def processAlgorithm(self, progress): """Here is where the processing itself takes place.""" progress.setInfo(u'Start querying "{}" in PCJupiterXL...'.format( progress.setPercentage(70) compound_name = self.getParameterValue(self.COMPOUND) db = JupiterDb() compound_no = db.compoundname_to_no(compound_name) progress.setInfo(u'End querying "{}" in PCJupiterXL...'.format( progress.setPercentage(100) progress.setText(u'<br><b>RESULTAT:</b>') if not compound_name: progress.setText( u'<br><b>Stofnavn {} findes ikke!!</b><br>'.format( compound_name)) else: progress.setText( u'<b>Stofnavn: "{}" har stofnummer: {}.</b><br>'.format( compound_name, compound_no))
def processAlgorithm(self, progress): """Here is where the processing itself takes place.""" progress.setInfo(u'Start querying "{}" in PCJupiterXL...'.format( progress.setPercentage(40) sampleid = self.getParameterValue(self.SAMPLE) compound_name = self.getParameterValue(self.COMPOUND) db = JupiterDb() unit = db.get_unit(sampleid, compound_name) progress.setInfo(u'End querying "{}" in PCJupiterXL...'.format( progress.setPercentage(100) progress.setText('<br><b>RESULTAT:</b><br>') if unit: progress.setText( u'<b>Enhed for {} i prøve {} er [{}].<br></b><br>'.format( compound_name, sampleid, unit)) else: progress.setText( u'<b>Enheden for {} i prøve {} findes ikke. Tjek dit sampleno og komponentnavn igen.<br></b><br>' .format(compound_name, sampleid, unit))
def test_graph2(self): """ """ from jupiter_db import JupiterDb import psycopg2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plot, dates db = JupiterDb() params = db.get_dbparams() conn = psycopg2.connect(**params) #psycopg2.connect('dbname=foo user=bar') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(""" SELECT amount, sampledate FROM jupiter.mstmvw_chemanalysis WHERE long_text ilike 'nitrat' AND boreholeno = '230. 205' """) data = cur.fetchall() cur.close() conn.close() ms, dt = zip(*data) dt = dates.date2num(dt) plot.plot_date(dt, ms) plot.xticks(rotation='vertical') return True
def test1_timeseries(self, boreholeno, compound, datefrom, dateto): """ Based of matplotlib.plot_date TEST: No use of ax - one borehole multiple compounds """ # Here we just use one figure plt.figure(1) db = JupiterDb() # Test compound - overwrites gui input compound = 'Nitrat; Sulfat' compounds = compound.split(';') for c in compounds: amount, dt = db.get_timeserie(boreholeno, c.strip(), datefrom, dateto) if amount is None: return False dt = dates.date2num(dt) plt.plot_date(dt, amount, linestyle='-', label=c) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.title('{}-tidsserie for boring: {}'.format(compound, boreholeno)) plt.legend(loc='upper center', shadow=True) plt.grid(True) return True
def addStyle(self, pglayername, vlayer, uri): """Add style to layer. Assumes tablename if stylename :param pglayername: layer to query for in public.layer_styles :param vlayer: layer to apply style for :return: True if no error """ qmlfile = os.path.join(JupiterAux.pluginpath(), 'style', 'borehole.qml') msg, styleloaded = vlayer.loadNamedStyle(qmlfile, True) iface.mapCanvas().refresh() iface.legendInterface().refreshLayerSymbology(vlayer) vlayer.triggerRepaint() return True JupiterAux.log_info(u'Loading default style from db...') db = JupiterDb() styleqml = db.get_style(pglayername) if styleqml: #vlayer.applyNamedStyle(pglayername) styleok = vlayer.loadNamedStyle(styleqml, True) iface.mapCanvas().refresh() iface.legendInterface().refreshLayerSymbology(vlayer) vlayer.triggerRepaint() JupiterAux.log_info(u'Style applied to: {}'.format(pglayername)) else: JupiterAux.log_info( u'Table {} has no default style in db'.format(pglayername)) return True
