def segment_characters(image, rows, cols): # Extract characters from image. countCharacters = 0 coordinates = [] amOnCharacter = False i = 0 for col in cols: if 1 in col: if not amOnCharacter: coordinates.append(i) countCharacters += 1 amOnCharacter = True else: if amOnCharacter: coordinates.append(i) amOnCharacter = False i += 1 if (len(coordinates) % 2 != 0): coordinates.append(i) for i in range(0, len(coordinates), 2): cropped_image = image.crop( (coordinates[i], 0, image.size[0] - (image.size[0] - (coordinates[i + 1])), image.size[1])) newfilepath = "CharacterDetection/" + str(i // 2 + 1) + ".png" return coordinates
def extractLinesFromImage(lines, image): dir_name = "LineDetection/" i = 1 for line in lines: cropped_image = image.crop( (0, line[0], image.size[0], line[1])) newfilepath = dir_name + str(i) + ".png" i += 1
def dump_clothing_test_data(): for index, item in test_labels_clothes.iterrows(): print(item['filename']) image = find_image(item['filename']) print(os.getcwd()) #crop the image from the bounding boxes t = image.crop((item['xmin'], item['ymin'], item['xmax'], item['ymax'])) os.chdir('data/transfer_learning/clothes/test_set ') #Incomplete make sure making test/train split os.chdir(str(item['classes'])) = item['filename']) os.chdir("../../../../..")
def dump_clothing_training_data(): for index, item in train_labels_clothes.iterrows(): print(item['filename']) image = find_image(item['filename']) print(os.getcwd()) #crop the image from the bounding boxes t = image.crop((item['xmin'] + margin, item['ymin'] + marginHead , item['xmax'] - margin, item['ymax'] - margin)) os.chdir('data/transfer_learning/clothes/training_set ') os.chdir(str(item['classes'])) = item['filename']) os.chdir("../../../../..")
def dump_test_color_data(): for index, item in test_labels_colors.iterrows(): print(item['filename']) image = find_image(item['filename']) print(os.getcwd()) #crop the image from the bounding boxes t = image.crop((item['xmin'] + margin, item['ymin'] + marginHead, item['xmax'] - margin, item['ymax'] - margin)) os.chdir('data/transfer_learning/colors/test_set ') os.chdir(str(item['major_color'])) = item['filename']) os.chdir("../../../../..")
def rescale_image(image): size = np.asarray(image.size) size = (size * IMAGE_SIZE / min(size)).astype(int) image = image.resize(size, resample=Image.LANCZOS) w, h = image.size image = image.crop(( (w - IMAGE_SIZE) // 2, (h - IMAGE_SIZE) // 2, (w + IMAGE_SIZE) // 2, (h + IMAGE_SIZE) // 2) ) return image
def dump_test_pattern_data(): for index, item in test_labels_pattern.iterrows(): print(item['filename']) image = find_image(item['filename']) print(os.getcwd()) marginHead = 20 margin = 10 #crop the image from the bounding boxes t = image.crop((item['xmin'] + margin, item['ymin'] + marginHead, item['xmax'] - margin, item['ymax'] - margin)) os.chdir('data/transfer_learning/pattern/test_set ') os.chdir(str(item['clothing_pattern'])) = item['filename']) os.chdir("../../../../..")
