Exemple #1
def test_miri_image_wcs(_bigdata):

    Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.

    suffix = 'assignwcsstep'
    output_file_base, output_file = add_suffix('miri_image_wcs_output.fits',


    input_file = os.path.join(
        _bigdata, 'miri', 'test_wcs', 'image',
    ref_file = os.path.join(
        _bigdata, 'miri', 'test_wcs', 'image',

    AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, output_file=output_file_base, suffix=suffix)
    im = ImageModel(output_file)
    imref = ImageModel(ref_file)
    x, y = np.mgrid[:1031, :1024]
    ra, dec = im.meta.wcs(x, y)
    raref, decref = imref.meta.wcs(x, y)
    utils.assert_allclose(ra, raref)
    utils.assert_allclose(dec, decref)
Exemple #2
def img_with_wcs(input):
    Open a JWST exposure and apply the distortion model.  
    input : type
        Anything `jwst.datamodels.util.open` can accept for initialization.
    with_wcs : `jwst.datamodels.ImageModel`
        Image model with full `~gwcs` in `with_wcs.meta.wcs`.
    from jwst.datamodels import util
    from jwst.assign_wcs import AssignWcsStep

    # from jwst.stpipe import crds_client
    # from jwst.assign_wcs import assign_wcs

    # HDUList -> jwst.datamodels.ImageModel
    img = util.open(input)

    # AssignWcs to pupulate img.meta.wcsinfo
    step = AssignWcsStep()
    with_wcs = step.process(img)

    ## Above should be more robust to get all of the necessary ref files
    #dist_file = crds_client.get_reference_file(img, 'distortion')
    #reference_files = {'distortion': dist_file}
    #with_wcs = assign_wcs.load_wcs(img, reference_files=reference_files)

    return with_wcs
Exemple #3
def create_tso_wcsimage(filtername="F277W", subarray=False):
    """Help create tsgrism GWCS object."""
    if subarray:
        subarray = "SUBGRISM256"
        subarray = "FULL"
    hdul = create_hdul(exptype='NRC_TSGRISM',
    hdul['sci'].header['SUBSIZE1'] = NIRCAM_TSO_WIDTH

    if subarray:
        hdul['sci'].header['SUBSIZE2'] = 256
        subsize = 256
        hdul['sci'].header['SUBSIZE2'] = 2048
        subsize = 2048

    hdul['sci'].data = np.ones((2, subsize, NIRCAM_TSO_WIDTH))
    im = CubeModel(hdul)
    im.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_xref_sci = 887.0
    im.meta.wcsinfo.siaf_yref_sci = 35.0
    aswcs = AssignWcsStep()
    return aswcs.process(im)
Exemple #4
def test_miri_fixed_slit_wcs(_bigdata):

    Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.

    output_file_base, output_file = add_suffix('miri_fixed_wcs_output.fits',


    input_file = os.path.join(_bigdata, 'miri', 'test_wcs', 'fixed',
    ref_file = os.path.join(
        _bigdata, 'miri', 'test_wcs', 'fixed',

    AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, output_file=output_file_base)
    im = ImageModel(output_file)
    imref = ImageModel(ref_file)
    y, x = np.mgrid[:1031, :1024]
    ra, dec, lam = im.meta.wcs(x, y)
    raref, decref, lamref = imref.meta.wcs(x, y)
    utils.assert_allclose(ra, raref)
    utils.assert_allclose(dec, decref)
    utils.assert_allclose(lam, lamref)
Exemple #5
def test_miri_slitless_wcs(_bigdata):

    Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.

    suffix = 'assignwcsstep'
    output_file_base, output_file = add_suffix('miri_slitless_wcs_output.fits',


    input_file = os.path.join(
        _bigdata, 'miri', 'test_wcs', 'slitless',
    ref_file = os.path.join(
        _bigdata, 'miri', 'test_wcs', 'slitless',

    AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, output_file=output_file_base, suffix=suffix)
    im = CubeModel(output_file)
    imref = CubeModel(ref_file)
    x, y = np.mgrid[:1031, :1024]
    ra, dec, lam = im.meta.wcs(x, y)
    raref, decref, lamref = imref.meta.wcs(x, y)
    utils.assert_allclose(ra, raref)
    utils.assert_allclose(dec, decref)
    utils.assert_allclose(lam, lamref)
Exemple #6
def create_reference_files(datamodel):
    refs = {}
    step = AssignWcsStep()
    for reftype in AssignWcsStep.reference_file_types:
        refs[reftype] = step.get_reference_file(datamodel, reftype)

    return refs
Exemple #7
def test_nirspec_nrs1_wcs(_bigdata):

    Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.

