def check_for_match(new_case, possibilities):
    This code is a variation of get_closest_match_index used in juriscraper.
    It checks if the case name we are trying to add matches any duplicate
    citation cases already in the system.
    :param new_case: The importing case name
    :param possibilities: The array of cases already in the
    system with the same citation
    :return: Returns the match if any, otherwise returns None.
    new_case = normalize_phrase(new_case)
    possibilities = [normalize_phrase(x) for x in possibilities]
        match = difflib.get_close_matches(
            new_case, possibilities, n=1, cutoff=0.7
        return match
    except IndexError:
        # No good matches.
        return None
 def test_normalize_phrase(self):
     """Tests normalization of case titles."""
     test_pairs = [
         ["Commissioner v. Palin", "palin"],
         ["Commr v. Palin", "palin"],
         ["Comm'r v. Palin", "palin"],
             "United States v. Learned Hand et. al.",
         ["Baker, Plaintiff v. Palin, Defendant", "bakerpalin"],
     for pair in test_pairs:
             normalize_phrase(harmonize(clean_string(pair[0]))), pair[1])