Exemple #1
    def script(self):
        jdk = self.options["JavaHome"]
        if jdk is None:
            if "JAVA_HOME" in os.environ:
                jdk = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"]
                stat, jdk, _err = li.mycmd("readlink -f $(which java)")
                jdk = jdk.strip()
                if stat or not jdk.endswith("/jre/bin/java"):
                        "Warning: could not detect JAVA version, probably you don't have a local hadoop client, "
                        "so I'm skipping hadoop python libraries, try setting JAVA_HOME manually"
                    jdk = None
                    jdk = jdk[:-len("/jre/bin/java")]
        hdh = self.options["HadoopHome"]
        if hdh is None:
            if "HADOOP_HOME" in os.environ:
                hdh = os.environ["HADOOP_HOME"]
                stat, hdh, _err = li.mycmd(" readlink -f $(which hadoop)")
                hdh = hdh.strip()
                if stat or not hdh.endswith("/bin/hadoop"):
                        "INFO: could not detect hadoop installation, probably you don't have a local hadoop "
                        "client, so I'm skipping  hadoop python libraries, try setting HADOOP_HOME manually"
                    hdh = None
                    hdh = hdh[:-len("/bin/hadoop")]

        if hdh is not None and jdk is not None:
            # find hadoop version ...
            stat, hdv, _err = li.mycmd("hadoop version")
            hdv = '.'.join([l for l in hdv.split('\n')
                            if "Hadoop" in l][0].split(" ")[-1].split('.')[:3])
            for ezmodule in self.options["easy_install"]:
                    "bash -c 'source " + self.toolbox.envscript() +
                    " > /dev/null ; export HADOOP_VERSION=" + hdv +
                    "; export JAVA_HOME=" + jdk + "; export HADOOP_HOME=" +
                    hdh +
                    "; export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`hadoop classpath`; easy_install "
                    + ezmodule + "'")
            for pipmodule in self.options["pip"]:
                    "bash -c 'source " + self.toolbox.envscript() +
                    " > /dev/null ; export HADOOP_VERSION=" + hdv +
                    "; export JAVA_HOME=" + jdk + "; export HADOOP_HOME=" +
                    hdh +
                    "; export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`hadoop classpath`; pip install "
                    + pipmodule + "'",
    def script(self):
        jdk = self.options["JavaHome"]
        if jdk is None:
            if "JAVA_HOME" in os.environ:
                jdk = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"]
                stat, jdk, err = li.mycmd("readlink -f $(which java)")
                jdk = jdk.strip()
                if stat or not jdk.endswith("/jre/bin/java"):
                    print "Warning: could not detect JAVA version, probably you don't have a local hadoop client, " \
                          "so I'm skipping hadoop python libraries, try setting JAVA_HOME manually"
                    jdk = None
                    jdk = jdk[:-len("/jre/bin/java")]
        hdh = self.options["HadoopHome"]
        if hdh is None:
            if "HADOOP_HOME" in os.environ:
                hdh = os.environ["HADOOP_HOME"]
                stat, hdh, err = li.mycmd(" readlink -f $(which hadoop)")
                hdh = hdh.strip()
                if stat or not hdh.endswith("/bin/hadoop"):
                    print "INFO: could not detect hadoop installation, probably you don't have a local hadoop " \
                          "client, so I'm skipping  hadoop python libraries, try setting HADOOP_HOME manually"
                    hdh = None
                    hdh = hdh[:-len("/bin/hadoop")]