    output_file_base, output_file = add_suffix('nrs1_ifu_wcs_output.fits', 'assignwcsstep')


    input_file = os.path.join(_bigdata, 'nirspec', 'test_wcs', 'nrs1-ifu', 'jw00011001001_01120_00001_NRS1_rate.fits')
    ref_file = os.path.join(_bigdata, 'nirspec', 'test_wcs', 'nrs1-ifu', 'jw00011001001_01120_00001_NRS1_rate_assign_wcs.fits')

           output_file=output_file_base, name='assignwcsstep'
    im = ImageModel(output_file)
    imref = ImageModel(ref_file)
    a_wcs = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, 0)
    w = a_wcs
    y, x = np.mgrid[w.bounding_box[1][0]:w.bounding_box[1][1], w.bounding_box[0][0]: w.bounding_box[0][1]]
    ra, dec, lam = w(x, y)
    a_wcs_ref = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, 0)
    wref = a_wcs_ref
    raref, decref, lamref = wref(x, y)

    # equal_nan is used here as many of the entries are nan.
    # The domain is defined but it is only a few entries in there that are valid
    # as it is a curved narrow slit.
    utils.assert_allclose(ra, raref, equal_nan=True)
    utils.assert_allclose(dec, decref, equal_nan=True)
    utils.assert_allclose(lam, lamref, equal_nan=True)
def miri_rate_pair(miri_rate_zero_crossing):
    im1 = miri_rate_zero_crossing
    # Create a nodded version
    im2 = im1.copy()
    im2.meta.wcsinfo.ra_ref = 0.00026308279776455
    im2.meta.wcsinfo.dec_ref = -2.1860888891293e-05
    im1 = AssignWcsStep.call(im1)
    im2 = AssignWcsStep.call(im2)

    return im1, im2
Exemple #9
def test_miri_ifu_wcs(_bigdata):

    Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.


    input_file = os.path.join(
        _bigdata, 'miri', 'test_wcs', 'ifu',
    ref_file = os.path.join(
        _bigdata, 'miri', 'test_wcs', 'ifu',

    AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, output_file='miri_ifu_wcs', suffix='output')
    im = ImageModel('miri_ifu_wcs_output.fits')
    imref = ImageModel(ref_file)

    # Get the region file
    region = RegionsModel(crds_client.get_reference_file(im, 'regions'))

    # inputs
    shape = region.regions.shape
    y, x = np.mgrid[:shape[0], :shape[1]]

    # Get indices where pixels == 0. These should be NaNs in the output.
    ind_zeros = region.regions == 0

    ra, dec, lam = im.meta.wcs(x, y)
    raref, decref, lamref = imref.meta.wcs(x, y)
    utils.assert_allclose(ra, raref, equal_nan=True)
    utils.assert_allclose(dec, decref, equal_nan=True)
    utils.assert_allclose(lam, lamref, equal_nan=True)

    # Test that we got NaNs at ind_zero
    assert (np.isnan(ra).nonzero()[0] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[0]).all()
    assert (np.isnan(ra).nonzero()[1] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[1]).all()

    # Test the inverse transform
    x1, y1 = im.meta.wcs.backward_transform(ra, dec, lam)
    assert (np.isnan(x1).nonzero()[0] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[0]).all()
    assert (np.isnan(x1).nonzero()[1] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[1]).all()

    # Also run a smoke test with values outside the region.
    dec[100][200] = -80
    ra[100][200] = 7
    lam[100][200] = 15

    x2, y2 = im.meta.wcs.backward_transform(ra, dec, lam)
    assert np.isnan(x2[100][200])
    assert np.isnan(x2[100][200])
Exemple #10
def img_with_wcs(input):
    Open a JWST exposure and apply the distortion model.

    input : type
        Anything `jwst.datamodels.util.open` can accept for initialization.

    with_wcs : `jwst.datamodels.ImageModel`
        Image model with full `~gwcs` in `with_wcs.meta.wcs`.

    from jwst.datamodels import util
    from jwst.assign_wcs import AssignWcsStep
    import astropy.io.fits as pyfits
    # from jwst.stpipe import crds_client
    # from jwst.assign_wcs import assign_wcs

    # HDUList -> jwst.datamodels.ImageModel
    # Generate WCS as image
    if isinstance(input, pyfits.HDUList):
        if input[0].header['INSTRUME'] == 'NIRISS':
            if input[0].header['FILTER'].startswith('GR'):
                input[0].header['FILTER'] = 'CLEAR'
                input[0].header['EXP_TYPE'] = 'NIS_IMAGE'
        elif input[0].header['INSTRUME'] == 'NIRCAM':
            if input[0].header['PUPIL'].startswith('GR'):
                input[0].header['PUPIL'] = 'CLEAR'
                input[0].header['EXP_TYPE'] = 'NRC_IMAGE'
    img = util.open(input)

    # AssignWcs to pupulate img.meta.wcsinfo
    step = AssignWcsStep()
    with_wcs = step.process(img)

    # Above should be more robust to get all of the necessary ref files
    #dist_file = crds_client.get_reference_file(img, 'distortion')
    #reference_files = {'distortion': dist_file}
    #with_wcs = assign_wcs.load_wcs(img, reference_files=reference_files)

    return with_wcs
Exemple #11
def test_nis_wfss_background(filters, pupils, make_wfss_datamodel):
    """Test background subtraction for NIRISS WFSS modes."""
    data = make_wfss_datamodel

    data.meta.instrument.filter = filters
    data.meta.instrument.pupil = pupils
    data.meta.instrument.detector = 'NIS'
    data.meta.instrument.name = 'NIRISS'
    data.meta.exposure.type = 'NIS_WFSS'

    wcs_corrected = AssignWcsStep.call(data)

