Exemple #1
This is the entry point of the application.


** To serve the local development app

> juicy serve {project_name}


** To deploy with Propel ( https://github.com/mardix/propel )

> propel -w


** To deploy with Gunicorn

> gunicorn app_{project_name}:app


from juice import Juice

# Import the project's views
import application.{project_name}.views

# 'app' variable name is required if you intend to use 'juicy' the cli tool
app = Juice(__name__, project="{project_name}")

Exemple #2
from flask import Flask
import flask_cache
import ses_mailer
import flask_mail
import flask_cloudy
import flask_recaptcha
from juice import Juice
from juice.ext import mail, cache, storage, recaptcha, csrf

conffile = "config.py"

_ = Juice(__name__, config=conffile)

# Recaptcha
def test_recaptcha():
    assert isinstance(recaptcha, flask_recaptcha.ReCaptcha)

# Storage
def test_storage():
    assert isinstance(storage, flask_cloudy.Storage)

# Cache
def test_cache():
    assert isinstance(cache, flask_cache.Cache)

# Mailer
def test_mailer_none():
Exemple #3
    juicy user id 1



from juice import Juice, get_env_config, abort
import juice.utils as utils
from application import config, model
from juice.plugins import user, publisher
from juice.ext import mail
from juice.cli import cli, click

# init Juice without registering the views
Juice(__name__, skip_views=True)

# Load the config
conf = get_env_config(config)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def setup_db():
    Setup models from model.py

def setup_admin_user_publisher():
    Setup Juice User and Publisher Admin