def processAlgorithm(self, progress): """Here is where the processing itself takes place.""" progress.setInfo(u'Start querying "{}" in PCJupiterXL...'.format( progress.setPercentage(70) compound_id = self.getParameterValue(self.COMPOUND) db = JupiterDb() compound_name = db.compoundno_to_name(compound_id) progress.setInfo(u'End querying "{}" in PCJupiterXL...'.format( progress.setPercentage(100) progress.setText(u'<br><b>RESULTAT:</b>') if not compound_name: progress.setText( u'<br><b>Indtastede stofnummer: "{}" findes ikke i PCJupiterXL</b><br>' .format(compound_id)) else: progress.setText( u'<b>Indtastet stofnummer: "{}" har navnet: {}</b><br>'.format( compound_id, compound_name))
def make_dguno_spatial(self, progress, pglayername, layer, fieldname, output): """ :param progress: Processing progressbar and info :param pglayername: PostgreSQL layer to load subset from :param layer: layer with dgunummer :param fieldname: field with dgunummer :param output: result output file :return: True if non error - else False """ layerobj = dataobjects.getObjectFromUri(layer) dguno_list = [ft[fieldname] for ft in layerobj.getFeatures()] dguno_str = "'" + "', '".join(dguno_list) + "'" where_sql = 'boreholeno in ({})'.format(dguno_str) # JupiterAux.log_info('wheresql: {}'.format(where_sql)) db = JupiterDb() # Find input boreholeno that have match in db str_no_match = '' list_no_boreholeno_match = db.boring_not_in_csv(dguno_str, dguno_list) if list_no_boreholeno_match: str_no_match = ''.join(list_no_boreholeno_match) # JupiterAux.msg_box(''.join(list_no_boreholeno_match)) # Find input boreholeno that have duplicates import collections counter = collections.Counter(dguno_list) str_duplicates = '' if counter: d = dict((k, v) for k, v in counter.items() if v >= 2) import json str_duplicates = json.dumps(d) uri = db.getUri() uri.setDataSource("jupiter", pglayername, "geom", where_sql) ok, pglayer = self.getQgsVectorLayerFromUri(uri, pglayername) if not ok: return False if not self.writeOutputVector(progress, pglayer, output): return False #if not self.addStyle(pglayername, vlayer): #return False return True, str_no_match, str_duplicates
def processAlgorithm(self, progress): """Here is where the processing itself takes place.""" #import sys #reload(sys) #sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') progress.setInfo(u'Start querying "{}" in PCJupiterXL...'.format( progress.setPercentage(40) compound_name = self.getParameterValue(self.COMPOUND) db = JupiterDb() result_list = db.count_compound_units(compound_name) progress.setInfo(u'End querying "{}" in PCJupiterXL...'.format( progress.setPercentage(100) progress.setText(u'<br><b>RESULTAT:</b>') if not result_list: progress.setText( u'<br><b>Der er ikke fundet nogle enheder for komponent med navn: {}</b><br>' .format(compound_name)) return if len(result_list) == 1: progress.setText(u'<br><b>Der er 1 resultat:</b><br>') else: progress.setText( u'<br><b>Der er {} resultater. Måske er der datafejl i Jupiter?!!</b><br>' .format(len(result_list))) # OutputHTML er for ringe #output = self.getOutputValue(self.OUTPUT) # #f = open(output, 'w') for item in result_list: count, unit = item progress.setText( u'<b>Enhed for {} er [{}]. Enheden optræder i Jupiter {} gange for {}.</b><br>' .format(compound_name, unit, count, compound_name))
def add_vertexmarker_borehole(self, boreholeno, keepExistingMarkers=False): """ Warning - this method fails silently on error """ if not keepExistingMarkers: self.remove_canvas_items() db = JupiterDb() x, y = db.get_xy(boreholeno) #JupiterAux.msg_box('x,y = {}, {}'.format(x, y)) # Add new vertexmarker vm = QgsVertexMarker(iface.mapCanvas()) vm.setCenter(QgsPoint(x, y)) vm.setColor(QColor(0, 255, 0, 255)) vm.setIconSize(30) vm.setIconType( QgsVertexMarker.ICON_CROSS) # ICON_BOX, ICON_CROSS, ICON_X vm.setPenWidth(2)
