Exemple #1
    def get_databatch(self, batchsize=None, testing=False):
        if batchsize is None:
            batchsize = self.batchsize

        if self.datasource == "berkeleysegmentation":
            patch_sz = self.model.patch_sz

            if not hasattr(self, "images"):
                from config import data_dir
                from scipy import misc

                if testing:
                    img_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "BSR/BSDS500/data/images/test")
                    nimg = 200
                    img_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "BSR/BSDS500/data/images/train")
                    nimg = 200
                img_files = [os.path.join(img_dir, img_name) for img_name in os.listdir(img_dir)]
                if len(img_files) != nimg:
                    raise IOError("image files missing - found %d of %d in %s" % (len(img_files), nimg, img_dir))
                self.images = np.zeros((481, 321, nimg), dtype=np.uint8)
                for i, fname in enumerate(img_files):
                    a = misc.imread(fname, flatten=True)
                    if a.shape[0] == 321:
                        a = a.T
                    self.images[:, :, i] = a

            batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
            for i in xrange(batchsize):
                x, y, t = self.images.shape
                rt = np.random.randint(t)
                rx = np.random.randint(x - patch_sz + 1)
                ry = np.random.randint(y - patch_sz + 1)
                batch[:, i] = self.images[rx : rx + patch_sz, ry : ry + patch_sz, rt].ravel()

            return batch

        elif self.datasource == "vid075-chunks":

            if not hasattr(self, "videos"):
                from config import data_dir

                nvideos = 56
                videoheight = 128
                videowidth = 128
                videot = 64

                self.BUFF = 4
                self.topmargin = 15

                self.videos = np.zeros((nvideos, videoheight, videowidth, videot))
                for video_ind in range(1, nvideos + 1):
                    video_fname = os.path.join(data_dir, "vid075-chunks", "chunk" + str(video_ind))
                    video_cstring = (
                        np.fromfile(video_fname, dtype=">f4")
                        .reshape(videot, videowidth, videoheight)
                    self.videos[video_ind - 1, ...] = np.fromstring(video_cstring).reshape(
                        videoheight, videowidth, videot

                self.nvideos = nvideos
                self.videoheight = videoheight
                self.videowidth = videowidth
                self.videot = videot

            if batchsize > self.videot:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    tsz = min(self.videot, batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_videos(tsz)
                    batch[:, t0 : t0 + tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D, tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0:
                        done = True
                batch = self.crop_videos(batchsize).reshape(self.model.D, batchsize)
            return batch

        elif self.datasource == "YouTubeFaces_aligned":
            import cPickle
            from scipy import misc
            from config import scratch_local_dir, scratch_dir, public_dir

            patch_sz = self.model.patch_sz

            if not hasattr(self, "YouTubeInfo"):
                pcrop = 80  # crop pixels from center
                newsize = int(np.ceil(patch_sz * 1.5))
                TOTAL_FRAMES = 1000000

                cache_dir = os.path.join(scratch_dir, "hdl", "YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB")
                cache_name = os.path.join(
                    cache_dir, "newsize_%d_pcrop_%d_TOTAL_FRAMES_%d.npz" % (newsize, pcrop, TOTAL_FRAMES)
                if not os.path.exists(cache_name):
                    self.YouTubeInfo = {"videos": [], "video_weights": []}
                    base_dir = os.path.join(scratch_local_dir, "YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB")
                    if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
                        base_dir = os.path.join(public_dir, "YouTubeFaces/YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB")
                    identities = os.listdir(base_dir)
                    total_frames = 0
                    for identity in identities:
                        if total_frames > TOTAL_FRAMES:
                        video_numbers = os.listdir(os.path.join(base_dir, identity))
                        for video_number in video_numbers:
                            video_number_path = os.path.join(base_dir, identity, video_number)
                            frame_partial_names = os.listdir(video_number_path)
                            frame_partial_index = sorted([int(item.split(".")[1]) for item in frame_partial_names])
                            first_part, dummy, last_part = frame_partial_names[0].split(".")
                            frame_fnames = [
                                os.path.join(video_number_path, first_part + "." + str(img_index) + "." + last_part)
                                for img_index in frame_partial_index
                            frames = len(frame_fnames)
                            video_array = np.zeros((newsize, newsize, frames), dtype=np.uint8)
                            for frame_index, frame_fname in enumerate(frame_fnames):
                                image = misc.imread(frame_fname, flatten=True)
                                sxy, szx = image.shape
                                cent = int(np.floor(np.float(szx) / 2))
                                video_array[..., frame_index] = misc.imresize(
                                    image[(cent - pcrop) : (cent + pcrop), (cent - pcrop) : (cent + pcrop)],
                                    (newsize, newsize),
                            total_frames += frames
                            print "\rtotal_frames loaded=%d" % total_frames
                    num_videos = len(self.YouTubeInfo["videos"])
                    video_weights = np.zeros((num_videos,))
                    for ind, val in enumerate(self.YouTubeInfo["video_weights"]):
                        video_weights[ind] = float(val) / total_frames
                    self.YouTubeInfo["video_weights"] = video_weights
                    self.YouTubeInfo["num_videos"] = num_videos

