def calc_vol_acc_Tr_Te(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, patients_train, patients_test, old_way, folder=None, to_categorical=True, data_reduction=None): if folder is None: folder = "." train_set, test_set, input_shape, labels = format_dataset( x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, verbose=False, ret_labels=True, data_reduction=data_reduction, to_categorical=to_categorical, old_way=old_way) if data_reduction is not None: y_test = y_test[:y_test.shape[0] // data_reduction] y_train = y_train[:y_train.shape[0] // data_reduction] model = load_model(folder) num_Tr = len(y_train) num_Te = len(y_test) # calculate for training set pred_percents = model.predict(train_set[0]) true_labels = y_train pred_labels = np.argmax(pred_percents, axis=1) vol_accTr, num_volTr = calculate_volume_accuracy(pred_labels, true_labels, pred_percents, 1, patients_train, patients_test) # calculate for test set pred_percents = model.predict(test_set[0]) true_labels = y_test pred_labels = np.argmax(pred_percents, axis=1) vol_accTe, num_volTe = calculate_volume_accuracy(pred_labels, true_labels, pred_percents, 0, patients_train, patients_test) return vol_accTr, vol_accTe, num_volTr, num_volTe, num_Tr, num_Te
def observe_results(data_generator, folder=None, to_categorical=True, data_reduction=None, mode=0, observe_training=0, filename=None, num_columns=None, misclassified_wizard=True, custom_observation=None, old_way=False): """ :param data_generator: where to get the data from (keras.datasets.mnist.load_data, cifar...) :param folder: name of folder where results are found :param to_categorical: to_categorical flag when formatting the dataset :param data_reduction: if set to a number, use only (1/data_reduction) of all data. None uses all the data :param mode: plotting mode, 0 shows color in the main diagonal, 1 does not, 2-3 adds the matrix transposed and only shows lower half of result :param observe_training: 0, we observe results for training set, 1 for test set, 2 for both :param misclassified_wizard: if True, shows the wizard to see mistakes, else skips this :param custom_observation: made specially to look at patients in radiomics dataset, look at full patient instad of only slices :return: """ if folder is None: folder = "." print("Loading training and test sets ...") try: # In case data_generator has to be called to get the data (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = data_generator() except TypeError: # In case data_generator already holds the loaded data (not callable) (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = data_generator print("Reshaping training and test sets ...") train_set, test_set, input_shape, labels = format_dataset( x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, verbose=True, ret_labels=True, data_reduction=data_reduction, to_categorical=to_categorical, old_way=old_way) if data_reduction is not None: x_test = x_test[:x_test.shape[0] // data_reduction] y_test = y_test[:y_test.shape[0] // data_reduction] x_train = x_train[:x_train.shape[0] // data_reduction] y_train = y_train[:y_train.shape[0] // data_reduction] train_set[0] = train_set[0][:train_set[0].shape[0] // data_reduction] test_set[0] = test_set[0][:test_set[0].shape[0] // data_reduction] print("Loading model from {} ...".format(folder)) model = load_model(folder) print("Calculating predicted labels ...") if observe_training == 1: pred_percents = model.predict(train_set[0]) true_labels = y_train examples_set = x_train confusion_title = "Confusion Matrix (Training Set)" elif observe_training == 2: pred_percents = model.predict( np.concatenate((train_set[0], test_set[0]))) true_labels = np.concatenate((y_train, y_test)) examples_set = np.concatenate((x_train, x_test)) confusion_title = "Confusion Matrix (Training & Test Set)" else: pred_percents = model.predict(test_set[0]) true_labels = y_test examples_set = x_test confusion_title = "Confusion Matrix (Test Set)" pred_labels = np.argmax(pred_percents, axis=1) if custom_observation is not None: num_errors = sum( [abs(x - y) for x, y in list(zip(pred_labels, true_labels))]) print("Slices Results: {} errors from {} slices (Accuracy: {})".format( num_errors, len(pred_labels), 1 - num_errors / len(pred_labels))) confusion_title += " - Custom ({})".format(custom_observation) classification_per_patient = {} score_per_patient = {} patients_train, patients_test = apply_custom_observation( custom_observation) ignore_patient = "" if observe_training == 1: patients = patients_train ignore_patient = patients_test[0] elif observe_training == 2: patients = patients_train + patients_test else: patients = patients_test ignore_patient = patients_train[-1] prev_patient = "" new_true_labels = [] unique_patients = [] for i, patient in enumerate(patients): if patient not in classification_per_patient: classification_per_patient[patient] = {} score_per_patient[patient] = {} try: classification_per_patient[patient][pred_labels[i]] += 1 score_per_patient[patient] += pred_percents[i] except KeyError: classification_per_patient[patient][pred_labels[i]] = 1 score_per_patient[patient] = pred_percents[i] if prev_patient != patient and patient != ignore_patient: new_true_labels.append(true_labels[i]) unique_patients.append(patient) prev_patient = patient pred_labels = [] for patient in unique_patients: # Ignore patients that have half the 3D image in test and other half in training if patient == ignore_patient: continue # Assume there are only 2 labels: 0 and 1 keys = list(classification_per_patient[patient].keys()) if len(keys) == 1: pred_labels.append(keys[0]) elif len(keys) == 2: num_k0 = classification_per_patient[patient][keys[0]] num_k1 = classification_per_patient[patient][keys[1]] if keys[0] != keys[1]: pred_labels.append(keys[0] if num_k0 > num_k1 else keys[1]) else: pred_labels.append(np.argmax(score_per_patient[patient])) else: print(keys) input("This should never happen!") continue print("Predictions:", pred_labels) print("True labels:", new_true_labels) true_labels = np.array(new_true_labels) pred_labels = np.array(pred_labels) errors_vector = (pred_labels != true_labels) num_errors = np.sum(errors_vector) size_set = pred_labels.size print("Results: {} errors from {} examples (Accuracy: {})".format( num_errors, size_set, 1 - num_errors / size_set)) print("Drawing confusion matrix ...") ignore_diag = True max_scale_factor = 1.0 color_by_row = False half_matrix = False if mode == 1 or mode == 3: ignore_diag = False max_scale_factor = 100.0 color_by_row = True if mode == 3: half_matrix = True elif mode == 2: half_matrix = True confusion_mat = plot_confusion_matrix(true_labels, pred_labels, labels, title=confusion_title, plot_half=half_matrix, filename=filename, max_scale_factor=max_scale_factor, ignore_diagonal=ignore_diag, color_by_row=color_by_row) print("Counting misclassified examples ...") errors_indices = np.argwhere(errors_vector) errors_by_predicted_label = dict([(label, []) for label in labels]) errors_by_expected_label = dict([(label, []) for label in labels]) for idx in errors_indices: errors_by_expected_label[true_labels[idx][0]].append(idx[0]) errors_by_predicted_label[pred_labels[idx][0]].append(idx[0]) print("Labels that were confused by another value:") for i, label in enumerate(labels): tp = confusion_mat[i][i] fp = len(errors_by_expected_label[label]) print( " Label {}: {:>3} mistakes, {:>5} right answers => Accuracy: {}" .format(label, fp, tp, tp / (tp + fp))) print("Labels that were mistakenly chosen:") for i, label in enumerate(labels): tp = confusion_mat[i][i] fp = len(errors_by_predicted_label[label]) print( " Label {}: {:>3} mistakes, {:>5} right answers => Accuracy: {}" .format(label, fp, tp, tp / (tp + fp))) if not misclassified_wizard: return while True: print("Welcome to the misclassified images viewer!") print("Use the number keys + ENTER to select the best option.") print("Do you want to filter by predicted value or true value?") print( "0. Exit\n1. Filter by predicted values\n2. Filter by true values") num = -1 while num < 0 or num > 3: try: num = int(input(">> ")) except ValueError: num = -1 if num == 0: break pred_notrue = num == 1 print("Filtering by: {} Values\n".format( "Predicted" if pred_notrue else "True")) while True: print("Select the label you want to filter.") print("{:>2}. Back".format(0)) for i, key in enumerate(labels): if pred_notrue: num_errors = len(errors_by_predicted_label[key]) else: num_errors = len(errors_by_expected_label[key]) print("{:>2}. Label {} ({} mistakes)".format( i + 1, key, num_errors)) num = -1 while num < 0 or num > len(labels): try: num = int(input(">> ")) except ValueError: num = -1 if num == 0: break print( "Plotting misclassified examples for the {} label {}\n".format( "predicted" if pred_notrue else "true", labels[num - 1])) if pred_notrue: indices = np.array(errors_by_predicted_label[labels[num - 1]], dtype=int) other_labels = true_labels[indices] indices = indices[other_labels.argsort()] title_labels = true_labels[indices] title = "Predicted label: {}".format(labels[num - 1]) else: indices = np.array(errors_by_expected_label[labels[num - 1]], dtype=int) other_labels = pred_labels[indices] indices = indices[other_labels.argsort()] title_labels = pred_labels[indices] title = "True label: {}".format(labels[num - 1]) # plot_images(x_test[indices], labels=y_test[indices], labels2=label_test[indices], # label2_description="Predicted label", fig_num=1) plot_all_images(examples_set[indices], labels=title_labels, labels2=None, fig_num=1, suptitle=title, max_cols=num_columns) txt = input( "Press ENTER to see all the misclassified examples unsorted one by one, or q to exit. " ) if len(txt) <= 0 or txt[0] != "q": # Plot test examples, and see label comparison show_errors_only = True print("Plotting {}test images ...".format( "incorrectly classified " if show_errors_only else "")) plot_images(examples_set, labels=true_labels, labels2=pred_labels, label2_description="Predicted label", show_errors_only=True, fig_num=1)
