def process_tags(current_path):
    tag_path = ''
    path_parts = kepconfig.path_split(current_path)
        for item in  kepconfig.path_split(current_path)['tag_path']:
            tag_path = tag_path + '.' + item
    except KeyError:
        print('Other Error')
        tags = tag.get_all_tags(server, current_path)
    except Exception as err:
        # Retry if call fails
        success = False
        retry = 1
        while retry != 3:
                tags = tag.get_all_tags(server, current_path)
                retry = 3
                success = True
            except Exception as err:
                retry = retry + 1
        # If fails three times, move on
        if success == False:
            return False
    log_tags(tags, tag_path)

        tag_group = tag.get_all_tag_groups(server, current_path)
    except Exception as err:
        # Retry if call fails
        success = False
        retry = 1
        while retry != 3:
                tag_group = tag.get_all_tag_groups(server, current_path)
                retry = 3
                success = True
            except Exception as err:
                retry = retry + 1
        # If fails three times, move on
        if success == False:
            return False
    for group in tag_group:
        process_tags(current_path + '.' + group['common.ALLTYPES_NAME'])
    return True
def modify_tag_group(server, tag_group_path, DATA, force = False) -> bool:
    '''Modify a "tag group" object and it's properties in Kepware.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class
    "tag_group_path" - path identifying location and tag group to modify. Standard Kepware address decimal 
    notation string including the tag such as "channel1.device1.tag_group1"

    "DATA" is required to be a properly JSON object (dict) of the tag properties to be modified.

    True - If a "HTTP 200 - OK" is received from Kepware

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError

    tag_group_data = server._force_update_check(force, DATA)

    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(tag_group_path)
        url = server.url+channel._create_url(path_obj['channel'])+device._create_url(path_obj['device'])
        for tg in path_obj['tag_path']:
            url += _create_tag_groups_url(tag_group=tg)
    except KeyError as err:
        err_msg = 'Error: No key {} identified | Function: {}'.format(err, inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
        raise KepError(err_msg)
    except Exception as e:
        err_msg = 'Error: Error with {}: {}'.format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, str(e))
        raise KepError(err_msg)
    r = server._config_update(url, tag_group_data)
    if r.code == 200: return True 
    else: raise KepHTTPError(r.url, r.code, r.msg, r.hdrs, r.payload)
def modify_device(server, device_path, DATA, force = False) -> bool:
    '''Modify a device object and it's properties in Kepware.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class

    "device_path" -  path identifying device to modify. Standard Kepware address decimal notation string including the 
    device such as "channel1.device1"

    "DATA" - properly JSON object (dict) of the device properties to be modified.

    "force" (optional) - if True, will force the configuration update to the Kepware server
    True - If a "HTTP 200 - OK" is received from Kepware

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError

    device_data = server._force_update_check(force, DATA)

    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(device_path)
        r = server._config_update(server.url + channel._create_url(path_obj['channel']) + _create_url(path_obj['device']), device_data)
        if r.code == 200: return True 
        else: raise KepHTTPError(r.url, r.code, r.msg, r.hdrs, r.payload)
    except KeyError as err:
            err_msg = 'Error: No {} identified in {} | Function: {}'.format(err,'device_path', inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
            raise KepError(err_msg)
def del_device(server, device_path) -> bool:
    '''Delete a "device" object in Kepware. This will delete all children as well.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class

    "device_path" - path identifying device to delete. Standard Kepware address decimal notation string including the 
    device such as "channel1.device1"

    True - If a "HTTP 200 - OK" is received from Kepware

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError

    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(device_path)
        r = server._config_del(server.url + channel._create_url(path_obj['channel']) + _create_url(path_obj['device']))
        if r.code == 200: return True 
        else: raise KepHTTPError(r.url, r.code, r.msg, r.hdrs, r.payload)
    except KeyError as err:
        err_msg = 'Error: No {} identified in {} | Function: {}'.format(err,'device_path', inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
        raise KepError(err_msg)
def auto_tag_gen(server, device_path, job_ttl = None) -> KepServiceResponse:
    '''Executes Auto Tag Generation function on devices that support the feature in Kepware
    "server" - instance of the "server" class
    "device_path" -  path identifying device. Standard Kepware address decimal notation string including the 
    device such as "channel1.device1"

