Exemple #1
def test_load_save_rename_non_ascii_path(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = u'notebôk.ipynb'
    tmp_nbpy = u'notebôk.nb.py'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb'
    tmpdir = u'' + str(tmpdir)
    cm.root_dir = tmpdir

    # open ipynb, save nb.py, reopen
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    if nb.metadata.get('jupytext', {}).get('formats'):
        del nb.metadata['jupytext']['formats']

    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_nbpy)
    nbpy = cm.get(tmp_nbpy)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nbpy['content'])

    # open ipynb
    nbipynb = cm.get(tmp_ipynb)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nbipynb['content'])

    # save ipynb
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # rename nbpy
    cm.rename(tmp_nbpy, u'nêw.nb.py')
    assert not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, tmp_ipynb))
    assert not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, tmp_nbpy))

    assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, u'nêw.ipynb'))
    assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, u'nêw.nb.py'))

    # rename ipynb
    cm.rename(u'nêw.ipynb', tmp_ipynb)
    assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, tmp_ipynb))
    assert not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, tmp_nbpy))

    assert not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, u'nêw.ipynb'))
    assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, u'nêw.nb.py'))
Exemple #2
def test_load_save_rename(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_rmd = 'notebook.Rmd'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,Rmd'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # open ipynb, save Rmd, reopen
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_rmd)
    nb_rmd = cm.get(tmp_rmd)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb_rmd['content'], 'Rmd')

    # save ipynb
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # rename ipynb
    cm.rename(tmp_ipynb, 'new.ipynb')
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_rmd)))

    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.ipynb')))
    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.Rmd')))

    # delete one file, test that we can still read and rename it
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.Rmd')))
    model = cm.get('new.ipynb', content=False)
    assert 'last_modified' in model
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path='new.ipynb')
    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.Rmd')))

    cm.rename('new.ipynb', tmp_ipynb)

    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_rmd)))
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.ipynb')))
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.Rmd')))
Exemple #3
def test_default_cell_markers_in_contents_manager_does_not_impact_light_format(
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join("notebook.ipynb"))
    tmp_py = str(tmpdir.join("notebook.py"))

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)
    cm.default_cell_markers = "'''"

    nb = new_notebook(
        cells=[new_code_cell("1 + 1"),
            "jupytext": {
                "formats": "ipynb,py",
                "notebook_metadata_filter": "-all"
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="Ignored cell markers"):
        cm.save(model=notebook_model(nb), path="notebook.ipynb")

    assert os.path.isfile(tmp_ipynb)
    assert os.path.isfile(tmp_py)

    with open(tmp_py) as fp:
        text = fp.read()

        """1 + 1

# a
# long
# cell

    nb2 = jupytext.read(tmp_py)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)
Exemple #4
def test_notebook_extensions(tmpdir):
    tmp_py = str(tmpdir.join('script.py'))
    tmp_rmd = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.Rmd'))
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))

    nb = new_notebook()
    writef(nb, tmp_py)
    writef(nb, tmp_rmd)
    writef(nb, tmp_ipynb)

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    cm.notebook_extensions = 'ipynb,Rmd'
    model = cm.get('notebook.ipynb')
    assert model['type'] == 'notebook'

    model = cm.get('notebook.Rmd')
    assert model['type'] == 'notebook'

    model = cm.get('script.py')
    assert model['type'] == 'file'
Exemple #5
def test_metadata_filter_is_effective(nb_file, tmpdir):
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_script = 'notebook.py'

    # create contents manager
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook to tmpdir
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # set config
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,py'
    cm.default_notebook_metadata_filter = 'jupytext,-all'
    cm.default_cell_metadata_filter = '-all'

    # load notebook
    nb = cm.get(tmp_ipynb)['content']

    assert nb.metadata['jupytext']['cell_metadata_filter'] == '-all'
    assert nb.metadata['jupytext'][
        'notebook_metadata_filter'] == 'jupytext,-all'

    # save notebook again
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # read text version
    nb2 = jupytext.readf(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_script)))

    # test no metadata
    assert set(nb2.metadata.keys()) <= {'jupytext'}
    for cell in nb2.cells:
        assert not cell.metadata

