def readConfigCPUFormat(widget, theme_cfg): global Instances id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") toptext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "toptext") #### Begin reading optional settings from [cpuFormat] #### # if one option is missing. Then use defaults # cpu_padding = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "cpu_padding") # cpu_decimal_1 = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "cpu_decimal_1") # cpu_decimal_0 = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "cpu_decimal_0") # hide_0 = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "hide_0") # cpu_rem_0 = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "cpu_rem_0") # # if cpu_decimal_1: # cpu_more_one = "%0.1f" # if cpu_decimal_0: # cpu_less_one = "%0.1f" showZero = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "showZero") if showZero == None: karamba.setMenuConfigOption(widget, "showZero", 0) karamba.writeConfigEntry(widget, "showZero", "false") try: hide_0 = theme_cfg.getboolean( "cpuFormat" , "hide_0" ) if hide_0: Instances[id].cpuHideZero() except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): print "Warning: " + str(strerror) + ". Skipping option."
def readConfigCPUFormat(widget, theme_cfg): global Instances id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") toptext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "toptext") #### Begin reading optional settings from [cpuFormat] #### # if one option is missing. Then use defaults # cpu_padding = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "cpu_padding") # cpu_decimal_1 = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "cpu_decimal_1") # cpu_decimal_0 = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "cpu_decimal_0") # hide_0 = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "hide_0") # cpu_rem_0 = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "cpu_rem_0") # # if cpu_decimal_1: # cpu_more_one = "%0.1f" # if cpu_decimal_0: # cpu_less_one = "%0.1f" showZero = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "showZero") if showZero == None: karamba.setMenuConfigOption(widget, "showZero", 0) karamba.writeConfigEntry(widget, "showZero", "false") try: hide_0 = theme_cfg.getboolean("cpuFormat", "hide_0") if hide_0: Instances[id].cpuHideZero() except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): print "Warning: " + str(strerror) + ". Skipping option."
def initWidget(widget): """ This is called when your widget is initialized""" global startButton global endButton global progressBar global curtimefile global done # "done" image widget global hours # these ... global minutes # ... are the... global seconds # widget texts # initialize handlers to all meters hours = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "hours") seconds = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "seconds") minutes = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "minutes") progressBar = karamba.getThemeBar(widget, "progress") karamba.hideBar(widget, progressBar) startButton = karamba.getThemeImage(widget, "start") karamba.attachClickArea(widget, startButton, "", "", "") endButton = karamba.getThemeImage(widget, "end") karamba.attachClickArea(widget, endButton, "", "", "") done = karamba.getThemeImage(widget, "done") karamba.attachClickArea(widget, done, "", "", "") # read data from config file zerotime_str = str(karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "zerotime")) print "zerotime from config: %s" % zerotime_str zerotime.from_string(zerotime_str) alarmtime_str= str(karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "alarmtime")) print "alarmtime from config: %s" % alarmtime_str alarmtime.from_string(alarmtime_str) # set time from last used time curtimefile = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], \ '.superkaramba', \ 'stoptimer', \ 'curtime') if os.path.isfile(curtimefile): curtimefh = open(curtimefile) curtimestring = curtime.from_string(curtimestring) curtimefh.close() else: if not os.path.isdir( \ os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.superkaramba')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.superkaramba')) if not os.path.isdir( \ os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.superkaramba', 'stoptimer')): os.mkdir(os.path.join( \ os.environ['HOME'], '.superkaramba', 'stoptimer')) showTime(widget, curtime)
def readConfigThreading(widget): global Instances id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") disableThreading = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "disableThreading") if disableThreading == None or disableThreading == "true": karamba.setMenuConfigOption(widget, "disableThreading", 1) karamba.writeConfigEntry(widget, "disableThreading", "true") disableThreading = True else: disableThreading = False Instances[id].setDisableThreading(disableThreading)
def readConfigTop(widget, theme_cfg): global theme_dir, Instances id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") #### Begin reading the [top] section of the config file #### num_procs = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "num_procs") if num_procs == None or int(num_procs) < 1: try: num_procs = theme_cfg.getint( "top", "num_procs" ) Instances[id].setNumProcs(num_procs) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): print "Warning: " + str(strerror) + ". Using default."
