Exemple #1
    def test_softsign(self):
        def softsign(x):
            return np.divide(x, np.ones_like(x) + np.absolute(x))

        x = backend.placeholder(ndim=2)
        f = backend.function([x], [activations.softsign(x)])
        test_values = np.random.random((2, 5))
        result = f([test_values])[0]
        expected = softsign(test_values)
        self.assertAllClose(result, expected, rtol=1e-05)
def test_softsign():
    """Test using a reference softsign implementation.
    def softsign(x):
        return np.divide(x, np.ones_like(x) + np.absolute(x))

    x = K.placeholder(ndim=2)
    f = K.function([x], [activations.softsign(x)])
    test_values = get_standard_values()

    result = f([test_values])[0]
    expected = softsign(test_values)
    assert_allclose(result, expected, rtol=1e-05)
Exemple #3
def test_softsign():
    """Test using a reference softsign implementation.
    def softsign(x):
        return np.divide(x, np.ones_like(x) + np.absolute(x))

    x = K.placeholder(ndim=2)
    f = K.function([x], [activations.softsign(x)])
    test_values = get_standard_values()

    result = f([test_values])[0]
    expected = softsign(test_values)
    assert_allclose(result, expected, rtol=1e-05)
Exemple #4
    def get_initial_state(self, inputs):
        print('inputs shape:', inputs.get_shape())

        # apply the matrix on the first time step to get the initial s0.
        s0 = activations.softsign(K.dot(inputs[:, 0], self.W_s))

        # from keras.layers.recurrent to initialize a vector of (batchsize,
        # output_dim)
        y0 = K.zeros_like(inputs)  # (samples, timesteps, input_dims)
        y0 = K.sum(y0, axis=(1, 2))  # (samples, )
        y0 = K.expand_dims(y0)  # (samples, 1)
        y0 = K.tile(y0, [1, self.output_dim])

        return [y0, s0]
Exemple #5
acttf = kact.linear(nettf)
# need to convert from TensorFlow tensors to numpy arrays before plotting
# eval() is called because TensorFlow tensors have no values until they are "run"
plt_act(nettf.eval(), acttf.eval(), 'linear activation function')

# relu activation function
acttf = kact.relu(nettf)
plt_act(nettf.eval(), acttf.eval(), 'rectified linear (relu)')

# sigmoid activation function
acttf = kact.sigmoid(nettf)
plt_act(nettf.eval(), acttf.eval(), 'sigmoid')

# hard sigmoid activation function
acttf = kact.hard_sigmoid(nettf)
plt_act(nettf.eval(), acttf.eval(), 'hard sigmoid')

# tanh activation function
acttf = kact.tanh(nettf)
plt_act(nettf.eval(), acttf.eval(), 'tanh')

# softsign activation function
acttf = kact.softsign(nettf)
plt_act(nettf.eval(), acttf.eval(), 'softsign')

# close the TensorFlow session

# done
def NewDeepConv1DOptLearnerArchitecture(param_trainable,
    """ Optimised learner network architecture """
    # An embedding layer is required to optimise the parameters
    optlearner_input = Input(shape=(1, ), name="embedding_index")

    # Initialise the embedding layers
    emb_layers = init_emb_layers(optlearner_input, emb_size, param_trainable,
    optlearner_params = Concatenate(name="parameter_embedding")(emb_layers)
    optlearner_params = Reshape(target_shape=(85, ),
    print("optlearner parameters shape: " + str(optlearner_params.shape))

    # Ground truth parameters and point cloud are inputs to the model as well
    gt_params = Input(shape=(85, ), name="gt_params")
    gt_pc = Input(shape=(6890, 3), name="gt_pc")
    print("gt parameters shape: " + str(gt_params.shape))
    print("gt point cloud shape: " + str(gt_pc.shape))

    # Get trainable parameters
    trainable_params = Input(shape=(85, ), name="trainable_params")
    print("trainable_params shape: " + str(trainable_params.shape))