    # read paired notebook
    nb3 = cm.get(tmp_script)['content']

    compare_notebooks(nb, nb3)
Exemple #6
def test_python_kernel_preserves_R_files(nb_file, tmpdir):
    """Opening a R file with a Jupyter server that has no R kernel should not modify the file"""
    tmp_r_file = str(tmpdir.join('script.R'))
    with open(nb_file) as fp:
        script = fp.read()
    with open(tmp_r_file, 'w') as fp:

    # create contents manager
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # open notebook, set Python kernel and save
    model = cm.get('script.R')
    model['content'].metadata['kernelspec'] = kernelspec_from_language(
    cm.save(model=model, path='script.R')

    with open(tmp_r_file) as fp:
        script2 = fp.read()

    compare(script, script2)
Exemple #7
def test_save_to_percent_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_jl = 'notebook.jl'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)
    cm.preferred_jupytext_formats_save = 'jl:percent'

    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    nb['metadata']['jupytext'] = {'formats': 'ipynb,jl'}

    # save to ipynb and jl
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # read jl file
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_jl))) as stream:
        text_jl = stream.read()

    # Parse the YAML header
    metadata, _, _ = header_to_metadata_and_cell(text_jl.splitlines(), '#')
    assert metadata['jupytext']['formats'] == 'ipynb,jl:percent'
Exemple #8
def test_load_save_py_freeze_metadata(script, tmpdir):
    tmp_nbpy = 'notebook.py'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # read original file
    with open(script) as fp:
        text_py = fp.read()

    # write to tmp_nbpy
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_nbpy)), 'w') as fp:

    # open and save notebook
    nb = cm.get(tmp_nbpy)['content']
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_nbpy)

    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_nbpy))) as fp:
        text_py2 = fp.read()

    compare(text_py, text_py2)
Exemple #9
def test_save_to_light_percent_sphinx_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_lgt_py = 'notebook.lgt.py'
    tmp_pct_py = 'notebook.pct.py'
    tmp_spx_py = 'notebook.spx.py'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    nb['metadata']['jupytext'] = {
        'formats': 'ipynb,.pct.py:percent,.lgt.py:light,.spx.py:sphinx'

    # save to ipynb and three python flavors
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # read files
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_pct_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), '.py') == 'percent'

    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_lgt_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), '.py') == 'light'

    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_spx_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), '.py') == 'sphinx'

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_pct_py)
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_lgt_py)
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_spx_py)
    # (notebooks not equal as we insert %matplotlib inline in sphinx)

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_ipynb)
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])
Exemple #10
def test_default_cell_markers_in_contents_manager(tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))
    tmp_py = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.py'))

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)
    cm.default_cell_markers = "'''"

    nb = new_notebook(
        cells=[new_code_cell('1 + 1'),
            'jupytext': {
                'formats': 'ipynb,py:percent',
                'notebook_metadata_filter': '-all'
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path='notebook.ipynb')

    assert os.path.isfile(tmp_ipynb)
    assert os.path.isfile(tmp_py)

    with open(tmp_py) as fp:
        text = fp.read()

    compare(text, """# %%
1 + 1

# %% [markdown]

    nb2 = jupytext.read(tmp_py)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)
def test_global_config_file(tmpdir):
    cm_dir = tmpdir.join("cm_dir").mkdir()
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(cm_dir)

        'default_jupytext_formats = "ipynb,Rmd"')

    def fake_global_config_directory():
        return [str(tmpdir)]

    with mock.patch(
        nb = new_notebook(cells=[new_code_cell("1+1")])
        model = notebook_model(nb)
        cm.save(model, "notebook.ipynb")
        assert set(model["path"]
                   for model in cm.get("/", content=True)["content"]) == {
def test_combine_lower_version_raises(tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = "notebook.ipynb"
    tmp_nbpy = "notebook.py"

    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_nbpy)), "w") as fp:
        fp.write("""# ---
# jupyter:
#   jupytext_formats: ipynb,py
#   jupytext_format_version: '0.0'
# ---