                    print "\nSaving cache file:", cache_name, "...",
                    if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
                    with open(cache_name, "wb") as fh:
                        cPickle.dump(dict(YouTubeInfo=self.YouTubeInfo), fh)
                        print "Done"
                    print "Loading cache file:", cache_name, "..."
                    with open(cache_name, "rb") as fh:
                        ldict = cPickle.load(fh)
                        self.YouTubeInfo = ldict["YouTubeInfo"]
                        print "Done"

            video_index = np.where(np.random.multinomial(1, self.YouTubeInfo["video_weights"]))[0][0]
            video_array = self.YouTubeInfo["videos"][video_index]
            num_frames = video_array.shape[2]

            if batchsize > num_frames:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    video_index = np.where(np.random.multinomial(1, self.YouTubeInfo["video_weights"]))[0][0]
                    video_array = self.YouTubeInfo["videos"][video_index]
                    num_frames = video_array.shape[2]

                    tsz = min(num_frames, batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_single_video(video_array, tsz)
                    batch[:, t0 : t0 + tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D, tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0:
                        done = True
                batch = self.crop_single_video(video_array, batchsize).reshape(self.model.D, batchsize)
            return batch.astype(np.single)

        elif self.datasource == "YouTubeFaces_aligned_asymmetric":
            import cPickle
            from scipy import misc
            from config import scratch_local_dir, scratch_dir, public_dir

            patch_sz = self.model.patch_sz

            if not hasattr(self, "YouTubeInfo"):
                normcrop = 80
                xcrop = 60  # crop pixels from center
                ycrop = 100
                newxsize = int(np.ceil(float(xcrop) / normcrop * patch_sz * 1.5))
                newysize = int(np.ceil(float(ycrop) / normcrop * patch_sz * 1.5))
                TOTAL_FRAMES = 1000000

                cache_dir = os.path.join(scratch_dir, "hdl", "YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB")
                cache_name = os.path.join(
                    % (newxsize, newysize, xcrop, ycrop, normcrop, TOTAL_FRAMES),
                if not os.path.exists(cache_name):
                    self.YouTubeInfo = {"videos": [], "video_weights": []}
                    base_dir = os.path.join(scratch_local_dir, "YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB")
                    if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
                        base_dir = os.path.join(public_dir, "YouTubeFaces/YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB")
                    identities = os.listdir(base_dir)
                    total_frames = 0
                    for identity in identities:
                        if total_frames > TOTAL_FRAMES:
                        video_numbers = os.listdir(os.path.join(base_dir, identity))
                        for video_number in video_numbers:
                            video_number_path = os.path.join(base_dir, identity, video_number)
                            frame_partial_names = os.listdir(video_number_path)
                            frame_partial_index = sorted([int(item.split(".")[1]) for item in frame_partial_names])
                            first_part, dummy, last_part = frame_partial_names[0].split(".")
                            frame_fnames = [
                                os.path.join(video_number_path, first_part + "." + str(img_index) + "." + last_part)
                                for img_index in frame_partial_index
                            frames = len(frame_fnames)
                            video_array = np.zeros((newysize, newxsize, frames), dtype=np.uint8)
                            for frame_index, frame_fname in enumerate(frame_fnames):
                                image = misc.imread(frame_fname, flatten=True)
                                sxy, szx = image.shape
                                cent = int(np.floor(np.float(szx) / 2))
                                video_array[..., frame_index] = misc.imresize(
                                    image[(cent - ycrop) : (cent + ycrop), (cent - xcrop) : (cent + xcrop)],
                                    (newysize, newxsize),
                            total_frames += frames
                            print "\rtotal_frames loaded=%d" % total_frames
                    num_videos = len(self.YouTubeInfo["videos"])
                    video_weights = np.zeros((num_videos,))
                    for ind, val in enumerate(self.YouTubeInfo["video_weights"]):
                        video_weights[ind] = float(val) / total_frames
                    self.YouTubeInfo["video_weights"] = video_weights
                    self.YouTubeInfo["num_videos"] = num_videos

