_fail: bool=False, debug_slurps: bool=False, save_graph_dir: Optional[str]=None) \ -> List[EvaluationResult]: """ Run the test identified by manifest_uri :param manifest_uri: uri of manifest :param num_entries: number of manifest elements to test :param verbose: True means talk about it :param debug: debug setting for shex evaluator :param stop_on_fail: True means run until failure :param debug_slurps: True means emit SPARQL_slurper statistics :param save_graph_dir: If present, save the final graph in this directory :return: """ manifest = loads(self.fetch_uri(manifest_uri)) rval: List[EvaluationResult] = [] for case in manifest: if verbose: print(case._as_json_dumps()) sparql_endpoint ="Endpoint: ", "") shex = self.fetch_uri(case.schemaURL) evaluator = ShExEvaluator(schema=shex, debug=debug) prefixes = PrefixLibrary(shex, SKOS=SKOS) sparql_query = case.queryMap.replace("SPARQL '''", "").replace("'''@START", "") dfs: List[str] = self.get_sparql_dataframe(sparql_endpoint, sparql_query) dfs_slice = dfs[:num_entries] if num_entries is not None else dfs for df in dfs_slice: slurper = SlurpyGraphWithAgent(sparql_endpoint) # slurper.debug_slurps = debug_slurps prefixes.add_bindings(slurper) print(f"Evaluating: {df}") results = evaluator.evaluate(rdf=slurper, focus=df, debug=debug, debug_slurps=debug_slurps, over_slurp=False) rval += results if save_graph_dir: element_name = df.rsplit('/', 1)[1] file_name = os.path.join(save_graph_dir, element_name + '.ttl') print(f"Writing: {file_name}") slurper.serialize(file_name, format="turtle") if stop_on_fail and not all(r.result for r in results): break return rval
def __init__(self, source: Union[fname, json_txt]) -> None: """ Construct a FHIR StructuredDefinition from a source file name, file or string :param source: JSON source """ valueset_directory = None if hasattr(source, 'read'): # an open file self._obj = load(source) elif source.strip().startswith('{'): # a dictionary in text form self._obj = loads(source) else: self._obj = load(open(source)) # a file name valueset_directory = os.path.dirname(source) self.elements = [ FHIRElement(self._obj, e, valueset_directory) for e in self._obj.snapshot.element if '.' in e.path and self._significant_differential(e) ]
def sdo_valueset(self) -> str: """ Return a representation of the value set :return: """ # TODO: This URL should really be a terminology service expand call, but the documented method doesn't work rval = '' vsdef = self.sdo_valueset_file() if not vsdef: resp = get(self._reference, headers={'accept': 'application/json'}) if resp.ok: vsdef = loads(resp.text) else: print("ValueSet access error: %s (%s)" % (self._reference, resp.reason)) if vsdef: rval = self.sdo_valueset_header(vsdef.url,, if 'codeSystem' in vsdef and 'concept' in vsdef.codeSystem: cs = vsdef.codeSystem rval += '\n\t'.join([self.sdo_concept(vsdef.url,, cs.system, c) for c in cs.concept]) return rval
def test_as_json(self): """ Test the JSON serialization """ py_obj = jsonasobj.loads(test_json) self.assertEqual(json.loads(test_json), json.loads(py_obj._as_json)) self.assertEqual(json.loads(test_json), json.loads(as_json(py_obj)))
"@id": "name:foo", "@type": "@id" } }, "@id": "", "name": "Markus Lanthaler", "knows": [ { "name": "Dave Longley", "menu": "something", "modelDate" : "01/01/2015" } ] }""" py_obj = jsonasobj.loads(test_json) py_obj.knows[0].extra = {'age': 17} py_obj.knows.append(dict(name='Barack Obama')) del py_obj.knows[0]['menu'] print( print(py_obj['name']) print(py_obj.knows[0].name) print(py_obj['@context'].name) print(as_json(py_obj)) print(as_dict(py_obj)) ''' Result: Markus Lanthaler Markus Lanthaler Dave Longley