def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args slidx = common.slices_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance fields = Fields(0, nx, ny, nz, '', 'single') getf = GetFields(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1) # host allocations ehs = common_random.generate_ehs(nx, ny, nz, fields.dtype) eh_dict = dict( zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], ehs) ) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) # verify getf.wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f][slidx] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm)) fields.context_pop()
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args slidx = common.slices_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '', 'single') getf = GetFields(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1) # host allocations ehs = common_random.generate_ehs(nx, ny, nz, fields.dtype) eh_dict = dict( zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], ehs) ) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) # verify getf.get_event().wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f][slidx] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def runTest(self): nx, ny, nz, str_f, pt0, pt1 = self.args slidx = common.slice_index_two_points(pt0, pt1) str_fs = common.convert_to_tuple(str_f) # instance gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '', 'single') getf = GetFields(fields, str_f, pt0, pt1) # host allocations ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, fields.dtype) eh_dict = dict( zip(['ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz'], ehs) ) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) # verify getf.get_event().wait() for str_f in str_fs: original = eh_dict[str_f][slidx] copy = getf.get_fields(str_f) norm = np.linalg.norm(original - copy) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%s, %g' % (self.args, norm))
def verify(s, pt0, pt1): print('pt0 = %s, pt1 = %s' % (pt0, pt1)) slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) for strf in s.strf_list: # non-spatial fset = SetFields(s.fdtd, strf, pt0, pt1) value = np.random.rand() fset.set_fields(value) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, strf, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() copy = fget.get_fields(strf) assert np.linalg.norm(value - copy) == 0 if pt0 != pt1: for strf in s.strf_list: # spatial fset = SetFields(s.fdtd, strf, pt0, pt1, np.ndarray) values = np.random.rand(*fset.rplist['shape']).astype( s.fdtd.dtype) fset.set_fields(values) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, strf, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() copy = fget.get_fields(strf) assert np.linalg.norm(values - copy) == 0
def __init__(self, gpuf, core, direction): common.check_type('gpuf', gpuf, Fields) common.check_value('direction', direction, ('+', '-', '+-')) if '+' in direction: self.gf_h = gf_h = GetFields(gpuf, ['hy', 'hz'], (-1, 0, 0), (-1, -1, -1)) self.sf_e = SetFields(gpuf, ['ey', 'ez'], (-1, 0, 0), (-1, -1, -1), True) target = 0 if rank == size - 1 else rank + 1 self.req_send_h = comm.Send_init(gf_h.host_array, target, tag=0) self.tmp_recv_e = np.zeros(gf_h.host_array.shape, gpuf.dtype) self.req_recv_e = comm.Recv_init(self.tmp_recv_e, target, tag=1) if '-' in direction: self.gf_e = gf_e = GetFields(gpuf, ['ey', 'ez'], (0, 0, 0), (0, -1, -1)) self.sf_h = SetFields(gpuf, ['hy', 'hz'], (0, 0, 0), (0, -1, -1), True) target = size - 1 if rank == 0 else rank - 1 self.req_send_e = comm.Send_init(gf_e.host_array, target, tag=1) self.tmp_recv_h = np.zeros(gf_e.host_array.shape, gpuf.dtype) self.req_recv_h = comm.Recv_init(self.tmp_recv_h, target, tag=0) # global variables self.core = core self.direction = direction