                    print "\nSaving cache file:", cache_name, "...",
                    if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
                    with open(cache_name, "wb") as fh:
                        cPickle.dump(dict(YouTubeInfo=self.YouTubeInfo), fh)
                        print "Done"
                    print "Loading cache file:", cache_name, "..."
                    with open(cache_name, "rb") as fh:
                        ldict = cPickle.load(fh)
                        self.YouTubeInfo = ldict["YouTubeInfo"]
                        print "Done"

            video_index = np.where(np.random.multinomial(1, self.YouTubeInfo["video_weights"]))[0][0]
            video_array = self.YouTubeInfo["videos"][video_index]
            num_frames = video_array.shape[2]

            if batchsize > num_frames:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    video_index = np.where(np.random.multinomial(1, self.YouTubeInfo["video_weights"]))[0][0]
                    video_array = self.YouTubeInfo["videos"][video_index]
                    num_frames = video_array.shape[2]

                    tsz = min(num_frames, batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_single_video(video_array, tsz)
                    batch[:, t0 : t0 + tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D, tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0:
                        done = True
                batch = self.crop_single_video(video_array, batchsize).reshape(self.model.D, batchsize)
            return batch.astype(np.single)

        elif self.datasource == "PLoS09_Cars_Planes":

            if not hasattr(self, "videos"):
                from kairos.data import PLoS09

                # movie_size = (96,96)
                movie_size = self.kargs.get("movie_size", (40, 40))
                self.videos, self.chunk_labels = PLoS09.load_movies(movie_size)

                self.BUFF = 0
                self.topmargin = 0

                self.nvideos, self.videoheight, self.videowidth, self.videot = self.videos.shape

            if batchsize > self.videot:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    tsz = min(self.videot, batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_videos(tsz)
                    batch[:, t0 : t0 + tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D, tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0:
                        done = True
                batch = self.crop_videos(batchsize).reshape(self.model.D, batchsize)
            return batch

        elif self.datasource == "TorontoFaces48":
            from scipy.io import loadmat
            from config import public_dir

            patch_sz = self.model.patch_sz

            if not hasattr(self, "images"):
                loadfile = os.path.join(public_dir, "TorontoFaces", "TFD_ranzato_48x48.mat")
                mfile = loadmat(loadfile)
                self.images = mfile["images"]

            batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
            for i in xrange(batchsize):
                t, x, y = self.images.shape
                rt = np.random.randint(t)
                rx = np.random.randint(x - patch_sz + 1)
                ry = np.random.randint(y - patch_sz + 1)
                batch[:, i] = self.images[rt, rx : rx + patch_sz, ry : ry + patch_sz].ravel()

            return batch

        elif self.datasource == "TorontoFaces96":
            from scipy.io import loadmat
            from config import public_dir

            patch_sz = self.model.patch_sz

            if not hasattr(self, "images"):
                loadfile = os.path.join(public_dir, "TorontoFaces", "TFD_ranzato_96x96.mat")
                mfile = loadmat(loadfile)
                self.images = mfile["images"]

            batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
            for i in xrange(batchsize):
                t, x, y = self.images.shape
                rt = np.random.randint(t)
                rx = np.random.randint(x - patch_sz + 1)
                ry = np.random.randint(y - patch_sz + 1)
                batch[:, i] = self.images[rt, rx : rx + patch_sz, ry : ry + patch_sz].ravel()

            return batch

        elif self.datasource == "3Dvideo_color":
            from config import data_dir
            import tables

            if not hasattr(self, "videos"):
                print "Loading 3Dvideo_color"
                self.video_buffer = 100
                self.video_reload = 200
                self.video_counter = 0
                self.binocular_offset = +13

                videopath = os.path.join(data_dir, "3Dvideo", "processed")
                self.video_list = [
                    os.path.join(videopath, item) for item in filter(lambda x: x.count(".h5"), os.listdir(videopath))