    # Compute the true offset (i.e. difference) between the ground truth and learned parameters
    pi = K.constant(np.pi)
    delta_d = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] - x[1],
                     name="delta_d")([gt_params, optlearner_params])
    #delta_d = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], name="delta_d_no_mod")([gt_params, optlearner_params])
    #delta_d = Lambda(lambda x: K.tf.math.floormod(x - pi, 2*pi) - pi, name="delta_d")(delta_d)  # custom modulo 2pi of delta_d
    #delta_d = custom_mod(delta_d, pi, name="delta_d")  # custom modulo 2pi of delta_d
    print("delta_d shape: " + str(delta_d.shape))

    # Calculate the (batched) MSE between the learned parameters and the ground truth parameters
    false_loss_delta_d = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(K.square(x), axis=1))(delta_d)
    print("delta_d loss shape: " + str(false_loss_delta_d.shape))
    false_loss_delta_d = Reshape(target_shape=(1, ),
    print("delta_d loss shape: " + str(false_loss_delta_d.shape))

    # Load SMPL model and get necessary parameters
    optlearner_pc = get_pc(optlearner_params, smpl_params, input_info,
                           faces)  # UNCOMMENT
    print("optlearner_pc shape: " + str(optlearner_pc.shape))
    #optlearner_pc = Dense(6890*3)(delta_d)
    #optlearner_pc = Reshape((6890, 3))(optlearner_pc)

    # Get the (batched) Euclidean loss between the learned and ground truth point clouds
    pc_euclidean_diff = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] - x[1])([gt_pc, optlearner_pc])
    pc_euclidean_dist = Lambda(lambda x: K.sum(K.square(x), axis=-1))(
    print('pc euclidean dist ' + str(pc_euclidean_dist.shape))
    false_loss_pc = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(x, axis=1))(pc_euclidean_dist)
    false_loss_pc = Reshape(target_shape=(1, ),
    print("point cloud loss shape: " + str(false_loss_pc.shape))

    # Gather sets of points and compute their cross product to get mesh normals
    # In order of: right hand, right wrist, right forearm, right bicep end, right bicep, right shoulder, top of cranium, left shoulder, left bicep, left bicep end, left forearm, left wrist, left hand,
    # chest, belly/belly button, back of neck, upper back, central back, lower back/tailbone,
    # left foot, left over-ankle, left shin, left over-knee, left quadricep, left hip, right, hip, right, quadricep, right over-knee, right shin, right, over-ankle, right foot
    vertex_list = [
        5674, 5705, 5039, 5151, 4977, 4198, 411, 606, 1506, 1682, 1571, 2244,
        2212, 3074, 3500, 460, 2878, 3014, 3021, 3365, 4606, 4588, 4671, 6877,
        1799, 5262, 3479, 1187, 1102, 1120, 6740
    # with added vertices in the feet
    #vertex_list = [5674, 5705, 5039, 5151, 4977, 4198, 411, 606, 1506, 1682, 1571, 2244, 2212,
    #        3074, 3500, 460, 2878, 3014, 3021,
    #        3365, 4606, 4588, 4671, 6877, 1799, 5262, 3479, 1187, 1102, 1120, 6740, 3392, 3545, 3438, 6838, 6781, 6792]
    #face_array = np.array([11396, 8620, 7866, 5431, 6460, 1732, 4507])
    pc_euclidean_diff_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(
    )  # This is added to avoid influencing embedding layer parameters by a "bad" gradient network
    vertex_diff_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.tf.gather(
        x, np.array(vertex_list).astype(np.int32), axis=-2))(
    print("vertex_diff_NOGRAD shape: " + str(vertex_diff_NOGRAD.shape))
    vertex_diff_NOGRAD = Flatten()(vertex_diff_NOGRAD)
    face_array = np.array([[face for face in faces if vertex in face][0]
                           for vertex in vertex_list
                           ])  # only take a single face for each vertex
    print("face_array shape: " + str(face_array.shape))
    gt_normals = get_mesh_normals(gt_pc,
    print("gt_normals shape: " + str(gt_normals.shape))
    opt_normals = get_mesh_normals(optlearner_pc,
    print("opt_normals shape: " + str(opt_normals.shape))