def readConfigTop(widget, theme_cfg): global theme_dir, Instances id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") #### Begin reading the [top] section of the config file #### num_procs = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "num_procs") if num_procs == None or int(num_procs) < 1: try: num_procs = theme_cfg.getint("top", "num_procs") Instances[id].setNumProcs(num_procs) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): print "Warning: " + str(strerror) + ". Using default."
def readConfigFormatting(widget, theme_cfg): global Instances id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") toptext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "toptext") #### Begin reading optional settings from [formatting] #### alignment = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "setCmdJustification") if alignment == None or alignment.strip() == "": try: alignment = theme_cfg.get("formatting", "setCmdJustification") except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): print "Warning: " + str(strerror) + ". Setting option to left." alignment = "left"
def readConfigFormatting(widget, theme_cfg): global Instances id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") toptext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "toptext") #### Begin reading optional settings from [formatting] #### alignment = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "setCmdJustification") if alignment == None or alignment.strip() == "": try: alignment = theme_cfg.get( "formatting", "setCmdJustification" ) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): print "Warning: " + str(strerror) + ". Setting option to left." alignment = "left"
def initWidget(widget): global itempointer, diff, clickScrollUp, clickScrollDown, update, browserCommand getHeise(heise_url[urlpointer]) createMenu(widget) y_pos = 23 z = 0 while z < lines: itempointer.insert(z ,karamba.createText(widget, 14, y_pos, theme_width-18, line_height, "")) setStyle(widget, itempointer[z], 1, 17) karamba.changeTextColor(widget, itempointer[z], r,g,b) y_pos = y_pos + 15 z = z + 1 karamba.changeTextColor(widget, fill[0], 54,227,123) # karamba.changeTextColor(widget, fill[0], 255,255,255) # Menuoption "browser" karamba.addMenuConfigOption(widget, "browser", "Change your browser") browserCommand = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "browser") or "konqueror" # Up clickScrollUp = karamba.createImage(widget, 0, 0, "up.png") karamba.moveImage(widget, clickScrollUp, 50, 2) karamba.attachClickArea(widget, clickScrollUp, "") #Down clickScrollDown = karamba.createImage(widget, 0, 0, "down.png") karamba.moveImage(widget, clickScrollDown, 22, 3) karamba.attachClickArea(widget, clickScrollDown, "") fillContent(widget, "refresh") update = 0 widgetUpdated(widget)
def initWidget(widget): global Instances, titletext, themePath, theme_dir #Using a unique ID for multiple instances of karamTop id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") if id == None: id = str(int(time.time() * 100)) karamba.writeConfigEntry(widget, "id", id) # Figure out what theme to use. flatgray is the default theme = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "karamtop theme") if theme == None or theme == "": theme = "flatgray" theme_dir = "themes/" themePath = karamba.getThemePath(widget) ### Thanks to liquid weather for dealing with the skz format home_directory = os.popen("echo $HOME").readline()[0:-1] if themePath[-3:] == "skz": skz_file = zipfile.ZipFile(themePath, 'r') theme_file = + theme + "/" + theme + ".cfg") try: os.mknod(home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf') except (OSError): pass ktop_file = open(home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf', 'w') ktop_file.write(theme_file) ktop_file.close() theme_cfg_file = (home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf') skz_file.close() else: theme_cfg_file = (themePath + theme_dir + theme + "/" + theme + ".cfg") theme_cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() theme_cfg.readfp(open(theme_cfg_file)) toptext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "toptext") ########################################################## #### Initialize the Top class #### try: Instances[id] = None Instances[id] = (pytop.Top(widget, toptext)) except NameError, (strerror): Instances = {} Instances[id] = (pytop.Top(widget, toptext))
def initWidget(widget): global Instances, titletext, themePath, theme_dir #Using a unique ID for multiple instances of karamTop id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") if id == None: id = str( int( time.time() * 100 ) ) karamba.writeConfigEntry(widget, "id", id) # Figure out what theme to use. flatgray is the default theme = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "karamtop theme") if theme == None or theme == "": theme = "flatgray" theme_dir = "themes/" themePath = karamba.getThemePath(widget) ### Thanks to liquid weather for dealing with the skz format home_directory = os.popen("echo $HOME").readline()[0:-1] if themePath[-3:] == "skz": skz_file = zipfile.ZipFile(themePath, 'r') theme_file = + theme + "/" + theme + ".cfg") try: os.mknod(home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf') except(OSError): pass ktop_file = open(home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf','w') ktop_file.write(theme_file) ktop_file.close() theme_cfg_file = (home_directory + '/.superkaramba/ktop_theme_conf') skz_file.close() else: theme_cfg_file = ( themePath + theme_dir + theme + "/" + theme + ".cfg" ) theme_cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() theme_cfg.readfp( open( theme_cfg_file ) ) toptext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "toptext") ########################################################## #### Initialize the Top class #### try: Instances[id] = None Instances[id] = ( pytop.Top( widget, toptext ) ) except NameError, (strerror): Instances = {} Instances[id] = ( pytop.Top( widget, toptext ) )