    KepServiceReturn with the result of the service either Code 202 (Accepted) or 429 (Too Busy)

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError
    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(device_path)
        url = server.url +channel._create_url(path_obj['channel']) + _create_url(path_obj['device']) + ATG_URL
        job = server._kep_service_execute(url, job_ttl)
        return job
    except KeyError as err:
        err_msg = 'Error: No {} identified in {} | Function: {}'.format(err,'device_path', inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
        raise KepError(err_msg)
def del_tag(server, full_tag_path) -> bool:
    '''Delete "tag" object at a specific path in Kepware.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class
    "full_tag_path" - path identifying location and tag to delete. Standard Kepware address decimal 
    notation string including the tag such as "channel1.device1.tag_group1.tag1"

    True - If a "HTTP 200 - OK" is received from Kepware

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError

    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(full_tag_path)
        url = server.url+channel._create_url(path_obj['channel'])+device._create_url(path_obj['device'])
        for x in range(0, len(path_obj['tag_path'])-1):
            url += _create_tag_groups_url(tag_group=path_obj['tag_path'][x])
        url += _create_tags_url(tag=path_obj['tag_path'][len(path_obj['tag_path'])-1])
    except KeyError as err:
        err_msg = 'Error: No key {} identified | Function: {}'.format(err, inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
        raise KepError(err_msg)
    except Exception as e:
        err_msg = 'Error: Error with {}: {}'.format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, str(e))
        raise KepError(err_msg)
    r = server._config_del(url)
    if r.code == 200: return True 
    else: raise KepHTTPError(r.url, r.code, r.msg, r.hdrs, r.payload)
def get_all_tags(server, full_tag_path) -> list:
    '''Returns the properties of all "tag" object at a specific path in Kepware. 
    Returned object is JSON list.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class
    "full_tag_path" - path identifying location to retreive tag list. Standard Kepware address decimal 
    notation string including the tag such as "channel1.device1.tag_group1"
    list - data for the tags requested

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError

    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(full_tag_path)
        url = server.url+channel._create_url(path_obj['channel'])+device._create_url(path_obj['device'])
        if 'tag_path' in path_obj:
            for tg in path_obj['tag_path']:
                url += _create_tag_groups_url(tag_group=tg)
        url += _create_tags_url()
    except KeyError as err:
        err_msg = 'Error: No key {} identified | Function: {}'.format(err, inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
        raise KepError(err_msg)
    except Exception as e:
        err_msg = 'Error: Error with {}: {}'.format(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, str(e))
        raise KepError(err_msg)
    r = server._config_get(url)
    return r.payload
Exemple #8
def auto_tag_gen(server, device_path):
    '''Executes Auto Tag Generation function on devices that support the feature in Kepware
    "server" - instance of the "server" class
    "device_path" -  path identifying device. Standard Kepware address decimal notation string including the 
    device such as "channel1.device1"

    KepServiceReturn with the result of the service either Code 202 (Accepted) or 429 (Too Busy)

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError
    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(device_path)
        r = server._config_update(server.url +channel._create_url(path_obj['channel']) + _create_url(path_obj['device']) + ATG_URL)
        job = kepconfig.connection.KepServiceResponse(r.payload['code'],r.payload['message'], r.payload['href'])
        return job
    except KeyError as err:
        print('Error: No {} identified in {} | Function: {}'.format(err,'device_path', inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name))
        return False
    except kepconfig.error.KepHTTPError as err:
        if err.code == 429:
            job = kepconfig.connection.KepServiceResponse()
            job.code = err.code
            job.message = err.payload
            return job
            raise err
def get_tag_group(server, tag_group_path):
    '''Returns the properties of the "tag group" object at a specific 
    path in Kepware. Returned object is JSON.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class 
    "tag_group_path" - path identifying tag group. Standard Kepware address decimal 
    notation string such as "channel1.device1.tag_group1"

