def do_move(request, matchid): context = RequestContext(request) if request.method == 'POST': match = get_object_or_404(Match, pk=matchid) movesrc = request.POST['move_src'] movedst = request.POST['move_dst'] prompiece = request.POST['prom_piece'] switch = request.POST['switch'] if(match.next_color_human()): if(len(movesrc) > 0 and len(movedst) > 0 and len(prompiece) > 0): srcx,srcy = Match.koord_to_index(movesrc) dstx,dsty = Match.koord_to_index(movedst) prom_piece = match.PIECES[prompiece] flag, msg = rules.is_move_valid(match, srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, prom_piece) status = rules.game_status(match) if(flag == True and status == Match.STATUS['open']): move = match.do_move(srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, prom_piece) calc_move_for_immanuel(match) fmtmsg = "<p class='ok'>" + rules.ERROR_MSGS[msg] + "</p>" else: fmtmsg = "<p class='error'>" + rules.ERROR_MSGS[msg] + "</p>" else: fmtmsg = "<p class='error'>Zug-Format ist ungültig.</p>" else: fmtmsg = "<p class='error'>Farbe ist nicht am Zug.</p>" fmtboard = fill_fmtboard(match, int(switch)) moves = [] currmove = Move.objects.filter("count").last() if(currmove != None): if(currmove.count % 2 == 0): limit = 22 else: limit = 21 qmoves = Move.objects.filter("-count")[:limit] for qmove in reversed(qmoves): moves.append(qmove) comments = Comment.objects.filter("created_at").reverse()[:3] status = rules.game_status(match) if(status != Match.STATUS['open']): fmtmsg = "<p class='error'>" + helper.reverse_lookup(Match.STATUS, status) + "</p>" if(int(switch) == 0): rangeobj = range(8) else: rangeobj = range(7, -1, -1) candidate = "" return render(request, 'kate/match.html', { 'match': match, 'board': fmtboard, 'switch': switch, 'movesrc': movesrc, 'movedst': movedst, 'moves': moves, 'comments': comments, 'msg': fmtmsg, 'range': rangeobj, 'candidate': candidate } ) else: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('kate:match', args=(matchid, switch)))
def calc_min(match, maxdepth, depth, alpha, beta): generator = Generator() generator.match = match gmove = None color = match.next_color() newscore = None minscore = 200000 oldscore = 0 count = 0 while( flag, newgmove = generator.generate_move() if(flag): count += 1 oldscore = match.score move = match.do_move(newgmove.srcx, newgmove.srcy, newgmove.dstx, newgmove.dsty, newgmove.prom_piece) match.move_list.append(move) if(depth == 1): msg = "\" + str( + " calculate " prnt_move(msg, newgmove) if(gmove): prnt_move(" CANDIDATE ", gmove) print(" score: " + str(newscore)) thread = Match.get_active_thread(match) if(thread and newscore): thread.populate_candiate(gmove) if(depth <= maxdepth): newscore = calc_max(match, maxdepth, depth + 1, alpha, minscore)[0] elif(depth <= maxdepth + 2): if(match.next_color() == Match.COLORS['white']): wkg_attacked = rules.attacked(match, match.wKg_x, match.wKg_y, Match.COLORS['black']) white_promotion = match.readfield(newgmove.dstx, newgmove.dsty) == Match.PIECES['wPw'] and newgmove.dsty >= 6 if(oldscore != match.score or wkg_attacked or white_promotion ): newscore = calc_max(match, maxdepth, depth + 1, alpha, minscore)[0] else: newscore = match.score + calc_helper.evaluate_position(match) else: bkg_attacked = rules.attacked(match, match.bKg_x, match.bKg_y, Match.COLORS['white']) black_promotion = match.readfield(newgmove.dstx, newgmove.dsty) == Match.PIECES['bPw'] and newgmove.dsty <= 1 if(oldscore != match.score or bkg_attacked or black_promotion): newscore = calc_max(match, maxdepth, depth + 1, alpha, minscore)[0] else: newscore = match.score + calc_helper.evaluate_position(match) elif(depth <= maxdepth + 4 and oldscore != match.score): newscore = calc_max(match, maxdepth, depth + 1, alpha, minscore)[0] else: newscore = match.score + calc_helper.evaluate_position(match) newscore, gmove = rate(color, gmove, newgmove, minscore, newscore) match.undo_move(True) if(newscore < minscore): minscore = newscore if(minscore <= alpha): break else: if(count == 0): status = rules.game_status(match) if(status == Match.STATUS['winner_black']): newscore = Match.SCORES[Match.PIECES['wKg']] elif(status == Match.STATUS['winner_white']): newscore = Match.SCORES[Match.PIECES['bKg']] elif(status == Match.STATUS['draw']): newscore = Match.SCORES[Match.PIECES['blk']] else: newscore = match.score if(depth == 1): msg = "\" + str( + " CANDIDATE " prnt_move(msg, gmove) print(" score: " + str(newscore)) thread = Match.get_active_thread(match) if(thread): thread.populate_candiate(gmove) return newscore, gmove return minscore, gmove
def calc_move_for_immanuel(match): if(rules.game_status(match) == Match.STATUS['open'] and match.next_color_human() == False): calc.thread_do_move(match)