def hdf2k(self): """Converts hdf5 format to kaldi matrix.""" with h5py.File(self.options.net_output) as i_file: with open(self.options.output_file, "w") as o_file: for key, item in i_file.items(): mat = item["data"] kaldi_io.write_mat(o_file, mat.value, key)
def main(): logging.basicConfig(format='[%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s', level=logging.WARN) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="load .rec rawfile from first argument SCPPATH, \ and convert all rec to scpfile-contained-utterence-id-indexed ark file to ARKPATH" ) parser.add_argument("SCPPATH", help="scp file path") parser.add_argument("ARKPATH", help="ark file path") parser.add_argument("OUTPUTTYPE", help="raw | diff | baseline") args = parser.parse_args() logging.debug(args) SCP_FILEPATH = args.SCPPATH ARK_FILEPATH = args.ARKPATH OUTPUT_TYPE = args.OUTPUTTYPE if not ARK_FILEPATH.endswith('.ark') or not SCP_FILEPATH.endswith('.scp'): logging.error('extension error') exit() logging.debug(SCP_FILEPATH) uttid2recpath = io_helper.loadscp(SCP_FILEPATH) logging.debug(uttid2recpath) dataset = loaddata(uttid2recpath, OUTPUT_TYPE) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ARK_FILEPATH, 'wb') as f: for k, m in dataset.items(): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k)
def export2kaldi(databyid): kaldidata = databyid filter_field = ('Click1', 'Hush', 'Click2', 'Click3') #, 'LongPress') #exclude_field = ('LongPress') test_size = 0.2 trainset = [] testset = [] filtered_kaldidata = {} for k, v in kaldidata.items(): label = k.split('_')[0] if label in filter_field: #if label not in exclude_field: if label not in filtered_kaldidata: filtered_kaldidata[label] = [] filtered_kaldidata[label].append((k, v)) for label in filtered_kaldidata: length = len(filtered_kaldidata[label]) random.shuffle(filtered_kaldidata[label]) testset.extend(filtered_kaldidata[label][:int(length * test_size)]) trainset.extend(filtered_kaldidata[label][int(length * test_size):]) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('feats_train.ark', 'wb') as f: for k, m in trainset: kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('feats_test.ark', 'wb') as f: for k, m in testset: kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k)
def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=" + os.environ.get("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", ""))"HOST=" + os.environ.get("HOST", ""))"SLURM_JOB_ID=" + os.environ.get("SLURM_JOB_ID", "")) model_dir = Path(args.model_dir) forward_dir = model_dir / "forward" aux_scp = kaldiio.load_scp(args.aux_scp) model = torch.load(model_dir / "model.pickle", map_location="cpu") model.eval() with torch.no_grad(), open(args.forward_ark, "wb") as f: for key, feat in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark(args.input_rs): aux = torch.from_numpy(aux_scp[key])"input: key={} feat={} aux={}".format(key, feat.shape, aux.shape)) # feat is (time, freq) shape x = torch.from_numpy(feat.T).unsqueeze(0) if x.shape[2] < args.min_time_width: remain = args.min_time_width - x.shape[2] + 1 lpad = torch.zeros(1, x.shape[1], remain / 2) rpad = torch.zeros(1, x.shape[1], remain / 2) x =, x, rpad), dim=2) n_aux = aux.shape[0] # take center ivector frame if args.use_last_ivector: aux = aux[-1].unsqueeze(0) else: aux = aux[n_aux//2].unsqueeze(0) # forward y, _ = model(x, aux) y = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(y, dim=1).squeeze(0)"output: {}".format(y.shape)) kaldi_io.write_mat(f, y.numpy().T, key)
def npz2ark(npz_file, ark_file): '''load npz format and save as kaldi ark format''' print("Loading npz file...") feats = np.load(npz_file)['feats'] utt_label = np.load(npz_file)['utt_label'] utters = np.unique(utt_label) utt_data = {} for i in utters: utt_data[i] = [] for i in range(len(feats)): key = utt_label[i] utt_data[key].append(feats[i]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(ark_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ark_file)) pbar = tqdm(total=len(utt_data)) with open(ark_file, 'wb') as f: for utt, data in utt_data.items(): data = np.array(data) kaldi_io.write_mat(f, data, utt) pbar.update(1) pbar.set_description('generate utter {} of frames {}'.format( utt, data.shape[0])) pbar.close() print("Convert {} to {} ".format(npz_file, ark_file))
