Exemple #1
def test_slit_projection_on_detector():
    step = assign_wcs_step.AssignWcsStep()

    hdul = create_nirspec_fs_file(grating="G395M",
    hdul[0].header['DETECTOR'] = 'NRS2'
    im = datamodels.ImageModel(hdul)

    refs = {}
    for reftype in step.reference_file_types:
        refs[reftype] = step.get_reference_file(im, reftype)

    open_slits = nirspec.get_open_slits(im, refs)
    assert len(open_slits) == 1
    assert open_slits[0].name == "S200B1"

    hdul[0].header['DETECTOR'] = 'NRS1'
    im = datamodels.ImageModel(hdul)

    open_slits = nirspec.get_open_slits(im, refs)
    assert len(open_slits) == 4
    names = [s.name for s in open_slits]
    assert "S200A1" in names
    assert "S200A2" in names
    assert "S400A1" in names
    assert "S1600A1" in names
Exemple #2
def test_split_container(tmp_path):
    path1 = tmp_path / "foo.fits"
    path2 = tmp_path / "bar.fits"
    im1 = datamodels.ImageModel()
    im2 = datamodels.ImageModel()
    container = datamodels.ModelContainer([im1, im2])
    container.meta.asn_table = {
        "products": [{
            "members": [
                    "expname": f"{path1}",
                    "exptype": "science"
                    "expname": f"{path2}",
                    "exptype": "background"

    sci, bkg = split_container(container)

    assert sci[0].meta.filename == "foo.fits"
    assert bkg[0].meta.filename == "bar.fits"
    assert len(sci) == 1
    assert len(bkg) == 1
Exemple #3
def test_is_irs2_2():
    """Test is_irs2 using a jwst data model"""
    x = np.ones((2048, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    model = datamodels.ImageModel(data=x)
    assert not pipe_utils.is_irs2(model)
    x = np.ones((3200, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    model = datamodels.ImageModel(data=x)
    assert pipe_utils.is_irs2(model)
Exemple #4
def test_bounding_box_from_subarray():
    im = datamodels.ImageModel()
    im.meta.subarray.xstart = 4
    im.meta.subarray.ystart = 6
    im.meta.subarray.xsize = 400
    im.meta.subarray.ysize = 600
    assert bounding_box_from_subarray(im) == ((-.5, 599.5), (-.5, 399.5))
Exemple #5
def test_nirspec_ifu_against_esa():
    Test Nirspec IFU mode using CV3 reference files.
    ref = fits.open(get_file_path('Trace_IFU_Slice_00_SMOS-MOD-G1M-17-5344175105_30192_JLAB88.fits'))

    # Test NRS1
    pyw = astwcs.WCS(ref['SLITY1'].header)
    hdul = create_nirspec_ifu_file("OPAQUE", "G140M")
    im = datamodels.ImageModel(hdul)
    im.meta.filename = "test_ifu.fits"
    refs = create_reference_files(im)

    pipe = nirspec.create_pipeline(im, refs, slit_y_range=[-.5, .5])
    w = wcs.WCS(pipe)
    im.meta.wcs = w
    # Test evaluating the WCS (slice 0)
    w0 = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, 0)

    # get positions within the slit and the coresponding lambda
    slit1 = ref['SLITY1'].data # y offset on the slit
    lam = ref['LAMBDA1'].data
    # filter out locations outside the slit
    cond = np.logical_and(slit1 < .5, slit1 > -.5)
    y, x = cond.nonzero() # 0-based

    x, y = pyw.wcs_pix2world(x, y, 0)
    # The pipeline accepts 0-based cooridnates
    x -= 1
    y -= 1
    sca2world = w0.get_transform('sca', 'msa_frame')
    _, slit_y, lp = sca2world(x, y)

    lp *= 10**-6
    assert_allclose(lp, lam[cond], atol=1e-13)
Exemple #6
    def populate_datamodel(self, array):
        """Place the image and accopanying WCS information in an
        ImageModel instance. This makes passing the information to
        the blotting function easier.

