Exemple #1
def test_update_metadata(py_file, tmpdir, capsys):
    tmp_py = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.py'))
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))

    copyfile(py_file, tmp_py)

        '--to', 'ipynb', tmp_py, '--update-metadata',

    nb = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    assert nb.metadata['jupytext']['formats'] == 'ipynb,py:light'

        '--to', 'py', tmp_ipynb, '--update-metadata',

    nb = readf(tmp_py)
    assert 'formats' not in nb.metadata['jupytext']

    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            '--to', 'ipynb', tmp_py, '--update-metadata',
            '{"incorrect": "JSON"'

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert 'invalid' in err
Exemple #2
def assert_conversion_same_as_mirror(nb_file, ext, mirror_name,
                                     format_name=None, compare_notebook=False):
    dirname, basename = os.path.split(nb_file)
    file_name, org_ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
    mirror_file = os.path.join(dirname, '..', 'mirror',
                               mirror_name, file_name + ext)

    notebook = jupytext.readf(nb_file, format_name=format_name)
    create_mirror_file_if_missing(mirror_file, notebook,

    # Compare the text representation of the two notebooks
    if compare_notebook:
        nb_mirror = jupytext.readf(mirror_file)
        compare(nb_mirror, notebook)
    elif ext == '.ipynb':
        notebook = jupytext.readf(mirror_file)
        actual = jupytext.writes(notebook, ext=org_ext,
        with open(nb_file, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            expected = fp.read()
        actual = jupytext.writes(notebook, ext=ext, format_name=format_name)
        with open(mirror_file, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            expected = fp.read()

    if format_name and len(actual.splitlines()) > len(expected.splitlines()):
        actual = '\n'.join(actual.splitlines()[-len(expected.splitlines()):] +

    compare(expected, actual)
Exemple #3
def test_apply_black_and_sync_on_paired_notebook(tmpdir, nb_file):
    # Load real notebook metadata to get the 'auto' extension in --pipe-fmt to work
    metadata = readf(nb_file).metadata
    metadata['jupytext'] = {'formats': 'ipynb,py'}
    assert 'language_info' in metadata

    nb_org = new_notebook(cells=[new_code_cell('1        +1')],
    nb_black = new_notebook(cells=[new_code_cell('1 + 1')], metadata=metadata)

    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))
    tmp_py = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.py'))

    # Black in place
    writef(nb_org, tmp_ipynb)
    jupytext([tmp_ipynb, '--pipe', 'black', '--sync'])

    nb_now = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    compare(nb_black, nb_now)
    assert 'language_info' in nb_now.metadata

    nb_now = readf(tmp_py)
    nb_black.metadata = {
        key: nb_black.metadata[key]
        for key in nb_black.metadata if key in _DEFAULT_NOTEBOOK_METADATA
    compare(nb_black, nb_now)
Exemple #4
def test_apply_black_on_python_notebooks(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))
    tmp_py = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.py'))
    copyfile(nb_file, tmp_ipynb)

    jupytext(args=[tmp_ipynb, '--to', 'py:percent'])
    system('black', tmp_py)
    jupytext(args=[tmp_py, '--to', 'ipynb', '--update'])

    nb1 = readf(nb_file)
    nb2 = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    nb3 = readf(tmp_py)

    assert len(nb1.cells) == len(nb2.cells)
    assert len(nb1.cells) == len(nb3.cells)
    for c1, c2 in zip(nb1.cells, nb2.cells):
        # same content (almost)
        assert black_invariant(c1.source) == black_invariant(c2.source)
        # python representation is pep8
        assert 'lines_to_next_cell' not in c2.metadata
        # outputs are preserved
        assert c1.cell_type == c2.cell_type
        if c1.cell_type == 'code':
            compare(c1.outputs, c2.outputs)

    compare(nb1.metadata, nb2.metadata)
Exemple #5
def test_remove_jupytext_metadata(tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))
    nb = new_notebook(
            'jupytext': {
                'main_language': 'python',
                'text_representation': {
                    'extension': '.md',
                    'format_name': 'markdown',
                    'format_version': '1.0',
                    'jupytext_version': '0.8.6'

    nbformat.write(nb, tmp_ipynb, version=nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
    # Jupytext removes the 'text_representation' information from the notebook
        tmp_ipynb, '--update-metadata', '{"jupytext":{"main_language":null}}'
    nb2 = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    assert not nb2.metadata

    nbformat.write(nb, tmp_ipynb, version=nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
    jupytext([tmp_ipynb, '--set-formats', 'ipynb,py:light'])

    nb2 = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    assert nb2.metadata == {
        'jupytext': {
            'formats': 'ipynb,py:light',
            'main_language': 'python'
Exemple #6
def test_cli_can_infer_jupytext_format_from_stdin(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))
    tmp_py = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.py'))
    tmp_rmd = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.Rmd'))
    nb = readf(nb_file)

