def __init__(self, config): # grab config lists self.adminList = self._config_str_to_list(config.get('admin-users')) self.metricsAdmins = self._config_str_to_list( config.get('metrics-admins')) self.mongodb_dbList = self._config_str_to_list( config.get('mongodb-databases')) # check for required parameters for p in [ 'mongodb-host', 'mongodb-databases', 'mongodb-user', 'mongodb-pwd' ]: if p not in config: error_msg = '"{}" config variable must be defined '.format(p) error_msg += 'to start a MetricsMongoDBController!' raise ValueError(error_msg) # instantiate the mongo client self.metrics_dbi = MongoMetricsDBI(config.get('mongodb-host'), self.mongodb_dbList, config.get('mongodb-user', ''), config.get('mongodb-pwd', '')) # for access to the Catalog API self.auth_service_url = config['auth-service-url'] self.catalog_url = config['kbase-endpoint'] + '/catalog' # commonly used data self.kbstaff_list = None self.ws_narratives = None self.client_groups = None self.cat_client = None self.narrative_name_map = {}
class MetricsMongoDBController: def _config_str_to_list(self, list_str): user_list = list() if list_str: user_list = [x.strip() for x in list_str.split(',') if x.strip()] else: warnings.warn('no {} are set in config of' ' MetricsMongoDBController'.format(list_str)) return user_list def _is_admin(self, username): return username in self.adminList def _is_metrics_admin(self, username): return username in self.metricsAdmins def _is_kbstaff(self, username): kb_list = self._get_kbstaff_list() return username in kb_list def _get_kbstaff_list(self): if self.kbstaff_list is None: kbstaff = self.metrics_dbi.list_kbstaff_usernames() self.kbstaff_list = [kbs['username'] for kbs in kbstaff] return self.kbstaff_list def _convert_isodate_to_milis(self, src_list, dt_list): for src in src_list: for ldt in dt_list: if ldt in src and isinstance(src[ldt], datetime.datetime): src[ldt] = _unix_time_millis_from_datetime(src[ldt]) return src_list def _parse_app_id(self, et_jobinput): app_id = '' if 'app_id' in et_jobinput: app_id = et_jobinput['app_id'].replace('.', '/') return app_id def _parse_method(self, et_jobinput): method_id = '' if 'method' in et_jobinput: method_id = et_jobinput['method'].replace('/', '.') return method_id def _update_user_info(self, params, token): """ update user info If match not found, insert that record as new. """ params = self._process_parameters(params) auth2_ret = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_user_details(params['user_ids'], params['minTime'], params['maxTime']) if not auth2_ret: print("No user records returned for update!") return 0 up_dated = 0 up_serted = 0 print('Retrieved {} user record(s) for update!'.format(len(auth2_ret))) id_keys = ['username', 'email'] data_keys = ['full_name', 'signup_at', 'last_signin_at', 'roles'] for u_data in auth2_ret: id_data = {x: u_data[x] for x in id_keys} user_data = {x: u_data[x] for x in data_keys} is_kbstaff = True if self._is_kbstaff( id_data['username']) else False update_ret = self.metrics_dbi.update_user_records( id_data, user_data, is_kbstaff) if update_ret.raw_result['updatedExisting']: up_dated += update_ret.raw_result['nModified'] elif update_ret.raw_result.get('upserted'): up_serted += 1 print('updated {} and upserted {} users.'.format(up_dated, up_serted)) return up_dated + up_serted def _update_daily_activities(self, params, token): """ update user activities reported from Workspace.workspaceObjects. If match not found, insert that record as new. """ ws_ret = self._get_activities_from_wsobjs(params, token) act_list = ws_ret['metrics_result'] if not act_list: print("No daily activity records returned for update!") return 0 up_dated = 0 up_serted = 0 print('Retrieved {} activity record(s) for ' 'update!'