                self.videos = []
                for video_ind in range(self.video_buffer):
                    rind = np.random.randint(len(self.video_list))
                    h5file = tables.openFile(self.video_list[rind])
                    binocvideo = np.hstack((h5file.root.left.read(), h5file.root.right.read()))

            self.video_counter += 1
            if not self.video_counter % self.video_reload:
                rind = np.random.randint(len(self.video_list))
                print "Load video", self.video_list[rind]
                h5file = tables.openFile(self.video_list[rind])
                binocvideo = np.hstack((h5file.root.left.read(), h5file.root.right.read()))
                self.videos = [binocvideo] + self.videos

            vidind = np.random.randint(self.video_buffer)
            video = self.videos[vidind]

            if batchsize > video.shape[0]:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    batch0 = None
                    tsz = 0
                    while batch0 is None:
                        vidind = np.random.randint(self.video_buffer)
                        video = self.videos[vidind]

                        tsz = min(video.shape[0], batch_remaining)
                        batch0 = self.crop_single_binoc_video(video, tsz)

                    batch[:, t0 : t0 + tsz] = batch0.reshape(tsz, self.model.D).T
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0:
                        done = True
                batch0 = None
                while batch0 is None:
                    batch0 = self.crop_single_binoc_video(video, batchsize)
                batch = np.double(batch0.reshape(batchsize, self.model.D).T)
            return batch

        elif self.datasource == "randn":
            return np.random.randn(self.model.D, batchsize)

        elif self.datasource == "X":

            if not hasattr(self, "X"):
                self.X = self.kargs["input_data"]

            batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
            for i in xrange(batchsize):
                t, x = self.X.shape
                rt = np.random.randint(t)
                batch[:, i] = self.X[rt, :].ravel()

            return batch

            assert NotImplementedError, self.datasource
Exemple #2
    def get_databatch(self,batchsize=None,testing=False):
        if batchsize is None: batchsize = self.batchsize

        if self.datasource == 'berkeleysegmentation':
            patch_sz = self.model.patch_sz

            if not hasattr(self,'images'):
                from config import data_dir
                from scipy import misc
                if testing:
                    img_dir = os.path.join(data_dir,'BSR/BSDS500/data/images/test')
                    nimg = 200
                    img_dir = os.path.join(data_dir,'BSR/BSDS500/data/images/train')
                    nimg = 200
                img_files = [os.path.join(img_dir,img_name) for img_name in os.listdir(img_dir)]
                if len(img_files) != nimg:
                    raise IOError('image files missing - found %d of %d in %s'%(len(img_files),nimg,img_dir))
                self.images = np.zeros((481,321,nimg),dtype=np.uint8)
                for i,fname in enumerate(img_files):
                    a = misc.imread(fname,flatten=True)
                    if a.shape[0] == 321: a = a.T
                    self.images[:,:,i] = a

            batch = np.zeros((self.model.D,batchsize))
            for i in xrange(batchsize):
                x,y,t = self.images.shape
                rt = np.random.randint(t)
                rx = np.random.randint(x-patch_sz+1)
                ry = np.random.randint(y-patch_sz+1)
                batch[:,i] = self.images[rx:rx+patch_sz,ry:ry+patch_sz,rt].ravel()

            return batch

        elif self.datasource == 'vid075-chunks':

            if not hasattr(self,'videos'):
                from config import data_dir

                nvideos = 56
                videoheight = 128
                videowidth = 128
                videot = 64

                self.BUFF = 4
                self.topmargin = 15

                self.videos = np.zeros((nvideos, videoheight, videowidth, videot))
                for video_ind in range(1,nvideos+1):
                    video_fname = os.path.join(data_dir,'vid075-chunks','chunk' + str(video_ind))
                    video_cstring = np.fromfile(video_fname,dtype='>f4').reshape(videot,videowidth,videoheight).astype(np.double).tostring('F')
                    self.videos[video_ind-1,...] = np.fromstring(video_cstring).reshape(videoheight,videowidth,videot)

                self.nvideos = nvideos
                self.videoheight = videoheight
                self.videowidth = videowidth
                self.videot = videot

            if batchsize > self.videot:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D,batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    tsz = min(self.videot,batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_videos(tsz)
                    batch[:,t0:t0+tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D,tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0: done = True
                batch = self.crop_videos(batchsize).reshape(self.model.D,batchsize)
            return batch