        array : numpy.ndarray
            2D array containing the cropped image

        # now we need to update the WCS of the mosaic piece
        cropped = datamodels.ImageModel()
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.cdelt1 = self.mosaic_scale_x / 3600.
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.cdelt2 = self.mosaic_scale_y / 3600.
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.crpix1 = self.crpix1
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.crpix2 = self.crpix2
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.crval1 = self.center_ra
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.crval2 = self.center_dec
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.ctype1 = self.mosaic_x_type
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.ctype2 = self.mosaic_y_type
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.cunit1 = 'deg'
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.cunit2 = 'deg'
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.ra_ref = self.center_ra
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.dec_ref = self.center_dec
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref = self.mosaic_roll * 180. / np.pi
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.wcsaxes = 2
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.pc1_1 = self.cd11 / (self.mosaic_scale_x / 3600.)
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.pc1_2 = self.cd12 / (self.mosaic_scale_x / 3600.)
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.pc2_1 = self.cd21 / (self.mosaic_scale_y / 3600.)
        cropped.meta.wcsinfo.pc2_2 = self.cd22 / (self.mosaic_scale_y / 3600.)

        cropped.data = array
        return cropped
Exemple #7
def test_exptype_is_none():
    """ Test for when exposure type is None.
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        input = datamodels.ImageModel((10,10))
        input.meta.exposure.type = None
def abtov2v3model(channel,**kwargs):
    # Construct the reference data model in general JWST imager type
    input_model = datamodels.ImageModel()
    # Convert input of type '1A' into the band and channel that pipeline needs
    # Set the filter in the data model meta header
    input_model.meta.instrument.band = theband
    input_model.meta.instrument.channel = thechan
    # If passed input refs keyword, unpack and use it
    if ('refs' in kwargs):
    # Otherwise use default reference files

    # The pipeline transform actually uses the triple
    # (alpha,beta,lambda) -> (v2,v3,lambda)
    basedistortion = miri.abl_to_v2v3l(input_model, therefs)
    distortion = basedistortion

    # Therefore we need to hack a reasonable wavelength onto our input, run transform,
    # then hack it back off again

    # Duplicate the beta value at first, then replace with wavelength value
    map=models.Mapping((0,1,1)) | models.Identity(1) & models.Identity(1) & models.Const1D(thewave)

    allmap= map | distortion | map.inverse
    allmap.inverse= map | distortion.inverse | map.inverse

    # Return the distortion object that can then be queried
    return allmap
Exemple #9
def _run_flat_fetch_on_dataset(dataset_path):
    from jwst import datamodels
    step = CrdsStep()
    with datamodels.ImageModel(join(dirname(__file__),
                                    dataset_path)) as input_file:
    assert basename(step.ref_filename) == "jwst_nircam_flat_0296.fits"
Exemple #10
 def make_model(self, detname, raval, decval, v2, v3, v3angle, vpar,
                rollval, filt, pup):
     #define the WCS of the blotted output
     blot_to = datamodels.ImageModel((2048, 2048))
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.cdelt1 = self.nrc_scale[detname][0] / 3600.
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.cdelt2 = self.nrc_scale[detname][1] / 3600.
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.crpix1 = 1024.5
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.crpix2 = 1024.5
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.crval1 = raval
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.crval2 = decval
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.ctype1 = 'RA---TAN'
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.ctype2 = 'DEC--TAN'
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.cunit1 = 'deg'
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.cunit2 = 'deg'
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.ra_ref = raval
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.dec_ref = decval
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref = rollval
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.wcsaxes = 2
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.v2_ref = v2
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.v3_ref = v3
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.v3yangle = v3angle
     blot_to.meta.wcsinfo.vparity = vpar
     blot_to.meta.instrument.channel = 'SHORT'
     blot_to.meta.instrument.detector = 'NRC' + detname
     blot_to.meta.instrument.filter = filt
     blot_to.meta.instrument.module = detname[0]
     blot_to.meta.instrument.name = 'NIRCAM'
     blot_to.meta.instrument.pupil = pup
     blot_to.meta.telescope = 'JWST'
     blot_to.meta.exposure.start_time = 57410.24546415885
     blot_to.meta.exposure.end_time = 57410.2477009838
     blot_to.meta.exposure.type = 'NRC_IMAGE'
     blot_to.meta.target.ra = raval
     blot_to.meta.target.dec = decval
     return blot_to
def xytov2v3lam_model(stype, **kwargs):
    # Construct the reference data model in general JWST imager type
    input_model = datamodels.ImageModel()
    # Set the subarray info in the data model meta header
    if (stype.lower() == 'slit'):
        input_model.meta.subarray.name = 'FULL'
        input_model.meta.subarray.xstart = 1
        input_model.meta.subarray.ystart = 1
        input_model.meta.subarray.xsize = 1032
        input_model.meta.subarray.ysize = 1024
        input_model.data = np.zeros((1024, 1032))
        input_model.meta.exposure.type = 'MIR_LRS-FIXEDSLIT'
    elif (stype.lower() == 'slitless'):
        input_model.meta.subarray.name = 'SUBPRISM'
        input_model.meta.subarray.xstart = 1
        input_model.meta.subarray.ystart = 529
        input_model.meta.subarray.xsize = 72
        input_model.meta.subarray.ysize = 416
        input_model.data = np.zeros((416, 72))
        input_model.meta.exposure.type = 'MIR_LRS-SLITLESS'
        print('Invalid operation type: specify either slit or slitless')

