Exemple #1
def from_jwt(jwt, key):
    "Returns the decoded claim on success, or throws exception on error"
    (header, claim, sig) = jwt.split('.')
    header = jws.utils.from_base64(header)
    claim = jws.utils.from_base64(claim)
    jws.verify(header, claim, sig, key, is_json=True)
    return jws.utils.from_json(claim)
Exemple #2
 def test_valid_rsa512(self):
     header = {'alg': 'RS512'}
     sinput,sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, self.private)
     public = self.private.publickey()
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, public))
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, None, sig, public, signing_input=sinput))
def from_jwt(jwt, key):
    "Returns the decoded claim on success, or throws exception on error"
    (header, claim, sig) = jwt.split('.')
    header = jws.utils.from_base64(header)
    claim = jws.utils.from_base64(claim)
    jws.verify(header, claim, sig, key, is_json=True)
    return jws.utils.from_json(claim)
Exemple #4
 def test_valid_rsa512(self):
     header = {'alg': 'RS512'}
     sinput, sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, self.private)
     public = self.private.publickey()
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, public))
         jws.verify(header, None, sig, public, signing_input=sinput))
def check_dict(data, key):
    raises jws.exceptions.SignatureError if it fails
    :rtype: dict
    token = data.get('_token')
    if not token:
        raise jws.exceptions.SignatureError("missing token!")
    signature = bytes(token, encoding='utf-8')
    del data['_token']
    data = OrderedDict(sorted(data.items()))
    jws.verify({'alg': 'HS384'}, data, signature, key)
    return data
    def test_custom_algorithm(self):
        class F7U12(jws.algos.AlgorithmBase):
            def __init__(self):

            def sign(self, msg, key):
                return 'u mad?' + key

            def verify(self, msg, sig, key):
                import sys
                if sys.version < '3':
                    if sig == 'u mad?' + key: return '<trollface>'
                    if sig == b'u mad?' + bytes(key, 'UTF-8'):
                        return '<trollface>'
                raise jws.SignatureError('Y U NO GIVE GOOD SIGNATURE')

        jws.algos.CUSTOM = [('F7U12', F7U12)]
        header = {'alg': 'F7U12'}
        payload = {'some': 'claim'}

        sig = jws.sign(header, payload, 'wutlol')
        self.assertEqual(jws.verify(header, payload, sig, 'wutlol'),
        self.assertRaises(jws.SignatureError, jws.verify, header, payload, sig,
Exemple #7
 def test_valid_ecdsa512(self):
     key = self.sk512
     header = {'alg': 'ES512'}
     sinput, sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, key)
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
         jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, key.get_verifying_key()))
Exemple #8
def verify_data(payload, sig, vk = vk):
    header = { 'alg': 'ES256' }
        verified = jws.verify(header, payload, sig, vk)
    except jws.SignatureError:
        print("Validation Error")
        return False
    return verified
Exemple #9
def is_jose_sig_valid(b64_jpayload, jose_sig, vk_pem):
    jpayload = b64url_dec(b64_jpayload, MalformedSignatureError)

    b64_jheader = dget(jose_sig, 'protected', MalformedSignatureError)
    jheader = b64url_dec(b64_jheader, MalformedSignatureError)

    b64_sig = dget(jose_sig, 'signature', MalformedSignatureError)
    sig_der = b64url_dec(b64_sig, MalformedSignatureError)

    vk = VerifyingKey.from_pem(vk_pem)
    vk_order = vk.curve.order
    b64_sig_string = base64url_encode(sig_der_to_string(sig_der, vk_order))

        jws.verify(jheader, jpayload, b64_sig_string, vk, is_json=True)
        return True
    except jws.SignatureError:
        return False
Exemple #10
def is_jws_sig_valid(b64_jws_sig, vk_pem):
    parts = b64_jws_sig.split('.')
    if len(parts) != 3:
        raise MalformedSignatureError