def __init__(self): AlgorithmProvider.__init__(self) ## Try to clear the message log # from PyQt4.QtGui import QDockWidget # from qgis.utils import iface # consoleWidget = iface.mainWindow().findChild(QDockWidget, 'PythonConsole') # consoleWidget.console.shellOut.clearConsole() # MessageLog = iface.mainWindow().findChild(QDockWidget, 'MessageLog') # for child in iface.mainWindow().children(): # JupiterAux.log_info(child.objectName()) ## Explained: Debugger between QGIS and pyCharm ## For the debugger to run the four lines below must be enabled - disable for qgis startup ## Enable the lines - run the debugger from pyCharm - and refresh plugin in QGIS if 1 == 2: import sys sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2017.3.2\debug-eggs\pycharm-debug.egg') import pydevd pydevd.settrace('localhost', port=53100, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True) # Deactivate provider by default #self.activate = False JupiterAux.log_info('\n------------ Qupiter ------------') # Write out status information db = JupiterDb() #JupiterAux.log_info(u'Test DB connection: {}'.format(db.test_connection())) JupiterAux.log_info(u'{} version:\t\t{}'.format(JupiterAux.JUPITER, JupiterAux.get_meta_version())) JupiterAux.log_info(u'Sidste komplette restore:\t\t{} dage'.format(db.database_geus_export_time_in_days())) JupiterAux.log_info(u'Sidste DbSync synkronisation:\t{} dage'.format(db.database_dbsync_success_in_days())) JupiterAux.log_info(u'Yngste sample insert i databasen:\t{} dage'.format(db.database_youngest_insert_in_days())) #JupiterAux.log_info('Host: {} -- Database: {} -- User: {}'.format( #JupiterAux.enable_qgis_log() #JupiterAux.log_info('Global QGIS log enabled!') self.createAlgsList()
def test_graph1(self): """ TODO: Why is test_graph1 faster than test_graph2 ? """ from jupiter_db import JupiterDb import psycopg2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plot, dates db = JupiterDb() params = db.get_dbparams() conn = psycopg2.connect( **params) #psycopg2.connect('dbname=foo user=bar') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(""" SELECT ca.amount, cs.sampledate FROM jupiter.borehole b --INNER JOIN jupiter.intake i USING (boreholeno) INNER JOIN jupiter.grwchemsample cs USING (boreholeno) INNER JOIN jupiter.grwchemanalysis ca ON ca.sampleid = cs.sampleid INNER JOIN jupiter.compoundlist cl ON ca.compoundno = cl.compoundno --INNER JOIN kort.lolland l ON st_dwithin(b.geom, l.geom, 0) WHERE cl.long_text ilike 'nitrat' AND b.boreholeno = '230. 205' ORDER BY cs.sampledate """) data = cur.fetchall() cur.close() conn.close() ms, dt = zip(*data) dt = dates.date2num(dt) plot.plot_date(dt, ms) plot.xticks(rotation='vertical') return True
def add_alphaview(self, progress, pglayername, output): """Load a non spatial table or view from postgresql - currently pesticide list :param progress: Information text and progress :param pglayername: Name of alpha view to load :param output: processing.core.outputs.OutputVector object :return: True if no error """ db = JupiterDb() uri = db.getUri() uri.setDataSource("jupiter", pglayername, None) JupiterAux.log_info( 'Loading alphalayer: {} from URI'.format(pglayername), progress=progress) ok, pglayer = self.getQgsVectorLayerFromUri(uri, pglayername) if not ok: return False if not self.writeOutputVector( progress, pglayer, output, isSpatial=False): return False return True
def timeseries_oneborehole_multiplecompounds(self, boreholeno, compoundlist, datefrom, dateto, skip_unit=False, progress=None): """ Based of matplotlib.plot_date Multiple compounds and one borehole """ # General Figure plt.figure(1) fig = plt.figure(1) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9, top=0.9, bottom=0.15) # General Axis ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # X-Axis ax.set_xlabel(u'År') # Y-Axis ax.set_ylabel('Koncentration') ax.yaxis.grid() db = JupiterDb() compounds = compoundlist.split(';') not_found = [] compound_index = 0 for c in compounds: compound_index += 1 if progress is not None: progress.setPercentage(compound_index * 100 / len(compounds)) c = c.strip() # Get amount and dates for compound amount, dt = db.get_timeserie(boreholeno, c, datefrom, dateto) if amount is None: not_found.append(c) if len(compounds) == 1: return False, None else: continue if skip_unit: label_legend = c else: # Get unit for legend label - time consuming part unit_tuple_list = db.count_compound_units(c) if unit_tuple_list is None: # No unit for compound - not likely label_legend = '{} [???]'