def OnInit(self): javabridge.activate_awt() return True
def fn_start(event): javabridge.start_vm([]) javabridge.activate_awt() start_button.Enable(False) launch_button.Enable(True) stop_button.Enable(True)
def main(args): javabridge.activate_awt() script = """ //-------------------------------------- // // The anonymous callable runs on the thread // that started Java - that's the rule with AWT. // // The callable returns a Java Map whose keys // have the labels of objects like "qUp" for // the upward queue. Python can then fetch // whichever ones it wants and do Java stuff // with them. // //-------------------------------------- new java.util.concurrent.Callable() { call: function() { importClass(javax.swing.SpringLayout); importClass(javax.swing.JFrame); importClass(javax.swing.JTextField); importClass(javax.swing.JButton); importClass(javax.swing.JScrollPane); importClass(javax.swing.JTextArea); importClass(java.util.Hashtable); importClass(java.awt.event.ActionListener); importClass(java.awt.event.WindowAdapter); importClass(java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue); d = new Hashtable(); frame = new JFrame("Callbacks in Java"); d.put("frame", frame); contentPane = frame.getContentPane(); layout = new SpringLayout(); contentPane.setLayout(layout); textField = new JTextField("'Hello, world.'", 60); d.put("textField", textField); contentPane.add(textField); execButton = new JButton("Exec"); contentPane.add(execButton); evalButton = new JButton("Eval"); contentPane.add(evalButton); result = new JTextArea("None"); scrollPane = new JScrollPane(result) contentPane.add(scrollPane); d.put("result", result); //----------------------------------------------------- // // The layout is: // // [ textField] [execButton] [evalButton] // [ scrollPane ] // //----------------------------------------------------- layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, textField, 5, SpringLayout.WEST, contentPane); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, textField, 5, SpringLayout.NORTH, contentPane); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, execButton, 5, SpringLayout.EAST, textField); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, execButton, 0, SpringLayout.NORTH, textField); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, evalButton, 5, SpringLayout.EAST, execButton); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, evalButton, 0, SpringLayout.NORTH, textField); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, scrollPane, 5, SpringLayout.SOUTH, textField); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, scrollPane, 0, SpringLayout.WEST, textField); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.EAST, scrollPane, 0, SpringLayout.EAST, evalButton); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.EAST, contentPane, 5, SpringLayout.EAST, evalButton); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.SOUTH, contentPane, 20, SpringLayout.SOUTH, scrollPane); //------------------------------------------------ // // qUp sends messages from Java to Python // qDown sends messages from Python to Java // // The communications protocol is that qUp sends // a command. For Exec and Eval commands, qUp sends // text and qDown must send a reply to continue. // For the Exit command, qUp sends the command and // Python must dispose of Java // //------------------------------------------------- qUp = new SynchronousQueue(); qDown = new SynchronousQueue(); d.put("qUp", qUp); d.put("qDown", qDown); //----------------------------------------------- // // Create an action listener that binds the execButton // action to a function that instructs Python to // execute the contents of the text field. // //----------------------------------------------- alExec = new ActionListener() { actionPerformed: function(e) { qUp.put("Exec"); qUp.put(textField.getText()); result.setText(qDown.take()); } }; execButton.addActionListener(alExec); //----------------------------------------------- // // Create an action listener that binds the evalButton // action to a function that instructs Python to // evaluate the contents of the text field. // //----------------------------------------------- alEval = new ActionListener() { actionPerformed: function(e) { qUp.put("Eval"); qUp.put(textField.getText()); result.setText(qDown.take()); } }; evalButton.addActionListener(alEval); //----------------------------------------------- // // Create a window listener that binds the frame's // windowClosing action to a function that instructs // Python to exit. // //----------------------------------------------- wl = new WindowAdapter() { windowClosing: function(e) { qUp.put("Exit"); } }; frame.addWindowListener(wl); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); return d; } };""" c = javabridge.run_script(script) f = javabridge.make_future_task(c) d = javabridge.execute_future_in_main_thread(f) d = javabridge.get_map_wrapper(d) qUp = d["qUp"] qDown = d["qDown"] frame = d["frame"] while True: cmd = javabridge.run_script("qUp.take();", dict(qUp=qUp)) if cmd == "Exit": break text = javabridge.run_script("qUp.take();", dict(qUp=qUp)) if cmd == "Eval": try: result = eval(text, globals(), locals()) except Exception as e: result = "%s\n%s" % (str(e), traceback.format_exc()) except: result = "What happened?" else: try: exec(text, globals(), locals()) result = "Operation succeeded" except Exception as e: result = "%s\n%s" % (str(e), traceback.format_exc()) except: result = "What happened?" javabridge.run_script("qDown.put(result);", dict(qDown=qDown, result=str(result))) javabridge.run_script("frame.dispose();", dict(frame=frame))