    # If passed input refs keyword, unpack and use these reference files
    if ('refs' in kwargs):
        therefs = kwargs['refs']
    # Otherwise use default reference files
        therefs = get_fitsreffile()

    # Call the pipeline code to make a distortion object given these inputs
    distortion = miri.lrs_distortion(input_model, therefs)

    # Return the distortion object that can then be queried
    return distortion
Exemple #12
def sci_blot_image_pair():
    """Provide a science and blotted ImageModel pair."""
    shape = (20, 20)
    sigma = 0.02
    background = 3

    sci = datamodels.ImageModel(shape)

    # Populate keywords
    sci.meta.exposure.exposure_time = 1
    sci.meta.background.subtracted = False
    sci.meta.background.level = background

    sci.data = np.random.normal(loc=background, size=shape, scale=sigma)
    sci.err = np.zeros(shape) + sigma
    sci.var_rnoise += 0

    # Add a source in the center
    signal = 20 * sigma
    sci.data[10, 10] += signal
    # update the noise for this source to include the photon/measurement noise
    sci.err[10, 10] = np.sqrt(sigma**2 + signal)

    # The blot image is just a smoothed version of the science image that has
    # its background subtracted
    blot = sci.copy()
    blot.data = gaussian_filter(blot.data, sigma=3)
    blot.data -= background

    return sci, blot
Exemple #13
def test_shutter_size_on_sky():
    Test the size of a MOS shutter on sky is ~ .2 x .4 arcsec.
    image = create_nirspec_mos_file()
    model = datamodels.ImageModel(image)
    msaconfl = get_file_path('msa_configuration.fits')

    model.meta.instrument.msa_metadata_file = msaconfl
    model.meta.instrument.msa_metadata_id = 12

    refs = create_reference_files(model)

    pipe = nirspec.create_pipeline(model, refs, slit_y_range=(-.5, .5))
    w = wcs.WCS(pipe)
    model.meta.wcs = w
    slit = w.get_transform('slit_frame', 'msa_frame').slits[0]
    wslit = nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(model, slit.name)
    virtual_corners_x = [-.5, -.5, .5, .5, -.5]
    virtual_corners_y = [-.5, .5, .5, -.5, -.5]
    input_lam = [2e-6] * 5

    slit2world = wslit.get_transform('slit_frame', 'world')
    ra, dec, lam = slit2world(virtual_corners_x, virtual_corners_y, input_lam)
    sky = coords.SkyCoord(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg)
    sep_x = sky[0].separation(sky[3]).to(u.arcsec)
    sep_y = sky[0].separation(sky[1]).to(u.arcsec)