    # read ipynb notebook on stdin, write to python
    with open(nb_file) as fp, mock.patch('sys.stdin', fp):
        jupytext(['--to', 'py:percent', '-o', tmp_py])
    nb2 = readf(tmp_py)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)

    # read python notebook on stdin, write to ipynb
    with open(tmp_py) as fp, mock.patch('sys.stdin', fp):
        jupytext(['-o', tmp_ipynb])
    nb2 = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)

    # read ipynb notebook on stdin, write to R markdown
    with open(nb_file) as fp, mock.patch('sys.stdin', fp):
        jupytext(['-o', tmp_rmd])
    nb2 = readf(tmp_rmd)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2, 'Rmd')

    # read markdown notebook on stdin, write to ipynb
    with open(tmp_rmd) as fp, mock.patch('sys.stdin', fp):
        jupytext(['-o', tmp_ipynb])
    nb2 = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2, 'Rmd')
Exemple #7
def test_cli_to_auto(nb_file, ext, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))
    tmp_text = str(tmpdir.join('notebook' + ext))
    nb = readf(nb_file)

    writef(nb, tmp_ipynb)
    jupytext(['--to', 'auto', tmp_ipynb])
    nb2 = readf(tmp_text)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)
Exemple #8
def assert_conversion_same_as_mirror(nb_file,
    dirname, basename = os.path.split(nb_file)
    file_name, org_ext = os.path.splitext(basename)
    fmt = long_form_one_format(fmt)
    ext = fmt['extension']
    mirror_file = os.path.join(dirname, '..', 'mirror', mirror_name,
                               full_path(file_name, fmt))

    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', False):
        notebook = jupytext.readf(nb_file, fmt)
    create_mirror_file_if_missing(mirror_file, notebook, fmt)

    # Compare the text representation of the two notebooks
    if compare_notebook:
        nb_mirror = jupytext.readf(mirror_file)
        compare(nb_mirror, notebook)
    elif ext == '.ipynb':
        notebook = jupytext.readf(mirror_file)
        fmt.update({'extension': org_ext})
        with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER',
            actual = jupytext.writes(notebook, fmt)
        with open(nb_file, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            expected = fp.read()
        with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER',
            actual = jupytext.writes(notebook, fmt)
        with open(mirror_file, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            expected = fp.read()

    if not actual.endswith('\n'):
        actual = actual + '\n'
    compare(expected, actual)

    # Compare the two notebooks
    if ext != '.ipynb':
        with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER',
            notebook = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
            nb_mirror = jupytext.readf(mirror_file, fmt)

        if fmt.get('format_name') == 'sphinx':
            nb_mirror.cells = nb_mirror.cells[1:]
            for cell in notebook.cells:
                cell.metadata = {}
            for cell in nb_mirror.cells:
                cell.metadata = {}

        compare_notebooks(notebook, nb_mirror, fmt)

        combine_inputs_with_outputs(nb_mirror, notebook)
        compare_notebooks(notebook, nb_mirror, fmt, compare_outputs=True)
Exemple #9
def test_convert_single_file_in_place(nb_file, tmpdir):
    nb_org = str(tmpdir.join(os.path.basename(nb_file)))
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(nb_org)
    nb_other = base + '.py'

    copyfile(nb_file, nb_org)
    convert_notebook_files([nb_org], ext='.py')

    nb1 = readf(nb_org)
    nb2 = readf(nb_other)

    compare_notebooks(nb1, nb2)
def test_ipynb_is_ok(nb_file, tmpdir):
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_rmd = 'notebook.Rmd'

    cm = TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,Rmd'

    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_rmd)

    nb2 = jupytext.readf(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)
def test_rmd_is_ok(nb_file, tmpdir):
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_rmd = 'notebook.Rmd'

    nb.metadata.setdefault('jupytext', {})['formats'] = 'ipynb,Rmd'

    cm = TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    nb2 = jupytext.readf(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_rmd)))

    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2, 'Rmd')
def test_metadata_filter_is_effective(nb_file, tmpdir):
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_script = 'notebook.py'

    # create contents manager
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook to tmpdir
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # set config
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb, py'
    cm.default_notebook_metadata_filter = 'jupytext,-all'
    cm.default_cell_metadata_filter = '-all'

    # load notebook
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        nb = cm.get(tmp_ipynb)['content']

    assert nb.metadata['jupytext']['metadata_filter']['cells'] == {
        'excluded': 'all'
    assert nb.metadata['jupytext']['metadata_filter']['notebook'] == {
        'additional': ['jupytext'],
        'excluded': 'all'

    # save notebook again
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # read text version
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        nb2 = jupytext.readf(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_script)))

    # test no metadata
    assert set(nb2.metadata.keys()) <= {'jupytext'}
    for cell in nb2.cells:
        assert not cell.metadata