    # Get References
    wavelenrange = Step().get_reference_file(wcs_corrected, "wavelengthrange")
    bkg_file = Step().get_reference_file(wcs_corrected, 'wfssbkg')

    mask = mask_from_source_cat(wcs_corrected, wavelenrange)

    with datamodels.open(bkg_file) as bkg_ref:
        bkg_ref = no_NaN(bkg_ref)

        # calculate backgrounds
        pipeline_data_mean = robust_mean(wcs_corrected.data[mask])
        test_data_mean, _, _ = sigma_clipped_stats(wcs_corrected.data, sigma=2)

        pipeline_reference_mean = robust_mean(bkg_ref.data[mask])
        test_reference_mean, _, _ = sigma_clipped_stats(bkg_ref.data, sigma=2)

        assert np.isclose([pipeline_data_mean], [test_data_mean], rtol=1e-3)
        assert np.isclose([pipeline_reference_mean], [test_reference_mean],
def test_nirspec_ifu_wcs(_bigdata, test_id, input_file, truth_file):
    Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.
    del test_id

    input_file = os.path.join(_bigdata, 'nirspec', 'test_wcs', 'nrs1-ifu',
    truth_file = os.path.join(_bigdata, 'nirspec', 'test_wcs', 'nrs1-ifu',

    result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file,

    im = ImageModel(result.meta.filename)
    imref = ImageModel(truth_file)
    w = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, 0)
    grid = grid_from_bounding_box(w.bounding_box)
    ra, dec, lam = w(*grid)
    wref = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(imref, 0)
    raref, decref, lamref = wref(*grid)

    # equal_nan is used here as many of the entries are nan.
    # The domain is defined but it is only a few entries in there that are valid
    # as it is a curved narrow slit.
    assert_allclose(ra, raref, equal_nan=True)
    assert_allclose(dec, decref, equal_nan=True)
    assert_allclose(lam, lamref, equal_nan=True)
Exemple #13
def test_custom_wcs_resample_imaging(nircam_rate, ratio, rotation, crpix,
                                     crval, shape):
    im = AssignWcsStep.call(nircam_rate, sip_approx=False)
    im.data += 5
    result = ResampleStep.call(im,

    t = result.meta.wcs.forward_transform

    # test rotation
    pc = t['pc_rotation_matrix'].matrix.value
    orientation = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(pc[0, 1], pc[1, 1]))
    assert np.allclose(rotation, orientation)

    # test CRPIX
    assert np.allclose((-t['crpix1'].offset.value, -t['crpix2'].offset.value),

    # test CRVAL
    assert np.allclose(t(*crpix), crval)

    # test output image shape
    assert result.data.shape == shape[::-1]
Exemple #14
def test_resample_variance(nircam_rate, n_images):
    """Test that resampled variance and error arrays are computed properly"""
    err = 0.02429
    var_rnoise = 0.00034
    var_poisson = 0.00025
    im = AssignWcsStep.call(nircam_rate)
    im.var_rnoise += var_rnoise
    im.var_poisson += var_poisson
    im.err += err
    im.meta.filename = "foo.fits"

    c = ModelContainer()
    for n in range(n_images):

    result = ResampleStep.call(c, blendheaders=False)

    # Verify that the combined uncertainty goes as 1 / sqrt(N)
    assert_allclose(result.err[5:-5, 5:-5].mean(),
                    err / np.sqrt(n_images),
    assert_allclose(result.var_rnoise[5:-5, 5:-5].mean(),
                    var_rnoise / n_images,
    assert_allclose(result.var_poisson[5:-5, 5:-5].mean(),
                    var_poisson / n_images,
Exemple #15
def test_master_background_userbg(_jail, user_background):
    """Verify data can run through the step with a user-supplied background"""

    image = datamodels.ImageModel((10, 10))
    image.meta.instrument.name = 'MIRI'
    image.meta.instrument.detector = 'MIRIMAGE'
    image.meta.exposure.type = 'MIR_LRS-FIXEDSLIT'
    image.meta.observation.date = '2018-01-01'
    image.meta.observation.time = '00:00:00'
    image.meta.subarray.xstart = 1
    image.meta.subarray.ystart = 1
    image.meta.wcsinfo.v2_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.v3_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.ra_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.dec_ref = 0
    image = AssignWcsStep.call(image)

    # Run with a user-supplied background and verify this is recorded in header
    result = MasterBackgroundStep.call(image, user_background=user_background)

    result = MasterBackgroundStep.call(

    # For inputs that are not files, the following should be true
    assert type(image) is type(result)
    assert result is not image
    assert result.meta.cal_step.master_background == 'COMPLETE'
    assert result.meta.background.master_background_file == 'user_background.fits'
def test_master_background_userbg(_jail, user_background):
    """Verify data can run through the step with a user-supplied background"""

    image = datamodels.ImageModel((10, 10))
    image.meta.instrument.name = 'MIRI'
    image.meta.instrument.detector = 'MIRIMAGE'
    image.meta.exposure.type = 'MIR_LRS-FIXEDSLIT'
    image.meta.observation.date = '2018-01-01'
    image.meta.observation.time = '00:00:00'
    image.meta.subarray.xstart = 1
    image.meta.subarray.ystart = 1
    image.meta.wcsinfo.v2_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.v3_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.ra_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.dec_ref = 0
    image = AssignWcsStep.call(image)