        if hdh is not None and jdk is not None:
            # find hadoop version ...
            stat, hdv, err = li.mycmd("hadoop version")
            hdv = '.'.join([l for l in hdv.split('\n') if "Hadoop" in l][0].split(" ")[-1].split('.')[:3])
            for ezmodule in self.options["easy_install"]:
                    "bash -c 'source " + self.toolbox.envscript() + " > /dev/null ; export HADOOP_VERSION=" + hdv +
                    "; export JAVA_HOME=" + jdk + "; export HADOOP_HOME=" + hdh
                    + "; export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`hadoop classpath`; easy_install " +
                    ezmodule + "'")
            for pipmodule in self.options["pip"]:
                    "bash -c 'source " + self.toolbox.envscript() + " > /dev/null ; export HADOOP_VERSION=" + hdv +
                    "; export JAVA_HOME=" + jdk + "; export HADOOP_HOME=" + hdh
                    + "; export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`hadoop classpath`; pip install " +
                    pipmodule + "'")
Exemple #3
 def runTest(self):
     Check the functionality of each tiny helper function in the kaveinstall library
     import kaveinstall as ki
     self.assertEqual(ki.repoURL('fn', 'repo', 'arch', 'dir',
                                 'ver'), 'repo/arch/dir/ver/fn',
                      'unexpected output from RepoURL')
     self.assertEqual(ki.mycmd('echo "w00t"'), (0, b'w00t\n', b''),
                      'unexpected output from mycmd')
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, ki.throw_on_fail_quiet, 'exit 1')
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, ki.throw_on_fail_loud, 'exit 1')
     import tempfile
     tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, ki.clean_on_fail_quiet, 'exit 1', tdir)
                      'cleaning (quiet) failed to work')
     tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, ki.clean_on_fail_loud, 'exit 1', tdir)
                      'cleaning (loud) failed to work')
     self.assertTrue(ki.detect_linux_version() in ["Centos7", "Ubuntu16"],
                     'Unexpected OS result!')
         len(ki.df('/')) == 6, 'df -P returned strange results!')
     prot = {
         "http:": "wget",
         "https:": "wget",
         "ftp:": "wget",
         "/tmp": "cp"
     for p, m in prot.items():
             ki.copymethods(p, 'blah').startswith(m),
             m + ' copymethod not used for ' + p)
     self.assertRaises(IOError, ki.failoversources, [
             ".kadklhasdaiuqiowehasdhawq.blah/", "http://google.com"
         ]), "http://google.com")
     nn = None
     with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
         with base.RedirectStdOut(devnull):
             nn = ki.fromKPMGrepo('notafilenotafilenotafilenot')
     self.assertTrue(nn is None, "Expected failure of repo file not seen")
         ki.fromKPMGrepo('') is not None,
         "Default repository not accessible")
    def runTest(self):
        Runs the predefined tests on one installed piece of software
        Each component has a tests list of tuples, component.tests
        these look like: ('command',errcode,'stdout','stderr')
        Tests are always run in the Kave environment

        The command can have the %%INSTALLDIR%%,%%INSTALLDIRPRO%%,%%INSTALLDIRVERSION%%
        directives for search/replace

        # Deal with mixed 2.X / 1.X versions!
        if self.component.cname not in ["KaveToolbox"]:
            # this means the component is installed but a different version (testable)
            if not os.path.exists(self.component.installDirVersion):
                self.component.installDirVersion = self.component.installDirPro
            # this means the KaveToolbox is still 1.X
            if not os.path.exists(self.component.toolbox.installDirVersion):
                self.component.installDirVersion = self.component.installDirPro
            # this means a 1.X version of the component is installed
            if not os.path.exists(self.component.installDirPro):
                self.component.installDirVersion = self.component.installDir
                self.component.installDirPro = self.component.installDir
        # Now, run the tests if this component was supposed to be installed.
        if getattr(self.component, kind) and self.component.doInstall:
            self.component.loud = False
            for ttuple in self.component.tests:
                cmd, rc, sin, sout = ttuple
                ttuple = (
                cmd = ttuple[0]
                script = self.component.toolbox.envscript()
                if os.path.exists(script.replace('/pro/', ki.__version__)):
                    script = script.replace('/pro/', ki.__version__) + " " + ki.__version__
                newtuple = ki.mycmd("bash -c 'source "
                                    + script
                                    + " > /dev/null ;" + cmd + ";'")
                self.assertEquals(ttuple[1:], newtuple, self.component.cname
                                  + ": Unexpected failure with component " + self.component.cname
                                  + ": \n - I was expecting:\n\t" + cmd + ttuple[1:].__str__()
                                  + "\n - But I received:\n\t " + newtuple.__str__())
Exemple #5
    def runTest(self):
        Runs the predefined tests on one installed piece of software
        Each component has a tests list of tuples, component.tests
        these look like: ('command',errcode,'stdout','stderr')
        Tests are always run in the Kave environment

        The command can have the %%INSTALLDIR%%,%%INSTALLDIRPRO%%,%%INSTALLDIRVERSION%%
        directives for search/replace