        elif self.datasource == 'YouTubeFaces_aligned':
            import cPickle
            from scipy import misc
            from config import scratch_local_dir, scratch_dir, public_dir
            patch_sz = self.model.patch_sz

            cache_dir = os.path.join(scratch_dir,'hdl','YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB')
            cache_video_basename = os.path.join(cache_dir,'newsize_%d_pcrop_%d_TOTAL_FRAMES_%d_video_%d.npz')
            if not hasattr(self,'YouTubeInfo'):
                pcrop = self.kargs.get('pixels_from_center',80) # crop pixels from center
                newsize = int(np.ceil(patch_sz*self.kargs.get('new_patch_size_fraction',1.5)))
                TOTAL_FRAMES = self.kargs.get('TOTAL_FRAMES',1000000)

                cache_info_name = os.path.join(cache_dir,'newsize_%d_pcrop_%d_TOTAL_FRAMES_%d.npz'%(newsize,pcrop,TOTAL_FRAMES))

                if not os.path.exists(cache_info_name):
                    self.YouTubeInfo = {'video_weights':[]}
                    self.YouTubeVideos = []
                    base_dir = os.path.join(scratch_local_dir,'YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB')
                    if not os.path.exists(base_dir): base_dir = os.path.join(public_dir,'YouTubeFaces/YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB')
                    identities = os.listdir(base_dir)
                    total_frames = 0
                    for identity in identities:
                        if total_frames > TOTAL_FRAMES: continue
                        video_numbers = os.listdir(os.path.join(base_dir,identity))
                        for video_number in video_numbers:
                            video_number_path = os.path.join(base_dir,identity,video_number)
                            frame_partial_names = os.listdir(video_number_path)
                            frame_partial_index = sorted([int(item.split('.')[1]) for item in frame_partial_names])
                            first_part, dummy, last_part = frame_partial_names[0].split('.')
                            frame_fnames = [os.path.join(video_number_path,first_part + '.' + str(img_index) + '.' + last_part) for img_index in frame_partial_index]
                            frames = len(frame_fnames)
                            video_array = np.zeros((newsize,newsize,frames),dtype=np.uint8)
                            for frame_index, frame_fname in enumerate(frame_fnames):
                                image = misc.imread(frame_fname,flatten=True)
                                sxy, szx = image.shape
                                cent = int(np.floor(np.float(szx)/2))
                                video_array[...,frame_index] = misc.imresize(image[(cent-pcrop):(cent+pcrop),(cent-pcrop):(cent+pcrop)],(newsize,newsize))
                            total_frames += frames
                            print '\rtotal_frames loaded=%d'%total_frames
                    num_videos = len(self.YouTubeVideos)
                    video_weights = np.zeros((num_videos,))
                    for ind, val in enumerate(self.YouTubeInfo['video_weights']):
                        video_weights[ind] = float(val)/total_frames
                    self.YouTubeInfo['video_weights'] = video_weights
                    self.YouTubeInfo['num_videos'] = num_videos
                    self.YouTubeInfo['pcrop'] = pcrop
                    self.YouTubeInfo['newsize'] = newsize
                    self.YouTubeInfo['TOTAL_FRAMES'] = TOTAL_FRAMES

                    print '\nSaving cache file:', cache_info_name, '...',
                    if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir)
                    with open(cache_info_name,'wb') as fh:
                        print 'Done'

                    for video_ind, video in enumerate(self.YouTubeVideos):
                        cache_video_name = cache_video_basename%(newsize,pcrop,TOTAL_FRAMES,video_ind)
                        print 'Saving cache file:', cache_video_name, '...',
                        if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir)
                        with open(cache_video_name, 'wb') as fh:
                            cPickle.dump(dict(video=video,video_ind=video_ind), fh)
                            print 'Done'
                    print 'Loading cache file:', cache_info_name, '...'
                    with open(cache_info_name,'rb') as fh:
                        ldict = cPickle.load(fh)
                        self.YouTubeInfo = ldict['YouTubeInfo']
                        print 'Done'

            video_index = np.where(np.random.multinomial(1,self.YouTubeInfo['video_weights']))[0][0]
            cache_video_name = cache_video_basename%(self.YouTubeInfo['newsize'],
            with open(cache_video_name,'rb') as fh:
                ldict = cPickle.load(fh)
                video_array = ldict['video']