def test_boundary(s): print('\n-- test boundary (two fields) --') shape_dict = { 'x': (s.ny * 2,, 'y': (s.nx * 2,, 'z': (s.nx * 2, s.ny) } print('E fields') str_fs_dict = {'x': ['ey', 'ez'], 'y': ['ex', 'ez'], 'z': ['ex', 'ey']} pt0_dict = { 'x': (s.nx - 1, 0, 0), 'y': (0, s.ny - 1, 0), 'z': (0, 0, - 1) } pt1 = (s.nx - 1, s.ny - 1, - 1) for axis in str_fs_dict.keys(): print('direction : %s' % axis) str_fs = str_fs_dict[axis] pt0 = pt0_dict[axis] slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) fset = SetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1, np.ndarray) values = np.random.rand(*shape_dict[axis]).astype(s.fdtd.dtype) fset.set_fields(values) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() copy = fget.get_fields() assert np.linalg.norm(values - copy) == 0 print('H fields') str_fs_dict = {'x': ['hy', 'hz'], 'y': ['hx', 'hz'], 'z': ['hx', 'hy']} pt0 = (0, 0, 0) pt1_dict = { 'x': (0, s.ny - 1, - 1), 'y': (s.nx - 1, 0, - 1), 'z': (s.nx - 1, s.ny - 1, 0) } for axis in str_fs_dict.keys(): print('direction : %s' % axis) str_fs = str_fs_dict[axis] pt1 = pt1_dict[axis] slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) fset = SetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1, np.ndarray) values = np.random.rand(*shape_dict[axis]).astype(s.fdtd.dtype) fset.set_fields(values) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() copy = fget.get_fields() assert np.linalg.norm(values - copy) == 0
def verify(s, pt0, pt1): print('pt0 = %s, pt1 = %s' % (pt0, pt1)) slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) for strf in s.strf_list: fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, strf, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() original = s.fhosts[strf][slidx] copy = fget.get_fields(strf) #print original, copy assert np.linalg.norm(original - copy) == 0
def __init__(self, node_fields, target_rank, direction): common.check_type('node_fields', node_fields, Fields) common.check_type('target_rank', target_rank, int) # local variables nodef = node_fields dtype = nodef.dtype assert rank != target_rank, 'The target_rank %d is same as the my_rank %d.' % ( target_rank, rank) # create instances (getf, setf and mpi requests) if '+' in direction: mainf = nodef.mainf_list[-1] nx, ny, nz = mainf.ns getf = GetFields(mainf, ['hy', 'hz'], (nx - 1, 0, 0), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1)) setf = SetFields(mainf, ['ey', 'ez'], (nx - 1, 0, 0), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1), True) if rank < target_rank: tag_send, tag_recv = 0, 1 elif rank > target_rank: tag_send, tag_recv = 2, 3 elif '-' in direction: mainf = nodef.mainf_list[0] nx, ny, nz = mainf.ns getf = GetFields(mainf, ['ey', 'ez'], (0, 0, 0), (0, ny - 1, nz - 1)) setf = SetFields(mainf, ['hy', 'hz'], (0, 0, 0), (0, ny - 1, nz - 1), True) if rank > target_rank: tag_send, tag_recv = 1, 0 elif rank < target_rank: # pbc tag_send, tag_recv = 3, 2 # global variables self.target_rank = target_rank self.getf = getf self.setf = setf self.tag_send = tag_send self.tag_recv = tag_recv self.tmp_recv = np.zeros(getf.host_array.shape, dtype) # global functions self.update_e = self.recv if '+' in direction else self.send self.update_h = self.send if '+' in direction else self.recv # append instance self.priority_type = 'mpi' nodef.append_instance(self)
def __init__(s, fields_list, axis): emf_list = fields_list e_strfs, h_strfs, pt0, pt1 = common_gpu.get_strfs_pts( axis, *emf_list[0].ns) s.e_getf = GetFields(emf_list[0], e_strfs, pt0['-'], pt1['-']) s.h_setf = SetFields(emf_list[0], h_strfs, pt0['-'], pt1['-'], np.ndarray, True) s.h_getf = GetFields(emf_list[-1], h_strfs, pt0['+'], pt1['+']) s.e_setf = SetFields(emf_list[-1], e_strfs, pt0['+'], pt1['+'], np.ndarray, True)