    # read paired notebook
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        nb3 = cm.get(tmp_script)['content']

    compare_notebooks(nb, nb3)
Exemple #13
def test_save_in_auto_extension_local(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # load notebook
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    nb.metadata.setdefault('jupytext', {})['formats'] = 'ipynb,auto:percent'
    if 'language_info' not in nb.metadata:

    auto_ext = auto_ext_from_metadata(nb.metadata)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_script = 'notebook' + auto_ext

    # create contents manager with default load format as percent
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # check that text representation exists, and is in percent format
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_script))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), auto_ext) == 'percent'

    # reload and compare with original notebook
    model = cm.get(path=tmp_script)

    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])
Exemple #14
def test_save_in_pct_and_lgt_auto_extensions(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # load notebook
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    if 'language_info' not in nb.metadata:

    auto_ext = auto_ext_from_metadata(nb.metadata)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_pct_script = 'notebook.pct' + auto_ext
    tmp_lgt_script = 'notebook.lgt' + auto_ext

    # create contents manager with default load format as percent
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,.pct.auto,.lgt.auto'
    cm.preferred_jupytext_formats_save = '.pct.auto:percent,.lgt.auto:light'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # check that text representation exists in percent format
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_pct_script))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), auto_ext) == 'percent'

    # check that text representation exists in light format
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_lgt_script))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), auto_ext) == 'light'
Exemple #15
def test_load_save_rename_nbpy(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_nbpy = 'notebook.nb.py'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,.nb.py'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # open ipynb, save nb.py, reopen
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_nbpy)
    nbpy = cm.get(tmp_nbpy)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nbpy['content'])

    # save ipynb
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # rename nbpy
    cm.rename(tmp_nbpy, 'new.nb.py')
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))
    assert not os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_nbpy)))

    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.ipynb')))
    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('new.nb.py')))

    # rename to a non-matching pattern
    with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
        cm.rename_file(tmp_nbpy, 'suffix_missing.py')
Exemple #16
def test_pair_notebook_with_dot(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # Reproduce issue #138
    tmp_py = 'file.5.1.py'
    tmp_ipynb = 'file.5.1.ipynb'

    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    nb['metadata']['jupytext'] = {'formats': 'ipynb,py:percent'}

    # save to ipynb and three python flavors
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_ipynb)))

    # read files
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_py))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), '.py') == 'percent'

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_py)
    assert model['name'] == 'file.5.1.py'
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])

    model = cm.get(path=tmp_ipynb)
    assert model['name'] == 'file.5.1.ipynb'
    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])
Exemple #17
 def read(cls, path):
     Read a notebook using Jupytext
     assert path.startswith('txt://')
     nb = jupytext.readf(path[6:])
     return nbformat.writes(nb, version=4)
Exemple #18
def strip_cells(nb_in, nb_out, the_string):
    Remove all cells with metadata['ctype']==the_string from
    cell list.

    nb_in: str
        the path of the notebook to strip cells from

    nb_out: str
        the path of the notebook to write to

    the_string: str
        the cell type to strip

        a new notebook object with cells stripped
    nb_obj = jp.readf(nb_in)
    new_list = []
    for the_cell in nb_obj['cells']:
        if 'ctype' in the_cell['metadata']:
            if the_cell['metadata']['ctype'] == the_string:
    nb_obj['cells'] = new_list
    jp.writef(nb_obj, str(nb_out))
    return nb_obj
Exemple #19
def main(pynotebook, keyout):
    keypath = Path(keyout.name)
    if keypath.suffix != ".json":
        raise ValueError(f"your output file {keyout} needs to end in .json")
    nb_obj = jp.readf(pynotebook)
    answers = nu.get_key(nb_obj)
    json.dump(answers, keyout, indent=4)
Exemple #20
def test_convert_to_percent_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))
    tmp_nbpy = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.py'))

    copyfile(nb_file, tmp_ipynb)

    jupytext(['--to', 'py:percent', tmp_ipynb])

    with open(tmp_nbpy) as stream:
        py_script = stream.read()
        assert 'format_name: percent' in py_script

    nb1 = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    nb2 = readf(tmp_nbpy)

    compare_notebooks(nb1, nb2)
Exemple #21
def test_cli_can_infer_jupytext_format(nb_file, ext, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))
    tmp_text = str(tmpdir.join('notebook' + ext))
    nb = readf(nb_file)

    # Light format to Jupyter notebook
    writef(nb, tmp_text)
    jupytext(['--to', 'notebook', tmp_text])
    nb2 = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)

    # Percent format to Jupyter notebook
    writef(nb, tmp_text, ext + ':percent')
    jupytext(['--to', 'notebook', tmp_text])
    nb2 = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)
Exemple #22
def test_convert_and_update_preserves_notebook(nb_file, fmt, tmpdir):
    # cannot encode magic parameters in markdown yet
    if 'magic' in nb_file and fmt == 'md':