            #video_array = self.YouTubeInfo['videos'][video_index]
            num_frames = video_array.shape[2]

            if batchsize > num_frames:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D,batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    video_index = np.where(np.random.multinomial(1,self.YouTubeInfo['video_weights']))[0][0]

                    cache_video_name = cache_video_basename%(self.YouTubeInfo['newsize'],
                    with open(cache_video_name,'rb') as fh:
                        ldict = cPickle.load(fh)
                        video_array = ldict['video']

                    #video_array = self.YouTubeInfo['videos'][video_index]
                    num_frames = video_array.shape[2]

                    tsz = min(num_frames,batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_single_video(video_array,tsz)
                    batch[:,t0:t0+tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D,tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0: done = True
                batch = self.crop_single_video(video_array,batchsize).reshape(self.model.D,batchsize)
            return batch.astype(np.single)

        elif self.datasource == 'YouTubeFaces_aligned_asymmetric':
            import cPickle
            from scipy import misc
            from config import scratch_local_dir, scratch_dir, public_dir
            patch_sz = self.model.patch_sz

            if not hasattr(self,'YouTubeInfo'):
                normcrop = 80
                xcrop = 60 # crop pixels from center
                ycrop = 100
                newxsize = int(np.ceil( float(xcrop)/normcrop * patch_sz*1.5) )
                newysize = int(np.ceil( float(ycrop)/normcrop * patch_sz*1.5) )
                TOTAL_FRAMES = 1000000

                cache_dir = os.path.join(scratch_dir,'hdl','YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB')
                cache_name = os.path.join(cache_dir,'newxsize_%d_newysize_%d_xcrop_%d_ycrop_%d_normcrop_%d_TOTAL_FRAMES_%d.npz'%(newxsize,newysize,xcrop,ycrop,normcrop,TOTAL_FRAMES))
                if not os.path.exists(cache_name):
                    self.YouTubeInfo = {'videos':[],'video_weights':[]}
                    base_dir = os.path.join(scratch_local_dir,'YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB')
                    if not os.path.exists(base_dir): base_dir = os.path.join(public_dir,'YouTubeFaces/YouTubeFaces/aligned_images_DB')
                    identities = os.listdir(base_dir)
                    total_frames = 0
                    for identity in identities:
                        if total_frames > TOTAL_FRAMES: continue
                        video_numbers = os.listdir(os.path.join(base_dir,identity))
                        for video_number in video_numbers:
                            video_number_path = os.path.join(base_dir,identity,video_number)
                            frame_partial_names = os.listdir(video_number_path)
                            frame_partial_index = sorted([int(item.split('.')[1]) for item in frame_partial_names])
                            first_part, dummy, last_part = frame_partial_names[0].split('.')
                            frame_fnames = [os.path.join(video_number_path,first_part + '.' + str(img_index) + '.' + last_part) for img_index in frame_partial_index]
                            frames = len(frame_fnames)
                            video_array = np.zeros((newysize,newxsize,frames),dtype=np.uint8)
                            for frame_index, frame_fname in enumerate(frame_fnames):
                                image = misc.imread(frame_fname,flatten=True)
                                sxy, szx = image.shape
                                cent = int(np.floor(np.float(szx)/2))
                                video_array[...,frame_index] = misc.imresize(image[(cent-ycrop):(cent+ycrop),(cent-xcrop):(cent+xcrop)],(newysize,newxsize))
                            total_frames += frames
                            print '\rtotal_frames loaded=%d'%total_frames
                    num_videos = len(self.YouTubeInfo['videos'])
                    video_weights = np.zeros((num_videos,))
                    for ind, val in enumerate(self.YouTubeInfo['video_weights']):
                        video_weights[ind] = float(val)/total_frames
                    self.YouTubeInfo['video_weights'] = video_weights
                    self.YouTubeInfo['num_videos'] = num_videos

                    print '\nSaving cache file:', cache_name, '...',
                    if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir)
                    with open(cache_name,'wb') as fh:
                        print 'Done'
                    print 'Loading cache file:', cache_name, '...'
                    with open(cache_name,'rb') as fh:
                        ldict = cPickle.load(fh)
                        self.YouTubeInfo = ldict['YouTubeInfo']
                        print 'Done'