def verify(s, pt0, pt1): print('pt0 = %s, pt1 = %s' % (pt0, pt1)) slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) for strf in s.strf_list: # non-spatial fset = SetFields(s.fdtd, strf, pt0, pt1) value = np.random.rand() fset.set_fields(value) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, strf, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() copy = fget.get_fields(strf) assert np.linalg.norm(value - copy) == 0 if pt0 != pt1: for strf in s.strf_list: # spatial fset = SetFields(s.fdtd, strf, pt0, pt1, np.ndarray) values = np.random.rand(*fset.rplist['shape']).astype(s.fdtd.dtype) fset.set_fields(values) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, strf, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() copy = fget.get_fields(strf) assert np.linalg.norm(values - copy) == 0
def test_boundary(s): print('\n-- test boundary (two fields) --') print('E fields') str_fs_dict = {'x': ['ey', 'ez'], 'y': ['ex', 'ez'], 'z': ['ex', 'ey']} pt0 = (0, 0, 0) pt1_dict = { 'x': (0, s.ny - 1, - 1), 'y': (s.nx - 1, 0, - 1), 'z': (s.nx - 1, s.ny - 1, 0) } for axis in str_fs_dict.keys(): print('direction : %s' % axis) str_fs = str_fs_dict[axis] pt1 = pt1_dict[axis] slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() for strf in str_fs: original = s.fhosts[strf][slidx] copy = fget.get_fields(strf) assert np.linalg.norm(original - copy) == 0 print('H fields') str_fs_dict = {'x': ['hy', 'hz'], 'y': ['hx', 'hz'], 'z': ['hx', 'hy']} pt0_dict = { 'x': (s.nx - 1, 0, 0), 'y': (0, s.ny - 1, 0), 'z': (0, 0, - 1) } pt1 = (s.nx - 1, s.ny - 1, - 1) for axis in str_fs_dict.keys(): print('direction : %s' % axis) str_fs = str_fs_dict[axis] pt0 = pt0_dict[axis] slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() for strf in str_fs: original = s.fhosts[strf][slidx] copy = fget.get_fields(strf) assert np.linalg.norm(original - copy) == 0
def __init__(s, fields_list, axis): emf_list = fields_list e_strfs, h_strfs, pt0, pt1 = common.get_strfs_pts_for_boundary( axis, *emf_list[0].ns) s.e_getfs, s.h_getfs = [], [] s.e_setfs, s.h_setfs = [], [] for emf in emf_list[1:]: s.e_getfs.append(GetFields(emf, e_strfs, pt0['-'], pt1['-'])) s.h_setfs.append( SetFields(emf, h_strfs, pt0['-'], pt1['-'], np.ndarray)) for emf in emf_list[:-1]: s.h_getfs.append(GetFields(emf, h_strfs, pt0['+'], pt1['+'])) s.e_setfs.append( SetFields(emf, e_strfs, pt0['+'], pt1['+'], np.ndarray))
def __init__(self, gpuf, core, direction, tmax): common.check_type('gpuf', gpuf, Fields) common.check_value('direction', direction, ('+', '-', '+-')) if '+' in direction: self.gf_h = gf_h = GetFields(gpuf, ['hy', 'hz'], (-1, 0, 0), (-1, -1, -1)) self.sf_e = SetFields(gpuf, ['ey', 'ez'], (-1, 0, 0), (-1, -1, -1), True) self.req_send_h = comm.Send_init(gf_h.host_array, rank + 1, tag=0) self.tmp_recv_e_list = [ np.zeros(gf_h.host_array.shape, gpuf.dtype) for i in range(2) ] self.req_recv_e_list = [ comm.Recv_init(tmp_recv_e, rank + 1, tag=1) for tmp_recv_e in self.tmp_recv_e_list ] self.switch_e = 0 if '-' in direction: self.gf_e = gf_e = GetFields(gpuf, ['ey', 'ez'], (0, 0, 0), (0, -1, -1)) self.sf_h = SetFields(gpuf, ['hy', 'hz'], (0, 0, 0), (0, -1, -1), True) self.req_send_e = comm.Send_init(gf_e.host_array, rank - 1, tag=1) self.tmp_recv_h_list = [ np.zeros(gf_e.host_array.shape, gpuf.dtype) for i in range(2) ] self.req_recv_h_list = [ comm.Recv_init(tmp_recv_h, rank - 1, tag=0) for tmp_recv_h in self.tmp_recv_h_list ] self.switch_h = 0 # global variables self.gpuf = gpuf self.core = core self.direction = direction self.tmax = tmax self.tstep = 1