def processImage(imagePath): image = image = image.crop(bbox) (currw, currh) = image.size if currw >= currh: image = image.resize((width, int(float(currh) * float(width) / float(currw)))) else: image = image.resize((int(float(currw) * float(height) / float(currh)), height)) background ='RGB', (width, height), (0, 0, 0)) background.paste( image, (int((width - image.size[0]) / 2), int((height - image.size[1]) / 2)) ) return background
def cropImage(image, x1, y1, x2, y2): ima=image.crop((x1,y1,x2,y2)) return ima
def threshold_slow(image): #Transformar a imagem em array de bytes image_process = np.array(image) #Pasta onde fica alojados os arquivos cortados path_crop_save = save_path + "/crop/" print("Carregando imagem....") #Nome padrao para os arquivos file_name_save = "/imgpixel" text = "" #Obtendo a dimenssao da imagem escolhida largura, altura = image.size #Fazendo o calculo da proporcao proporcao = largura / altura print("Largura: " + str(largura)) print("Altura: " + str(altura)) print("Proporcao: " + str(proporcao)) #Obtendo o pixel da imagem pixels = list(image.getdata()) numl1 = numl2 = numl3 = numl4 = numl5 = 0 #print("Pixels: "+str(pixels)) #Loop para percorrer a imagem for y in range(0, altura - 50): print('linha', y) for x in range(0, largura - 50): #Inicialmente e realizado o corte na dimensao de 50x50 #Crop (Esquerda, cima, direita, baixo) new_image = image.crop((x, y, x + 50, y + 50)).copy() #A imagem cortada e transformada em array pois o metodo de predicacao so aceita iamgem em array crop_img_array = np.array(new_image) #Essa nova imagem cortada esta em 3 canais(RGB), com isso e acionado o metodo load #para transformar em array e em um canal (graysacle) #img_gray = load(new_image) img_gray = new_image.convert('L') # time.sleep(0.5) img_gray = (np.asarray(img_gray).reshape(1, 50, 50, 1)) / 255.0 #A ideia e marcar o pixel central, na imagem orignal,da que foi cortada para verificar a execucao #com isso ha o metodo threshold no opencv para binarizar a iamgem e posteriormente #calcular o momento da binarizacao da imagem, que isto e realizado pelo metodo moments # ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(img_gray,127,255,0) # M = cv2.moments(thresh) image_class = loaded_model.predict(img_gray, verbose=0) print(">>>>>>>" + str(image_class)) #Atribui o valor da classe classificada # print(img_gray) #exit() pred = image_class.argmax(axis=-1) ''' Lembrando que o 0 e o numero 7 na regua, bem como o 1 e o 8, 2 e o 13 e o 3 e 14, ja para finalizar 4 sao as negativas ou lixo ''' if pred == 0: numl1 = numl1 + 1 # time.sleep(0.5) #Cada corte e salvo na pasta declarada abaixo para comparar se realmente esta fazendo correto crop_write = "" crop_write = path_crop_save + "L1/" + file_name_save + "{0}-{1}".format( x, y) + ".jpeg" cv2.imwrite(crop_write, crop_img_array) #Aqui e localizado o centro da imagem, ou seja, do 50x50 e depois marca com a cor de cada camada #declarada, neste caso a verde sao para identificar o numero 7 na regua. cX = x + 25 cY = y + 25 image_process =, (cX, cY), 5, verde, -1) cv2.imwrite(save_path + "regua.jpg", image_process) elif pred == 1: numl2 = numl2 + 1 # time.sleep(0.5) crop_write = "" crop_write = path_crop_save + "L2/" + file_name_save + "{0}-{1}".format( x, y) + ".jpeg" cv2.imwrite(crop_write, crop_img_array) cX = x + 25 cY = y + 25 image_process =, (cX, cY), 5, amarelo, -1) cv2.imwrite(save_path + "regua.jpg", image_process) elif pred == 2: numl3 = numl3 + 1 # time.sleep(0.5) crop_write = "" crop_write = path_crop_save + "L3/" + file_name_save + "{0}-{1}".format( x, y) + ".jpeg" cv2.imwrite(crop_write, crop_img_array) cX = x + 25 cY = y + 25 image_process =, (cX, cY), 5, laranja, -1) cv2.imwrite(save_path + "regua.jpg", image_process) elif pred == 3: numl4 = numl4 + 1 # time.sleep(0.5) crop_write = "" crop_write = path_crop_save + "L4/" + file_name_save + "{0}-{1}".format( x, y) + ".jpeg" cv2.imwrite(crop_write, crop_img_array) cX = x + 25 cY = y + 25 image_process =, (cX, cY), 5, vermelho, -1) cv2.imwrite(save_path + "regua.jpg", image_process) else: #print("Nernhum") numl5 = numl5 + 1 print(str(numl5) + "ª vez") #crop_write = "" #crop_write = path_crop_save+"L5/"+file_name_save+"{0}-{1}".format(x,y)+".jpeg" #cv2.imwrite(crop_write,crop_img_array) #cX=x+25 #cY=y+25 #image_process =, (cX, cY), 5, azul, -1) #cv2.imwrite(save_path+"regua.jpg",image_process) print(numl1, numl2, numl3, numl4, numl5)