    assert sep_x.value > 0.193
    assert sep_x.value < 0.194
    assert sep_y.value > 0.45
    assert sep_y.value < 0.46
Exemple #14
def test_master_background_userbg(_jail, user_background):
    """Verify data can run through the step with a user-supplied background"""

    image = datamodels.ImageModel((10, 10))
    image.meta.instrument.name = 'MIRI'
    image.meta.instrument.detector = 'MIRIMAGE'
    image.meta.exposure.type = 'MIR_LRS-FIXEDSLIT'
    image.meta.observation.date = '2018-01-01'
    image.meta.observation.time = '00:00:00'
    image.meta.subarray.xstart = 1
    image.meta.subarray.ystart = 1
    image.meta.wcsinfo.v2_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.v3_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.ra_ref = 0
    image.meta.wcsinfo.dec_ref = 0
    image = AssignWcsStep.call(image)

    # Run with a user-supplied background and verify this is recorded in header
    result = MasterBackgroundStep.call(image, user_background=user_background)

    result = MasterBackgroundStep.call(

    # For inputs that are not files, the following should be true
    assert type(image) is type(result)
    assert result is not image
    assert result.meta.cal_step.master_background == 'COMPLETE'
    assert result.meta.background.master_background_file == 'user_background.fits'
Exemple #15
def test_flatfield_step_interface(instrument, exptype):
    """Test that the basic inferface works for data requiring a FLAT reffile"""

    shape = (20, 20)

    data = datamodels.ImageModel(shape)
    data.meta.instrument.name = instrument
    data.meta.exposure.type = exptype
    data.meta.subarray.xstart = 1
    data.meta.subarray.ystart = 1
    data.meta.subarray.xsize = shape[1]
    data.meta.subarray.ysize = shape[0]

    flat = datamodels.FlatModel(shape)
    flat.meta.instrument.name = instrument
    flat.meta.subarray.xstart = 1
    flat.meta.subarray.ystart = 1
    flat.meta.subarray.xsize = shape[1]
    flat.meta.subarray.ysize = shape[0]
    flat.data += 1
    flat.data[0, 0] = np.nan
    flat.err = np.random.random(shape) * 0.05

    # override class attribute so only the `flat` type needs to be overriden
    # in the step call.  Otherwise CRDS calls will be made for the other 3
    # types of flat reference file not used in this test.
    FlatFieldStep.reference_file_types = ["flat"]
    result = FlatFieldStep.call(data, override_flat=flat)

    assert (result.data == data.data).all()
    assert result.var_flat.shape == shape
    assert result.meta.cal_step.flat_field == 'COMPLETE'
Exemple #16
def test_tso_types():

    # Exposure without the SRCTYPE keyword present at all,
    # but it's a TSO mode
    input = datamodels.ImageModel((10, 10))
    input.meta.observation.bkgdtarg = False
    input.meta.dither.primary_type = 'NONE'

    # All results should be POINT
    input.meta.exposure.type = 'NRS_BRIGHTOBJ'
    output = srctype.set_source_type(input)
    assert output.meta.target.source_type == 'POINT'

    del input.meta.target.source_type
    input.meta.exposure.type = 'NRC_TSGRISM'
    output = srctype.set_source_type(input)
    assert output.meta.target.source_type == 'POINT'

    del input.meta.target.source_type
    input.meta.exposure.type = 'NIS_SOSS'
    input.meta.visit.tsovisit = True
    output = srctype.set_source_type(input)
    assert output.meta.target.source_type == 'POINT'

    del input.meta.target.source_type
    input.meta.exposure.type = 'MIR_LRS-SLITLESS'
    input.meta.visit.tsovisit = True
    output = srctype.set_source_type(input)
    assert output.meta.target.source_type == 'POINT'
Exemple #17
def create_image_model(input_model, image_info):
    """Creates an ImageModel from the computed arrays from ramp_fit.

    input_model: RampModel
        Input RampModel for which the output ImageModel is created.
    image_info: tuple
        The ramp fitting arrays needed for the ImageModel.

    out_model: jwst.datamodels.ImageModel
        The output ImageModel to be returned from the ramp fit step.
    data, dq, var_poisson, var_rnoise, err = image_info

    # Create output datamodel
    out_model = datamodels.ImageModel(data.shape)

    # ... and add all keys from input

    # Populate with output arrays
    out_model.data = data
    out_model.dq = dq
    out_model.var_poisson = var_poisson
    out_model.var_rnoise = var_rnoise
    out_model.err = err

    return out_model
Exemple #18
    def process(self, science, flat):
        self.log.info("Removing flat field")
        self.log.info("Threshold: {0}".format(self.threshold))

        output = datamodels.ImageModel(data=science.data - flat.data)
        return output
    def _convert_inputs(self):
        """Convert input into datamodel required for processing.