.format(len(act_list))) id_keys = ['_id'] count_keys = ['obj_numModified'] for a_data in act_list: id_data = {x: a_data[x] for x in id_keys} count_data = {x: a_data[x] for x in count_keys} update_ret = self.metrics_dbi.update_activity_records( id_data, count_data) if update_ret.raw_result['updatedExisting']: up_dated += update_ret.raw_result['nModified'] elif update_ret.raw_result.get('upserted'): up_serted += 1 print('updated {} and upserted {} ' 'activities.'.format(up_dated, up_serted)) return up_dated + up_serted def _update_narratives(self, params, token): """ update user narratives reported from Workspace. If match not found, insert that record as new. """ ws_ret = self._get_narratives_from_wsobjs(params, token) narr_list = ws_ret['metrics_result'] up_dated = 0 up_serted = 0 if not narr_list: print("No narrative records returned for update!") return 0 print('Retrieved {} narratives record(s) for ' 'update!'.format(len(narr_list))) id_keys = ['object_id', 'object_version', 'workspace_id'] other_keys = [ 'name', 'last_saved_at', 'last_saved_by', 'numObj', 'deleted', 'nice_name', 'desc' ] for n_data in narr_list: id_data = {x: n_data[x] for x in id_keys} other_data = {x: n_data[x] for x in other_keys} update_ret = self.metrics_dbi.update_narrative_records( id_data, other_data) if update_ret.raw_result['updatedExisting']: up_dated += update_ret.raw_result['nModified'] elif update_ret.raw_result['upserted']: up_serted += 1 print('updated {} and upserted {} ' 'narratives.'.format(up_dated, up_serted)) return up_dated + up_serted # End functions to write to the metrics database # functions to get the requested records from other dbs... @cache_it_json(limit=1024, expire=60 * 60 / 2) def _get_narratives_from_wsobjs(self, params, token): """ _get_narratives_from_wsobjs--Given a time period, fetch the narrative information from workspace.workspaces and workspace.workspaceObjects./ Based on the narratives in workspace.workspaceObjects, if additional info available then add to existing data from workspace.workspaces. """ params = self._process_parameters(params) # get the ws/narratives with del=False ws_narrs = self.metrics_dbi.list_ws_narratives(minT=params['minTime'], maxT=params['maxTime']) ws_ids = [wnarr['workspace_id'] for wnarr in ws_narrs] wsobjs = self.metrics_dbi.list_user_objects_from_wsobjs( params['minTime'], params['maxTime'], ws_ids) ws_narrs1 = [] for wsn in ws_narrs: for obj in wsobjs: if wsn['workspace_id'] == obj['workspace_id']: if wsn['name'] == obj['object_name']: wsn[u'object_id'] = obj['object_id'] wsn[u'object_version'] = obj['object_version'] break elif ':' in wsn['name']: wts = wsn['name'].split(':')[1] if '_' in wts: wts = wts.split('_')[1] p = re.compile(wts, re.IGNORECASE) if['object_name']): wsn[u'object_id'] = obj['object_id'] wsn[u'object_version'] = obj['object_version'] break if wsn.get('object_id'): wsn[u'last_saved_by'] = wsn.pop('username') ws_nm, wsn[u'nice_name'], wsn[ u'n_ver'] = self._map_ws_narr_names(wsn['workspace_id']) wsn.pop('narr_keys') wsn.pop('narr_values') ws_narrs1.append(wsn) return {'metrics_result': ws_narrs1} @cache_it_json(limit=1024, expire=60 * 60 / 2) def _map_ws_narr_names(self, ws_id): """ _map_ws_narr_names-returns the workspace/narrative name and version with given ws_id """ if self.narrative_name_map == {}: self.narrative_name_map = self._get_narrative_name_map() w_nm = '' n_nm = '' n_ver = '1' try: w_nm, n_nm, n_ver = self.narrative_name_map[int(ws_id)] except ValueError as ve: # e.g.,ws_id == "srividya22:1447279981090" w_nm = ws_id n_nm = ws_id except KeyError as ke: # no match, simply pass # print('No workspace/narrative_name matched key {}'.format(ws_id)) pass return (w_nm, n_nm, n_ver) @cache_it_json(limit=1024, expire=60 * 60 / 2) def _get_activities_from_wsobjs(self, params, token): params = self._process_parameters(params) wsobjs_act = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_activities_from_wsobjs( params['minTime'], params['maxTime']) ws_owners = self.metrics_dbi.list_ws_owners() for wo in ws_owners: for obj in wsobjs_act: if