def create_junit_results(data, output=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a Junit result, can write to a file if desired, or return xml string. (used by Jenkins) input either dict(dict(dict())) or dict(list(dict())) dict = {suite: {test: {stderr,stdout,time,class,err,fail,skip}}} list = {suite: [(test, {stderr,stdout,time,class,err,fail,skip})]} :param data: A dictionary with dict or list hierarchy :param output: A filename to write results to /path/to/file/*.junit.xml :return: Returns an XML string if no output, else nothing. """ log.debug('creating junit results: output={}'.format(output)) stdout_format = kwargs.pop('stdout_format', None) test_class = kwargs.pop('test_class', None) package = kwargs.pop('package', None) from junit_xml import TestSuite, TestCase test_suites = [] for suite, tests in data.items(): test_cases = [] for test, result in (tests if isinstance(tests, list) else tests.items()): tc = TestCase(test) stdout = result.get('stdout') if stdout_format is not None and callable(stdout_format): if hasattr(stdout_format, 'func_code') and 'kwargs' in stdout_format.func_code.co_varnames: stdout = stdout_format(stdout, suite_name=suite, test_name=test, **kwargs) else: stdout = stdout_format(stdout) tc.stdout = stdout tc.stderr = result.get('stderr') tc.elapsed_sec = result.get('time') tc.classname = result.get('class', test_class) err = result.get('err') if err: tc.add_error_info(*err if isinstance(err, (list, tuple)) else [err]) fail = result.get('fail') if fail: tc.add_failure_info(*fail if isinstance(fail, (list, tuple)) else [fail]) skip = result.get('skip') if skip: tc.add_skipped_info(*skip if isinstance(skip, (list, tuple)) else [skip]) test_cases.append(tc) ts = TestSuite(suite, test_cases, package=package) test_suites.append(ts) if output: check_makedir(os.path.dirname(output)) with open(output, 'w') as out: TestSuite.to_file(out, test_suites) return output else: return TestSuite.to_xml_string(test_suites)
def map_yaml_to_junit(test): yaml = test.yaml or {} # Even though the name is `duration_ms` the value is in seconds. elapsed_sec = yaml.get("duration_ms", None) t = TestCase(test.description, classname=None, elapsed_sec=elapsed_sec) if test.result == "ok": if test.directive in ("SKIP", "TODO"): t.add_skipped_info(test.comment) else: t.stdout = test.comment elif test.result == "not ok": err_code = yaml.get("exitcode", 0) err_severity = yaml.get("severity", "") err_output = yaml.get("stack", "") error_message = f"{err_severity} ({err_code})" if err_code < 0 or err_severity == "crashed": t.add_error_info(error_message, err_output, err_code) else: t.add_failure_info(error_message, err_output, err_code) t.stderr = test.diagnostics return t
def test_availible_endpoints(output): s = Settings([ 'PLATFORM', 'ENVIRONMENT', 'SERVICEURL', 'WSDLURL', "CONSUMERHSAID", "CERTFILE" ]) test_cases = [] cache = SqliteCache(path='/tmp/_gcdrunner_sqlite.db', timeout=60 * 24 * 7) session = requests.Session() #session.verify = False #session.cert=s.CERTFILE transport = Transport(session=session, cache=cache) client = Client(s.WSDLURL, transport=transport) service = client.create_service(, s.SERVICEURL) session.verify = False session.cert = s.CERTFILE pid_fact = client.type_factory('ns2') adr_fact = client.type_factory('ns5') pid_t = pid_fact.PersonIdType('191212121212', '1.2.752.') connectionPointId = get_connection_point_id(s.PLATFORM, s.ENVIRONMENT) requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() endpoints = get_tak_la_for_tk(connectionPointId, s.CONSUMERHSAID) endpoints = list( filter(lambda e: e["logicalAddress"] not in IGNORE_LA_LIST, endpoints)) endpoints.sort(key=lambda e: e["description"]) for endpoint in endpoints: testname = "{} ({})".format(endpoint["description"], endpoint["logicalAddress"]) print("Running test: {}".format(testname)) logicalAddress_t = adr_fact.LogicalAddressType( endpoint['logicalAddress']) tc = TestCase(name=testname) tc.stdout = "Testing Logical address: {}, with id: {}, description: {}".format( endpoint['logicalAddress'], endpoint['id'], endpoint['description']) try: start = time.time() response = service.GetCareDocumentation( patientId=pid_t, _soapheaders={'LogicalAddress': logicalAddress_t}) tc.elapsed_sec = time.time() - start tc.stdout = repr(response['result']) except Exception as e: tc.stderr = str(e) failtype = None if tc.stderr.startswith("VP"): failtype = tc.stderr.split()[0] tc.add_failure_info(output=str(e), failure_type=failtype) test_cases.append(tc) ts = TestSuite("Spider TK tests for TK: " + TKNS, test_cases) with open(output, 'w') as f: TestSuite.to_file(f, [ts])
def unittest_harness(tests, xml_outfile): xml_parser = TestSuite('unittest_harness') tests_results = {'Pass': Counter(), 'Warn': Counter(), 'Fail': Counter()} error_list, skip_list = [], [] for test in tests: print(f'\t-> New test: {}') if (tests_dir / is False: print(f'WARNING: {} not found') skip_list.append( xml_entry = TestCase('',, elapsed_sec='None', status='Skipped') xml_entry.add_skipped_info(message='Not found') xml_parser.test_cases.append(xml_entry) continue test_id = f'unittest.{test.resolve().parts[-3]}.{}' try: begin = process_time() test_proc ='./' +, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, cwd=test.parent, check=True, encoding='utf-8') wall_time = process_time() - begin except subprocess.CalledProcessError as test_error: print(f'ERROR: {} exited with a non-zero exit code.') print(f'Exit status: {test_error.returncode}') print(f'Output: {test_error.output}') print(f'Stderr output: {test_error.stderr}') error_list.append( xml_entry = TestCase('', classname=test_id, elapsed_sec=process_time() - begin, status='Error') xml_entry.add_error_info(message=test_error.stderr) xml_parser.test_cases.append(xml_entry) continue other_out = '' for test_output in test_proc.stdout.splitlines(): try: tests_results[test_output[:4]][] += 1 except KeyError: print(f'\t\t\t{test_output.lstrip()}') other_out += test_output.lstrip() + '\n' continue print(f'\t\t{test_output}') try: # Look for the test output message enclosed between brackets test_msg ='(?<=\[).+(?=\])', test_output).group() except AttributeError: # If brackets are missing, extract output message # independently of an eventual error message test_msg = test_output[6:].split('; error:')[0] xml_entry = TestCase(test_msg, classname=test_id, elapsed_sec=wall_time, status=test_output[:4]) try: fail_msg ='(?<=error:).+', test_output).group() if not fail_msg.lstrip(): fail_msg += 'Empty message' if test_output[:4] == 'Warn': xml_entry.add_failure_info(message=fail_msg.lstrip(), failure_type='warning') else: xml_entry.add_failure_info(message=fail_msg.lstrip()) except AttributeError: pass if test_proc.stderr: xml_entry.stderr = test_proc.stderr if other_out: xml_entry.stdout = other_out[:-1] other_out = '' xml_parser.test_cases.append(xml_entry) display_results(tests_results, error_list, skip_list) with open(xml_outfile, 'w') as fid: xml_parser.to_file(fid, [xml_parser])