Exemple #1
    def test_stream_handler(self):
        with mock.patch('sys.stderr', new_callable=six.StringIO) as m_stderr:
            log.warning(u'test warn log')
            log.info(u'test info log')

        output = m_stderr.getvalue().strip().splitlines()
        assert len(output) == 2, output

        assert output[0] == 'WARNING - keg_apps.logging - test warn log'
        assert output[1] == 'INFO - keg_apps.logging - test info log'
Exemple #2
    def test_syslog_handler(self):
        with mock.patch('keg.logging.SysLogHandler.emit') as m_emit:
            LoggingApp().init(use_test_profile=True, config={'KEG_LOG_SYSLOG_ENABLED': True})
            log.warning('test warn log')
            log.info('test info log')

        calls = m_emit.call_args_list
        assert len(calls) == 2

        args, kwargs = calls[0]
        log_record = args[0]
        assert log_record.message == 'test warn log'

        args, kwargs = calls[1]
        log_record = args[0]
        assert log_record.message == 'test info log'
Exemple #3
    def test_default_log_file(self, tmpdir):
        tmpdir = str(tmpdir)

        def apply_config(app):
            app.config['KEG_LOG_DPATH'] = tmpdir

        app = LoggingApp().init()
        log.warning('test warn log')
        log.info('test info log')

        log_fpath = pathlib.Path(app.logging.log_fpath())
        with log_fpath.open('r', encoding='utf-8') as fh:
            contents = fh.read()

        assert 'test warn log' in contents
        assert 'test info log' not in contents