def extract(scp_file: str, output_ark: str, sr: int = None, win_length: int = 25, hop_length: int = 10, n_fft: int = 512): # Win length and hop_length are given in ms # scpfile is formatted as KEY VALUE where key is name and value is .wav filepath with open(scp_file, 'r') as rp, open(output_ark, 'wb') as wp: for line in tqdm(rp, total=get_num_lines(scp_file)): key, fpath = line.split()[:2] # Also supports 24 bit y, file_sr =, dtype='float32') # y, file_sr = librosa.load(fpath, sr=sr) # Adjust window length cur_win_length = file_sr * win_length // 1000 cur_hop_length = file_sr * hop_length // 1000 S = librosa.core.stft(y, n_fft=n_fft, win_length=cur_win_length, hop_length=cur_hop_length) S = np.log(np.abs(S)**2 + 1e-12) feature = S.transpose() # components and acitivations kaldi_io.write_mat(wp, feature, key=key)
def run_kaldi(command, input_type, input_value): """Run provided Kaldi command, pass a tensor and get the resulting tensor Args: input_type: str 'ark' or 'scp' input_value: Tensor for 'ark' string for 'scp' (path to an audio file) """ import kaldi_io key = 'foo' process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if input_type == 'ark': kaldi_io.write_mat(process.stdin, input_value.cpu().numpy(), key=key) elif input_type == 'scp': process.stdin.write(f'{key} {input_value}'.encode('utf8')) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unexpected type') process.stdin.close() result = dict(kaldi_io.read_mat_ark(process.stdout))['foo'] return torch.from_numpy(result.copy()) # copy supresses some torch warning
def testMatrixReadWrite(self): """ Test read/write for float matrices. """ # read, flt_mat = { k: m for k, m in kaldi_io.read_mat_scp('tests/data/feats_ascii.scp') } # ascii-scp, flt_mat2 = { k: m for k, m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data/feats_ascii.ark') } # ascii-ark, flt_mat3 = { k: m for k, m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data/feats.ark') } # ascii-ark, # store, with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('tests/data_re-saved/mat.ark', 'wb') as f: for k, m in flt_mat3.items(): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k) # read and compare, for k, m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data_re-saved/mat.ark'): self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(m, flt_mat3[k]), msg="flt. matrix same after re-saving")
def npz2ark(npz_path, kaldi_dir): print("loading...") feats = np.load(npz_path)['feats'] utt_label = np.load(npz_path)['utt_label'] utt_class = np.unique(utt_label) utt_data = {} for i in utt_class: utt_data[i] = [] for i in range(len(feats)): key = utt_label[i] utt_data[key].append(feats[i]) if not os.path.exists(kaldi_dir): os.makedirs(kaldi_dir) ark_path = kaldi_dir + os.sep + 'feats.ark' print("ark writing...") pbar = tqdm(total=len(utt_data)) with open(ark_path, 'wb') as f: for utt, data in utt_data.items(): data = np.array(data) kaldi_io.write_mat(f, data, utt) pbar.update(1) pbar.set_description('generate utter {} of frames {}'.format( utt, data.shape[0])) pbar.close() print("successfully save kaldi ark in {}".format(ark_path))
def forward_dct(args, cpc_model, device, data_loader, output_ark, output_scp, dct_dim=24): ''' forward with dct '''"Starting Forward Passing") cpc_model.eval() # not training cdc model ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:' + output_ark + ',' + output_scp with torch.no_grad(): with ko.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output, 'wb') as f: for [utt_id, data] in data_loader: data = data.float().unsqueeze(1).to( device) # add channel dimension data = data.contiguous() hidden = cpc_model.init_hidden(len(data)) output, hidden = cpc_model.predict(data, hidden) mat = output.squeeze( 0).cpu().numpy() # kaldi io does not accept torch tensor dct_mat = fft.dct(mat, type=2, n=dct_dim) # apply dct ko.write_mat(f, dct_mat, key=utt_id[0])