wo['ws_id'] == obj['_id']['ws_id']: obj['_id']['username'] = wo['username'] break return {'metrics_result': wsobjs_act} @cache_it_json(limit=1024, expire=60 * 60 / 2) def _join_task_ujs(self, exec_tasks, ujs_jobs): """ combine/join exec_tasks with ujs_jobs list to get the final return data """ ujs_ret = [] for j in ujs_jobs: u_j_s = self._assemble_ujs_state(j, exec_tasks) ujs_ret.append(u_j_s) return ujs_ret @cache_it_json(limit=1024, expire=60 * 60 / 2) def _assemble_ujs_state(self, ujs, exec_tasks): u_j_s = copy.deepcopy(ujs) u_j_s['job_id'] = str(u_j_s.pop('_id')) u_j_s['exec_start_time'] = u_j_s.pop('started', None) u_j_s['creation_time'] = u_j_s.pop('created') u_j_s['modification_time'] = u_j_s.pop('updated') authparam = u_j_s.pop('authparam') authstrat = u_j_s.pop('authstrat') if authstrat == 'kbaseworkspace': u_j_s['wsid'] = authparam if u_j_s.get('desc'): desc = u_j_s.pop('desc').split()[-1] if '.' in desc: u_j_s['method'] = desc for exec_task in exec_tasks: if str(exec_task['ujs_job_id']) == u_j_s['job_id']: if 'job_input' in exec_task: et_job_in = exec_task['job_input'] u_j_s['app_id'] = self._parse_app_id(et_job_in) if not u_j_s.get('method'): u_j_s['method'] = self._parse_method(et_job_in) if not u_j_s.get('wsid'): if 'wsid' in et_job_in: u_j_s['wsid'] = et_job_in['wsid'] elif 'params' in et_job_in and et_job_in['params']: p_ws = et_job_in['params'][0] if isinstance(p_ws, dict) and 'ws_id' in p_ws: u_j_s['wsid'] = p_ws['ws_id'] # try to get workspace_name--first by wsid, then from 'job_input' if u_j_s.get('wsid') and not u_j_s.get('workspace_name'): ws_name = self._map_ws_narr_names(u_j_s['wsid'])[0] u_j_s['workspace_name'] = ws_name if not u_j_s.get( 'workspace_name') or u_j_s['workspace_name'] == '': if 'params' in et_job_in and et_job_in['params']: p_ws = et_job_in['params'][0] if isinstance(p_ws, dict): if 'workspace' in p_ws: u_j_s['workspace_name'] = p_ws['workspace'] elif 'workspace_name' in p_ws: u_j_s['workspace_name'] = p_ws[ 'workspace_name'] break if not u_j_s.get('app_id') and u_j_s.get('method'): u_j_s['app_id'] = u_j_s['method'].replace('.', '/') if (not u_j_s.get('finish_time') and not u_j_s.get('error') and u_j_s.get('complete')): u_j_s['finish_time'] = u_j_s.pop('modification_time') # remove None u_j_s['workspace_name'] if ('workspace_name' in u_j_s and (u_j_s['workspace_name'] is None or u_j_s['workspace_name'] == '')): u_j_s.pop('workspace_name') # get the narrative name and version via u_j_s['wsid'] if u_j_s.get('wsid'): w_nm, n_name, n_ver = self._map_ws_narr_names(u_j_s['wsid']) if n_name != '': u_j_s['narrative_name'] = n_name u_j_s['narrative_objNo'] = n_ver elif (u_j_s.get('workspace_name', None) and 'narrative' in u_j_s['workspace_name']): u_j_s['narrative_name'] = u_j_s['workspace_name'] u_j_s['narrative_objNo'] = 1 # get the client groups u_j_s['client_groups'] = ['njs'] # default client groups to 'njs' if self.client_groups: for clnt in self.client_groups: clnt_id = clnt['app_id'] ujs_a_id = str(u_j_s.get('app_id')) if str(clnt_id).lower() == ujs_a_id.lower(): u_j_s['client_groups'] = clnt['client_groups'] break return u_j_s def _process_parameters(self, params): params['user_ids'] = params.get('user_ids', []) if not isinstance(params['user_ids'], list): raise ValueError('Variable user_ids must be a list.') exclude_set = ('kbasetest', '***ROOT***', 'ciservices') params['user_ids'] = [ u for u in params['user_ids'] if u not in exclude_set ] epoch_range = params.get('epoch_range') if epoch_range: if len(epoch_range) != 2: raise ValueError('Invalide epoch_range. Size must be 2.') start_time, end_time = epoch_range if start_time and end_time: start_time = _convert_to_datetime(start_time) end_time = _convert_to_datetime(end_time) elif start_time and not end_time: start_time = _convert_to_datetime(start_time) end_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta(hours=48) elif not start_time and end_time: end_time = _convert_to_datetime(end_time) start_time = end_time - datetime.timedelta(hours=48) else: end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start_time = end_time - datetime.timedelta(hours=48) else: # set the most recent 48 hours range end_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start_time = end_time - datetime.timedelta(hours=48) params['minTime'] = _unix_time_millis_from_datetime(start_time) params['maxTime'] = _unix_time_millis_from_datetime(end_time) return params @cache_it_json(limit=1024, expire=60 * 60 / 2) def _get_narrative_name_map(self): """ _get_narrative_name_map: Fetch the narrative id and name (or narrative_nice_name if it exists) into a dictionary of {key=ws_id, value=(ws_nm, narr_nm, narr_ver)} """ # 1. get the ws_narrative data to start, including deleted ones if self.ws_narratives is None: self.ws_narratives = self.metrics_dbi.list_ws_narratives( include_del=True) # 2. loop through all self.ws_narratives narrative_name_map = {} for wsnarr in self.ws_narratives: ws_nm = wsnarr.get('name', '') # workspace_name or '' narr_nm = ws_nm # default narrative_name narr_ver = '1' # default narrative_objNo n_keys = wsnarr['narr_keys'] n_vals = wsnarr['narr_values'] for i in range(0, len(n_keys)): if n_keys[i] == 'narrative_nice_name': narr_nm = n_vals[i] if n_keys[i] == 'narrative': narr_ver = n_vals[i] narrative_name_map[wsnarr['workspace_id']] = (ws_nm, narr_nm, narr_ver) return narrative_name_map @cache_it_json(limit=1024, expire=60 * 60 * 1) def _get_client_groups_from_cat(self, token): """ _get_client_groups_from_cat: Get the client_groups data from Catalog API return an array of the following structure (example with data): { u'app_id': u'assemblyrast/run_arast', u'client_groups': [u'bigmemlong'], u'function_name': u'run_arast', u'module_name': u'AssemblyRAST'}, } """ # initialize client(s) for accessing other services self.cat_client = Catalog(self.catalog_url, auth_svc=self.auth_service_url, token=token) # Pull the data client_groups = self.cat_client.get_client_groups({}) return [{ 'app_id': client_group.get('app_id'), 'client_groups': client_group.get('client_groups') } for client_group in client_groups] def __init__(self, config): # grab config lists self.adminList = self._config_str_to_list(config.get('admin-users')) self.metricsAdmins = self._config_str_to_list( config.get('metrics-admins')) self.mongodb_dbList = self._config_str_to_list( config.get('mongodb-databases')) # check for required parameters for p in [ 'mongodb-host', 'mongodb-databases', 'mongodb-user', 'mongodb-pwd' ]: if p not in config: error_msg = '"{}" config variable must be defined '.format(p) error_msg += 'to start a MetricsMongoDBController!' raise ValueError(error_msg) # instantiate the mongo client self.metrics_dbi = MongoMetricsDBI(config.get('mongodb-host'), self.mongodb_dbList, config.get('mongodb-user', ''), config.get('mongodb-pwd', '')) # for access to the Catalog API self.auth_service_url = config['auth-service-url'] self.catalog_url = config['kbase-endpoint'] + '/catalog' # commonly used data self.kbstaff_list = None self.ws_narratives = None self.client_groups = None self.cat_client = None self.narrative_name_map = {} def map_ws_narrative_names(self, requesting_user, ws_ids, token): """ get_ws_narratives--Give the list of workspace ids, map ws_nm, narr_nm and narr_ver (or narrative_nice_name if it exists) into a dictionary of {key=ws_id, value=(ws_nm, narr_nm, narr_ver)} ---------------------- [{'ws_id': 8726, 'narr_name_map': (u'wjriehl:1468439004137', u'Updater Testing', u'1')}, {'ws_id': 99991, 'narr_name_map': (u'fakeusr:narrative_1513709108341', u'Faking Test', u'1')}] """ if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permisson to ' 'invoke this action.') map_results = [] for w_id in ws_ids: map_ret = self._map_ws_narr_names(w_id) map_results.append({'ws_id': w_id, 'narr_name_map': map_ret}) return map_results