def __missing__(self, key): return open(os.path.join(get_problem_root(problem_id), key), 'r')
def _begin_grading(self, problem_id, language, original_source, time_limit, memory_limit, short_circuit): """ Threaded callback for begin_grading. """ submission_id = self.current_submission print >> sys.stderr, '===========Started Grading: %s===========' % submission_id try: problem_root = get_problem_root(problem_id) if problem_root is None: print >> sys.stderr, 'Unsupported problem:', problem_id print>>sys.stderr, 'Please install watchdog so that the bridge can be notified of problems files' \ ' disappearing' self.packet_manager.internal_error_packet( dedent('''\ Unsupported problem: %s. Please install watchdog so that the bridge can be notified of problem files disappearing.''' ) % problem_id) return with open(os.path.join(problem_root, 'init.json'), 'r') as init_file: init_data = json.load(init_file) if isinstance(original_source, unicode): source_code = original_source.encode('utf-8') else: source_code = original_source try: # Launch an executor for the given language # The executor is responsible for writing source files and compiling (if applicable) if 'handler' in init_data: siggraders = ('C', 'CPP', 'CPP0X', 'CPP11', 'CPP14') for i in reversed(siggraders): if i in executors: siggrader = i break else: raise CompileError( "Can't signature grade. Why did I get this submission?" ) if language in siggraders: aux_sources = {} handler_data = init_data['handler'] entry_path = os.path.join(problem_root, handler_data['entry']) header_path = os.path.join(problem_root, handler_data['header']) if not os.path.exists(entry_path): raise IOError( 'entry path "%s" does not exist' % entry_path) if not os.path.exists(header_path): raise IOError( 'header path "%s" does not exist' % header_path) with open(entry_path, 'r') as entry_point: with open(header_path, 'r') as header: aux_sources[problem_id + '_submission'] = ( '#include "%s"\n#define main main_%s\n' % (handler_data['header'], str(uuid.uuid4()).replace( '-', ''))) + source_code aux_sources[handler_data[ 'header']] = entry = # Compile as CPP11 regardless of what the submission language is executor = executors[siggrader].Executor( problem_id, entry, aux_sources=aux_sources, writable=handler_data.get('writable', (1, 2)), fds=handler_data.get('fds', None)) else: raise CompileError( 'no valid handler compiler exists') else: executor = executors[language].Executor( problem_id, source_code) except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported language: ' + language) except CompileError as e: print 'Compile Error' print e.args[0] self.packet_manager.compile_error_packet(e.args[0]) return try: # Obtain the output correctness checker, e.g. standard or float checker_id = init_data.get('checker', 'standard') if isinstance(checker_id, dict): checker_params = checker_id.get('parameters', {}) checker_id = checker_id['name'] else: checker_params = {} if '.' in checker_id: module_path = os.path.join(problem_root, checker_id) if not os.path.exists(module_path): raise IOError( 'checker module path "%s" does not exist' % module_path) checker = load_module_from_file(module_path) checker_id = checker.__name__ else: checker = getattr(checkers, checker_id) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError('error loading checker') print >> sys.stderr, 'Using checker %s' % checker_id # Use a proxy to not expose init_data to all submethods def check_adapter(test_input, proc_output, judge_output, point_value): return checker.check(proc_output, judge_output, submission_source=source_code, judge_input=test_input, point_value=point_value, **checker_params) case = 1 if hasattr(executor, 'warning') and executor.warning: self.packet_manager.compile_message_packet( executor.warning) for result in, init_data, check_adapter, problem_id, time=time_limit, memory=memory_limit, short_circuit=short_circuit, source_code=original_source, interactive=('grader' in init_data)): print 'Test case %s' % case print '\t%f seconds (real)' % result.r_execution_time print '\t%f seconds (debugged)' % result.execution_time # print '\tDebugging took %.2f%% of the time' % \ # ((result.r_execution_time - result.execution_time) / result.r_execution_time * 100) print '\t%.2f mb (%s kb)' % (result.max_memory / 1024.0, result.max_memory) if result.result_flag == Result.AC: print '\tAccepted' else: execution_verdict = [] for flag in [ 'IR', 'WA', 'RTE', 'TLE', 'MLE', 'SC', 'IE' ]: if result.result_flag & getattr(Result, flag): execution_verdict.append('\t' + flag) print '\n'.join(execution_verdict) case += 1 except TerminateGrading: self.packet_manager.submission_terminated_packet() print >> sys.stderr, 'Forcefully terminating grading. Temporary files may not be deleted.' except: traceback.print_exc() self.packet_manager.internal_error_packet(traceback.format_exc()) finally: print >> sys.stderr, '===========Done Grading: %s===========' % submission_id self._terminate_grading = False self.current_submission_thread = None self.current_submission = None
