def test_partition_records_no_fetch_offset():
    batch_start = 0
    batch_end = 100
    fetch_offset = 123
    tp = TopicPartition('foo', 0)
    messages = [ConsumerRecord(tp.topic, tp.partition, i,
                               None, None, 'key', 'value', None, 'checksum', 0, 0, -1)
                for i in range(batch_start, batch_end)]
    records = Fetcher.PartitionRecords(fetch_offset, None, messages)
    assert len(records) == 0
def test_partition_records_compacted_offset():
    """Test that messagesets are handle correctly
    when the fetch offset points to a message that has been compacted
    batch_start = 0
    batch_end = 100
    fetch_offset = 42
    tp = TopicPartition('foo', 0)
    messages = [ConsumerRecord(tp.topic, tp.partition, i,
                               None, None, 'key', 'value', None, 'checksum', 0, 0, -1)
                for i in range(batch_start, batch_end) if i != fetch_offset]
    records = Fetcher.PartitionRecords(fetch_offset, None, messages)
    assert len(records) == batch_end - fetch_offset - 1
    msgs = records.take(1)
    assert msgs[0].offset == fetch_offset + 1
def test_partition_records_offset():
    """Test that compressed messagesets are handle correctly
    when fetch offset is in the middle of the message list
    batch_start = 120
    batch_end = 130
    fetch_offset = 123
    tp = TopicPartition('foo', 0)
    messages = [ConsumerRecord(tp.topic, tp.partition, i,
                               None, None, 'key', 'value', [], 'checksum', 0, 0, -1)
                for i in range(batch_start, batch_end)]
    records = Fetcher.PartitionRecords(fetch_offset, None, messages)
    assert len(records) > 0
    msgs = records.take(1)
    assert msgs[0].offset == fetch_offset
    assert records.fetch_offset == fetch_offset + 1
    msgs = records.take(2)
    assert len(msgs) == 2
    assert len(records) > 0
    assert len(records) == 0
def test_partition_records_empty():
    records = Fetcher.PartitionRecords(0, None, [])
    assert len(records) == 0