def make_feature(wav_path_list, noise_wav_list, feat_dir, thread_num, argument=False, repeat_num=1): mag_ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:{0}/feats{1}.ark,{0}/feats{1}.scp'.format( feat_dir, thread_num) ang_ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:{0}/angles{1}.ark,{0}/angles{1}.scp'.format( feat_dir, thread_num) if argument: fwrite = open(os.path.join(feat_dir, 'db' + str(thread_num)), 'a') f_mag = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(mag_ark_scp_output, 'wb') f_ang = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ang_ark_scp_output, 'wb') print("进入num循环") for num in range(repeat_num): for tmp in wav_path_list: uttid, wav_path = tmp clean = load_audio(wav_path) y = None print("argument = ", argument) while y is None: if argument: print("argument=True") noise_path = choice(noise_wav_list) n = load_audio(noise_path[0]) db = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=20) y = MakeMixture(clean, n, db) uttid_new = uttid + '__mix{}'.format(num) print(uttid_new + ' ' + str(db) + '\n') fwrite.write(uttid_new + ' ' + str(db) + '\n') else: y = clean uttid_new = uttid # STFT print("y = ", y) if y is not None: D = librosa.stft(y, n_fft=512, hop_length=256, win_length=512, window=scipy.signal.hamming) spect = np.abs(D) angle = np.angle(D) print("创建STFT") ##feat = np.concatenate((spect, angle), axis=1) ##feat = feat.transpose((1, 0)) kaldi_io.write_mat(f_mag, spect.transpose((1, 0)), key=uttid_new) kaldi_io.write_mat(f_ang, angle.transpose((1, 0)), key=uttid_new) else: print(noise_path, tmp, 'error') if argument: fwrite.close()
def write_kaldi(orig_feat_scp, ark_scp_output, max_len): """Write the slice feature matrix to ark_scp_output """ with ko.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output,'wb') as f: for key,mat in ko.read_mat_scp(orig_feat_scp): tensor = tensor_cnn_utt(mat, max_len) if tensor.shape[1] != max_len: print(tensor.shape) ko.write_mat(f, tensor, key=key)
def write_mat(filename, temp_dict): try: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: for key, mat in temp_dict.iteritems(): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, mat, key) return True except Exception, e: print(str(e)) return False
def decode(args, dataset, model, priors, device='cpu'): ''' Produce lattices from the input utterances. ''' # This is all of the kaldi code we are calling. We are just piping out # out features to latgen-faster-mapped which does all of the lattice # generation. lat_output = '''ark:| copy-feats ark:- ark:- |\ latgen-faster-mapped --min-active={} --max-active={} \ --max-mem={} \ --lattice-beam={} --beam={} \ --acoustic-scale={} --allow-partial=true \ --word-symbol-table={} \ {} {} ark:- ark:- | lattice-scale --acoustic-scale={} ark:- ark:- |\ gzip -c > {}/lat.{}.gz'''.format(args.min_active, args.max_active, args.max_mem, args.lattice_beam, args.beam, args.acoustic_scale, args.words_file, args.trans_mdl, args.hclg, args.post_decode_acwt, args.dumpdir, args.job) # Do the decoding (dumping senone posteriors) model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(lat_output, 'wb') as f: utt_mat = [] prev_key = b'' generator = evaluation_batches(dataset) # Each minibatch is guaranteed to have at most 1 utterance. We need # to append the output of subsequent minibatches corresponding to # the same utterances. These are stored in ``utt_mat'', which is # just a buffer to accumulate the posterior outputs of minibatches # corresponding to the same utterance. The posterior state # probabilities are normalized (subtraction in log space), by the # log priors in order to produce pseudo-likelihoods useable for # for lattice generation with latgen-faster-mapped for key, mat in decode_dataset(args, generator, model, device='cpu', output_idx=args.output_idx): if len(utt_mat) > 0 and key != prev_key: kaldi_io.write_mat(f, np.concatenate(utt_mat, axis=0)[:utt_length, :], key=prev_key.decode('utf-8')) utt_mat = [] utt_mat.append(mat - args.prior_scale * priors) prev_key = key utt_length = dataset.utt_lengths[key] // dataset.subsample # Flush utt_mat buffer at the end if len(utt_mat) > 0: kaldi_io.write_mat(f, np.concatenate(utt_mat, axis=0)[:utt_length, :], key=prev_key.decode('utf-8'))
def construct_tensor(orig_feat_scp, ark_scp_output, tuncate_len): with ko.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output, 'wb') as f: for key, mat in ko.read_mat_scp(orig_feat_scp): tensor = tensor_cnn_utt(mat, truncate_len) repetition = int(tensor.shape[1] / truncate_len) for i in range(repetition): sub_tensor = tensor[:, i * truncate_len:(i + 1) * truncate_len] new_key = key + '-' + str(i) ko.write_mat(f, sub_tensor, key=new_key)