            video_index = np.where(np.random.multinomial(1,self.YouTubeInfo['video_weights']))[0][0]
            video_array = self.YouTubeInfo['videos'][video_index]
            num_frames = video_array.shape[2]

            if batchsize > num_frames:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D,batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    video_index = np.where(np.random.multinomial(1,self.YouTubeInfo['video_weights']))[0][0]
                    video_array = self.YouTubeInfo['videos'][video_index]
                    num_frames = video_array.shape[2]

                    tsz = min(num_frames,batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_single_video(video_array,tsz)
                    batch[:,t0:t0+tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D,tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0: done = True
                batch = self.crop_single_video(video_array,batchsize).reshape(self.model.D,batchsize)
            return batch.astype(np.single)

        elif self.datasource == 'PLoS09_Cars_Planes':

            if not hasattr(self,'videos'):
                from kairos.data import PLoS09
                #movie_size = (96,96)
                movie_size = self.kargs.get('movie_size',(40,40))
                self.videos, self.chunk_labels = PLoS09.load_movies(movie_size)

                self.BUFF = 0
                self.topmargin = 0

                self.nvideos, self.videoheight, self.videowidth, self.videot = self.videos.shape

            if batchsize > self.videot:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D,batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    tsz = min(self.videot,batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_videos(tsz)
                    batch[:,t0:t0+tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D,tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0: done = True
                batch = self.crop_videos(batchsize).reshape(self.model.D,batchsize)
            return batch.astype(np.double)

        elif self.datasource == 'PLoS09_Planes':
            if not hasattr(self, 'videos'):
                from kairos.data import PLoS09
                #movie_size = (96,96)
                movie_size = self.kargs.get('movie_size', (40, 40))
                temp_videos, temp_chunk_labels = PLoS09.load_movies(movie_size)
                videos = []
                chunk_labels = []
                for chunk_ind, temp_chunk_label in enumerate(temp_chunk_labels):
                    if temp_chunk_label == 'p':

                self.videos = np.asarray(videos)
                self.chunk_labels = chunk_labels

                self.BUFF = 0
                self.topmargin = 0

                self.nvideos, self.videoheight, self.videowidth, self.videot = self.videos.shape

            if batchsize > self.videot:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    tsz = min(self.videot, batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_videos(tsz)
                    batch[:, t0:t0 + tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D, tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0: done = True
                batch = self.crop_videos(batchsize).reshape(self.model.D, batchsize)
            return batch.astype(np.double)

        elif self.datasource == 'PLoS09_Cars':
            if not hasattr(self, 'videos'):
                from kairos.data import PLoS09
                #movie_size = (96,96)
                movie_size = self.kargs.get('movie_size', (40, 40))
                temp_videos, temp_chunk_labels = PLoS09.load_movies(movie_size)
                videos = []
                chunk_labels = []
                for chunk_ind, temp_chunk_label in enumerate(temp_chunk_labels):
                    if temp_chunk_label == 'c':
                        videos.append(temp_videos[chunk_ind, ...])

                self.videos = np.asarray(videos)
                self.chunk_labels = chunk_labels

                self.BUFF = 0
                self.topmargin = 0

                self.nvideos, self.videoheight, self.videowidth, self.videot = self.videos.shape

            if batchsize > self.videot:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    tsz = min(self.videot, batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_videos(tsz)
                    batch[:, t0:t0 + tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D, tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0: done = True
                batch = self.crop_videos(batchsize).reshape(self.model.D, batchsize)
            return batch.astype(np.double)

        elif self.datasource == 'PandaCarVsPlane':
            if not hasattr(self, 'videos'):
                from kairos.data import pandaworld
                #movie_size = (96,96)
                movie_size = self.kargs.get('movie_size', (40, 40))
                self._databaseobject = pandaworld.PandaCarVsPlane(movie_size=movie_size)
                self.labels = self._databaseobject.y
                szt, szy, szx = self._databaseobject.x.shape
                self.videos = np.zeros((1,szy,szx,szt),dtype=self._databaseobject.x.dtype)
                for t in range(szt):
                    self.videos[0,:,:,t] = self._databaseobject.x[t,:,:]

                self.chunk_labels = self._databaseobject.y

                self.topmargin = 0
                self.BUFF = 0

                self.nvideos, self.videoheight, self.videowidth, self.videot = self.videos.shape

            if batchsize > self.videot:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D, batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    tsz = min(self.videot, batch_remaining)
                    batch0 = self.crop_videos(tsz)
                    batch[:, t0:t0 + tsz] = batch0.reshape(self.model.D, tsz)
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0: done = True
                batch = self.crop_videos(batchsize).reshape(self.model.D, batchsize)
            return batch.astype(np.double)