def main(args): javabridge.activate_awt() cpython = javabridge.make_instance("org/cellprofiler/javabridge/CPython", "()V") script = """ //-------------------------------------- // // The anonymous callable runs on the thread // that started Java - that's the rule with AWT. // // The callable returns a Java Map whose keys // have the labels of objects like "qUp" for // the upward queue. Python can then fetch // whichever ones it wants and do Java stuff // with them. // //-------------------------------------- new java.util.concurrent.Callable() { call: function() { importClass(javax.swing.SpringLayout); importClass(javax.swing.JFrame); importClass(javax.swing.JTextField); importClass(javax.swing.JButton); importClass(javax.swing.JScrollPane); importClass(javax.swing.JTextArea); importClass(java.util.Hashtable); importClass(java.util.ArrayList); importClass(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch); importClass(java.awt.event.ActionListener); importClass(java.awt.event.WindowAdapter); d = new Hashtable(); signal = new CountDownLatch(1); d.put("signal", signal); frame = new JFrame("Callbacks in Java"); d.put("frame", frame); contentPane = frame.getContentPane(); layout = new SpringLayout(); contentPane.setLayout(layout); textField = new JTextField("'Hello, world.'", 60); d.put("textField", textField); contentPane.add(textField); execButton = new JButton("Exec"); contentPane.add(execButton); evalButton = new JButton("Eval"); contentPane.add(evalButton); result = new JTextArea("None"); scrollPane = new JScrollPane(result) contentPane.add(scrollPane); d.put("result", result); //----------------------------------------------------- // // The layout is: // // [ textField] [execButton] [evalButton] // [ scrollPane ] // //----------------------------------------------------- layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, textField, 5, SpringLayout.WEST, contentPane); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, textField, 5, SpringLayout.NORTH, contentPane); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, execButton, 5, SpringLayout.EAST, textField); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, execButton, 0, SpringLayout.NORTH, textField); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, evalButton, 5, SpringLayout.EAST, execButton); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, evalButton, 0, SpringLayout.NORTH, textField); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.NORTH, scrollPane, 5, SpringLayout.SOUTH, textField); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.WEST, scrollPane, 0, SpringLayout.WEST, textField); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.EAST, scrollPane, 0, SpringLayout.EAST, evalButton); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.EAST, contentPane, 5, SpringLayout.EAST, evalButton); layout.putConstraint(SpringLayout.SOUTH, contentPane, 20, SpringLayout.SOUTH, scrollPane); //----------------------------------------------- // // Create an action listener that binds the execButton // action to a function that instructs Python to // execute the contents of the text field. // //----------------------------------------------- alExec = new ActionListener() { actionPerformed: function(e) { try { cpython.exec(textField.getText()); result.setText("OK"); } catch(err) { result.setText(err.message); } } }; execButton.addActionListener(alExec); //----------------------------------------------- // // Create an action listener that binds the evalButton // action to a function that instructs Python to // evaluate the contents of the text field. // //----------------------------------------------- alEval = new ActionListener() { actionPerformed: function(e) { try { locals = new Hashtable(); jresult = new ArrayList(); locals.put("script", textField.getText()); locals.put("jresult", jresult); script = "from jt import javabridge\\n" + "result=eval(javabridge.to_string(script))\\n" + "jwresult=javabridge.JWrapper(jresult)\\n" + "jwresult.add(str(result))" cpython.exec(script, locals, null); result.setText(jresult.get(0)); } catch(err) { result.setText(err.message); } } }; evalButton.addActionListener(alEval); //----------------------------------------------- // // Create a window listener that binds the frame's // windowClosing action to a function that instructs // Python to exit. // //----------------------------------------------- wl = new WindowAdapter() { windowClosing: function(e) { signal.countDown(); } }; frame.addWindowListener(wl); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); return d; } };""" c = javabridge.run_script(script, dict(cpython=cpython)) f = javabridge.make_future_task(c) d = javabridge.execute_future_in_main_thread(f) d = javabridge.get_map_wrapper(d) frame = javabridge.JWrapper(d["frame"]) signal = javabridge.JWrapper(d["signal"]) signal. await () frame.dispose()