def extract_file(wav_lines, wfilename, winstep, winlen, mode): ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-feats ark:- ark,scp:%s.ark,%s.scp' %(wfilename, wfilename) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output, 'wb') as wf: for line in wav_lines: items = line.split() key = items[0] wav_ = items[5] mat = extract(wav_, winstep, winlen, mode) kaldi_io.write_mat(wf, mat, key=key)
def outputfile_mat2ark(mat, filepath): logging.debug(filepath) if not filepath.endswith('.ark'): logging.error('extension error') return with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(filepath, 'wb') as f: for k, m in mat.items(): if 0 in m.shape: continue kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k)
def lplda_kaldi_wrapper(lda_dim, kaldi_scp, kaldi_utt2spk, lda_transform): data = read_kaldi_scp_flt(kaldi_scp) spk2utt = load_spk2utt(kaldi_utt2spk) # train_vecs = {} # for spkid in spk2utt.keys(): # train_vecs[spkid] = [] # for uttid in spk2utt[spkid]: # map_uttid = spkid[6:] + "_" + uttid + "_A" # if map_uttid in data.keys(): # train_vecs[spkid].append(data[map_uttid]) train_vecs = {} for spkid in spk2utt.keys(): train_vecs[spkid] = [] uttid_uniq = [] for uttid in spk2utt[spkid]: uttid_uniq.append(uttid) uttid_uniq = sorted(set(uttid_uniq)) for uttid in uttid_uniq: if uttid in data.keys(): train_vecs[spkid].append(data[uttid]) ## get ids, vecs ids, vecs = get_lambda_ids_and_vecs(train_vecs) int_ids = label_str_to_int(ids) print ("lplda, ", len(vecs), len(vecs[0])) ## compute and sub mean m = np.mean(vecs, axis=0) vecs = vecs - m ## lplda lda = LocalPairwiseLinearDiscriminantAnalysis(n_components=lda_dim), np.asarray(int_ids)) ## compute mean dim = len(m) transform_m = lda.transform(np.reshape(m, (1, dim))) # copy to kaldi format transform = np.zeros([lda_dim, dim + 1], float) lda_trans = lda.scalings_.T[:lda_dim, :] # m_trans =, m) for r in range(lda_dim): for c in range(dim): transform[r][c] = lda_trans[r][c] transform[r][dim] = -1.0 * transform_m[0][r] ## save lda transform kaldi_io.write_mat(lda_transform, transform) return
def main(): args = get_args() inp_feats_scp = args.inp_feats_scp out_feats_ark = args.out_feats_ark ark_scp_output = 'ark:| copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:{p}.ark,{p}.scp'.format( p=out_feats_ark) with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(ark_scp_output, 'wb') as f: for utt, feats in kaldi_io.read_mat_scp(inp_feats_scp): mfcc = convert_mfcc_to_fbank(feats)'ark_check4/{u}.npy'.format(u=utt), mfcc) kaldi_io.write_mat(f, mfcc, key=utt)
def test(testloader, model, output_file, use_cuda): # switch to test mode model.eval() with open(output_file, 'wb') as f: for i, (inputs, input_lengths, utt_ids) in enumerate(testloader): lprobs, output_lengths = model(inputs, input_lengths) for j in range(inputs.size(0)): output_length = output_lengths[j] utt_id = utt_ids[j] kaldi_io.write_mat( f, (lprobs[j, :output_length, :]).cpu().detach().numpy(), key=utt_id)
def main(args): keys, mat_list = extract_adv_voiced_feats(args.grads, args.vad, args.ori_feats, args.sigma) adv_featsfile = 'ark:| copy-feats ark: ark,scp:data/voxceleb1_test/spoofed_voiced_feats_sigma' + str( args.sigma ) + '.ark,data/voxceleb1_test/spoofed_voiced_feats_sigma' + str( args.sigma) + '.scp' utts_done = 0 with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(adv_featsfile, 'wb') as f: for key, mat in zip(keys, mat_list): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, mat, key=key) utts_done += 1 print('%d done.' % (utts_done))
def testMatrixReadWrite(self): """ Test read/write for float matrices. """ # read, flt_mat = { k:m for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_scp('tests/data/feats_ascii.scp') } # ascii-scp, flt_mat2 = { k:m for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data/feats_ascii.ark') } # ascii-ark, flt_mat3 = { k:m for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data/feats.ark') } # ascii-ark, # store, with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('tests/data_re-saved/mat.ark','wb') as f: for k,m in flt_mat3.items(): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k) # read and compare, for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data_re-saved/mat.ark'): self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(m, flt_mat3[k]), msg="flt. matrix same after re-saving")