def test_boundary(s): print('\n-- test boundary (two fields) --') shape_dict = {'x':(s.ny*2,, 'y':(s.nx*2,, 'z':(s.nx*2, s.ny)} print('E fields') str_fs_dict = {'x':['ey','ez'], 'y':['ex','ez'], 'z':['ex','ey']} pt0_dict = {'x':(s.nx-1, 0, 0), 'y':(0, s.ny-1, 0), 'z':(0, 0,} pt1 = (s.nx-1, s.ny-1, for axis in str_fs_dict.keys(): print('direction : %s' % axis) str_fs = str_fs_dict[axis] pt0 = pt0_dict[axis] slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) fset = SetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1, np.ndarray) values = np.random.rand(*shape_dict[axis]).astype(s.fdtd.dtype) fset.set_fields(values) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() copy = fget.get_fields() assert np.linalg.norm(values - copy) == 0 print('H fields') str_fs_dict = {'x':['hy','hz'], 'y':['hx','hz'], 'z':['hx','hy']} pt0 = (0, 0, 0) pt1_dict = {'x':(0, s.ny-1,, 'y':(s.nx-1, 0,, 'z':(s.nx-1, s.ny-1, 0)} for axis in str_fs_dict.keys(): print('direction : %s' % axis) str_fs = str_fs_dict[axis] pt1 = pt1_dict[axis] slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) fset = SetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1, np.ndarray) values = np.random.rand(*shape_dict[axis]).astype(s.fdtd.dtype) fset.set_fields(values) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() copy = fget.get_fields() assert np.linalg.norm(values - copy) == 0
def test_boundary(s): print('\n-- test boundary (two fields) --') print('E fields') str_fs_dict = {'x':['ey','ez'], 'y':['ex','ez'], 'z':['ex','ey']} pt0 = (0, 0, 0) pt1_dict = {'x':(0, s.ny-1,, 'y':(s.nx-1, 0,, 'z':(s.nx-1, s.ny-1, 0)} for axis in str_fs_dict.keys(): print('direction : %s' % axis) str_fs = str_fs_dict[axis] pt1 = pt1_dict[axis] slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() for strf in str_fs: original = s.fhosts[strf][slidx] copy = fget.get_fields(strf) assert np.linalg.norm(original - copy) == 0 print('H fields') str_fs_dict = {'x':['hy','hz'], 'y':['hx','hz'], 'z':['hx','hy']} pt0_dict = {'x':(s.nx-1, 0, 0), 'y':(0, s.ny-1, 0), 'z':(0, 0,} pt1 = (s.nx-1, s.ny-1, for axis in str_fs_dict.keys(): print('direction : %s' % axis) str_fs = str_fs_dict[axis] pt0 = pt0_dict[axis] slidx = s.get_slidx(pt0, pt1) fget = GetFields(s.fdtd, str_fs, pt0, pt1) fget.get_event().wait() for strf in str_fs: original = s.fhosts[strf][slidx] copy = fget.get_fields(strf) assert np.linalg.norm(original - copy) == 0
# plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) imag = plt.imshow(np.zeros((nx, ny), fields.dtype).T, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-1.1, vmax=1.1) plt.colorbar() ''' # main loop from datetime import datetime from time import time t0 = t00 = time() gtmp = GetFields(fields, 'ez', (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) for tstep in xrange(1, tmax + 1): fields.update_e() fields.update_h() ''' if tstep % tgap == 0: print('[%s] %d/%d (%d %%)\r' % ( - t0, tstep, tmax, float(tstep)/tmax*100)), sys.stdout.flush() getf.get_event().wait() imag.set_array( getf.get_fields().T ) #plt.savefig('./png/%.6d.png' % tstep) plt.draw() ''' gtmp.get_event().wait()
# plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) imag = plt.imshow(np.zeros((nx, ny), fields.dtype).T, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-1.1, vmax=1.1) plt.colorbar() ''' # main loop from datetime import datetime from time import time t0 = t00 = time() gtmp = GetFields(fields, 'ez', (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)) for tstep in xrange(1, tmax+1): fields.update_e() fields.update_h() ''' if tstep % tgap == 0: print('[%s] %d/%d (%d %%)\r' % ( - t0, tstep, tmax, float(tstep)/tmax*100)), sys.stdout.flush() getf.get_event().wait() imag.set_array( getf.get_fields().T ) #plt.savefig('./png/%.6d.png' % tstep) plt.draw() '''
device = gpu_devices[0] # z-axis nx, ny, nz = 180, 160, 2 fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) Core(fields) Pbc(fields, 'xyz') IncidentDirect(fields, 'ey', (20, 0, 0), (20, ny-1, nz-1), tfunc) IncidentDirect(fields, 'ex', (0, 20, 0), (nx-1, 20, nz-1), tfunc) for tstep in xrange(1, tmax+1): fields.update_e() fields.update_h() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 1) getf = GetFields(fields, 'ey', (0, 0, nz/2), (nx-1, ny-1, nz/2)) getf.get_event().wait() ax1.imshow(getf.get_fields().T, vmin=-1.1, vmax=1.1) ax1.set_title('%s, ey[20,:,:]' % repr(fields.ns)) ax1.set_xlabel('x') ax1.set_ylabel('y') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 4) getf = GetFields(fields, 'ex', (0, 0, nz/2), (nx-1, ny-1, nz/2)) getf.get_event().wait() ax2.imshow(getf.get_fields().T, vmin=-1.1, vmax=1.1) ax2.set_title('%s, ex[:,20,:]' % repr(fields.ns)) ax2.set_xlabel('x') ax2.set_ylabel('y') # y-axis
