Exemple #1
def test_save_in_pct_and_lgt_auto_extensions(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # load notebook
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    if 'language_info' not in nb.metadata:

    auto_ext = auto_ext_from_metadata(nb.metadata)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_pct_script = 'notebook.pct' + auto_ext
    tmp_lgt_script = 'notebook.lgt' + auto_ext

    # create contents manager with default load format as percent
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,.pct.auto,.lgt.auto'
    cm.preferred_jupytext_formats_save = '.pct.auto:percent,.lgt.auto:light'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # check that text representation exists in percent format
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_pct_script))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), auto_ext) == 'percent'

    # check that text representation exists in light format
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_lgt_script))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), auto_ext) == 'light'
Exemple #2
def test_save_in_auto_extension_local(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # load notebook
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    nb.metadata.setdefault('jupytext', {})['formats'] = 'ipynb,auto:percent'
    if 'language_info' not in nb.metadata:

    auto_ext = auto_ext_from_metadata(nb.metadata)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_script = 'notebook' + auto_ext

    # create contents manager with default load format as percent
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # check that text representation exists, and is in percent format
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_script))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), auto_ext) == 'percent'

    # reload and compare with original notebook
    model = cm.get(path=tmp_script)

    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])
Exemple #3
def test_pair_notebook_with_dot(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # Reproduce issue #138
    tmp_py = 'file.5.1.py'
    tmp_ipynb = 'file.5.1.ipynb'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    nb['metadata']['jupytext'] = {'formats': 'ipynb,py:percent'}

    # save to ipynb and three python flavors
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))

    # read files
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), '.py') == 'percent'

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_py)
    assert model['name'] == 'file.5.1.py'
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_ipynb)
    assert model['name'] == 'file.5.1.ipynb'
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])
Exemple #4
def test_save_in_auto_extension_global_with_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # load notebook
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    if nb.metadata.get('jupytext', {}).get('formats'):
        del nb.metadata['jupytext']['formats']
    if 'language_info' not in nb.metadata:

    auto_ext = auto_ext_from_metadata(nb.metadata)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_script = 'notebook' + auto_ext

    # create contents manager with default load format as percent
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,auto:percent'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # check that text representation exists, and is in percent format
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_script))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), auto_ext) == 'percent'

    # reload and compare with original notebook
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        model = cm.get(path=tmp_script)

    # saving should not create a format entry #95
    assert 'formats' not in model['content'].metadata.get('jupytext', {})

    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])
def test_save_in_auto_extension_global_with_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # load notebook
    nb = jupytext.read(nb_file)

    auto_ext = auto_ext_from_metadata(nb.metadata)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_script = 'notebook' + auto_ext

    # create contents manager with default load format as percent
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,auto:percent'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # check that text representation exists, and is in percent format
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_script))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), auto_ext) == 'percent'

    # reload and compare with original notebook
    model = cm.get(path=tmp_script)

    # saving should not create a format entry #95
    assert 'formats' not in model['content'].metadata.get('jupytext', {})

    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])
Exemple #6
def test_save_to_light_percent_sphinx_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_lgt_py = 'notebook.lgt.py'
    tmp_pct_py = 'notebook.pct.py'
    tmp_spx_py = 'notebook.spx.py'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    nb['metadata']['jupytext'] = {
        'formats': 'ipynb,pct.py:percent,lgt.py:light,spx.py:sphinx'

    # save to ipynb and three python flavors
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # read files
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_pct_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), 'pct.py') == 'percent'

    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_lgt_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), 'lgt.py') == 'light'

    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_spx_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), 'spx.py') == 'sphinx'

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_pct_py)
    assert model['name'] == 'notebook.pct'
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_lgt_py)
    assert model['name'] == 'notebook.lgt'
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_spx_py)
    assert model['name'] == 'notebook.spx'
    # (notebooks not equal as we insert %matplotlib inline in sphinx)

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_ipynb)
    assert model['name'] == 'notebook.pct'
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])
Exemple #7
def test_read_format_from_metadata(script="""---
    formats: ipynb,pct.py:percent,lgt.py:light,spx.py:sphinx,md,Rmd
      extension: .pct.py
      format_name: percent
      format_version: '1.1'
      jupytext_version: 0.8.0
    assert read_format_from_metadata(script, '.Rmd') is None
def test_save_to_light_percent_sphinx_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_lgt_py = 'notebook.lgt.py'
    tmp_pct_py = 'notebook.pct.py'
    tmp_spx_py = 'notebook.spx.py'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    nb = jupytext.read(nb_file)
    nb['metadata']['jupytext'] = {
        'formats': 'ipynb,.pct.py:percent,.lgt.py:light,.spx.py:sphinx'

    # save to ipynb and three python flavors
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # read files
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_pct_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), '.py') == 'percent'

    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_lgt_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), '.py') == 'light'

    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_spx_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), '.py') == 'sphinx'

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_pct_py)
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_lgt_py)
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_spx_py)
    # (notebooks not equal as we insert %matplotlib inline in sphinx)

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_ipynb)
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])