.format(c) else: if len(unit_tuple_list) == 1: # Perfect - just one unit for compound unit_count, unit = unit_tuple_list[0] label_legend = '{} [{}]'.format(c, unit) elif len(unit_tuple_list) > 1: # More than one unit pr compound units = [] for unit_count, unit in unit_tuple_list: units.append('{}?'.format(unit)) label_legend = '{} [{}]'.format(c, ' '.join(units)) # Convert datetime to matplot numbers dt = dates.date2num(dt) plt.plot_date(dt, amount, linestyle='-', markersize=3, label=label_legend) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.title('Tidsserie for boring: {}'.format(boreholeno)) plt.legend(loc='upper center', shadow=True) return True, not_found
def scatterplot(self, extent_or_wkt, compoundname_x, compoundname_y, datefrom, dateto, extent_layer=None, x_marker=None, y_marker=None, showannotations=False): """ Create a scatter plot Either from boreholes in bbox or wkt selected geometries :param extent_or_wkt: Either a extent string or a wkt geometry :param compoundname_x: Compound name for x axe :param compoundname_y: Compound name for y axe :param datefrom: Query from date :param dateto: Query to date :param extent_layer: layername with selection. Only relevant if WKT bound. :param x_marker: marker line for given value :param y_marker: marker line for given value :return: True if no error :param showannotations: Show boreholeno label for each scatter point """ def onpick(event): # Warning matplotlib fails in silence - index = event.ind borehole_arr_pick = np.take(boreholenos, index) #JupiterAux.msg_box('onpick scatter: {}'.format(borehole_arr_pick)) qgis = JupiterQGIS() for j, b in enumerate(borehole_arr_pick): if j == 0: qgis.add_vertexmarker_borehole(b) else: qgis.add_vertexmarker_borehole(b, keepExistingMarkers=True) db = JupiterDb() compoundno_x = db.compoundname_to_no(compoundname_x) compoundno_y = db.compoundname_to_no(compoundname_y) unit_x = db.get_unit_quess(compoundno_x) unit_y = db.get_unit_quess(compoundno_y) if compoundno_x is None or compoundno_y is None: JupiterAux.msg_box( 'Et af de to indtastede stoffer: "{}, {}" findes ikke i PCJupiterXL' .format(compoundname1, compoundname2)) return qgis = JupiterQGIS() qgis.remove_canvas_items() # Remove marker from a previous plot boreholenos = [] if extent_or_wkt != '0,0,0,0': bbox = qgis.extentToBoundingbox(extent_or_wkt) x, y, boreholenos = db.get_scatter_array_bbox( compoundno_x, compoundno_y, bbox, datefrom, dateto, compoundname_x, compoundname_y) else: wkt = qgis.selectedFeatureToWKT(extent_layer) x, y, boreholenos = db.get_scatter_array_wkt( compoundno_x, compoundno_y, wkt, datefrom, dateto, compoundname_x, compoundname_y) # General Figure plt.figure(1) fig = plt.figure(1) # Connect pick event on plot cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick) plt.scatter( x, y, alpha=0.8, picker=True) # plt.scatter(x, y, s=area, c=colors, alpha=0.5) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xlabel('{} [{}]'.format(compoundname_x, unit_x)) ax.set_ylabel('{} [{}]'.format(compoundname_y, unit_y)) ax.xaxis.grid() ax.yaxis.grid() # label points in scatter plot if showannotations: for i, txt in enumerate(boreholenos): ax.annotate(str(txt), (x[i], y[i])) plt.axhline(y=y_marker) plt.axvline(x=x_marker) plt.title('Scatterplot') return True