    JSON - data for the tag group requested

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError
    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(tag_group_path)
        url = server.url + channel._create_url(
            path_obj['channel']) + device._create_url(path_obj['device'])
        for tg in path_obj['tag_path']:
            url += _create_tag_groups_url(tag_group=tg)
    except KeyError as err:
        print('Error: No key {} identified | Function: {}'.format(
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        print('Error: Error with {}: {}'.format(
            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, str(e)))
        return False
    r = server._config_get(url)
    return r.payload
def del_tag_group(server, tag_group_path):
    '''Delete "tag group" object at a specific path in Kepware.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class
    "tag_group_path" - path identifying location and tag group to delete. Standard Kepware address decimal 
    notation string such as "channel1.device1.tag_group1"

    True - If a "HTTP 200 - OK" is received from Kepware

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError

    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(tag_group_path)
        url = server.url + channel._create_url(
            path_obj['channel']) + device._create_url(path_obj['device'])
        for tg in path_obj['tag_path']:
            url += _create_tag_groups_url(tag_group=tg)
    except KeyError as err:
        print('Error: No key {} identified | Function: {}'.format(
        return False
    except Exception as err:
        print('Error: Error with {}: {}'.format(
            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, str(err)))
        return False
    r = server._config_del(url)
    if r.code == 200: return True
    else: return False
Exemple #11
def add_tag_group(server, tag_group_path, DATA) -> Union[bool, list]:
    '''Add "tag_group" objects to a specific path in Kepware. To be used to 
    pass a list of tag_groups and children (tags or tag groups) to be added at one 
    path location.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class
    "tag_group_path" - path identifying location to add tag groups. Standard Kepware address decimal 
    notation string such as "channel1.device1.tag_group1"
    "DATA" - properly JSON object (dict) of the tag groups
    and it's children expected by Kepware Configuration API at the "tag_groups" url

    True - If a "HTTP 201 - Created" is received from Kepware

    List  - If a "HTTP 207 - Multi-Status" is received from Kepware with a list of dict error responses for all 
    tag groups added that failed.

    False - If a non-expected "2xx successful" code is returned

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError

    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(tag_group_path)
        url = server.url + channel._create_url(
            path_obj['channel']) + device._create_url(path_obj['device'])
        if 'tag_path' in path_obj:
            for tg in path_obj['tag_path']:
                url += _create_tag_groups_url(tag_group=tg)
        url += _create_tag_groups_url()
    except KeyError as err:
        print('Error: No key {} identified | Function: {}'.format(
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        print('Error: Error with {}: {}'.format(
            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, str(e)))
        return False
    r = server._config_add(url, DATA)
    if r.code == 201: return True
    elif r.code == 207:
        errors = []
        for item in r.payload:
            if item['code'] != 201:
        return errors
        return False
def _create_url(device_path, name=None):
    '''Creates url object for the "name resolution" branch of Kepware's project 
    tree. Used to build a part of Kepware Configuration API URL structure

    Returns the name resolution specific url when a value is passed.
    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(device_path)
    device_root = channel._create_url(
        path_obj['channel']) + device._create_url(path_obj['device'])

    if name == None:
        return '{}/{}'.format(device_root, NAMES_ROOT)
        return '{}/{}/{}'.format(device_root, NAMES_ROOT, name)
def modify_tag(server, full_tag_path, DATA, force=False):
    '''Modify a "tag" object and it's properties in Kepware.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class
    "full_tag_path" - path identifying location and tag to modify. Standard Kepware address decimal 
    notation string including the tag such as "channel1.device1.tag_group1.tag1"

    "DATA" - properly JSON object (dict) of the tag properties to be modified.