    # Run with a user-supplied background and verify this is recorded in header
    result = MasterBackgroundStep.call(image, user_background=user_background)

    result = MasterBackgroundStep.call(

    # For inputs that are not files, the following should be true
    assert type(image) is type(result)
    assert result is not image
    assert result.meta.cal_step.master_background == 'COMPLETE'
    assert result.meta.background.master_background_file == 'user_background.fits'
Exemple #17
def test_create_box_gwcs():
    """Make sure that a box is created around a source catalog object.
    This version allows use of the GWCS to translate the source location.

    This is currently expected to fail because of the distortion
    reference file. The settings and catalog used should produce
    first order trace boxes for the objects.
    source_catalog = get_file_path('step_SourceCatalogStep_cat.ecsv')
    hdul = create_hdul(exptype='NRC_WFSS', pupil='GRISMR', wcskeys=wcs_wfss_kw)
    im = ImageModel(hdul)
    aswcs = AssignWcsStep()
    imwcs = aswcs(im)
    imwcs.meta.source_catalog = source_catalog
    refs = get_reference_files(im)
    test_boxes = create_grism_bbox(imwcs, refs, mmag_extract=99.)
    assert len(test_boxes) >= 2  # the catalog has 4 objects
    for sid in [9, 19]:
        ids = [source for source in test_boxes if source.sid == sid]
        assert len(ids) == 1
        assert ids[0].xcentroid > 0
        assert ids[0].ycentroid > 0
        if sid == 19:
            assert [1, 2] == list(ids[0].order_bounding.keys())
        if sid == 9:
            assert [1] == list(ids[0].order_bounding.keys())
Exemple #18
def test_weight_type(nircam_rate, _jail):
    """Check that weight_type of exptime and ivm work"""
    im1 = AssignWcsStep.call(nircam_rate, sip_approx=False)
    im1.var_rnoise[:] = 0
    im2 = im1.copy()
    im3 = im1.copy()
    im1.data += 10
    im2.data += 5
    im3.data += 5
    im1.var_rnoise += (1 / 10)
    im2.var_rnoise += (1 / 5)
    im3.var_rnoise += (1 / 5)
    im2.meta.observation.sequence_id = "2"
    im3.meta.observation.sequence_id = "3"

    c = ModelContainer([im1, im2, im3])
    assert len(c.group_names) == 3

    result1 = ResampleStep.call(c, weight_type="ivm", blendheaders=False, save_results=True)

    # assert_allclose(result1.data, result2.data)
    # assert_allclose(result1.wht, result2.wht)
    assert_allclose(result1.data[100:105, 100:105], 7.5, rtol=1e-2)
    assert_allclose(result1.wht[100:105, 100:105], 20, rtol=1e-2)

    result2 = ResampleStep.call(c, weight_type="exptime", blendheaders=False)

    assert_allclose(result2.data[100:105, 100:105], 7.5, rtol=1e-2)
    assert_allclose(result2.wht[100:105, 100:105], 20, rtol=1e-2)
    def test_nirspec_nrs1_wcs(self):

        Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.

        input_file = self.get_data(*self.test_dir,
        ref_file = self.get_data(*self.ref_loc,

        result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, save_results=True, suffix='assign_wcs')

        im = ImageModel(result.meta.filename)
        imref = ImageModel(ref_file)

        for slit in ['S200A1', 'S200A2', 'S400A1', 'S1600A1']:
            w = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, slit)
            grid = grid_from_bounding_box(w.bounding_box)
            ra, dec, lam = w(*grid)
            wref = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(imref, slit)
            raref, decref, lamref = wref(*grid)

            assert_allclose(ra, raref, equal_nan=True)
            assert_allclose(dec, decref, equal_nan=True)
            assert_allclose(lam, lamref, equal_nan=True)
Exemple #20
def test_nirspec_ifu_wcs(envopt, _jail, test_id, input_file, truth_file):
    Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.
    del test_id

    input_file = get_bigdata('jwst-pipeline', envopt,
                             'nirspec', 'test_wcs', 'nrs1-ifu', input_file)
    truth_file = get_bigdata('jwst-pipeline', envopt,
                             'nirspec', 'test_wcs', 'nrs1-ifu', 'truth', truth_file)

    result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, save_results=True, suffix='assign_wcs')

    im = ImageModel(result.meta.filename)
    imref = ImageModel(truth_file)
    w = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, 0)
    grid = grid_from_bounding_box(w.bounding_box)
    ra, dec, lam = w(*grid)
    wref = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(imref, 0)
    raref, decref, lamref = wref(*grid)