def add_maplayer(self, progress, pglayername, output, extent, selectionLayername=None, rowid=None, where_sql2=None): """Adds a postgis layer to map :type progress: Processing progressbar and info :type pglayername: string name of pglayer to select from Jupiter :param output: processing.core.outputs.OutputVector object :type extent: Bounding box of query, if none use selected geom(s) as bound :type selectionLayername: string name of layer with selected geom to use as border in query :type rowid: needed for qgis to open views :where_sql: additional sql, not only bound search ... update doc WARNING: Do not use semicolon after where sql at uri.setDataSource """ # import sys # sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2017.2.3\debug-eggs\pycharm-debug.egg') # import pydevd # pydevd.settrace('localhost', port=53100, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True) JupiterAux.log_info('add_maplayer: {}'.format(pglayername), progress) db = JupiterDb() uri = db.getUri() where_sql = '' # if extent == "0,0,0,0": ''' Query by geometry of selection in a layer ''' wkt = self.selectedFeatureToWKT(selectionLayername) if not where_sql2: where_sql = "ST_WITHIN(geom , ST_GeomFromText('{}', 25832))".format( wkt) else: where_sql = "ST_WITHIN(geom , ST_GeomFromText('{}', 25832) ) AND {}".format( wkt, where_sql2) else: ''' Query by entered extent ''' bbox = self.extentToBoundingbox(extent) if not where_sql2: where_sql = "geom && ST_MakeEnvelope({}, {}, {}, {}, 25832)". \ format(bbox.xMinimum(), bbox.yMinimum(), bbox.xMaximum(), bbox.yMaximum()) else: where_sql = "geom && ST_MakeEnvelope({}, {}, {}, {}, 25832) AND {}" \ .format(bbox.xMinimum(), bbox.yMinimum(), bbox.xMaximum(), bbox.yMaximum(), where_sql2) uri.setDataSource("jupiter", pglayername, "geom", where_sql) JupiterAux.log_info( 'Loading layer: "{}" from URI with where clause: "{}"'.format( pglayername, where_sql2), progress=progress) # Views must have defined a rowid if rowid: uri.setKeyColumn(rowid) ok, pglayer = self.getQgsVectorLayerFromUri(uri, pglayername) if not ok: return False if not self.writeOutputVector(progress, pglayer, output): return False #if not self.addStyle(pglayername, vlayer, uri): #return False # TODO layer is not add to map until end of table_geoalgorithm.processAlgorithm # TODO therefor is the showFeatureCount below not working # self.showFeatureCount( return True
def timeseries_onecompound_multipleborehole(self, boreholenolist, compound, datefrom, dateto, progress=None): """ Based of matplotlib.plot_date. Multiple borehole and one compound """ from datetime import datetime def onclick(event): JupiterAux.msg_box( '%s click: button=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f' % ('double' if event.dblclick else 'single', event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata)) def onpick(event): thisline = event.artist borehole_graph_pick = thisline.get_label() #JupiterAux.msg_box('Picked borehole graph: {}'.format(borehole_graph_pick)) #xdata = thisline.get_xdata() #convert to dates.num2date(dt) #ydata = thisline.get_ydata() #ind = event.ind #points = tuple(zip(xdata[ind], ydata[ind])) #JupiterAux.msg_box('{} - onpick points: {}'.format(borehole_graph_selection, points)) qgis = JupiterQGIS() qgis.add_vertexmarker_borehole(borehole_graph_pick) # General Figure plt.figure(1) fig = plt.figure(1) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.75, top=0.9, bottom=0.15) #cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onpick) # General Axis ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Draw compound limit as a horizontal line #plt.axhline(y=2.7) only relevant for drwplant, no boreholes # X-Axis ax.set_xlabel(u'År') # Y-Axis - get unit of compound db = JupiterDb() unit_tuple_list = db.count_compound_units(compound) ax_ylabel = compound.title() if unit_tuple_list is None: # No unit for compound - not likely ax_ylabel += u' [???]' JupiterAux.msg_box( u'Bemærk der findes ingen enhed for stoffet: {} i PCJupiterXL'. format(compound)) else: if len(unit_tuple_list) == 1: # Perfect - just one unit for compound unit_count, unit = unit_tuple_list[0] ax_ylabel += u' [{}]'.format(unit) elif len(unit_tuple_list) > 1: # More than one unit pr compound units = [] for unit_count, unit in unit_tuple_list: units.append(u'{}?'