def _resolve_open_call(self, init_data, problem_id, forward_test_cases=None): """ Resolves the method for accessing testing data given the problem initialization data. :param init_data: The problem initialization data. :param problem_id: The problem code. :param forward_test_cases: A list of testcases contained in init_data. """ class iofile_fetcher(dict): def __missing__(self, key): return open(os.path.join(get_problem_root(problem_id), key), 'r') files = iofile_fetcher() if 'archive' in init_data: archive_path = os.path.join(get_problem_root(problem_id), init_data['archive']) if not os.path.exists(archive_path): raise IOError('archive file "%s" does not exist' % archive_path) try: archive = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path, 'r') except zipfile.BadZipfile: raise IOError('Bad archive: %s' % archive_path) try: for name in archive.infolist(): files[name.filename] = finally: archive.close() if 'generator' in init_data and forward_test_cases: generator_path = os.path.join(get_problem_root(problem_id), init_data['generator']) if not os.path.exists(generator_path): raise IOError('generator does not exist') try: with open(generator_path, "r") as generator_file: generator_source = except: traceback.print_exc() raise IOError('could not read generator source') _, ext = os.path.splitext(generator_path) def find_cpp(): global executors for grader in ('CPP11', 'CPP0X', 'CPP'): if grader in executors: return grader raise CompileError( "Can't grade with generator. Why did I get this submission?" ) lookup = { '.py': executors.get('PY2', None), '.py3': executors.get('PY3', None), '.c': executors.get('C', None), '.cpp': executors.get(find_cpp(), None), '.java': executors.get('JAVA', None), '.rb': executors.get('RUBY', None) } clazz = lookup.get(ext, None) if not clazz: raise IOError('could not identify generator extension') generator_launcher = clazz.Executor('_%s_generator' % problem_id, generator_source).launch_unsafe test = 0 if self._terminate_grading: raise TerminateGrading() for test_case in forward_test_cases: for input_file, output_file, point_value in test_case: test += 1 if input_file not in files or output_file not in files: generator_process = generator_launcher( stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) self.current_proc = generator_process generator_output, generator_error = generator_process.communicate( '\n'.join( (str(test), input_file, output_file, ''))) if self._terminate_grading: raise TerminateGrading() self.current_proc = None if input_file not in files and generator_output and generator_output[ 0] != '\0': files[input_file] = generator_output if output_file not in files and generator_error and generator_error[ 0] != '\0': files[output_file] = generator_error return files.__getitem__
for subcase in case['data']] case = BatchedTestCase(subcases, int(case.get('points', 0))) else: case = TestCase(case.get('in', None), case.get('out', None), int(case.get('points', 0))) else: # Not sure what this does, but it was in run_interactive case = (None, None, int(case)) forward_test_cases.append(case) if interactive: if 'grader' not in init_data: raise IOError('no grader specified') grader_path = os.path.join(get_problem_root(problem_id), init_data['grader']) if not os.path.exists(grader_path): raise IOError('grader does not exist') try: interactive_grader = load_module_from_file(grader_path) except: traceback.print_exc() raise IOError('could not load grader module') else: interactive_grader = None topen = self._resolve_open_call(init_data, problem_id, forward_test_cases)
def run(self, executor, init_data, check_func, problem_id, short_circuit=False, time=2, memory=65536, source_code=None, interactive=False): """ Executes a submission in standard (static) mode. :param executor: Executor to launch the submission program. :param init_data: The problem initialization data. :param check_func: Callback to check validity of the submission program output. :param problem_id: The problem code. :param short_circuit: Whether to short-circuit batch testcases. :param time: Time limit for submission program, in seconds. :param memory: Memory limit for submission program, in kilobytes. :param interactive: Boolean to indicate whether this needs a custom grader and interactor. :return: A Result instance representing the execution result of the submission program. """ output_prefix_length = init_data.get('output_prefix_length', 32) unbuffered = init_data.get('unbuffered', False) time_adjust = init_data.get('time_adjust', 1.0) forward_test_cases = [] for case in init_data['test_cases']: if isinstance(case, dict): if 'data' in case: # Data is batched, with multiple subcases for each parent case # If one subcase fails, the main case fails too subcases = [(subcase.get('in', None), subcase.get('out', None)) for subcase in case['data']] case = BatchedTestCase(subcases, int(case.get('points', 0)), output_length=case.get('output_prefix_length', output_prefix_length)) else: case = TestCase(case.get('in', None), case.get('out', None), int(case.get('points', 0)), case.get('output_prefix_length', output_prefix_length)) else: # Not sure what this does, but it was in run_interactive case = (None, None, int(case)) forward_test_cases.append(case) if interactive: if 'grader' not in init_data: raise IOError('no grader specified') grader_path = os.path.join(get_problem_root(problem_id), init_data['grader']) if not os.path.exists(grader_path): raise IOError('grader does not exist') try: interactive_grader = load_module_from_file(grader_path) except: traceback.print_exc() raise IOError('could not load grader module') else: interactive_grader = None topen = self._resolve_open_call(init_data, problem_id, forward_test_cases) self.packet_manager.begin_grading_packet() case_number = 1 short_circuited = False try: for test_case in forward_test_cases: if isinstance(test_case, BatchedTestCase): self.packet_manager.begin_batch_packet() for input_file, output_file, point_value, output_length in test_case: if self._terminate_grading: raise TerminateGrading() result = Result() if short_circuited: # A previous subtestcase failed so we're allowed to break early result.result_flag = Result.SC check = CheckerResult(False, 0) feedback = None else: _input_data = topen(input_file) if input_file else '' if hasattr(_input_data, 'read'): try: input_data = finally: _input_data.close() else: input_data = _input_data if input_data: input_data = input_data.replace('\r\n', '\n') # .replace('\r', '\n') _output_data = topen(output_file) if output_file else '' if hasattr(_output_data, 'read'): try: output_data = finally: _output_data.close() else: output_data = _output_data if output_data: output_data = output_data.replace('\r\n', '\n') # .replace('\r', '\n') # Launch a process for the current test case self.current_proc = executor.launch(time=time, memory=memory, pipe_stderr=True, unbuffered=unbuffered) process = self.current_proc if interactive: try: return_queue = Queue.Queue() def interactive_thread(interactor, Q, case_number, process, case_input, case_output, point_value, source_code): Q.put_nowait(interactor(case_number, process, case_input=case_input, case_output=case_output, point_value=point_value, source_code=source_code)) ithread = threading.Thread(target=interactive_thread, args=(interactive_grader.grade, return_queue, case_number, process, input_data and cStringIO.StringIO(input_data), output_data and cStringIO.StringIO(output_data), point_value, source_code)) ithread.start() ithread.join(time + 1.0) if ithread.is_alive(): result.result_flag = Result.TLE else: result = return_queue.get_nowait() if isinstance(result, tuple) or isinstance(result, list): result, error = result else: error = '' except: traceback.print_exc() try: process.kill() except: # The process might've already exited pass self.packet_manager.internal_error_packet(problem_id + '\n\n' + traceback.format_exc()) return else: process.wait() else: result.result_flag = Result.AC if hasattr(process, 'safe_communicate'): communicate = process.safe_communicate else: communicate = partial(safe_communicate, process) try: result.proc_output, error = communicate(input_data, outlimit=25165824, errlimit=1048576) except OutputLimitExceeded as e: stream, result.proc_output, error = e.args print>> sys.stderr, 'OLE:', stream result.result_flag |= Result.OLE process.kill() process.wait() if error: sys.stderr.write(error) # Must check here because we might be interrupted mid-execution # If we don't bail out, we get an IR. # In Java's case, all the code after this will crash. if self._terminate_grading: raise TerminateGrading() result.max_memory = process.max_memory or 0.0 result.execution_time = process.execution_time or 0.0 result.r_execution_time = process.r_execution_time or 0.0 # C standard checker will crash if not given a string if result.proc_output is None: result.proc_output = '' if interactive: check = CheckerResult(result.result_flag == Result.AC, result.points) else: check = check_func(input_data, result.proc_output, output_data, point_value) if not isinstance(check, CheckerResult): check = CheckerResult(check, check and point_value) if not check.passed: result.result_flag |= Result.WA if not init_data.get('swallow_ir', False) and process.returncode > 0: print>> sys.stderr, 'Exited with error: %d' % process.returncode result.result_flag |= Result.IR if not