        # Deal with mixed 2.X / 1.X versions!
        if self.component.cname not in ["KaveToolbox"]:
            # this means the component is installed but a different version (testable)
            if not os.path.exists(self.component.installDirVersion):
                self.component.installDirVersion = self.component.installDirPro
            # this means the KaveToolbox is still 1.X
            if not os.path.exists(self.component.toolbox.installDirVersion):
                self.component.installDirVersion = self.component.installDirPro
            # this means a 1.X version of the component is installed
            if not os.path.exists(self.component.installDirPro):
                self.component.installDirVersion = self.component.installDir
                self.component.installDirPro = self.component.installDir
        # Now, run the tests if this component was supposed to be installed.
        if getattr(self.component, kind) and self.component.doInstall:
            self.component.loud = False
            for ttuple in self.component.tests:
                cmd, rc, sin, sout = ttuple
                ttuple = (self.component.knownreplaces(cmd), rc,
                cmd = ttuple[0]
                script = self.component.toolbox.envscript()
                if os.path.exists(script.replace('/pro/', ki.__version__)):
                    script = script.replace(
                        '/pro/', ki.__version__) + " " + ki.__version__
                newtuple = ki.mycmd("bash -c 'source " + script +
                                    " > /dev/null ;" + cmd + ";'")
                    ttuple[1:], newtuple, self.component.cname +
                    ": Unexpected failure with component " +
                    self.component.cname + ": \n - I was expecting:\n\t" +
                    cmd + ttuple[1:].__str__() + "\n - But I received:\n\t " +
 def runTest(self):
     Check the functionality of each tiny helper function in the kaveinstall library
     import kaveinstall as ki
     self.assertEqual(ki.repoURL('fn', 'repo', 'arch', 'dir', 'ver'),
                      'repo/arch/dir/ver/fn', 'unexpected output from RepoURL')
     self.assertEqual(ki.mycmd('echo "w00t"'), (0, b'w00t\n', b''),
                      'unexpected output from mycmd')
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, ki.throw_on_fail_quiet, 'exit 1')
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, ki.throw_on_fail_loud, 'exit 1')
     import tempfile
     tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, ki.clean_on_fail_quiet, 'exit 1', tdir)
     self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tdir), 'cleaning (quiet) failed to work')
     tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, ki.clean_on_fail_loud, 'exit 1', tdir)
     self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tdir), 'cleaning (loud) failed to work')
     self.assertTrue(ki.detect_linux_version() in ["Centos7", "Ubuntu16"],
                     'Unexpected OS result!')
     self.assertTrue(len(ki.df('/')) == 6, 'df -P returned strange results!')
     prot = {"http:": "wget", "https:": "wget", "ftp:": "wget", "/tmp": "cp"}
     for p, m in prot.items():
         self.assertTrue(ki.copymethods(p, 'blah').startswith(m), m + ' copymethod not used for ' + p)
                                          "http://google.com"]), "http://google.com")
     nn = None
     with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
         with base.RedirectStdOut(devnull):
             nn = ki.fromKPMGrepo('notafilenotafilenotafilenot')
     self.assertTrue(nn is None,
                     "Expected failure of repo file not seen")
     self.assertTrue(ki.fromKPMGrepo('') is not None,
                     "Default repository not accessible")
Exemple #7
 def skipif(self):
     return (conda.installDirVersion in
             mycmd("bash -c 'source " + self.toolbox.envscript()
                   + " > /dev/null ; which root ;'")[1]
Exemple #8
 def skipif(self):
     return (conda.installDirVersion
             in mycmd("bash -c 'source " + self.toolbox.envscript() +
                      " > /dev/null ; which root ;'")[1])
Exemple #9
 def skipif(self):
     return (conda.installDirVersion in
             mycmd("bash -c 'source " + self.toolbox.envscript()
                   + " > /dev/null ; python -c \"import rpy2; print(rpy2.__file__);\" ;'")[1]
Exemple #10
 def skipif(self):
     return (conda.installDirVersion in
             mycmd("bash -c 'source " + self.toolbox.envscript()
                   + " > /dev/null ; python -c \"import pygsl; print(pygsl.__file__);\" ;'")[1]