    # equal_nan is used here as many of the entries are nan.
    # The domain is defined but it is only a few entries in there that are valid
    # as it is a curved narrow slit.
    assert_allclose(ra, raref, equal_nan=True)
    assert_allclose(dec, decref, equal_nan=True)
    assert_allclose(lam, lamref, equal_nan=True)
Exemple #21
    def test_nirspec_nrs1_wcs(self):

        Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.

        input_file = self.get_data(*self.test_dir,
        ref_file = self.get_data(*self.ref_loc,

        result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, save_results=True, suffix='assign_wcs')

        im = ImageModel(result.meta.filename)
        imref = ImageModel(ref_file)

        for slit in ['S200A1', 'S200A2', 'S400A1', 'S1600A1']:
            w = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, slit)
            grid = grid_from_bounding_box(w.bounding_box)
            ra, dec, lam = w(*grid)
            wref = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(imref, slit)
            raref, decref, lamref = wref(*grid)

            assert_allclose(ra, raref, equal_nan=True)
            assert_allclose(dec, decref, equal_nan=True)
            assert_allclose(lam, lamref, equal_nan=True)
Exemple #22
def test_step_neg_shift_no_refine_no_flip(wfs_association):
    path_asn, path1, path2 = wfs_association
    nircam_pixel_size = 0.031 / 3600.
    delta_pixel = -5
    with datamodels.open(path2) as im2:
        im2.meta.wcsinfo = {
            'dec_ref': 11.99875540218638,
            'ra_ref': 22.02351763251896 + delta_pixel * nircam_pixel_size,
            'roll_ref': 0.005076934167039675,
            'v2_ref': 86.039011,
            'v3_ref': -493.385704,
            'v3yangle': -0.07385127,
            'vparity': -1,
            'wcsaxes': 2
        im2 = AssignWcsStep.call(im2, sip_approx=False)

    wfs = WfsCombineStep.call(path_asn,
    assert wfs[0].meta.wcsinfo.ra_ref == 22.02351763251896
def test_shift_order_no_refine_with_flip(wfs_association):
    # change the sign of the the dither and check that we get the same delta pix but with switched
    # order of images.
    path_asn, path1, path2 = wfs_association
    nircam_pixel_size = 0.031 / 3600.
    delta_pixel = -5
    with datamodels.open(path2) as im2:
        im2.meta.wcsinfo = {
            'dec_ref': 11.99875540218638,
            'ra_ref': 22.02351763251896 + delta_pixel * nircam_pixel_size,
            'roll_ref': 0.005076934167039675,
            'v2_ref': 86.039011,
            'v3_ref': -493.385704,
            'v3yangle': -0.07385127,
            'vparity': -1,
            'wcsaxes': 2
        im2 = AssignWcsStep.call(im2, sip_approx=False)
    wfs = wfs_combine.DataSet(path1,
    #    assert wfs.input_1.meta.observation.exposure_number == '2'
    #    assert wfs.input_2.meta.observation.exposure_number == '1'
    assert wfs.off_x == -1 * delta_pixel
Exemple #24
def test_nirspec_wcs(_jail, rtdata, test_id, input_file, truth_file):
        Test of the AssignWcs step on 4 different NIRSpec exposures:
        1) IFU NRS1 exposure,
        2) IFU NRS1 exposure with FILTER=OPAQUE,
        3) IFU NRS2 exposure, and
        4) FS NRS1 exposure with 4 slits.

    # Get the input and truth files
    rtdata.get_data('nirspec/test_wcs/' + input_file)
    rtdata.get_truth('truth/test_nirspec_wcs/' + truth_file)

    # Run the AssignWcs step
    result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, save_results=True, suffix='assign_wcs')

    # Open the output and truth files
    im = ImageModel(result.meta.filename)
    im_ref = ImageModel(truth_file)

    if result.meta.exposure.type == 'NRS_FIXEDSLIT':

        # Loop over the 4 slit instances
        for slit in ['S200A1', 'S200A2', 'S400A1', 'S1600A1']:

            # Create WCS objects for each image
            wcs = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, slit)
            wcs_ref = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im_ref, slit)

            # Compute RA, Dec, lambda values for each image array
            grid = grid_from_bounding_box(wcs.bounding_box)
            ra, dec, lam = wcs(*grid)
            ra_ref, dec_ref, lam_ref = wcs_ref(*grid)

            # Compare the sky coordinates
            assert_allclose(ra, ra_ref, equal_nan=True)
            assert_allclose(dec, dec_ref, equal_nan=True)
            assert_allclose(lam, lam_ref, equal_nan=True)


        # Create WCS objects for each image
        wcs = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, 0)
        wcs_ref = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im_ref, 0)

        # Compute RA, Dec, lambda values for each image array
        grid = grid_from_bounding_box(wcs.bounding_box)
        ra, dec, lam = wcs(*grid)
        ra_ref, dec_ref, lam_ref = wcs_ref(*grid)