import pyopencl as cl from kemp.fdtd3d import common_gpu from kemp.fdtd3d.gpu import Fields, GetFields, Npml nx, ny, nz = 100, 110, 128 gpu_id = 0 gpu_devices = common_gpu.get_gpu_devices() context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[gpu_id] fdtd = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use='') fhosts = {} pml = Npml(fdtd, -0.428571428571, 0.714285714286, 0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.2) fhost = np.random.rand(nx, nz).astype(fdtd.dtype) cl.enqueue_write_buffer(fdtd.queue, pml.pex, fhost) pml.update_h() fget = GetFields(fdtd, ['hz', 'hx'], (0, ny - 1, 0), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1)) fget.get_event().wait() hz = fget.get_fields('hz') hx = fget.get_fields('hx') print fhost print hz print fhost.shape print hz.shape assert np.linalg.norm(fhost - hz) == 0
import numpy as np import pyopencl as cl nx, ny, nz = 2, 640, 640 tmax, tgap = 1000, 10 gpu_id = 0 gpu_devices = common_gpu.get_gpu_devices() context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[gpu_id] fdtd = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use='') src = DirectSrc(fdtd, 'ex', (1, ny / 5 * 4, nz / 5 * 3), (1, ny / 5 * 4, nz / 5 * 3), lambda tstep: np.sin(0.1 * tstep)) pbc = PbcInt(fdtd, 'x') output = GetFields(fdtd, 'ex', (1, 0, 0), (1, ny - 1, nz - 1)) # Plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() imag = plt.imshow(output.get_fields().T,, origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=0.05) plt.colorbar() # Main loop from datetime import datetime t0 =
import pyopencl as cl from kemp.fdtd3d import common_gpu from kemp.fdtd3d.gpu import Fields, GetFields, Npml nx, ny, nz = 100, 110, 128 gpu_id = 0 gpu_devices = common_gpu.get_gpu_devices() context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[gpu_id] fdtd = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use='') fhosts = {} pml = Npml(fdtd, -0.428571428571, 0.714285714286, 0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.2) fhost = np.random.rand(nx, nz).astype(fdtd.dtype) cl.enqueue_write_buffer(fdtd.queue, pml.pex, fhost) pml.update_h() fget = GetFields(fdtd, ['hz','hx'], (0, ny-1, 0), (nx-1, ny-1, nz-1)) fget.get_event().wait() hz = fget.get_fields('hz') hx = fget.get_fields('hx') print fhost print hz print fhost.shape print hz.shape assert np.linalg.norm(fhost - hz) == 0
import numpy as np import pyopencl as cl nx, ny, nz = 120, 320, 320 tmax, tgap = 300, 5 divide_axes = 'x' gpu_devices = common_gpu.get_gpu_devices() context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) ngpu = len(gpu_devices) fdtds = [ Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use='') for device in gpu_devices ] outputs = [ GetFields(fdtd, 'ez', (0, 0, nz / 2), (nx - 2, ny - 1, nz / 2)) for fdtd in fdtds ] src_e = DirectSrc(fdtds[1], 'ez', (nx / 3 * 2, ny / 2, 0), (nx / 3 * 2, ny / 2, nz - 1), lambda tstep: np.sin(0.1 * tstep)) exch = ExchangeInternal(fdtds, 'x') # Plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() idxs = [0] + [i * nx - i for i in range(1, ngpu + 1)] # [0, 239, 478, 717] for idx in idxs[1:]: plt.plot((idx, idx), (0, ny), color='w', linewidth=0.2) global_ez = np.ones((idxs[-1], ny), dtype=fdtds[0].dtype)