def _run_kaldi(command, input_tensor): """Run provided Kaldi command, pass a tensor and get the resulting tensor Assumption: The provided Kaldi command consumes one ark and produces one ark. i.e. 'ark:- ark:-' """ process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) kaldi_io.write_mat(process.stdin, input_tensor.numpy(), key='foo') process.stdin.close() result = dict(kaldi_io.read_mat_ark(process.stdout))['foo'] return torch.from_numpy(result.copy()) # copy supresses some torch warning
def generate_feats(test_dir, num=10, seed=0): """generate feature matrices.""" feats = {} np.random.seed(seed) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'feats.scp'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for i in range(num): utt_id = 'utt_id_' + str(i) ark_file = os.path.join(test_dir, 'mat_' + str(i) + '.ark') f.write(utt_id + ' ' + ark_file + ':0\n') length = np.random.randint(200, 800) m = np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0, (length, 40)) feats[utt_id] = m kaldi_io.write_mat(ark_file, m) return feats
def generate_feats(test_dir, num=10, seed=0): """generate feature matrices.""" expected_feats = {} np.random.seed(seed) utt_ids, rxfiles, utt2num_frames = [], [], [] for i in range(num): utt_id = "utt_id_" + str(i) ark_file = os.path.join(test_dir, "mat_" + str(i) + ".ark") length = np.random.randint(200, 800) m = np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0, (length, 40)) expected_feats[utt_id] = m kaldi_io.write_mat(ark_file, m) utt_ids.append(utt_id) rxfiles.append(ark_file + ":0") utt2num_frames.append(length) return expected_feats, utt_ids, rxfiles, utt2num_frames
def extract(scp_file: str, output_ark: str, win_length: int = 25, hop_length: int = 10, n_fft: int = 512): file_key_path = getlines(scp_file) with open(output_ark, 'wb') as wp: for line in tqdm(file_key_path, ncols=100): feat = spec(line[1], win_length=win_length, hop_length=hop_length, n_fft=n_fft) kaldi_io.write_mat(wp, feat, key=line[0]) return
def kang(): for i in range(2): f_mag = 'ark:| copy-feats --compress=true ark:- ark,scp:file1.ark,file2.scp' audop_path = '/home/kang/Develop/Robust_e2e_gan/db/data_aishell/wav/dev/S0724/BAC009S0724W0121.wav' rate, sig = sig = sig.astype('float32') D = librosa.stft(sig, n_fft=512, hop_length=256, win_length=512, window=scipy.signal.hamming) spect = np.abs(D) uttid_new = "file2deID" kaldi_io.write_mat(f_mag, spect.transpose((1, 0)), key=uttid_new)
def test(net, loader, device, *, write_posts=False, out_folder=None, count_file=None): if not write_posts: assert out_folder is None and count_file is None if write_posts: assert out_folder is not None and count_file is not None if write_posts: # set folder for posteriors ark post_file = kaldi_io.open_or_fd(out_folder + '/pout_test.ark', 'wb') counts = load_counts(count_file) errs = [] losses = [] lens = [] net.eval() # Reading dev-set sentence by sentence for name, fea, lab in loader: inp =, dtype=torch.float) lab = with torch.no_grad(): loss, err, pout, pred = net(inp, lab) if write_posts: # writing the ark containing the normalized posterior probabilities (needed for kaldi decoding) kaldi_io.write_mat( post_file,'cpu').numpy() - np.log(counts / np.sum(counts)), name[0]) losses.append(loss.item()) errs.append(err.item()) lens.append(inp.shape[0]) avg_loss = sum(losses) / len(losses) avg_err = sum(errs) / sum(lens) if write_posts: post_file.close() return avg_loss, avg_err