    # Learn the offset in parameters from the difference between the ground truth and learned mesh normals
    diff_normals = Lambda(lambda x: K.tf.cross(x[0], x[1]),
                          name="diff_cross_product")([gt_normals, opt_normals])
    diff_normals_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(
    )  # This is added to avoid influencing embedding layer parameters by a "bad" gradient network
    diff_angles = Lambda(lambda x: K.tf.subtract(x[0], x[1]),
                         name="diff_angle")([gt_normals, opt_normals])
    diff_angles_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(diff_angles)
    diff_angles_norm_NOGRAD = Lambda(
        lambda x: K.tf.norm(x, axis=-1),
    dist_angles = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(K.square(x), axis=-1),
    dist_angles_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(dist_angles)
    print("diff_angles shape: " + str(diff_angles.shape))
    print("dist_angles shape: " + str(dist_angles.shape))
    #pc_euclidean_diff_NOGRAD =  Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(pc_euclidean_diff) # This is added to avoid influencing embedding layer parameters by a "bad" gradient network
    #print("diff_normals_NOGRAD shape: " + str(diff_normals_NOGRAD.shape))
    diff_normals_NOGRAD = Flatten()(diff_normals_NOGRAD)
    diff_angles_NOGRAD = Flatten()(diff_angles_NOGRAD)
    mesh_diff_NOGRAD = Concatenate()([diff_normals_NOGRAD, dist_angles_NOGRAD])

    if input_type == "3D_POINTS":
        optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**9,
        #optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**7, activation="relu")(vertex_diff_NOGRAD)
    if input_type == "MESH_NORMALS":
        #optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**11, activation="relu")(diff_angles_norm_NOGRAD)
        #optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**11, activation="relu")(diff_angles_NOGRAD)
        optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**9,
        #optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**7, activation="relu")(mesh_diff_NOGRAD)
    if input_type == "ONLY_NORMALS":
        optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**9,
    #optlearner_architecture = BatchNormalization()(optlearner_architecture)
    #optlearner_architecture = Dropout(0.5)(optlearner_architecture)
    print('optlearner_architecture shape: ' +
    optlearner_architecture = Reshape(
        (optlearner_architecture.shape[1].value, 1))(optlearner_architecture)
    print('optlearner_architecture shape: ' +
    #DROPOUT = 0.1
    DROPOUT = 0.0
    optlearner_architecture = Conv1D(
        64, 5, strides=2, activation="relu")(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Dropout(DROPOUT)(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Conv1D(
        128, 5, strides=2, activation="relu")(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Dropout(DROPOUT)(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Conv1D(
        256, 3, strides=2, activation="relu")(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Dropout(DROPOUT)(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Conv1D(
        512, 3, strides=2, activation="relu")(optlearner_architecture)
    optlearner_architecture = Dropout(DROPOUT)(optlearner_architecture)
    #print('optlearner_architecture shape: '+str(optlearner_architecture.shape))
    #optlearner_architecture = Flatten()(optlearner_architecture)
    print('optlearner_architecture shape: ' +
    optlearner_architecture = Reshape((-1, ))(optlearner_architecture)
    print('optlearner_architecture shape: ' +
    #optlearner_architecture = Dropout(0.5)(optlearner_architecture)
    #optlearner_architecture = Dense(2**7, activation="relu")(optlearner_architecture)
    #print('optlearner_architecture shape: '+str(optlearner_architecture.shape))
    delta_d_hat = Dense(85, activation="linear",
    print('delta_d_hat shape: ' + str(delta_d_hat.shape))

    # Filter parameters such that the model is only evaluated on trainable parameters
    delta_d_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(delta_d)
    #delta_d_NOGRAD_filtered = Lambda(lambda x: K.switch())()
    #delta_d_NOGRAD_FILTERED = Multiply()([delta_d_NOGRAD, trainable_params])
    delta_d_NOGRAD_FILTERED = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] * x[1])(
        [delta_d_NOGRAD, trainable_params])
    print("delta_d_NOGRAD_FILTERED shape: " +
    delta_d_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: x)(delta_d_NOGRAD_FILTERED)
    delta_d_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x))(delta_d_NOGRAD)