def get_user_job_states(self, requesting_user, params, token): """ get_user_job_states--generate data for appcatalog/stats from querying execution_engine, userjobstates, catalog and workspace ---------------------- To get the job's 'status', 'complete'=true/false, etc., we can do joining as follows --userjobstate.jobstate['_id']==exec_engine.exec_tasks['ujs_job_id'] """ if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): params['user_ids'] = [requesting_user] # 1. get the ws_narrative and client_groups data for lookups if self.ws_narratives is None: self.ws_narratives = self.metrics_dbi.list_ws_narratives( include_del=True) if self.client_groups is None: self.client_groups = self._get_client_groups_from_cat(token) # 2. query dbs to get lists of tasks and jobs params = self._process_parameters(params) exec_tasks = self.metrics_dbi.list_exec_tasks(params['minTime'], params['maxTime']) ujs_jobs = self.metrics_dbi.list_ujs_results(params['user_ids'], params['minTime'], params['maxTime']) ujs_jobs = self._convert_isodate_to_milis( ujs_jobs, ['created', 'started', 'updated']) return {'job_states': self._join_task_ujs(exec_tasks, ujs_jobs)} def get_narrative_stats(self, requesting_user, params, token, exclude_kbstaff=True): """ get_narrative_stats--generate narrative stats data for reporting purposes [{'2016-7': 1}, {'2017-12': 1}] """ if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permisson to ' 'invoke this action.') params = self._process_parameters(params) # 1. get the narr_owners data for lookups if exclude_kbstaff: excludes = self._get_kbstaff_list() else: excludes = [] params['user_ids'] = [] narr_data = self.metrics_dbi.list_narrative_info( owner_list=params['user_ids'], excluded_users=excludes) n_ws = [nd['ws'] for nd in narr_data] # 2. query db to get lists of narratives with ws_ids and first_access_date ws_firstAccs = self.metrics_dbi.list_ws_firstAccess(params['minTime'], params['maxTime'], ws_list=n_ws) narr_stats = {} # Futher counting the narratives by grouping into yyyy-mm for narr in ws_firstAccs: narr_stats[narr['yyyy-mm']] = narr['ws_count'] return {'metrics_result': narr_stats} # begin putting the deleted functions back def get_total_logins_from_ws(self, requesting_user, params, token, exclude_kbstaff=False): if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permisson to ' 'invoke this action.') params = self._process_parameters(params) params['minTime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(params['minTime'] / 1000) params['maxTime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(params['maxTime'] / 1000) if exclude_kbstaff: kb_list = self._get_kbstaff_list() db_ret = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_total_logins( params['user_ids'], params['minTime'], params['maxTime'], kb_list) else: db_ret = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_total_logins( params['user_ids'], params['minTime'], params['maxTime']) return {'metrics_result': db_ret} def get_user_login_stats_from_ws(self, requesting_user, params, token): if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permisson to ' 'invoke this action.') params = self._process_parameters(params) params['minTime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(params['minTime'] / 1000) params['maxTime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(params['maxTime'] / 1000) db_ret = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_user_logins_from_ws( params['user_ids'], params['minTime'], params['maxTime']) return {'metrics_result': db_ret} def get_user_numObjs_from_ws(self, requesting_user, params, token): if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permisson to ' 'invoke this action.') params = self._process_parameters(params) params['minTime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(params['minTime'] / 1000) params['maxTime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(params['maxTime'] / 