    # Extract parts to verify signature
    jheader_b64, jbody_b64, sig_der_b64 = parts
    jheader = b64url_dec(jheader_b64)
    jbody = b64url_dec(jbody_b64)
    sig_der = b64url_dec(sig_der_b64)

    vk = VerifyingKey.from_pem(vk_pem)
    vk_order = vk.curve.order
    sig_string_b64 = base64url_encode(sig_der_to_string(sig_der, vk_order))

        jws.verify(jheader, jbody, sig_string_b64, vk, is_json=True)
        return True
    except jws.SignatureError:
        return False
Exemple #11
def verify(sjws, pub_pem):
    sjws = json.loads(sjws)
    pub_pem = json.loads(pub_pem.replace('\n', '\\n'))
    if pub_pem.startswith("-----BEGIN"):
        pub_key = RSA.importKey(pub_pem)
        pub_key = pub_pem
    header, payload, signature = sjws.split('.')
    header = jws.utils.from_base64(str(header))
    payload = jws.utils.from_base64(str(payload))
    if not jws.verify(header, payload, str(signature), pub_key, True):
        raise "failed to verify signature"
Exemple #12
 def test_custom_algorithm(self):
     class F7U12(jws.algos.AlgorithmBase):
         def __init__(self): pass
         def sign(self, msg, key):
             return 'u mad?' + key
         def verify(self, msg, sig, key):
             if sig == 'u mad?' + key: return '<trollface>'
             raise jws.SignatureError('Y U NO GIVE GOOD SIGNATURE')
     jws.algos.CUSTOM = [ ('F7U12',  F7U12) ]
     header = {'alg': 'F7U12'}
     payload = {'some': 'claim'}
     sig = jws.sign(header, payload, 'wutlol')
     self.assertEqual(jws.verify(header,payload,sig, 'wutlol'), '<trollface>')
     self.assertRaises(jws.SignatureError, jws.verify, header, payload, sig, 'raaaaage')
Exemple #13
    def test_custom_algorithm(self):
        class F7U12(jws.algos.AlgorithmBase):
            def __init__(self):

            def sign(self, msg, key):
                return "u mad?" + key

            def verify(self, msg, sig, key):
                if sig == "u mad?" + key:
                    return "<trollface>"
                raise jws.SignatureError("Y U NO GIVE GOOD SIGNATURE")

        jws.algos.CUSTOM = [("F7U12", F7U12)]
        header = {"alg": "F7U12"}
        payload = {"some": "claim"}

        sig = jws.sign(header, payload, "wutlol")
        self.assertEqual(jws.verify(header, payload, sig, "wutlol"), "<trollface>")
        self.assertRaises(jws.SignatureError, jws.verify, header, payload, sig, "raaaaage")
def verify_title_version():
        signed_title = request.get_json()
        signature = signed_title['sig']

        #signed_data is currently unicode.  Incompatible with JWS.  Convert to ASCII
        signature = signature.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
        title = json.dumps(signed_title['data'])

        # #import keys
        key = get_key()
        header = {'alg': 'RS256'}
        the_result = jws.verify(header, title, signature, key)

    except HTTPException as err:
        http_exception = '. HTTP exception occurred. '
        return http_exception, err.code
    except SignatureError as err:
        signature_error = '. Could not validate signature. '
        return signature_error, 200
    except MintUserException as err:
        app.logger.error(make_log_msg(str(err), request, ERROR_LOG_FILENAME, get_title_number(request)))
        return str(err), 500
    except Exception as err:
        unknown_error = '. unknown error in application.server.verify_title_version. '
        app.logger.error(make_log_msg(unknown_error, request, ERROR_LOG_FILENAME, get_title_number(request)))
        return unknown_error, 500
        if the_result:
                make_log_msg(". AUDIT: Verified signed title. ", request, INFO_LOG_FILENAME, get_title_number(request)))
            return "verified", 200
Exemple #15
def verify_jwt(jwt,
    Verify a JSON Web Token.