    "force" (optional) - if True, will force the configuration update to the Kepware server

    True - If a "HTTP 200 - OK" is received from Kepware

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError

    tag_data = server._force_update_check(force, DATA)

    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(full_tag_path)
        url = server.url + channel._create_url(
            path_obj['channel']) + device._create_url(path_obj['device'])
        for x in range(0, len(path_obj['tag_path']) - 1):
            url += _create_tag_groups_url(tag_group=path_obj['tag_path'][x])
        url += _create_tags_url(
            tag=path_obj['tag_path'][len(path_obj['tag_path']) - 1])
    except KeyError as err:
        print('Error: No key {} identified | Function: {}'.format(
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        print('Error: Error with {}: {}'.format(
            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, str(e)))
        return False
    r = server._config_update(url, tag_data)
    if r.code == 200: return True
    else: return False
def _create_url(device_path, ex_type, exchange_name=None):
    '''Creates url object for the "exchange" branch of Kepware's project tree. Used 
    to build a part of Kepware Configuration API URL structure

    Returns the exchange specific url when a value is passed as the exchange name.
    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(device_path)
    device_root = channel._create_url(
        path_obj['channel']) + device._create_url(path_obj['device'])

    if exchange_name == None:
        if ex_type == EGD.CONSUMER_EXCHANGE:
            return device_root + CONSUMER_ROOT
            return device_root + PRODUCER_ROOT
        if ex_type == EGD.CONSUMER_EXCHANGE:
            return '{}{}/{}'.format(device_root, CONSUMER_ROOT, exchange_name)
            return '{}{}/{}'.format(device_root, PRODUCER_ROOT, exchange_name)
def add_tag(server, tag_path, DATA):
    '''Add "tag" objects to a specific path in Kepware. To be used to 
    pass a list of tags to be added at one path location.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class
    "tag_path" -  path identifying location to add tags. Standard Kepware address decimal 
    notation string such as "channel1.device1.tag_group1"
    "DATA" - properly JSON object (dict) of the tags 
    expected by Kepware Configuration API at the "tags" url

    True - If a "HTTP 201 - Created" is received from Kepware

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError

    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(tag_path)
        url = server.url + channel._create_url(
            path_obj['channel']) + device._create_url(path_obj['device'])
        if 'tag_path' in path_obj:
            for tg in path_obj['tag_path']:
                url += _create_tag_groups_url(tag_group=tg)
        url += _create_tags_url()
    except KeyError as err:
        print('Error: No key {} identified | Function: {}'.format(
        return False
    except Exception as e:
        print('Error: Error with {}: {}'.format(
            inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name, str(e)))
        return False
    r = server._config_add(url, DATA)
    if r.code == 201: return True
    else: return False
def get_device(server, device_path) -> dict:
    '''Returns the properties of the device object. Returned object is JSON.

    "server" - instance of the "server" class
    "device_path" -  path identifying device. Standard Kepware address decimal notation string including the 
    device such as "channel1.device1"

    dict - data for the device requested

    KepHTTPError - If urllib provides an HTTPError
    KepURLError - If urllib provides an URLError

    path_obj = kepconfig.path_split(device_path)
        r = server._config_get(server.url + channel._create_url(path_obj['channel']) + _create_url(path_obj['device']))
        return r.payload
    except KeyError as err:
        err_msg = 'Error: No {} identified in {} | Function: {}'.format(err,'device_path', inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name)
        raise KepError(err_msg)
                retry = 3
                success = True
            except Exception as err:
                retry = retry + 1
        # If fails three times, move on
        if success == False:
            return False
    for group in tag_group:
        process_tags(current_path + '.' + group['common.ALLTYPES_NAME'])
    return True

# Create output
server_output = logger_setup()

# Configure Kepware Server API connection
server = connection.server(host = '', port = 57412, user = '******', pw = '', https=False)

dev = kepconfig.path_split(device_path)
# output = {}
current_path = ''
time_start = time.perf_counter()



time_end = time.perf_counter()
print('Complete {}! {} - Took {} seconds'.format(os.path.basename(__file__),time.asctime(), time_end - time_start))