        This method converts `self.inputs` into a version of
        `self.input_models` suitable for processing by the class.

        This base class works on imaging data, and relies on use of the
        ModelContainer class as the format needed for processing. However,
        the input may not always be a ModelContainer object, so this method
        will convert the input to a ModelContainer object for processing.
        Additionally, sub-classes may redefine this to set up the input as
        whatever format the sub-class needs for processing.

        bits = self.outlierpars['good_bits']
        if isinstance(self.inputs, datamodels.ModelContainer):
            self.input_models = self.inputs
            self.converted = False
            self.input_models = datamodels.ModelContainer()
            num_inputs = self.inputs.data.shape[0]
            log.debug("Converting CubeModel to ModelContainer with {} images".
            for i in range(self.inputs.data.shape[0]):
                image = datamodels.ImageModel(data=self.inputs.data[i],
                image.meta = self.inputs.meta
                image.wht = build_driz_weight(image,
            self.converted = True
Exemple #20
def xytov2v3l(x, y, file):
    im = datamodels.ImageModel(file)

    nslice = 30
    # Big structure to save all the returned values
    v2all = np.zeros([len(x), nslice])
    v3all = np.zeros([len(x), nslice])
    lamall = np.zeros([len(x), nslice])
    slall = np.zeros([len(x), nslice])
    for ii in range(0, nslice):
        xform = (nirspec.nrs_wcs_set_input(im, ii)).get_transform(
            'detector', 'v2v3')
        v2all[:, ii], v3all[:, ii], lamall[:, ii] = xform(x, y)
        slall[:, ii] = ii

    # slice all is nan where v2all is nan
    v2_1d = v2all.reshape(-1)
    sl_1d = slall.reshape(-1)
    finite = (np.isfinite(v2_1d))
    indx = (np.where(finite == False))[0]
    if (len(indx) > 0):
        sl_1d[indx] = np.nan

    # Element 1330000 should be x=848,y=649, in slice 6 (0-ind)

    v2 = np.nanmedian(v2all, axis=1)
    v3 = np.nanmedian(v3all, axis=1)
    lam = np.nanmedian(lamall, axis=1)
    sl = np.nanmedian(slall, axis=1)

    return v2, v3, lam, sl
Exemple #21
def test_calc_deltas(engdb, data_path):
    """Test `calc_deltas` basic running"""
    model = dm.ImageModel(data_path)
    deltas = ps.calc_deltas([model])
    truth = Table.read(DATA_PATH / 'calc_deltas_truth.ecsv')

    assert report_diff_values(truth, deltas, fileobj=sys.stderr)
Exemple #22
def imaging_coords(fname, output=None):
    Computes wavelengths, and space coordinates of a NIRSPEC
    imaging exposure after running assign_wcs.

    fname : str
        The name of a file after assign_wcs was run.
    output : str
        The name of the output file. If None the root of the input
        file is used with an extension world_coordinates.