        # Compare the sky coordinates
        # equal_nan is used, because many of the entries are NaN,
        # due to the bounding_box being rectilinear while the
        # defined spectral traces are curved
        assert_allclose(ra, ra_ref, equal_nan=True)
        assert_allclose(dec, dec_ref, equal_nan=True)
        assert_allclose(lam, lam_ref, equal_nan=True)
Exemple #25
def create_wfss_image(pupil, filtername='F444W'):
    hdul = create_hdul(exptype='NRC_WFSS',
    hdul['sci'].data = np.ones(
        (hdul[0].header['SUBSIZE1'], hdul[0].header['SUBSIZE2']))
    im = ImageModel(hdul)
    return AssignWcsStep.call(im)
Exemple #26
def test_pixel_scale_ratio_spec(miri_rate, ratio):
    im = AssignWcsStep.call(miri_rate, sip_approx=False)
    result1 = ResampleSpecStep.call(im)
    result2 = ResampleSpecStep.call(im, pixel_scale_ratio=ratio)

                    np.array(result2.data.shape) * ratio,
Exemple #27
def test_miri_wcs_roundtrip(miri_rate):
    im = AssignWcsStep.call(miri_rate)
    im = ResampleSpecStep.call(im)

    x, y = grid_from_bounding_box(im.meta.wcs.bounding_box)
    ra, dec, lam = im.meta.wcs(x, y)
    xp, yp = im.meta.wcs.invert(ra, dec, lam)

    assert_allclose(x, xp, atol=1e-8)
    assert_allclose(y, yp, atol=1e-8)
Exemple #28
def test_nirspec_ifu_wcs(input_file, rtdata):
    """Test NIRSpec IFU wcs"""

    AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, save_results=True, suffix='assign_wcs')

    output = input_file.replace('rate.fits', 'assign_wcs.fits')
    rtdata.output = output


    with datamodels.open(rtdata.output) as im, datamodels.open(
            rtdata.truth) as im_truth:
        # Test several slices in the IFU, range(30)
        for slice_ in [0, 9, 16, 23, 29]:
            wcs = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, slice_)
            wcs_truth = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im_truth, slice_)

            assert_wcs_grid_allclose(wcs, wcs_truth)
Exemple #29
def test_image(asnfile):
    '''Test to single FITS input.'''

    with open(asnfile) as json_data:
        d = json.load(json_data)
    members = d['products'][0]['members'][0]['expname']

    wcs = AssignWcsStep.call(members)
    resample = ResampleStep.call(wcs)
    resample.save(asnfile[:5] + '_singleimage_resample.fits')
Exemple #30
def test_nirspec_fixedslit_wcs(rtdata):
    """Test NIRSpec fixed slit wcs"""
    input_file = 'jw00023001001_01101_00001_nrs1_rate.fits'
    AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, save_results=True, suffix='assign_wcs')

    output = input_file.replace('rate', 'assign_wcs')
    rtdata.output = output


    with datamodels.open(rtdata.output) as im, datamodels.open(
            rtdata.truth) as im_truth:
        # Check the 4 science slits
        for slit in ['S200A1', 'S200A2', 'S400A1', 'S1600A1']:
            wcs = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, slit)
            wcs_truth = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im_truth, slit)

            assert_wcs_grid_allclose(wcs, wcs_truth)
Exemple #31
def test_resample_undefined_variance(nircam_rate, shape):
    """Test that resampled variance and error arrays are computed properly"""
    im = AssignWcsStep.call(nircam_rate)
    im.var_rnoise = np.ones(shape, dtype=im.var_rnoise.dtype.type)
    im.var_poisson = np.ones(shape, dtype=im.var_poisson.dtype.type)
    im.var_flat = np.ones(shape, dtype=im.var_flat.dtype.type)
    im.meta.filename = "foo.fits"

    c = ModelContainer([im])
    ResampleStep.call(c, blendheaders=False)
def test_skipped():
    """ Test all conditions that lead to skipping wavecorr."""

    hdul = create_nirspec_fs_file(grating="G140H", filter="F100LP")
    im = datamodels.ImageModel(hdul)

    # test a non-valid exp_type2transform
    im.meta.exposure.type = 'NRS_IMAGE'
    out = WavecorrStep.call(im)
    assert out.meta.cal_step.wavecorr == "SKIPPED"

    # Test an error is raised if assign_wcs or extract_2d were not run.
    im.meta.exposure.type = 'NRS_FIXEDSLIT'
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):

    outa = AssignWcsStep.call(im)
    oute = Extract2dStep.call(outa)
    outs = SourceTypeStep.call(oute)

    # Test step is skipped if no coverage in CRDS
    outs.slits[0].meta.observation.date = '2001-08-03'
    outw = WavecorrStep.call(outs)
    assert out.meta.cal_step.wavecorr == "SKIPPED"

    outs.meta.observation.date = '2017-08-03'
    outw = WavecorrStep.call(outs)
    # Primary name not set
    assert out.meta.cal_step.wavecorr == "SKIPPED"

    outs.meta.instrument.fixed_slit = "S400A1"