    :param jwt: The JSON Web Token to verify.
    :type jwt: str

    :param pub_key: The public key to be used to verify the token. Note: if you pass ``None`` then the token's signature will not be verified.
    :type pub_key: `_RSAobj <https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/api/current/Crypto.PublicKey.RSA._RSAobj-class.html>`_, `VerifyingKey <https://github.com/warner/python-ecdsa>`_, str or NoneType

    :param iat_skew: The amount of leeway to allow between the issuer's clock and the verifier's clock when verifiying that the token was generated in the past. Defaults to no leeway.
    :type iat_skew: datetime.timedelta

    :param checks_optional: Whether the token must contain the **typ** header property and the **iat**, **nbf** and **exp** claim properties.
    :type checks_optional: bool

    :rtype: tuple
    :returns: ``(header, claims)`` if the token was verified successfully. The token must pass the following tests:

    - Its signature must verify using the public key or its algorithm must be ``none``.
    - If the corresponding property is present or **checks_optional** is ``False``:

      - Its header must contain a property **typ** with the value ``JWT``.
      - Its claims must contain a property **iat** which represents a date in the past (taking into account :obj:`iat_skew`).
      - Its claims must contian a property **nbf** which represents a date in the past.
      - Its claims must contain a property **exp** which represents a date in the future.

    :raises: If the token failed to verify.
    header, claims, sig = jwt.split('.')

    header = jws.utils.from_base64(header)
    parsed_header = jws.utils.from_json(header)
    claims = jws.utils.from_base64(claims)

    if pub_key and parsed_header['alg'] != 'none':
        jws.verify(header, claims, sig, pub_key, True)

    header = parsed_header
    claims = jws.utils.from_json(claims)

    utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
    now = timegm(utcnow.utctimetuple())

    typ = header.get('typ')
    if typ is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('type not present')
    elif typ != 'JWT':
        raise _JWTError('type is not JWT')

    iat = claims.get('iat')
    if iat is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('iat claim not present')
    elif iat > timegm((utcnow + iat_skew).utctimetuple()):
        raise _JWTError('issued in the future')

    nbf = claims.get('nbf')
    if nbf is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('nbf claim not present')
    elif nbf > now:
        raise _JWTError('not yet valid')

    exp = claims.get('exp')
    if exp is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('exp claim not present')
    elif exp <= now:
        raise _JWTError('expired')

    return header, claims
Exemple #16
 def test_valid_rsa384(self):
     header = {'alg': 'RS384'}
     sinput, sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, self.private)
     public = self.private.publickey()
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, public))
Exemple #17
 def test_valid_hmac512(self):
     header = {'alg': 'HS512'}
     sinput, sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, 'secret')
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, 'secret'))
Exemple #18
 def test_valid_rsa512_pss(self):
     header = {'alg': 'PS512'}
     sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, self.private)
     public = self.private.publickey()
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, public))
def verify_jws_signature(state, task_meta, **options):
        data = task_meta['data']
        node_id = task_meta['node_id']
        key_node = get_node_by_path(state,
                                    [node_id, 'verification', 'creator'])
        public_pem = key_node['publicKeyPem']
    except (
        raise TaskPrerequisitesError()

    actions = [
        add_task(VERIFY_KEY_OWNERSHIP, node_id=node_id),
                 node_path=[node_id, 'badge', 'issuer'],
    separator = '.'
    if sys.version[:3] > '3':
        separator = separator.encode('utf8')
    header, payload, signature = data.split(separator)
    if sys.version[:3] > '3':
        signature = make_string_from_bytes(signature)
    print("VERIFY JWS SIGNATURE : public_pem:")
    print("VERIFY JWS SIGNATURE : signature:")

        header_data = b64decode(header)
        if not isinstance(header_data, str):
            header_data = header_data.decode('utf-8')
        print("VERIFY JWS SIGNATURE : header_data:")
        payload_data = b64decode(payload)
        if not isinstance(payload_data, str):
            payload_data = payload_data.decode('utf-8')
        print("VERIFY JWS SIGNATURE : payload_data:")
    except TypeError:
        return task_result(
            "Signature for node {} failed to unpack into a predictable format".