    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))
    copyfile(nb_file, tmp_ipynb)
    ext = long_form_one_format(fmt)['extension']
    tmp_text = str(tmpdir.join('notebook' + ext))

    jupytext(['--to', fmt, tmp_ipynb])
    jupytext(['--to', 'ipynb', '--update', tmp_text])

    nb_org = readf(nb_file)
    nb_now = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    compare(nb_org, nb_now)
Exemple #23
def test_local_format_can_deactivate_pairing(nb_file, ext, tmpdir):
    """This is a test for #157: local format can be used to deactivate the global pairing"""
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    nb.metadata['jupytext_formats'] = ext[1:]  # py or ipynb

    # create contents manager with default pairing
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,py'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path='notebook' + ext)

    # check that only the text representation exists
    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('notebook.py'))) == (ext == '.py')
    assert os.path.isfile(str(
        tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))) == (ext == '.ipynb')
    nb2 = cm.get('notebook' + ext)['content']
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)

    # resave, check again
    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb2), path='notebook' + ext)

    assert os.path.isfile(str(tmpdir.join('notebook.py'))) == (ext == '.py')
    assert os.path.isfile(str(
        tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))) == (ext == '.ipynb')
    nb3 = cm.get('notebook' + ext)['content']
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb3)
Exemple #24
def test_save_in_auto_extension_global_with_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    # load notebook
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    if nb.metadata.get('jupytext', {}).get('formats'):
        del nb.metadata['jupytext']['formats']
    if 'language_info' not in nb.metadata:

    auto_ext = auto_ext_from_metadata(nb.metadata)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_script = 'notebook' + auto_ext

    # create contents manager with default load format as percent
    cm = jupytext.TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.default_jupytext_formats = 'ipynb,auto:percent'
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    # save notebook
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    # check that text representation exists, and is in percent format
    with open(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_script))) as stream:
        assert read_format_from_metadata(stream.read(), auto_ext) == 'percent'

    # reload and compare with original notebook
    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        model = cm.get(path=tmp_script)

    # saving should not create a format entry #95
    assert 'formats' not in model['content'].metadata.get('jupytext', {})

    compare_notebooks(nb, model['content'])
Exemple #25
def test_convert_single_file(nb_file, capsys):
    nb1 = readf(nb_file)
    pynb = writes(nb1, ext='.py')
    convert_notebook_files([nb_file], ext='.py', output='-')

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert err == ''
    compare(out, pynb)
Exemple #26
def main(args=None):
    parser = make_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    nb_obj = jp.readf(args.pynotebook)
    new_nb = nu.update_headers(nb_obj, lhead=args.lhead, chead=args.chead)
    jp.writef(new_nb, args.pynotebook)
    jupytext(args=[args.pynotebook, '--to', '..//ipynb', '--execute'])
Exemple #27
def test_notebook_contents_is_unicode(nb_file):
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)

    for cell in nb.cells:
        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
            assert cell.source == '' or isinstance(cell.source, unicode)
            assert isinstance(cell.source, str)
def test_all_files_created(nb_file, tmpdir):
    nb = jupytext.readf(nb_file)
    tmp_ipynb = 'notebook.ipynb'
    tmp_rmd = 'notebook.Rmd'
    tmp_py = 'notebook.py'
    nb.metadata['jupytext'] = {'formats': 'ipynb,Rmd,py'}

    cm = TextFileContentsManager()
    cm.root_dir = str(tmpdir)

    cm.save(model=dict(type='notebook', content=nb), path=tmp_ipynb)

    nb2 = jupytext.readf(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_py)))
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb2)

    nb3 = jupytext.readf(str(tmpdir.join(tmp_rmd)))
    compare_notebooks(nb, nb3, 'Rmd')
Exemple #29
def test_convert_to_percent_format(nb_file, tmpdir):
    tmp_ipynb = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.ipynb'))
    tmp_nbpy = str(tmpdir.join('notebook.py'))

    copyfile(nb_file, tmp_ipynb)

    with mock.patch('jupytext.header.INSERT_AND_CHECK_VERSION_NUMBER', True):
        jupytext(['--to', 'py:percent', tmp_ipynb])

    with open(tmp_nbpy) as stream:
        py_script = stream.read()
        assert 'py:percent' in py_script

    nb1 = readf(tmp_ipynb)
    nb2 = readf(tmp_nbpy)

    compare_notebooks(nb1, nb2)
Exemple #30
def test_to_cpluplus(nb_file, capsys):
    nb1 = readf(nb_file)
    text_cpp = writes(nb1, ext='.cpp')
    jupytext([nb_file, '--to', 'c++', '--output', '-'])

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert err == ''
    compare(out, text_cpp)