# New cell

    nb = new_notebook(metadata={"jupytext_formats": "ipynb,py"})
    jupytext.write(nb, str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.formats = "ipynb,py"
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
def test_combine_lower_version_raises(tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_nbpy = 'notebook.py'

    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_nbpy)), 'w') as fp:
        fp.write("""# ---
# jupyter:
#   jupytext_formats: ipynb,py
#   jupytext_format_version: '0.0'
# ---

# New cell

    nb = new_notebook(metadata={'jupytext_formats': 'ipynb,py'})
    jupytext.write(nb, str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,py'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
Exemple #14
def test_pair_plain_script(py_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_py = 'notebook.py'
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # open py file, pair, save with cm
    nb = jupytext.readf(py_file)
    nb.metadata['jupytext']['formats'] = 'ipynb,py:hydrogen'
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_py)

    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_py)))
    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))

    # Make sure we've not changed the script
    with open(py_file) as fp:
        script = fp.read()

    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_py))) as fp:
        script2 = fp.read()

    compare(script, script2)

    # reopen py file with the cm
    nb2 = cm.get(tmp_py)['content']
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)
    assert nb2.metadata['jupytext']['formats'] == 'ipynb,py:hydrogen'

    # remove the pairing and save
    del nb.metadata['jupytext']['formats']
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_py)

    # reopen py file with the cm
    nb2 = cm.get(tmp_py)['content']
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)
    assert 'formats' not in nb2.metadata['jupytext']
Exemple #15
def test_outdated_text_notebook(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # 1. write py ipynb
    tmp_ipynb = u'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_nbpy = u'notebook.py'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'py,ipynb'
    cm.outdated_text_notebook_margin = 0
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # open ipynb, save py, reopen
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_nbpy)
    model_py = cm.get(tmp_nbpy, load_alternative_format=False)
    model_ipynb = cm.get(tmp_ipynb, load_alternative_format=False)

    # 2. check that time of ipynb <= py
    assert model_ipynb['last_modified'] <= model_py['last_modified']

    # 3. wait some time

    # 4. touch ipynb
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)), 'a'):
        os.utime(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)), None)

    # 5. test error
    with pytest.raises(HTTPError):

    # 6. test OK with
    cm.outdated_text_notebook_margin = 1.0

    # 7. test OK with
    cm.outdated_text_notebook_margin = float("inf")
Exemple #16
def test_load_save_rename_nbpy_default_config(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_nbpy = 'notebook.nb.py'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,.nb.py'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # open ipynb, save nb.py, reopen
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)

    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_nbpy)
    nbpy = cm.get(tmp_nbpy)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nbpy['content'])

    # open ipynb
    nbipynb = cm.get(tmp_ipynb)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nbipynb['content'])

    # save ipynb
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # rename notebook.nb.py to new.nb.py
    cm.rename(tmp_nbpy, 'new.nb.py')
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_nbpy)))

    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.ipynb')))
    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.nb.py')))

    # rename new.ipynb to notebook.ipynb
    cm.rename('new.ipynb', tmp_ipynb)
    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))
    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_nbpy)))

    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.ipynb')))
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.nb.py')))
def test_load_save_rename_notebook_with_dot(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = '1.notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_nbpy = '1.notebook.py'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,py'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # open ipynb, save nb.py, reopen
    nb = jupytext.read(nb_file)
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_nbpy)
    nbpy = cm.get(tmp_nbpy)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nbpy['content'])

    # save ipynb
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # rename py
    cm.rename(tmp_nbpy, '2.new_notebook.py')
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_nbpy)))

    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('2.new_notebook.ipynb')))
    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('2.new_notebook.py')))
Exemple #18
def test_load_save_rename(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_rmd = 'notebook.Rmd'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,Rmd'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # open ipynb, save Rmd, reopen
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_rmd)
    nb_rmd = cm.get(tmp_rmd)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb_rmd['content'])

    # save ipynb
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # rename ipynb
    cm.rename(tmp_ipynb, 'new.ipynb')
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_rmd)))

    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.ipynb')))
    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.Rmd')))
Exemple #19
def test_meaningfull_error_open_myst_missing(tmpdir):
    md_file = tmpdir.join("notebook.md")
    extension: '.md'
    format_name: myst
  display_name: Python 3
  language: python
  name: python3