    except (jws.exceptions.SignatureError, TypeError) as e:
        return task_result(
            "Signature for node {} failed verification".format(node_id) +
            " :: " + str(e), actions)

    return task_result(
        True, "Signature for node {} passed verification".format(node_id),
Exemple #20
 def test_valid_rsa384_pkcs1_5(self):
     header = {'alg': 'RS384'}
     sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, self.private)
     public = self.private.publickey()
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, public))
Exemple #21
 def test_valid_ecdsa256(self):
     key = self.sk256
     header = {"alg": "ES256"}
     sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, key)
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, key.get_verifying_key()))
Exemple #22
 def test_valid_hmac512(self):
     header = {"alg": "HS512"}
     sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, "secret")
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, "secret"))
Exemple #23
 def test_valid_rsa256(self):
     header = {"alg": "RS256"}
     sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, self.private)
     public = self.private.publickey()
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, public))
Exemple #24
def verify_jwt(jwt, pub_key=None, iat_skew=timedelta(), checks_optional=False):
    Verify a JSON Web Token.

    :param jwt: The JSON Web Token to verify.
    :type jwt: str

    :param pub_key: The public key to be used to verify the token. Note: if you pass ``None`` then the token's signature will not be verified.
    :type pub_key: `_RSAobj <https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/api/current/Crypto.PublicKey.RSA._RSAobj-class.html>`_, `VerifyingKey <https://github.com/warner/python-ecdsa>`_, str or NoneType

    :param iat_skew: The amount of leeway to allow between the issuer's clock and the verifier's clock when verifiying that the token was generated in the past. Defaults to no leeway.
    :type iat_skew: datetime.timedelta

    :param checks_optional: Whether the token must contain the **typ** header property and the **iat**, **nbf** and **exp** claim properties.
    :type checks_optional: bool

    :rtype: tuple
    :returns: ``(header, claims)`` if the token was verified successfully. The token must pass the following tests:

    - Its signature must verify using the public key or its algorithm must be ``none``.
    - If the corresponding property is present or **checks_optional** is ``False``:

      - Its header must contain a property **typ** with the value ``JWT``.
      - Its claims must contain a property **iat** which represents a date in the past (taking into account :obj:`iat_skew`).
      - Its claims must contian a property **nbf** which represents a date in the past.
      - Its claims must contain a property **exp** which represents a date in the future.

    :raises: If the token failed to verify.
    header, claims, sig = jwt.split('.')

    header = jws.utils.from_base64(header)
    parsed_header = jws.utils.from_json(header)
    claims = jws.utils.from_base64(claims)

    if pub_key and parsed_header['alg'] != 'none':
        jws.verify(header, claims, sig, pub_key, True)

    header = parsed_header
    claims = jws.utils.from_json(claims)

    utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
    now = timegm(utcnow.utctimetuple())

    typ = header.get('typ')
    if typ is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('type not present')
    elif typ != 'JWT':
        raise _JWTError('type is not JWT')

    iat = claims.get('iat')
    if iat is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('iat claim not present')
    elif iat > timegm((utcnow + iat_skew).utctimetuple()):
        raise _JWTError('issued in the future')

    nbf = claims.get('nbf')
    if nbf is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('nbf claim not present')
    elif nbf > now:
        raise _JWTError('not yet valid')

    exp = claims.get('exp')
    if exp is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('exp claim not present')
    elif exp <= now:
        raise _JWTError('expired')

    return header, claims
Exemple #25
def verify_jwt(jwt,
    Verify a JSON Web Token.