        elif self.datasource == 'TorontoFaces48':
            from scipy.io import loadmat
            from config import public_dir
            patch_sz = self.model.patch_sz

            if not hasattr(self,'images'):
                loadfile = os.path.join(public_dir,'TorontoFaces','TFD_ranzato_48x48.mat')
                mfile = loadmat(loadfile)
                self.images = mfile['images']

            batch = np.zeros((self.model.D,batchsize))
            for i in xrange(batchsize):
                t,x,y = self.images.shape
                rt = np.random.randint(t)
                rx = np.random.randint(x-patch_sz+1)
                ry = np.random.randint(y-patch_sz+1)
                batch[:,i] = self.images[rt,rx:rx+patch_sz,ry:ry+patch_sz].ravel()

            return batch

        elif self.datasource == 'TorontoFaces96':
            from scipy.io import loadmat
            from config import public_dir
            patch_sz = self.model.patch_sz

            if not hasattr(self,'images'):
                loadfile = os.path.join(public_dir,'TorontoFaces','TFD_ranzato_96x96.mat')
                mfile = loadmat(loadfile)
                self.images = mfile['images']

            batch = np.zeros((self.model.D,batchsize))
            for i in xrange(batchsize):
                t,x,y = self.images.shape
                rt = np.random.randint(t)
                rx = np.random.randint(x-patch_sz+1)
                ry = np.random.randint(y-patch_sz+1)
                batch[:,i] = self.images[rt,rx:rx+patch_sz,ry:ry+patch_sz].ravel()

            return batch

        elif self.datasource == '3Dvideo_color':
            from config import data_dir
            import tables

            if not hasattr(self,'videos'):
                print 'Loading 3Dvideo_color'
                self.video_buffer = 100
                self.video_reload = 200
                self.video_counter = 0
                self.binocular_offset = +13

                videopath = os.path.join(data_dir,'3Dvideo','processed')
                self.video_list = [os.path.join(videopath,item) for item in filter(lambda x: x.count('.h5'),os.listdir(videopath))]

                self.videos = []
                for video_ind in range(self.video_buffer):
                    rind = np.random.randint(len(self.video_list))
                    h5file = tables.openFile(self.video_list[rind])
                    binocvideo = np.hstack((h5file.root.left.read(),h5file.root.right.read()))

            self.video_counter += 1
            if not self.video_counter%self.video_reload:
                rind = np.random.randint(len(self.video_list))
                print 'Load video', self.video_list[rind]
                h5file = tables.openFile(self.video_list[rind])
                binocvideo = np.hstack((h5file.root.left.read(),h5file.root.right.read()))
                self.videos = [binocvideo] + self.videos

            vidind = np.random.randint(self.video_buffer)
            video = self.videos[vidind]

            if batchsize > video.shape[0]:
                batch = np.zeros((self.model.D,batchsize))
                done = False
                batch_remaining = batchsize
                t0 = 0
                while not done:
                    batch0 = None
                    tsz = 0
                    while batch0 is None:
                        vidind = np.random.randint(self.video_buffer)
                        video = self.videos[vidind]

                        tsz = min(video.shape[0],batch_remaining)
                        batch0 = self.crop_single_binoc_video(video,tsz)

                    batch[:,t0:t0+tsz] = batch0.reshape(tsz,self.model.D).T
                    t0 += tsz
                    batch_remaining -= tsz
                    if batch_remaining <= 0: done = True
                batch0 = None
                while batch0 is None:
                    batch0 = self.crop_single_binoc_video(video,batchsize)
                batch = np.double(batch0.reshape(batchsize,self.model.D).T)
            return batch

        elif self.datasource == 'randn':
            return np.random.randn(self.model.D,batchsize)

        elif self.datasource == 'X':

            if not hasattr(self,'X'): self.X = self.kargs['input_data']

            batch = np.zeros((self.model.D,batchsize))
            for i in xrange(batchsize):
                t,x = self.X.shape
                rt = np.random.randint(t)
                batch[:,i] = self.X[rt,:].ravel()

            return batch

            assert NotImplementedError, self.datasource