    # Test step is skipped if meta.dither is not populated
    outw = WavecorrStep.call(outs)
    assert out.meta.cal_step.wavecorr == "SKIPPED"

    dither = {'x_offset': 0.0, 'y_offset': 0.0}
    ind = np.nonzero([s.name == 'S400A1' for s in outs.slits])[0].item()
    outs.slits[ind].meta.dither = dither
    outs.slits[ind].meta.wcsinfo.v3yangle = 138.78
    outs.slits[ind].meta.wcsinfo.vparity = -1
    outs.slits[ind].meta.wcsinfo.v2_ref = 321.87
    outs.slits[ind].meta.wcsinfo.v3_ref = -477.94
    outs.slits[ind].meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref = 15.1234

    # Test step is skipped if source is "EXTENDED"
    outw = WavecorrStep.call(outs)
    assert out.meta.cal_step.wavecorr == "SKIPPED"

    outs.slits[ind].source_type = 'POINT'
    outw = WavecorrStep.call(outs)

    source_pos = (0.004938526981283373, -0.02795306204991911)
    assert_allclose((outw.slits[ind].source_xpos, outw.slits[ind].source_ypos),
Exemple #33
def test_miri_mrs_1A():
    #ref = {}
    ref = {
        'distortion': '',
        'regions': '',
        'specwcs': '',
        'v2v3': '',
        'wavelengthrange': ''
    im = ImageModel()
    im.meta.instrument.name = 'MIRI'
    im.meta.instrument.detector = 'MIRIFUSHORT'
    im.meta.instrument.channel = '12'
    im.meta.instrument.band = 'SHORT'
    im.meta.exposure.type = 'MIR_MRS'
    step = AssignWcsStep()
    for reftype in refs:
        ref[reftype] = step.get_reference_file(im, reftype)

    pipeline = miri.create_pipeline(im, ref)
    wcsobj = wcs.WCS(pipeline)

    for ch in im.meta.instrument.channel:
        ref_data = mrs_ref_data[ch + band_mapping[im.meta.instrument.band]]
        #ref_data = mrs_ref_data[im.meta.instrument.channel + band_mapping[im.meta.instrument.band]]
        #x = np.trunc(ref_data['x']).astype(np.int)
        #y = np.trunc(ref_data['y']).astype(np.int)
        for i, s in enumerate(ref_data['s']):
            sl = int(ch) * 100 + s
            detector_to_alpha_beta = wcsobj.get_transform(
                'detector', 'alpha_beta')
            alpha, beta, lam = detector_to_alpha_beta.set_input(sl)(
                ref_data['x'][i], ref_data['y'][i])
            ##xan, yan, lam = wcsobj.forward_transform.set_input(sl)(ref_data['x'][i], ref_data['y'][i])
            utils.assert_allclose(alpha, ref_data['alpha'][i], atol=10**-5)
            utils.assert_allclose(beta, ref_data['beta'][i], atol=10**-5)
            utils.assert_allclose(lam, ref_data['lam'][i], atol=10**-5)
            detector_to_xan_yan = wcsobj.get_transform('detector', 'Xan_Yan')
            xan, yan, lam = wcsobj(ref_data['x'], ref_data['y'])
            utils.assert_allclose(xan, ref_data['v2'][i], atol=10**-5)
            utils.assert_allclose(yan, ref_data['v3'][i], atol=10**-5)
            utils.assert_allclose(lam, ref_data['lam'][i], atol=10**-5)
    def test_miri_ifu_wcs(self):
        Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.
        input_file = self.get_data(self.test_dir,
        ref_file = self.get_data(os.path.join(*self.ref_loc),

        result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file)
        output_file = result.meta.filename

        im = ImageModel(output_file)
        imref = ImageModel(ref_file)

        # Get the region file
        region = RegionsModel(crds_client.get_reference_file(im, 'regions'))

        # inputs
        shape = region.regions.shape
        y, x = np.mgrid[ : shape[0], : shape[1]]

        # Get indices where pixels == 0. These should be NaNs in the output.
        ind_zeros = region.regions == 0

        ra, dec, lam = im.meta.wcs(x, y)
        raref, decref, lamref = imref.meta.wcs(x, y)
        utils.assert_allclose(ra, raref, equal_nan=True)
        utils.assert_allclose(dec, decref, equal_nan=True)
        utils.assert_allclose(lam, lamref, equal_nan=True)

        # Test that we got NaNs at ind_zero
        assert(np.isnan(ra).nonzero()[0] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[0]).all()
        assert(np.isnan(ra).nonzero()[1] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[1]).all()

        # Test the inverse transform
        x1, y1 = im.meta.wcs.backward_transform(ra, dec, lam)
        assert(np.isnan(x1).nonzero()[0] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[0]).all()
        assert (np.isnan(x1).nonzero()[1] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[1]).all()

        # Also run a smoke test with values outside the region.
        dec[100][200] = -80
        ra[100][200] = 7
        lam[100][200] = 15

        x2, y2 = im.meta.wcs.backward_transform(ra, dec, lam)
        assert np.isnan(x2[100][200])
        assert np.isnan(x2[100][200])
    def test_miri_ifu_wcs(self):
        Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.
        input_file = self.get_data(self.test_dir,
        result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, save_results=True)