1 + 1

    with pytest.raises(ImportError, match=PLEASE_INSTALL_MYST):
        jupytext_cli([str(md_file), "--to", "ipynb"])

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    with pytest.raises(HTTPError, match=PLEASE_INSTALL_MYST):
Exemple #20
def test_set_then_change_auto_formats(tmpdir, nb_file):
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('nb.ipynb'))
    tmp_py = str(tmpdir.join('nb.py'))
    tmp_rmd = str(tmpdir.join('nb.Rmd'))
    nb = new_notebook(metadata=readf(nb_file).metadata)

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # Pair ipynb/py and save
    nb.metadata['jupytext'] = {'formats': 'ipynb,auto:light'}
    cm.save(model=dict(content=nb, type='notebook'), path='nb.ipynb')
    assert 'nb.py' in cm.paired_notebooks
    assert 'nb.auto' not in cm.paired_notebooks
    assert os.path.isfile(tmp_py)
    assert readf(tmp_ipynb).metadata['jupytext']['formats'] == 'ipynb,py:light'

    # Pair ipynb/Rmd and save
    nb.metadata['jupytext'] = {'formats': 'ipynb,Rmd'}
    cm.save(model=dict(content=nb, type='notebook'), path='nb.ipynb')
    assert 'nb.Rmd' in cm.paired_notebooks
    assert 'nb.py' not in cm.paired_notebooks
    assert 'nb.auto' not in cm.paired_notebooks
    assert os.path.isfile(tmp_rmd)
    assert readf(tmp_ipynb).metadata['jupytext']['formats'] == 'ipynb,Rmd'

    # Unpair and save
    del nb.metadata['jupytext']
    cm.save(model=dict(content=nb, type='notebook'), path='nb.ipynb')
    assert 'nb.Rmd' not in cm.paired_notebooks
    assert 'nb.py' not in cm.paired_notebooks
    assert 'nb.auto' not in cm.paired_notebooks
Exemple #21
def test_open_file_with_default_cell_markers(tmpdir):
    tmp_py = str(tmpdir.join('nb.py'))

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # Default VScode/PyCharm folding markers
    cm.default_cell_markers = 'region,endregion'

    text = """# +
# this is a unique code cell
1 + 1

2 + 2

    with open(tmp_py, 'w') as fp:

    nb = cm.get('nb.py')['content']
    assert len(nb.cells) == 1

    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path='nb.py')

    with open(tmp_py) as fp:
        text2 = fp.read()

    expected = """# region
# this is a unique code cell
1 + 1

2 + 2
# endregion

    compare(expected, text2)
def test_save_in_auto_extension_local(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # load notebook
    nb = jupytext.read(nb_file)
    nb.metadata.setdefault('jupytext', {})['formats'] = 'ipynb,auto:percent'

    auto_ext = auto_ext_from_metadata(nb.metadata)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_script = 'notebook' + auto_ext

    # create contents manager with default load format as percent
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # check that text representation exists, and is in percent format
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_script))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), auto_ext) == 'percent'

    # reload and compare with original notebook
    model = cm.get(path=tmp_script)

    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])
Exemple #23
def test_read_text_and_combine_with_outputs(tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_script = 'notebook.py'

    with (open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_script)), 'w')) as fp:
        fp.write("""# ---
# jupyter:
#   jupytext_formats: ipynb,py:light
# ---




    with (open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)), 'w')) as fp:
 "cells": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 1,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
     "execution_count": 1,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 3,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
     "execution_count": 3,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
 "metadata": {},
 "nbformat": 4,
 "nbformat_minor": 2

    # create contents manager
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # load notebook from script
    model = cm.get(tmp_script)
    nb = model['content']

    assert nb.cells[0]['source'] == '1+1'
    assert nb.cells[1]['source'] == '2+2'
    assert nb.cells[2]['source'] == '3+3'

    # No output for the second cell, which is not in the ipynb
    assert nb.cells[0]['outputs']
    assert not nb.cells[1]['outputs']
    assert nb.cells[2]['outputs']

    assert len(nb.cells) == 3
Exemple #24
def test_create_contentsmanager():