1000) db_ret = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_user_numObjs(params['user_ids'], params['minTime'], params['maxTime']) return {'metrics_result': db_ret} def get_narratives(self, requesting_user, params, token): # just a wrap around a method with permission checking # should be pointing to the metrics db eventually if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permisson to ' 'invoke this action.') return self._get_narratives_from_wsobjs(requesting_user, params, token) def get_user_ws_stats(self, requesting_user, params, token): if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permisson to ' 'invoke this action.') params = self._process_parameters(params) params['minTime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(params['minTime'] / 1000) params['maxTime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(params['maxTime'] / 1000) db_ret = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_user_ws(params['user_ids'], params['minTime'], params['maxTime']) return {'metrics_result': db_ret} # end putting the deleted functions back # function(s) to update the metrics db def update_metrics(self, requesting_user, params, token): """ update_metrics--updates the metrics db collections """ if not self._is_metrics_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permission to ' 'invoke this action.') # 1. update users action_result1 = self._update_user_info(params, token) # 2. update activities action_result2 = self._update_daily_activities(params, token) # 3. update narratives action_result3 = self._update_narratives(params, token) return { 'metrics_result': { 'user_updates': action_result1, 'activity_updates': action_result2, 'narrative_updates': action_result3 } } # functions to get the requested records from metrics db... def get_active_users_counts(self, requesting_user, params, token, exclude_kbstaff=True): """ get_active_users_counts--query (and aggregate) the metrics mongodb to get active user count per day. """ if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permisson to ' 'invoke this action.') kb_list = self._get_kbstaff_list() params = self._process_parameters(params) if exclude_kbstaff: mt_ret = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_unique_users_per_day( params['minTime'], params['maxTime'], kb_list) else: mt_ret = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_unique_users_per_day( params['minTime'], params['maxTime'], []) if not mt_ret: print("No active user count records returned!") return {'metrics_result': mt_ret} def get_user_details(self, requesting_user, params, token, exclude_kbstaff=False): """ get_user_details--query the metrics/users db to retrieve user info. """ if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permisson to ' 'invoke this action.') params = self._process_parameters(params) mt_ret = self.metrics_dbi.get_user_info(params['user_ids'], params['minTime'], params['maxTime'], exclude_kbstaff) if not mt_ret: print("No user records returned!") else: mt_ret = self._convert_isodate_to_milis( mt_ret, ['signup_at', 'last_signin_at']) return {'metrics_result': mt_ret} def get_signup_retn_users(self, requesting_user, params, token, exclude_kbstaff=False): """ get_signup_retn_users--query the metrics/users db to retrieve monthly user signups and returning user counts. """ if not self._is_admin(requesting_user): raise ValueError('You do not have permisson to ' 'invoke this action.') params = self._process_parameters(params) if exclude_kbstaff: kb_list = self._get_kbstaff_list() mt_ret = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_signup_retn_users( params['user_ids'], params['minTime'], params['maxTime'], kb_list) else: mt_ret = self.metrics_dbi.aggr_signup_retn_users( params['user_ids'], params['minTime'], params['maxTime']) if not mt_ret: print("No signup/returning user records returned!") return {'metrics_result': mt_ret}