    :param jwt: The JSON Web Token to verify.
    :type jwt: str or unicode

    :param pub_key: The public key to be used to verify the token. Note: if you pass ``None`` and **allowed_algs** contains ``none`` then the token's signature will not be verified.
    :type pub_key: `_RSAobj <https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/api/current/Crypto.PublicKey.RSA._RSAobj-class.html>`_, `VerifyingKey <https://github.com/warner/python-ecdsa>`_, str or NoneType

    :param allowed_algs: Algorithms expected to be used to sign the token. The ``in`` operator is used to test membership.
    :type allowed_algs: list, dict or NoneType

    :param iat_skew: The amount of leeway to allow between the issuer's clock and the verifier's clock when verifiying that the token was generated in the past. Defaults to no leeway.
    :type iat_skew: datetime.timedelta

    :param checks_optional: If ``False``, then the token must contain the **typ** header property and the **iat**, **nbf** and **exp** claim properties.
    :type checks_optional: bool

    :param ignore_not_implemented: If ``False``, then the token must *not* contain the **jku**, **kid**, **x5u** or **x5t** header properties.
    :type ignore_not_implemented: bool

    :rtype: tuple
    :returns: ``(header, claims)`` if the token was verified successfully. The token must pass the following tests:

    - Its header must contain a property **alg** with a value in **allowed_algs**.
    - Its signature must verify using **pub_key** (unless its algorithm is ``none`` and ``none`` is in **allowed_algs**).
    - If the corresponding property is present or **checks_optional** is ``False``:

      - Its header must contain a property **typ** with the value ``JWT``.
      - Its claims must contain a property **iat** which represents a date in the past (taking into account :obj:`iat_skew`).
      - Its claims must contain a property **nbf** which represents a date in the past.
      - Its claims must contain a property **exp** which represents a date in the future.

    :raises: If the token failed to verify.
    header, claims, sig = jwt.split('.')

    header = jws.utils.from_base64(header).decode('utf-8')
    parsed_header = jws.utils.from_json(header)

    if allowed_algs is None:
        allowed_algs = []

    alg = parsed_header.get('alg')
    if alg is None:
        raise _JWTError('alg not present')
    if alg not in allowed_algs:
        raise _JWTError('algorithm not allowed: ' + alg)

    claims = jws.utils.from_base64(claims).decode('utf-8')

    if pub_key:
        _tls.ignore_not_implemented = ignore_not_implemented
            jws.verify(header, claims, sig, pub_key, True)
            _tls.ignore_not_implemented = False
    elif 'none' not in allowed_algs:
        raise _JWTError('no key but none alg not allowed')

    parsed_claims = jws.utils.from_json(claims)

    utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
    now = timegm(utcnow.utctimetuple())

    typ = parsed_header.get('typ')
    if typ is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('type not present')
    elif typ != 'JWT':
        raise _JWTError('type is not JWT')

    iat = parsed_claims.get('iat')
    if iat is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('iat claim not present')
    elif iat > timegm((utcnow + iat_skew).utctimetuple()):
        raise _JWTError('issued in the future')

    nbf = parsed_claims.get('nbf')
    if nbf is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('nbf claim not present')
    elif nbf > now:
        raise _JWTError('not yet valid')

    exp = parsed_claims.get('exp')
    if exp is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('exp claim not present')
    elif exp <= now:
        raise _JWTError('expired')

    return parsed_header, parsed_claims
Exemple #26
 def test_valid_rsa512_pss(self):
     header = {'alg': 'PS512'}
     sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, self.private)
     public = self.private.publickey()
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, public))
Exemple #27
import jws

header = {'alg': 'HS256'}
payload = {'name': 'Kuntal Samanta', 'age': '25'}
# Creating signature
signature = jws.sign(header, payload, 'key')
# Validating signature
res = jws.verify(header, payload, signature, 'key')
Exemple #28
def from_jwt(jwt, key):
    (header, claim, sig) = jwt.split('.')
    header = jws.utils.decode(header)
    claim = jws.utils.decode(claim)
    jws.verify(header, claim, sig, key)
    return claim
Exemple #29
def verify_jwt(jwt,
    Verify a JSON Web Token.