#nx, ny, nz = 240, 256, 256 # 540 MB #nx, ny, nz = 512, 480, 480 # 3.96 GB #nx, ny, nz = 480, 480, 480 # 3.71 GB nx, ny, nz = 240, 640, 640 tmax, tgap = 200, 10 gpu_id = 0 gpu_devices = common_gpu.get_gpu_devices() context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[gpu_id] fdtd = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use='') src = DirectSrc(fdtd, 'ez', (nx/5*4, ny/2, 0), (nx/5*4, ny/2, nz-1), lambda tstep: np.sin(0.1 * tstep)) pbc = PbcInt(fdtd, 'x') output = GetFields(fdtd, 'ez', (0, 0, nz/2), (nx-1, ny-1, nz/2)) # Plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() imag = plt.imshow(output.get_fields('ez').T,, origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=0.05) plt.colorbar() # Main loop from datetime import datetime t0 = for tstep in xrange(1, tmax+1): fdtd.update_e()
elif rank == size - 1: direction = '-' else: direction = '+-' #exch = node.ExchangeMpiNonBlock(fields, direction) #exch = node.ExchangeMpiBufferBlock(fields, direction) #exch = node.ExchangeMpiBufferBlockSplit(fields, direction) exch = node.ExchangeMpiBufferNonBlockSplitEnqueue(fields, direction, tmax) if '+' in direction: cpu.Core(exch.cpuf_p) if '-' in direction: cpu.Core(exch.cpuf_m) is_master = True if rank == 0 else False if is_plot: Pbc(fields, 'yz') getf = GetFields(fields, 'ez', (0, 0, 0.5), (-1, -1, 0.5)) tfunc = lambda tstep: 40 * np.sin(0.05 * tstep) if rank < size - 1: IncidentDirect(fields, 'ez', (220, 0.5, 0), (220, 0.5, -1), tfunc) #if rank > 0: # IncidentDirect(fields, 'ez', (20, 0.5, 0), (20, 0.5, -1), tfunc) if is_master: # plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) arr = np.zeros((size * nx, ny), fields.dtype) for i in range(1, size): plt.plot((i * nx, i * nx), (0, ny), color='k', linewidth=1.2)
from kemp.fdtd3d.gpu import Fields, DirectSrc, GetFields, ExchangeFields import numpy as np import pyopencl as cl nx, ny, nz = 240, 640, 640 tmax, tgap = 200, 10 divide_axes = 'x' gpu_devices = common_gpu.get_gpu_devices() context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) ngpu = len(gpu_devices) fdtds = [ Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use='') for device in gpu_devices ] outputs = [GetFields(fdtds[0], 'ez', (0, 0, nz / 2), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz / 2))] outputs += [ GetFields(fdtd, 'ez', (1, 0, nz / 2), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz / 2)) for fdtd in fdtds[1:] ] src = DirectSrc(fdtds[1], 'ez', (nx / 5 * 4, ny / 2, 0), (nx / 5 * 4, ny / 2, nz - 1), lambda tstep: np.sin(0.1 * tstep)) exch = ExchangeFields(fdtds, 'x') # Plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() global_ez = np.ones((ngpu * (nx - 1) + 1, ny), dtype=fdtds[0].dtype) imag = plt.imshow(global_ez.T,
nx, ny, nz = 2, 250, 300 tmax, tgap = 1000, 10 npml = 10 # instances gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) Pbc(fields, 'x') Pml(fields, ('', '+-', '+-'), npml) Core(fields) tfunc = lambda tstep: 50 * np.sin(0.05 * tstep) IncidentDirect(fields, 'ex', (0, 0.4, 0.3), (-1, 0.4, 0.3), tfunc) getf = GetFields(fields, 'ex', (0.5, 0, 0), (0.5, -1, -1)) print fields.instance_list # plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) imag = plt.imshow(np.zeros((ny, nz), fields.dtype).T, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-1.1, vmax=1.1) plt.xlabel('y') plt.ylabel('z') plt.colorbar()
nx, ny, nz = 160, 140, 32 tmax, tgap = 150, 10 # instances gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) Core(fields) Pbc(fields, 'xyz') tfunc = lambda tstep: np.sin(0.05 * tstep) IncidentDirect(fields, 'ez', (20, 0, 0), (20, ny-1, nz-1), tfunc) #IncidentDirect(fields, 'ez', (0, 20, 0), (nx-1, 20, nz-1), tfunc) getf = GetFields(fields, 'ez', (0, 0, nz/2), (nx-1, ny-1, nz/2)) print fields.instance_list # plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) imag = plt.imshow(np.zeros((nx, ny), fields.dtype).T, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-1.1, vmax=1.1) plt.colorbar() # main loop from datetime import datetime t0 = for tstep in xrange(1, tmax+1):