    >>> compute_world_coordinates('nrs1_fixed_assign_wcs_extract_2d.fits')

    model = datamodels.ImageModel(fname)
    if model.meta.exposure.type.lower() not in imaging_modes:
        raise ValueError("Observation mode {0} is not supported.".format(model.meta.exposure.type))

    hdulist = fits.HDUList()
    phdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
    phdu.header['filename'] = model.meta.filename
    phdu.header['data'] = 'world coordinates'
    output_frame = model.available_frames[-1]
    bb = model.meta.wcs.bounding_box
    x, y = wcstools.grid_from_bounding_box(bb, step=(1, 1), center=True)
    ra, dec, lam = slit(x + 1, y + 1)
    world_coordinates = np.array([lam, ra, dec])
    imhdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=world_coordinates)
    imhdu.header['PLANE1'] = 'lambda, microns'
    imhdu.header['PLANE2'] = '{0}_x, deg'.format(output_frame)
    imhdu.header['PLANE3'] = '{0}_y, deg'.format(output_frame)
    imhdu.header['SLIT'] = "SLIT_{0}".format(i)
    # add the overall subarray offset
    imhdu.header['CRVAL1'] = model.meta.subarray.xstart - 1 + int(_toindex(bb[0][0]))
    imhdu.header['CRVAL2'] = model.meta.subarray.ystart - 1 + int(_toindex(bb[1][0]))
    # Input coordinates will be 1-based.
    imhdu.header['CRPIX1'] = 1
    imhdu.header['CRPIX2'] = 1
    imhdu.header['CTYPE1'] = 'pixel'
    imhdu.header['CTYPE2'] = 'pixel'
    if output is not None:
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(output)
        if ext != "fits":
            ext = "fits"
        if not base.endswith('world_coordinates'):
            "".join([base, '_world_coordinates'])
        "".join([base, ext])
        root = model.meta.filename.split('_')
        output = "".join([root[0], '_world_coordinates', '.fits'])
    hdulist.writeto(output, overwrite=True)
    del hdulist
Exemple #23
def test_ami_analyze_cube_fail():
    """Make sure ami_analyze fails if input is CubeModel (_calints)"""
    model = datamodels.ImageModel((25, 19, 19))
    model.meta.instrument.name = "NIRISS"
    model.meta.instrument.filter = "F277W"
    model.meta.observation.date = "2019-01-01"
    model.meta.observation.time = "00:00:00"
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Exemple #24
def test_init_from_pathlib(tmp_path):
    """Test initializing model from a Path object"""
    path = tmp_path / "pathlib.fits"
    model1 = datamodels.ImageModel((50, 50))
    model = datamodels.open(path)

    # Test is basically, did we open the model?
    assert isinstance(model, ImageModel)
Exemple #25
def test_subarray_transform():
    im = datamodels.ImageModel()
    assert subarray_transform(im) is None

    im.meta.subarray.xstart = 3
    transform = subarray_transform(im)
    assert isinstance(transform[0], Shift) and transform[0].offset == 2
    assert isinstance(transform[1], Identity)

    im.meta.subarray.ystart = 5
    transform = subarray_transform(im)
    assert isinstance(transform[0], Shift) and transform[0].offset == 2
    assert isinstance(transform[1], Shift) and transform[1].offset == 4

    im = datamodels.ImageModel()
    im.meta.subarray.ystart = 5
    transform = subarray_transform(im)
    assert isinstance(transform[0], Identity)
    assert isinstance(transform[1], Shift) and transform[1].offset == 4
Exemple #26
def xytoab_cdp5test(refs):
    # Construct the reference data model in general JWST imager type
    input_model = datamodels.ImageModel()
    # Set the filter in the data model meta header
    input_model.meta.instrument.band = 'SHORT'
    input_model.meta.instrument.channel = '12'

    distortion = miri.detector_to_alpha_beta(input_model, refs)
    # Return the distortion object that can then be queried
    return distortion
Exemple #27
 def _create_image_model(grating='G395H', filter='F290LP', **kwargs):
     hdul = create_nirspec_ifu_file(grating=grating,
     im = datamodels.ImageModel(hdul)
     refs = create_reference_files(im)
     pipeline = nirspec.create_pipeline(im, refs, slit_y_range=[-0.5, 0.5])
     w = wcs.WCS(pipeline)
     im.meta.wcs = w
     return im, refs
def test_skipped():
    """ Test all conditions that lead to skipping wavecorr."""

    hdul = create_nirspec_fs_file(grating="G140H", filter="F100LP")
    im = datamodels.ImageModel(hdul)