init_data.get('swallow_rte', False) and process.returncode < 0: if process.returncode is not None: print>> sys.stderr, 'Killed by signal %d' % -process.returncode result.result_flag |= Result.RTE # Killed by signal if not init_data.get('swallow_tle', False) and process.tle: result.result_flag |= Result.TLE if process.mle: result.result_flag |= Result.MLE if result.result_flag & ~Result.WA: check.points = 0 feedback = ( or ( if hasattr(process, 'feedback') else getattr(executor, 'get_feedback', lambda x, y: '')(error, result))) if not init_data.get('swallow_tle', False) and not (result.result_flag & Result.TLE): result.execution_time *= time_adjust if result.execution_time > time: result.result_flag |= Result.TLE check.points = 0 self.packet_manager.test_case_status_packet( case_number, check.points, point_value, result.result_flag, result.execution_time, result.max_memory, result.proc_output[:output_length].decode('utf-8', 'replace'), feedback) if not short_circuited and result.result_flag != Result.AC: short_circuited = not init_data.get('run_all', False) if point_value == 0: # Pretests failed short_circuit = not init_data.get('run_all', False) case_number += 1 yield result if isinstance(test_case, BatchedTestCase): self.packet_manager.batch_end_packet() if not short_circuit: short_circuited = False except TerminateGrading: raise except IOError: traceback.print_exc() raise except: traceback.print_exc() self.packet_manager.grading_end_packet() else: self.packet_manager.grading_end_packet() finally: self.current_proc = None self._terminate_grading = False gc.collect()
def _resolve_open_call(self, init_data, problem_id, forward_test_cases=None): """ Resolves the method for accessing testing data given the problem initialization data. :param init_data: The problem initialization data. :param problem_id: The problem code. :param forward_test_cases: A list of testcases contained in init_data. """ class iofile_fetcher(dict): def __missing__(self, key): return open(os.path.join(get_problem_root(problem_id), key), 'r') files = iofile_fetcher() if 'archive' in init_data: archive_path = os.path.join(get_problem_root(problem_id), init_data['archive']) if not os.path.exists(archive_path): raise IOError('archive file "%s" does not exist' % archive_path) try: archive = zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path, 'r') except zipfile.BadZipfile: raise IOError('Bad archive: %s' % archive_path) try: for name in archive.infolist(): files[name.filename] = finally: archive.close() if 'generator' in init_data and forward_test_cases: generator_init = init_data['generator'] if isinstance(init_data['generator'], dict) else {'source': init_data['generator'], 'argv': [], 'flags': []} generator_path = os.path.join(get_problem_root(problem_id), generator_init['source']) if not os.path.exists(generator_path): raise IOError('generator does not exist') try: with open(generator_path, "r") as generator_file: generator_source = except: traceback.print_exc() raise IOError('could not read generator source') _, ext = os.path.splitext(generator_path) def find_cpp(): global executors for grader in ('CPP11', 'CPP0X', 'CPP'): if grader in executors: return grader raise CompileError("Can't grade with generator. Why did I get this submission?") lookup = { '.py': executors.get('PY2', None), '.py3': executors.get('PY3', None), '.c': executors.get('C', None), '.cpp': executors.get(find_cpp(), None), '.java': executors.get('JAVA', None), '.rb': executors.get('RUBY', None) } clazz = lookup.get(ext, None) if not clazz: raise IOError('could not identify generator extension') def launch_generator(): gen = clazz.Executor('_%s_generator' % problem_id, generator_source) if hasattr(gen, 'flags'): gen.flags += generator_init['flags'] return gen.launch_unsafe(*generator_init['argv'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) test = 0 if self._terminate_grading: raise TerminateGrading() for test_case in forward_test_cases: for input_file, output_file, point_value, output_length in test_case: test += 1 if input_file not in files or output_file not in files: generator_process = launch_generator() self.current_proc = generator_process generator_output, generator_error = generator_process.communicate('\n'.join((str(test), input_file, output_file, ''))) if self._terminate_grading: raise TerminateGrading() self.current_proc = None if input_file not in files and generator_output and generator_output[0] != '\0': files[input_file] = generator_output if output_file not in files and generator_error and generator_error[0] != '\0': files[output_file] = generator_error return files.__getitem__
