Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, layer):
        # Arguments
            layer: an instance of Convolution2D layer, whose configuration
                   will be used to initiate DConvolution2D(input_shape,
                   output_shape, weights)
        self.layer = layer

        weights = layer.get_weights()
        W, b = weights
        config = layer.get_config()

        # Set up_func for DConvolution2D
        input = Input(shape=layer.input_shape[1:])
        output = Convolution2D.from_config(config)(input)
        up_func = Model(input, output)
        self.up_func = up_func

        # Flip W horizontally and vertically,
        # and set down_func for DConvolution2D
        W = np.transpose(W, (0, 1, 3, 2))
        W = W[::-1, ::-1, :, :]
        config['filters'] = W.shape[3]
        config['kernel_size'] = (W.shape[0], W.shape[1])
        b = np.zeros(config['filters'])
        input = Input(shape=layer.output_shape[1:])
        output = Convolution2D.from_config(config)(input)
        down_func = Model(input, output)
        down_func.layers[1].set_weights((W, b))
        self.down_func = down_func