    # Split parameters by type
    delta_d_pose, delta_d_shape, delta_d_trans = split_and_reshape_euler_angles(
    delta_d_hat_pose, delta_d_hat_shape, delta_d_hat_trans = split_and_reshape_euler_angles(

    # Calculate the angular loss between parameters (and MSE for shape)
    pose_thetas = angle_between_vectors(delta_d_pose,
    pose_loss = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(x, axis=1))(pose_thetas)
    shape_loss = Lambda(
        lambda x: K.mean(K.square(x[0] - x[1]), axis=-1, keepdims=True))(
            [delta_d_shape, delta_d_hat_shape])
    trans_thetas = angle_between_vectors(delta_d_trans,
    trans_loss = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(x, axis=1))(trans_thetas)
    #false_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(K.tf.concat(x, axis=-1), axis=-1))([pose_loss, shape_loss, trans_loss])

    # Calculate the (batched) MSE between the learned and ground truth offset in the parameters
    false_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(
        lambda x: K.mean(K.square(x[0] - x[1]), axis=1))(
            [delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])
    #false_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(lambda x: K.sum(K.square(x[0] - x[1]), axis=1))([delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])
    #false_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(lambda x: mape(x[0], x[1]))([delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])

    # Calculate the loss for direction and magnitude separately
    sign_loss = Lambda(lambda x: 0.5 * (1. - softsign(10 * x[0] * x[1])))(
        [delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])
    #magnitude_loss = Lambda(lambda x: K.abs(K.abs(x[0]) - K.abs(x[1])))([delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])
    magnitude_loss = Lambda(lambda x: K.exp(K.abs(x[1]) - K.abs(x[0])))(
        [delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])
    weighting = 0.1
    #false_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(x[0] + weighting*x[1], axis=-1))([sign_loss, magnitude_loss])

    # Calculate the loss on rendered updated parameters
    new_params = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] + x[1],
                        name="new_params")([optlearner_params, delta_d_hat])
    new_pc = Lambda(lambda x: get_pc(x, smpl_params, input_info, faces))(
    #false_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(K.sum(K.square(x[0] - x[1]), axis=-1), axis=1), name="new_params_euc_dist")([gt_pc, new_pc])
    #false_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(K.square(x[0] - x[1]), axis=1) + x[2])([delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat, false_loss_delta_d_hat])

    false_loss_delta_d_hat = Reshape(
        target_shape=(1, ), name="delta_d_hat_mse")(false_loss_delta_d_hat)
    print("delta_d_hat loss shape: " + str(false_loss_delta_d_hat.shape))

    # Metrics
    false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat = get_angular_distance_metric(
        delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat)
    #false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat = get_sin_metric(delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat)
    #false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat = get_sin_metric(delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat, average=False)
    false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat = Lambda(
        lambda x: x, name="delta_d_hat_sin_output")(false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat)
    print("delta_d_hat sin loss shape: " +
    #per_param_mse = Lambda(lambda x: K.square(x[0] - x[1]))([delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])
    per_param_mse = Lambda(lambda x: K.square(K.sin(x[0] - x[1])))(
        [delta_d_NOGRAD, delta_d_hat])
    per_param_mse = Reshape((85, ), name="params_mse")(per_param_mse)

    # Prevent model from using the delta_d_hat gradient in final loss
    delta_d_hat_NOGRAD = Lambda(lambda x: K.stop_gradient(x),

    # False loss designed to pass the learned offset as a gradient to the embedding layer
    false_loss_smpl = Multiply(name="smpl_diff")(
        [optlearner_params, delta_d_hat_NOGRAD])
    print("smpl loss shape: " + str(false_loss_smpl.shape))

    #return [optlearner_input, gt_params, gt_pc], [optlearner_params, false_loss_delta_d, optlearner_pc, false_loss_pc, false_loss_delta_d_hat, false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat,  false_loss_smpl, delta_d, delta_d_hat, dist_angles]
    return [optlearner_input, gt_params, gt_pc, trainable_params], [
        optlearner_params, false_loss_delta_d, optlearner_pc, false_loss_pc,
        false_loss_delta_d_hat, false_sin_loss_delta_d_hat, false_loss_smpl,
        delta_d, delta_d_hat, dist_angles, per_param_mse