def _begin_grading(self, problem_id, language, original_source, time_limit, memory_limit, short_circuit): """ Threaded callback for begin_grading. """ submission_id = self.current_submission print>> sys.stderr, '===========Started Grading: %s===========' % submission_id try: problem_root = get_problem_root(problem_id) if problem_root is None: print>> sys.stderr, 'Unsupported problem:', problem_id print>> sys.stderr, 'Please install watchdog so that the bridge can be notified of problems files' \ ' disappearing' self.packet_manager.internal_error_packet(dedent('''\ Unsupported problem: %s. Please install watchdog so that the bridge can be notified of problem files disappearing.''') % problem_id) return with open(os.path.join(problem_root, 'init.json'), 'r') as init_file: init_data = json.load(init_file) if isinstance(original_source, unicode): source_code = original_source.encode('utf-8') else: source_code = original_source try: # Launch an executor for the given language # The executor is responsible for writing source files and compiling (if applicable) if 'handler' in init_data: siggraders = ('C', 'CPP', 'CPP0X', 'CPP11', 'CPP14') for i in reversed(siggraders): if i in executors: siggrader = i break else: raise CompileError("Can't signature grade. Why did I get this submission?") if language in siggraders: aux_sources = {} handler_data = init_data['handler'] entry_path = os.path.join(problem_root, handler_data['entry']) header_path = os.path.join(problem_root, handler_data['header']) if not os.path.exists(entry_path): raise IOError('entry path "%s" does not exist' % entry_path) if not os.path.exists(header_path): raise IOError('header path "%s" does not exist' % header_path) with open(entry_path, 'r') as entry_point: with open(header_path, 'r') as header: aux_sources[problem_id + '_submission'] = ( '#include "%s"\n#define main main_%s\n' % (handler_data['header'], str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', ''))) + source_code aux_sources[handler_data['header']] = entry = # Compile as CPP11 regardless of what the submission language is executor = executors[siggrader].Executor(problem_id, entry, aux_sources=aux_sources, writable=handler_data.get('writable', (1, 2)), fds=handler_data.get('fds', None)) else: raise CompileError('no valid handler compiler exists') else: executor = executors[language].Executor(problem_id, source_code) except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError('unsupported language: ' + language) except CompileError as e: print 'Compile Error' print e.args[0] self.packet_manager.compile_error_packet(format_ansi(e.args[0])) return try: # Obtain the output correctness checker, e.g. standard or float checker_id = init_data.get('checker', 'standard') if isinstance(checker_id, dict): checker_params = checker_id.get('parameters', {}) checker_id = checker_id['name'] else: checker_params = {} if '.' in checker_id: module_path = os.path.join(problem_root, checker_id) if not os.path.exists(module_path): raise IOError('checker module path "%s" does not exist' % module_path) checker = load_module_from_file(module_path) checker_id = checker.__name__ else: checker = getattr(checkers, checker_id) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError('error loading checker') print>> sys.stderr, 'Using checker %s' % checker_id # Use a proxy to not expose init_data to all submethods def check_adapter(test_input, proc_output, judge_output, point_value): return checker.check(proc_output, judge_output, submission_source=source_code, judge_input=test_input, point_value=point_value, **checker_params) case = 1 if hasattr(executor, 'warning') and executor.warning: self.packet_manager.compile_message_packet(format_ansi(executor.warning)) for result in, init_data, check_adapter, problem_id, time=time_limit, memory=memory_limit, short_circuit=short_circuit, source_code=original_source, interactive=('grader' in init_data)): print 'Test case %s' % case print '\t%f seconds (real)' % result.r_execution_time print '\t%f seconds (debugged)' % result.execution_time # print '\tDebugging took %.2f%% of the time' % \ # ((result.r_execution_time - result.execution_time) / result.r_execution_time * 100) print '\t%.2f mb (%s kb)' % (result.max_memory / 1024.0, result.max_memory) if result.result_flag == Result.AC: print '\tAccepted' else: execution_verdict = [] for flag in ['IR', 'WA', 'RTE', 'TLE', 'MLE', 'SC', 'IE']: if result.result_flag & getattr(Result, flag): execution_verdict.append('\t' + flag) print '\n'.join(execution_verdict) case += 1 except TerminateGrading: self.packet_manager.submission_terminated_packet() print>> sys.stderr, 'Forcefully terminating grading. Temporary files may not be deleted.' except: traceback.print_exc() self.packet_manager.internal_error_packet(traceback.format_exc()) finally: print>> sys.stderr, '===========Done Grading: %s===========' % submission_id self._terminate_grading = False self.current_submission_thread = None self.current_submission = None