        # Get the region file
        region = RegionsModel(crds_client.get_reference_file(result, 'regions'))

        # inputs
        x, y = grid_from_bounding_box(result.meta.wcs.bounding_box)

        # Get indices where pixels == 0. These should be NaNs in the output.
        ind_zeros = region.regions == 0

        cwd = os.path.abspath('.')
        os.makedirs('truth', exist_ok=True)
        truth_file = self.get_data(*self.ref_loc,
        truth = ImageModel(truth_file)

        ra, dec, lam = result.meta.wcs(x, y)
        raref, decref, lamref = truth.meta.wcs(x, y)
        assert_allclose(ra, raref, equal_nan=True)
        assert_allclose(dec, decref, equal_nan=True)
        assert_allclose(lam, lamref, equal_nan=True)

        # Test that we got NaNs at ind_zero
        assert(np.isnan(ra).nonzero()[0] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[0]).all()
        assert(np.isnan(ra).nonzero()[1] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[1]).all()

        # Test the inverse transform
        x1, y1 = result.meta.wcs.backward_transform(ra, dec, lam)
        assert(np.isnan(x1).nonzero()[0] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[0]).all()
        assert (np.isnan(x1).nonzero()[1] == ind_zeros.nonzero()[1]).all()

        # Also run a smoke test with values outside the region.
        dec[100][200] = -80
        ra[100][200] = 7
        lam[100][200] = 15

        x2, y2 = result.meta.wcs.backward_transform(ra, dec, lam)
        assert np.isnan(x2[100][200])
        assert np.isnan(x2[100][200])
    def test_miri_fixed_slit_wcs(self):
        Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.
        input_file = self.get_data(self.test_dir,
        result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, save_results=True)

        truth_file = self.get_data(os.path.join(*self.ref_loc),
        truth = ImageModel(truth_file)
        x, y = grid_from_bounding_box(result.meta.wcs.bounding_box)
        ra, dec, lam = result.meta.wcs(x, y)
        raref, decref, lamref = truth.meta.wcs(x, y)
        assert_allclose(ra, raref)
        assert_allclose(dec, decref)
        assert_allclose(lam, lamref)
    def test_miri_slitless_wcs(self):
        Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.
        input_file = self.get_data(self.test_dir,
        result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, save_results=True)

        cwd = os.path.abspath('.')
        os.makedirs('truth', exist_ok=True)
        truth_file = self.get_data(*self.ref_loc,
        truth = CubeModel(truth_file)

        x, y = grid_from_bounding_box(result.meta.wcs.bounding_box)
        ra, dec, lam = result.meta.wcs(x, y)
        raref, decref, lamref = truth.meta.wcs(x, y)
        assert_allclose(ra, raref)
        assert_allclose(dec, decref)
        assert_allclose(lam, lamref)
    def test_miri_image_wcs(self):
        Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.

        input_file = self.get_data(self.test_dir,
        result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file, save_results=True)

        cwd = os.path.abspath('.')
        os.makedirs('truth', exist_ok=True)
        truth_file = self.get_data(*self.ref_loc,
        truth = ImageModel(truth_file)

        x, y = grid_from_bounding_box(result.meta.wcs.bounding_box)
        ra, dec = result.meta.wcs(x, y)
        raref, decref = truth.meta.wcs(x, y)
        assert_allclose(ra, raref)
        assert_allclose(dec, decref)
    def test_miri_image_wcs(self):
        Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.

        input_file = self.get_data(self.test_dir,
        ref_file = self.get_data(*self.ref_loc,

        result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file)
        output_file = result.meta.filename

        im = ImageModel(output_file)
        imref = ImageModel(ref_file)
        x, y = np.mgrid[:1031, :1024]
        ra, dec = im.meta.wcs(x, y)
        raref, decref = imref.meta.wcs(x, y)
        utils.assert_allclose(ra, raref)
        utils.assert_allclose(dec, decref)
    def test_miri_fixed_slit_wcs(self):
        Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.
        input_file = self.get_data(self.test_dir,
        ref_file = self.get_data(os.path.join(*self.ref_loc),

        result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file)
        output_file = result.meta.filename

        im = ImageModel(output_file)
        imref = ImageModel(ref_file)
        y, x = np.mgrid[:1031, :1024]
        ra, dec, lam = im.meta.wcs(x, y)
        raref, decref, lamref = imref.meta.wcs(x, y)
        utils.assert_allclose(ra, raref)
        utils.assert_allclose(dec, decref)
        utils.assert_allclose(lam, lamref)
    def test_miri_slitless_wcs(self):

        Regression test of creating a WCS object and doing pixel to sky transformation.

        input_file = self.get_data(self.test_dir,
        ref_file = self.get_data(*self.ref_loc,

        result = AssignWcsStep.call(input_file)
        output_file = result.meta.filename

        im = CubeModel(output_file)
        imref = CubeModel(ref_file)
        x, y = np.mgrid[:1031, :1024]
        ra, dec, lam = im.meta.wcs(x, y)
        raref, decref, lamref = imref.meta.wcs(x, y)
        utils.assert_allclose(ra, raref)
        utils.assert_allclose(dec, decref)
        utils.assert_allclose(lam, lamref)