def getLocale(widget): GetLocale = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "locale") # have you set any language? if GetLocale == None: # no language found, using english # print "No locale-setting was found. Using English en_US" karamba.writeConfigEntry(widget, "locale", "en_US") SetLocale = "en_US.ISO8859-1" else: # language found! using it # print "Locale-setting " + SetLocale + " was found!" SetLocale = GetLocale + ".ISO8859-1" return SetLocale
def readConfigMemFormat(widget, theme_cfg): global Instances id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") toptext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "toptext") #### Begin reading optional settings from [memFormat] #### # if one option is missing. Then use defaults try: mem_padding = theme_cfg.get("memFormat", "padding").strip() kilobytes = theme_cfg.get("cpuFormat", "kilobytes", True) megabytes = theme_cfg.get("cpuFormat", "megabytes", True) gigabytes = theme_cfg.get("cpuFormat", "gigabytes", True) Instances[id].memFormat(mem_padding, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): print "Warning: " + str(strerror) + ". Skipping whole section."
def readConfigMemFormat(widget, theme_cfg): global Instances id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") toptext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "toptext") #### Begin reading optional settings from [memFormat] #### # if one option is missing. Then use defaults try: mem_padding = theme_cfg.get( "memFormat" , "padding" ).strip() kilobytes = theme_cfg.get( "cpuFormat" , "kilobytes", True ) megabytes = theme_cfg.get( "cpuFormat" , "megabytes", True ) gigabytes = theme_cfg.get( "cpuFormat" , "gigabytes", True ) Instances[id].memFormat( mem_padding, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): print "Warning: " + str(strerror) + ". Skipping whole section."
def widgetUpdated(widget): global Instances id = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "id") Instances[id].start() karamba.redrawWidget(widget)
def readConfigTitleText(widget, theme_cfg): titletext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "titletext") #### Read the titletext x and y position from the config file #### # required option try: x, y = theme_cfg.get("karamba", "titletext_pos").split(",", 1) karamba.moveText(widget, titletext, int(x), int(y)) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): displayError('Title Text', 'Missing parameters for the position of the title text.') raise #### Begin reading optional settings for titletext #### titletext_value = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "titletext_value") if titletext_value == None: try: titletext_value = theme_cfg.get("karamba", "titletext_value") karamba.changeText(widget, titletext, titletext_value.strip()) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): print "Warning: " + str(strerror) + ". Using default." else: karamba.changeText(widget, titletext, titletext_value.strip()) titletext_color = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "titletext_color") if titletext_color == None or titletext_color == "": try: r, g, b = theme_cfg.get("karamba", "titletext_color").split(",", 2) karamba.changeTextColor(widget, titletext, int(r), int(g), int(b)) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror):
x, y, file = theme_cfg.get( "images", image ).split(",", 2) karamba.createImage(widget, int(x), int(y), file.strip()) def readConfigTitleText(widget, theme_cfg): titletext = karamba.getThemeText(widget, "titletext") #### Read the titletext x and y position from the config file #### # required option try: x, y = theme_cfg.get( "karamba", "titletext_pos" ).split(",", 1 ) karamba.moveText(widget, titletext, int(x), int(y)) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): displayError('Title Text', 'Missing parameters for the position of the title text.') raise #### Begin reading optional settings for titletext #### titletext_value = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "titletext_value") if titletext_value == None: try: titletext_value = theme_cfg.get( "karamba", "titletext_value" ) karamba.changeText(widget, titletext, titletext_value.strip()) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror): print "Warning: " + str(strerror) + ". Using default." else: karamba.changeText(widget, titletext, titletext_value.strip()) titletext_color = karamba.readConfigEntry(widget, "titletext_color") if titletext_color == None or titletext_color == "": try: r, g, b = theme_cfg.get( "karamba", "titletext_color" ).split(",", 2) karamba.changeTextColor(widget, titletext, int(r), int(g), int(b)) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, (strerror):