def recog(args): set_deterministic_pytorch(args) from espnet.asr.asr_utils import get_model_conf, torch_load # read training config idim, odim, train_args = get_model_conf(args.model, args.model_conf) # load trained model parameters model_class = dynamic_import(train_args.model_module) model = model_class(idim, odim, train_args) torch_load(args.model, model) # model, train_args = load_trained_model(args.model) model.recog_args = args # gpu if args.ngpu == 1: gpu_id = list(range(args.ngpu))"gpu id: " + str(gpu_id)) model.cuda() # read json data with open(args.recog_json, "rb") as f: js = json.load(f)["utts"] load_inputs_and_targets = LoadInputsAndTargets( mode="asr", load_output=False, sort_in_input_length=False, preprocess_conf=None, preprocess_args={"train": False}, ) ark_file = open(args.result_ark, 'wb') if args.batchsize == 0: with torch.no_grad(): for idx, name in enumerate(js.keys(), 1):"(%d/%d) decoding " + name, idx, len(js.keys())) batch = [(name, js[name])] feat = load_inputs_and_targets(batch) feat = (feat[0][0]) hyps = model.recognize(feat) hyps = hyps.squeeze(0) hyps = write_mat(ark_file, hyps, key=name)
def main(args): cpath = os.getcwd() # keys, mat_list = extract_adv_mat(args.spoofed_feats, args.vad, args.ori_feats) # print(1+args.sigma) keys, mat_list = extract_adv_mat_frm_grads(args.grads, args.vad, args.ori_feats, args.sigma) adv_featsfile = 'ark:| copy-feats ark: ark,scp:' + cpath + '/data/voxceleb1_test/spoofed_feats_sigma' + str( args.sigma ) + '.ark,' + cpath + '/data/voxceleb1_test/spoofed_feats_sigma' + str( args.sigma) + '.scp' utts_done = 0 with kaldi_io.open_or_fd(adv_featsfile, 'wb') as f: for key, mat in zip(keys, mat_list): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, mat, key=key) utts_done += 1 print('%d done.' % (utts_done))
def generate_z_ark(self): args = self.args c_dim = self.args.c_dim # init model if args.infer_epoch == -1: self.reload_checkpoint() else: ckpt_path = '{}/ckpt_epoch{}.pt'.format(args.ckpt_dir, args.infer_epoch) assert os.path.exists(ckpt_path) == True checkpoint_dict = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location=self.device) self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint_dict['model']) print("successfully reload {} [model] to infer".format(ckpt_path)) self.model.eval() # init data x dataset = feats_data_loader(npz_path=self.args.test_data_npz, dataset_name=self.args.dataset_name) utt_data = dataset.get_utt_data() ark_dir = args.ark_dir if not os.path.exists(ark_dir): os.makedirs(ark_dir) ark_path = args.ark_dir + os.sep + 'feats.ark' pbar = tqdm(total=len(utt_data)) with open(ark_path, 'wb') as f: for utt, data in utt_data.items(): data = np.array(data) data = torch.from_numpy(data) data = data, _ = self.model(data) data = data.cpu().detach().numpy() # split data data = data[:, :c_dim] kaldi_io.write_mat(f, data, utt) pbar.update(1) pbar.set_description('generate utter {} of frames {}'.format( utt, data.shape[0])) pbar.close() print("successfully save kaldi ark in {}".format(ark_path))
def testPipeReadWrite(self): """ Test read/write for pipes. Note: make sure the "os.environ['KALDI_ROOT']" in "kaldi_io/" is correct. """ # the following line disables 'stderr' forwarding, comment it for DEBUG, with open("/dev/null","w") as sys.stderr: # read, flt_mat4 = { k:m for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('ark:copy-feats ark:tests/data/feats.ark ark:- |') } # write to pipe, with kaldi_io.open_or_fd('ark:| copy-feats ark:- ark:tests/data_re-saved/mat_pipe.ark','wb') as f: for k,m in flt_mat4.items(): kaldi_io.write_mat(f, m, k) # read it again and compare, for k,m in kaldi_io.read_mat_ark('tests/data_re-saved/mat_pipe.ark'): self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(m, flt_mat4[k]),"flt. matrix same after read/write via pipe") # read some other formats from pipe, i32_vec3 = { k:v for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_int_ark('ark:copy-int-vector ark:tests/data/ali.ark ark:- |') } flt_vec4 = { k:v for k,v in kaldi_io.read_vec_flt_ark('ark:copy-vector ark:tests/data/conf.ark ark:- |') }
if rnn==1: inp=inp.view(inp.shape[0],1,inp.shape[1]) lab=lab.view(lab.shape[0],1) beg_snt=data_end_index[i] [loss,err,pout] = net(inp,lab,test_flag) if multi_gpu: loss=loss.mean() err=err.mean() if do_forward: if rnn==1: pout=pout.view(pout.shape[0]*pout.shape[1],pout.shape[2]) kaldi_io.write_mat(post_file,, data_name[i]) if do_training: # free the gradient buffer optimizer.zero_grad() # Gradient computation loss.backward() # Gradient clipping #torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(net.parameters(), 1) # updating parameters optimizer.step()