    # test a non-valid exp_type2transform
    im.meta.exposure.type = 'NRS_IMAGE'
    out = WavecorrStep.call(im)
    assert out.meta.cal_step.wavecorr == "SKIPPED"

    # Test an error is raised if assign_wcs or extract_2d were not run.
    im.meta.exposure.type = 'NRS_FIXEDSLIT'
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):

    outa = AssignWcsStep.call(im)
    oute = Extract2dStep.call(outa)
    outs = SourceTypeStep.call(oute)

    # Test step is skipped if no coverage in CRDS
    outs.slits[0].meta.observation.date = '2001-08-03'
    outw = WavecorrStep.call(outs)
    assert out.meta.cal_step.wavecorr == "SKIPPED"

    outs.meta.observation.date = '2017-08-03'
    outw = WavecorrStep.call(outs)
    # Primary name not set
    assert out.meta.cal_step.wavecorr == "SKIPPED"

    outs.meta.instrument.fixed_slit = "S400A1"

    # Test step is skipped if meta.dither is not populated
    outw = WavecorrStep.call(outs)
    assert out.meta.cal_step.wavecorr == "SKIPPED"

    dither = {'x_offset': 0.0, 'y_offset': 0.0}
    ind = np.nonzero([s.name == 'S400A1' for s in outs.slits])[0].item()
    outs.slits[ind].meta.dither = dither
    outs.slits[ind].meta.wcsinfo.v3yangle = 138.78
    outs.slits[ind].meta.wcsinfo.vparity = -1
    outs.slits[ind].meta.wcsinfo.v2_ref = 321.87
    outs.slits[ind].meta.wcsinfo.v3_ref = -477.94
    outs.slits[ind].meta.wcsinfo.roll_ref = 15.1234

    # Test step is skipped if source is "EXTENDED"
    outw = WavecorrStep.call(outs)
    assert out.meta.cal_step.wavecorr == "SKIPPED"

    outs.slits[ind].source_type = 'POINT'
    outw = WavecorrStep.call(outs)

    source_pos = (0.004938526981283373, -0.02795306204991911)
    assert_allclose((outw.slits[ind].source_xpos, outw.slits[ind].source_ypos),
def wfs_association(tmp_path_factory):
    imsize = 10
    tmp_path = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("wfs")
    im1 = datamodels.ImageModel((imsize, imsize))
    im1.meta.wcsinfo = {
        'dec_ref': 11.99875540218638,
        'ra_ref': 22.02351763251896,
        'roll_ref': 0.005076934167039675,
        'v2_ref': 86.039011,
        'v3_ref': -493.385704,
        'v3yangle': -0.07385127,
        'vparity': -1,
        'wcsaxes': 2
    im1.meta.instrument = {
        'channel': 'SHORT',
        'detector': 'NRCA4',
        'filter': 'F212N',
        'module': 'A',
        'name': 'NIRCAM',
        'pupil': 'CLEAR'
    im1.meta.observation = {
        'exposure_number': '1',
        'date': '2021-10-25',
        'time': '16:58:27.258'
    im1.meta.exposure = {'type': 'NRC_IMAGE'}

    im1 = AssignWcsStep.call(im1, sip_approx=False)

    im2 = im1.copy()
    im2.meta.observation = {
        'exposure_number': '2',
        'date': '2021-10-25',
        'time': '17:58:27.258'
    path1 = str(tmp_path / "image1_cal.fits")
    path2 = str(tmp_path / "image2_cal.fits")

    asn = asn_from_list(
        [path1, path2],
    asn.data["program"] = "00024"
    asn.data["asn_type"] = "wfs-image2"
    asn.sequence = 1
    asn_name, serialized = asn.dump(format="json")
    path_asn = tmp_path / asn_name
    with open(path_asn, "w") as f:

    return path_asn, path1, path2
Exemple #30
def test_missing_msa_file():
    image = create_nirspec_mos_file()
    model = datamodels.ImageModel(image)

    model.meta.instrument.msa_metadata_file = ""
    with pytest.raises(MSAFileError):

    model.meta.instrument.msa_metadata_file = "missing.fits"
    with pytest.raises(MSAFileError):