nx, ny, nz = 240, 256, 256 # 540 MB #nx, ny, nz = 512, 480, 480 # 3.96 GB #nx, ny, nz = 480, 480, 480 # 3.71 GB tmax, tgap = 200, 10 gpu_id = 0 gpu_devices = common_gpu.get_gpu_devices() context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[gpu_id] fdtd = Fdtd(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use='') src = DirectSrc(fdtd, 'ez', (nx / 3 * 2, ny / 2, 0), (nx / 3 * 2, ny / 2, nz - 1), lambda tstep: np.sin(0.1 * tstep)) output = GetFields(fdtd, 'ez', (0, 0, nz / 2), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz / 2)) # Plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() imag = plt.imshow(output.get_fields('ez').T,, origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=0.05) plt.colorbar() # Main loop from datetime import datetime t0 =
import pyopencl as cl nx, ny, nz = 2, 640, 640 tmax, tgap = 1000, 10 gpu_id = 0 gpu_devices = common_gpu.get_gpu_devices() context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[gpu_id] fdtd = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use='') src_e = DirectSrc(fdtd, 'ex', (1, ny/5*4, nz/5*1), (1, ny/5*4, nz/5*1), lambda tstep: np.sin(0.1 * tstep)) pbc = PbcInt(fdtd, 'x') pml = Npml(fdtd, -0.428571428571, 0.714285714286, 0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.2) output = GetFields(fdtd, 'ex', (1, 0, 0), (1, ny-1, nz-1)) # Plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() imag = plt.imshow(output.get_fields().T,, origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=0.01) plt.colorbar() # Main loop from datetime import datetime t0 = for tstep in xrange(1, tmax+1): fdtd.update_e()
import pyopencl as cl nx, ny, nz = 240, 256, 256 # 540 MB #nx, ny, nz = 512, 480, 480 # 3.96 GB #nx, ny, nz = 480, 480, 480 # 3.71 GB tmax, tgap = 200, 10 gpu_id = 0 gpu_devices = common_gpu.get_gpu_devices() context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[gpu_id] fdtd = Fdtd(context, device, nx, ny, nz, coeff_use='') src = DirectSrc(fdtd, 'ez', (nx/3*2, ny/2, 0), (nx/3*2, ny/2, nz-1), lambda tstep: np.sin(0.1 * tstep)) output = GetFields(fdtd, 'ez', (0, 0, nz/2), (nx-1, ny-1, nz/2)) # Plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() imag = plt.imshow(output.get_fields('ez').T,, origin='lower', vmin=0, vmax=0.05) plt.colorbar() # Main loop from datetime import datetime t0 = for tstep in xrange(1, tmax+1): fdtd.update_h()
nx, ny, nz = 160, 140, 32 tmax, tgap = 150, 10 # instances gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] qtask = QueueTask() fields = Fields(context, device, qtask, nx, ny, nz) Core(fields) Pbc(fields, 'xyz') tfunc = lambda tstep: np.sin(0.05 * tstep) IncidentDirect(fields, 'ez', (20, 0, 0), (20, ny-1, nz-1), tfunc) #IncidentDirect(fields, 'ez', (0, 20, 0), (nx-1, 20, nz-1), tfunc) getf = GetFields(fields, 'ez', (0, 0, nz/2), (nx-1, ny-1, nz/2)) print fields.instance_list # plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) imag = plt.imshow(np.zeros((nx, ny), fields.dtype).T, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmin=-1.1, vmax=1.1) plt.colorbar() # main loop from datetime import datetime t0 = for tstep in xrange(1, tmax+1):
device = gpu_devices[0] # z-axis nx, ny, nz = 180, 160, 2 fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) Pbc(fields, 'xyz') Core(fields) IncidentDirect(fields, 'ey', (20, 0, 0), (20, ny - 1, nz - 1), tfunc) IncidentDirect(fields, 'ex', (0, 20, 0), (nx - 1, 20, nz - 1), tfunc) for tstep in xrange(1, tmax + 1): fields.update_e() fields.update_h() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 1) getf = GetFields(fields, 'ey', (0, 0, nz / 2), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz / 2)) getf.get_event().wait() ax1.imshow(getf.get_fields().T, vmin=-1.1, vmax=1.1) ax1.set_title('%s, ey[20,:,:]' % repr(fields.ns)) ax1.set_xlabel('x') ax1.set_ylabel('y') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 4) getf = GetFields(fields, 'ex', (0, 0, nz / 2), (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz / 2)) getf.get_event().wait() ax2.imshow(getf.get_fields().T, vmin=-1.1, vmax=1.1) ax2.set_title('%s, ex[:,20,:]' % repr(fields.ns)) ax2.set_xlabel('x') ax2.set_ylabel('y') # y-axis