.format(unit)) ax_ylabel = u' [{}]'.format(' '.join(units)) JupiterAux.msg_box( u'Bemærk stoffet: {} har flere enheder: ({}) i PCJupiterXL' .format(compound, ', '.join(units))) ax.set_ylabel(ax_ylabel) ax.yaxis.grid() boreholes = boreholenolist.split(',') not_found = [] borehole_index = 0 for b in boreholes: borehole_index += 1 if progress is not None: progress.setPercentage(borehole_index * 100 / len(boreholes)) b = b.strip() # Get amount and dates for compound and boreholes amount, dt = db.get_timeserie(b, compound, datefrom, dateto) if amount is None: not_found.append(b) if len(boreholes) == 1: return False, None else: continue # Convert datetime to matplot numbers dt = dates.date2num(dt) plt.plot_date(dt, amount, linestyle='-', markersize=3, label=b, picker=5) plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.title('Tidsserie') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., shadow=True) return True, not_found
def processAlgorithm(self, progress): """Here is where the processing itself takes place.""" progress.setInfo(u'Start querying "{}" in PCJupiterXL...'.format( progress.setPercentage(50) extent = self.getParameterValue(self.EXTENT) extent_layer = self.getParameterValue(self.VECTOR_SELECTION) compoundname = unicode(self.getParameterValue(self.COMPOUNDNAME)) compoundlimit = self.getParameterValue(self.COMPOUNDLIMIT) date_from = self.getParameterValue(self.DATE_FROM) date_to = self.getParameterValue(self.DATE_TO) onlyload_latest = self.getParameterValue(self.LOAD_ONLY_LATEST) output = self.getOutputFromName(self.OUTPUT) where_sql = None db = JupiterDb() compoundno = db.compoundname_to_no(compoundname) if compoundno is None: JupiterAux.msg_box( u'Stoffet: "{}" findes ikke i PCJupiterXL'.format( compoundname)) progress.setPercentage(100) return JupiterAux.log_info(u'\nprocessAlgorithm: {}'.format(self.tablename)) output.description = compoundname if self.tablename == u'Søg et stof fra grundvand (boring)': if onlyload_latest: pgtablename = u'mstvw_bulk_grwchem_latestdates' where_sql = u"compoundno = {} AND amount > {} AND geom IS NOT NULL".format( compoundno, compoundlimit) else: pgtablename = u'mstvw_bulk_grwchem' #is alldates where_sql = u"sampledate > to_date('{}', 'YYYY-MM-DD') AND sampledate < to_date('{}', 'YYYY-MM-DD') AND compoundno = {} AND amount > {} AND geom IS NOT NULL".\ format(date_from, date_to, compoundno, compoundlimit) elif self.tablename == u'Søg et stof fra vandværk (anlæg)': if onlyload_latest: pgtablename = u'mstmvw_bulk_pltchem_latestdates' where_sql = u"compoundno = {} AND amount > {} AND geom IS NOT NULL".format( compoundno, compoundlimit) else: pgtablename = u'mstmvw_bulk_pltchem_alldates' where_sql = u"sampledate > to_date('{}', 'YYYY-MM-DD') AND sampledate < to_date('{}', 'YYYY-MM-DD') AND compoundno = {} AND amount > {} AND geom IS NOT NULL".\ format(date_from, date_to, compoundno, compoundlimit) else: raise Exception(u'Fejl: Tabel eller view: "{}" findes ikke'.format( self.tablename)) jq = JupiterQGIS() ok_add_map = jq.add_maplayer(progress, pgtablename, output, extent, selectionLayername=extent_layer, rowid='row_id', where_sql2=where_sql) if ok_add_map: progress.setInfo(u'End querying "{}" in PCJupiterXL...'.format( progress.setText(u'<br><b>RESULTAT:</b>') progress.setText( u'<br><b>Tabel {} er åbnet med navnet {}</b>'.format( self.tablename, compoundname)) else: progress.setInfo(u'Der er sket en fejl i "{}"'.format(