    :param jwt: The JSON Web Token to verify.
    :type jwt: str or unicode

    :param pub_key: The public key to be used to verify the token. Note: if you pass ``None`` and **allowed_algs** contains ``none`` then the token's signature will not be verified.
    :type pub_key: `_RSAobj <https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/api/current/Crypto.PublicKey.RSA._RSAobj-class.html>`_, `VerifyingKey <https://github.com/warner/python-ecdsa>`_, str or NoneType

    :param allowed_algs: Algorithms expected to be used to sign the token. The ``in`` operator is used to test membership.
    :type allowed_algs: list, dict or NoneType

    :param iat_skew: The amount of leeway to allow between the issuer's clock and the verifier's clock when verifiying that the token was generated in the past. Defaults to no leeway.
    :type iat_skew: datetime.timedelta

    :param checks_optional: If ``False``, then the token must contain the **typ** header property and the **iat**, **nbf** and **exp** claim properties.
    :type checks_optional: bool

    :param ignore_not_implemented: If ``False``, then the token must *not* contain the **jku**, **kid**, **x5u** or **x5t** header properties.
    :type ignore_not_implemented: bool

    :rtype: tuple
    :returns: ``(header, claims)`` if the token was verified successfully. The token must pass the following tests:

    - Its header must contain a property **alg** with a value in **allowed_algs**.
    - Its signature must verify using **pub_key** (unless its algorithm is ``none`` and ``none`` is in **allowed_algs**).
    - If the corresponding property is present or **checks_optional** is ``False``:

      - Its header must contain a property **typ** with the value ``JWT``.
      - Its claims must contain a property **iat** which represents a date in the past (taking into account :obj:`iat_skew`).
      - Its claims must contain a property **nbf** which represents a date in the past.
      - Its claims must contain a property **exp** which represents a date in the future.

    :raises: If the token failed to verify.
    header, claims, sig = jwt.split('.')

    header = jws.utils.from_base64(header).decode('utf-8')
    parsed_header = jws.utils.from_json(header)

    if allowed_algs is None:
        allowed_algs = []

    alg = parsed_header.get('alg')
    if alg is None:
        raise _JWTError('alg not present')
    if alg not in allowed_algs:
        raise _JWTError('algorithm not allowed: ' + alg)

    claims = jws.utils.from_base64(claims).decode('utf-8')

    if pub_key:
        _tls.ignore_not_implemented = ignore_not_implemented
            jws.verify(header, claims, sig, pub_key, True)
            _tls.ignore_not_implemented = False
    elif 'none' not in allowed_algs:
        raise _JWTError('no key but none alg not allowed')

    parsed_claims = jws.utils.from_json(claims)

    utcnow = datetime.utcnow()
    now = timegm(utcnow.utctimetuple())

    typ = parsed_header.get('typ')
    if typ is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('type not present')
    elif typ != 'JWT':
        raise _JWTError('type is not JWT')

    iat = parsed_claims.get('iat')
    if iat is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('iat claim not present')
    elif iat > timegm((utcnow + iat_skew).utctimetuple()):
        raise _JWTError('issued in the future')

    nbf = parsed_claims.get('nbf')
    if nbf is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('nbf claim not present')
    elif nbf > now:
        raise _JWTError('not yet valid')

    exp = parsed_claims.get('exp')
    if exp is None:
        if not checks_optional:
            raise _JWTError('exp claim not present')
    elif exp <= now:
        raise _JWTError('expired')

    return parsed_header, parsed_claims
Exemple #30
 def test_valid_hmac512(self):
     header = {'alg': 'HS512'}
     sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, 'secret')
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, 'secret'))
Exemple #31
def from_jwt(jwt, key):
    (header, claim, sig) = jwt.split('.')
    header = jws.utils.decode(header)
    claim = jws.utils.decode(claim)
    jws.verify(header, claim, sig, key)
    return claim
Exemple #32
 def test_valid_ecdsa512(self):
     key = self.sk512
     header = {'alg': 'ES512'}
     sig = jws.sign(header, self.payload, key)
     self.assertTrue(len(sig) > 0)
     self.assertTrue(jws.verify(header, self.payload, sig, key.get_verifying_key()))