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) # gpu device gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] # xy-plane nx, ny, nz = 180, 160, 2 fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) Pbc(fields, 'z') Pml(fields, ('+-', '+-', ''), npml) Core(fields) IncidentDirect(fields, 'ez', (0.4, 0.3, 0), (0.4, 0.3, -1), tfunc) getf = GetFields(fields, 'ez', (0, 0, 0.5), (-1, -1, 0.5)) for tstep in xrange(1, tmax+1): fields.update_e() fields.update_h() getf.get_event().wait() ax1.imshow(getf.get_fields().T, vmin=-1.1, vmax=1.1) ax1.set_title('xy-plane') ax1.set_xlabel('x') ax1.set_ylabel('y') # yz-plane nx, ny, nz = 2, 180, 160 fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz) Pbc(fields, 'x')
elif rank == size - 1: direction = '-' else: direction = '+-' #exch = node.ExchangeMpiNonBlock(fields, direction) #exch = node.ExchangeMpiBufferBlock(fields, direction) #exch = node.ExchangeMpiBufferBlockSplit(fields, direction) exch = node.ExchangeMpiBufferNonBlockSplitEnqueue(fields, direction, tmax) if '+' in direction: cpu.Core(exch.cpuf_p) if '-' in direction: cpu.Core(exch.cpuf_m) is_master = True if rank == 0 else False if is_plot: Pbc(fields, 'yz') getf = GetFields(fields, 'ez', (0, 0, 0.5), (-1, -1, 0.5)) tfunc = lambda tstep: 40 * np.sin(0.05 * tstep) if rank < size - 1: IncidentDirect(fields, 'ez', (220, 0.5, 0), (220, 0.5, -1), tfunc) #if rank > 0: # IncidentDirect(fields, 'ez', (20, 0.5, 0), (20, 0.5, -1), tfunc) if is_master: # plot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) arr = np.zeros((size * nx, ny), fields.dtype) for i in range(1, size): plt.plot((i*nx, i*nx), (0, ny), color='k', linewidth=1.2)
def runTest(self): axis, nx, ny, nz, precision_float = self.args gpu_devices = common_gpu.gpu_device_list(print_info=False) context = cl.Context(gpu_devices) device = gpu_devices[0] fields = Fields(context, device, nx, ny, nz, '', precision_float) pbc = Pbc(fields, axis) # allocations ehs = common_update.generate_random_ehs(nx, ny, nz, fields.dtype) fields.set_eh_bufs(*ehs) # update fields.update_e() fields.update_h() # verify getf0, getf1 = {}, {} strfs_e = { 'x': ['ey', 'ez'], 'y': ['ex', 'ez'], 'z': ['ex', 'ey'] }[axis] strfs_h = { 'x': ['hy', 'hz'], 'y': ['hx', 'hz'], 'z': ['hx', 'hy'] }[axis] pt0 = (0, 0, 0) pt1 = { 'x': (0, ny-2, nz-2), \ 'y': (nx-2, 0, nz-2), \ 'z': (nx-2, ny-2, 0) }[axis] getf0['e'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_e, pt0, pt1) pt0 = { 'x': (nx-1, 0, 0), \ 'y': (0, ny-1, 0), \ 'z': (0, 0, nz-1) }[axis] pt1 = { 'x': (nx-1, ny-2, nz-2), \ 'y': (nx-2, ny-1, nz-2), \ 'z': (nx-2, ny-2, nz-1) }[axis] getf1['e'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_e, pt0, pt1) pt0 = { 'x': (0, 1, 1), \ 'y': (1, 0, 1), \ 'z': (1, 1, 0) }[axis] pt1 = { 'x': (0, ny-1, nz-1), \ 'y': (nx-1, 0, nz-1), \ 'z': (nx-1, ny-1, 0) }[axis] getf0['h'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_h, pt0, pt1) pt0 = { 'x': (nx-1, 1, 1), \ 'y': (1, ny-1, 1), \ 'z': (1, 1, nz-1) }[axis] pt1 = (nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1) getf1['h'] = GetFields(fields, strfs_h, pt0, pt1) for getf in getf0.values() + getf1.values(): getf.get_event().wait() for eh in ['e', 'h']: norm = np.linalg.norm( \ getf0[eh].get_fields() - getf1[eh].get_fields() ) self.assertEqual(norm, 0, '%g, %s, %s' % (norm, self.args, eh))