rec_channels = array(rec_channels, dtype=uint8) pil_channels = [Image.fromarray(channel) for channel in rec_channels] # image and compress image # rec_image = Image.merge("YCbCr", channels).convert('RGB') rec_pil_image = Image.merge("YCbCr", pil_channels).convert('RGB') # compute file size # rec_pil_image # f2 = BytesIO() #, format='JPEG', quality=75) # qtables=pil_qtables) # rec_pil_image_size = len(f2.getvalue()) return rec_pil_image if __name__ == '__main__': image = '/home/imagenet-data/train//n03977966/n03977966_11273.JPEG') image_size = min(image.size) crop_image = image.crop((0, 0, image_size, image_size)) f1 = BytesIO(), format='JPEG', quality=75) # qtables=pil_qtables) print("f1", len(f1.getvalue())) deepn_image = DeepN(crop_image) f2 = BytesIO(), format='JPEG', quality=75) # qtables=pil_qtables) print("f2", len(f2.getvalue()))
display_str = '' if classes[j] in category_index.keys(): class_name = str(category_index[classes[j]]['name']) else: class_name = 'NA' display_str = str(class_name) if class_name in labels_whitelist: display_str = '{}_{}'.format(display_str, int(100 * scores[j])) print('cropping box {0} ({1}, {2}, {3}, {4})'.format( display_str, xmin_px, ymin_px, xmax_px, ymax_px)) cropped_img = image.crop( (xmin_px, ymin_px, xmax_px, ymax_px)) with tf.gfile.Open( os.path.join( PATH_TO_TEST_IMAGES_CROP_RES_DIR, '{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg'.format( image_path_filename, display_str, j)), 'w') as fid:, 'JPEG') features = get_feature(cropped_img) w.writerow({ "filename": image_path, "object_class": class_name, "score": scores[j], "ymin": ymin, "xmin": xmin,
def cropAndAddPadding(image, newfilepath): pix_val = list(image.getdata()) i = 0 row = [] rows= [] el = 0 for element in pix_val: if element[0] == 255: el = 0 else: el = 1 if i % image.size[0] == 0 and i != 0:#image.size returns a tuple (width, height) rows.append(row) row = [] if i % image.size[0] != 0: row.append(el) i += 1 col = [] cols= [] for i in range(0,len(rows[0])): #za sekoj chlen od prviot row col = [] for j in range(0,len(rows)): #za sekoj row col.append(rows[j][i]) cols.append(col) # Cropping cropFromTop = 0 cropFromBottom = 0 for row in rows: if not(1 in row): cropFromTop += 1 else: break reversed_rows = rows[::-1] for row in reversed_rows: if not(1 in row): cropFromBottom += 1 else: break cropFromLeft = 0 cropFromRight = 0 for col in cols: if not(1 in col): cropFromLeft += 1 else: break for col in cols[::-1]: if not(1 in col): cropFromRight += 1 else: break cropped_image = image.crop((cropFromLeft, cropFromTop, image.size[0]-cropFromRight, image.size[1]-cropFromBottom)) size = (50, 50) resized_image = cropped_image padding = 0 im = cv2.imread(newfilepath) color = [255, 255, 255] if not (resized_image.size[0] == resized_image.size[1]): if resized_image.size[0] > resized_image.size[1]: padding = (resized_image.size[0]-resized_image.size[1])//2 croppedThenPadded = cv2.copyMakeBorder( im, padding, padding, 0, 0, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=color) else: padding = (resized_image.size[1]-resized_image.size[0])//2 croppedThenPadded = cv2.copyMakeBorder( im, 0, 0, padding, padding, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=color) sv = Image.fromarray(croppedThenPadded) x = sv.resize((size[0], size[1]), Image.LANCZOS)
def cropImage(image, x1, y1, x2, y2): #utils.raiseNotDefined() cropped_image = image.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2)) return cropped_image
def crop_image(image, enable = 0): if enable: return image.crop((151, 151, image.size[0] - 150, image.size[1] - 150)) else: return image