def experiments_runner(data_generator, experiment_obj, folder=None, data_reduction=None, epochs=100, batch_size=32, early_stopping=10, to_categorical=True, verbose=False): # Loads the data from data_generator, loads the experiment object used (containing all the # experiments that have to be run), creates/opens a folder where it will save all the data, # and runs all experiments and saves all results in a folder structure. If the folder already # exists and contains old results, the experiments already performed will not be run again. # This allows us to stop the execution, and start it again where we left off. print("Loading training and test sets ...") # Load into train and test sets try: # In case data_generator has to be called to get the data (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = data_generator() except TypeError: # In case data_generator already holds the loaded data (not callable) (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = data_generator print("Reshaping training and test sets ...") train_set, test_set, input_shape, labels = format_dataset(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, data_reduction=data_reduction, verbose=True, ret_labels=True, to_categorical=to_categorical, old_way=False) # create folder and cd into it if folder is None: now = folder = "{}_{:02d}.{:02d}.{:02d}".format(, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) try: os.makedirs(folder) except OSError: pass # In case the dir already exists os.chdir(folder) # load data in old results.yaml, if it exists try: with open("results.yaml") as f: try: old_data = yaml.load(f) print("'results.yaml' was parsed successfully. The experiments that appear in " + "'results.yaml' will not be executed again.") except yaml.YAMLError as YamlError: print("There was an error parsing 'results.yaml'. File ignored.") print(YamlError) old_data = None except FileNotFoundError: old_data = None # train model and save data print("Generating and training models...") experiment = experiment_obj() iterator, num_iterations = experiment.get_experiments() avg_time = 0 num_skips = 0 init_weights = None # This makes sure that the weight for every layer are reset every fold for it, params_comb in enumerate(iterator): t = clock() print("\niteration: {}/{}".format(it + 1, num_iterations)) params = experiment.get_printable_experiment(params_comb, it + 1, verbose=True) # skip experiments that are already found in old results.yaml skip_test = params_in_data(params, old_data) if skip_test is not False: print("The folder {} already contains this model (found in {}). " "Model calculation skipped.".format(folder, skip_test)) num_skips += 1 continue # run experiments (returns same as flexible_neural_network) optimizer, loss, *layers = experiment.run_experiment(input_shape, labels, params_comb) parameters = flexible_neural_net(train_set, test_set, optimizer, loss, *layers, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, early_stopping=early_stopping, verbose=verbose, initial_weights=init_weights) [lTr, aTr], [lTe, aTe], time, location, n_epochs, init_weights = parameters # originally run_experiment would call flexible_neural_net, or any other experiment # function. It was more flexible, but more complicated for the user. Comment the previous # 2 lines and uncomment the following lines to get the old model back, or go to commit # 8224aa8f89085f5fbab5a86f4529982fbf47b8f8 in """ [lTr, aTr], [lTe, aTe], time, location, n_epochs = experiment.run_experiment(train_set, test_set, input_shape, labels, params_comb, epochs) class MyFirstExperiment(Experiment): # Model of an Experiment for the old run_experiment def __init__(self): self.experiments = {"filters1": [16, 32], "filters2": [16, 32], "units1": [16, 32]} def run_experiment(self, train_set, test_set, input_shape, labels, comb, epochs): f1 = comb[self.keys_mapper["filters1"]] f2 = comb[self.keys_mapper["filters2"]] u1 = comb[self.keys_mapper["units1"]] return flexible_neural_net(train_set, test_set, optimizers.Adam(), losses.categorical_crossentropy, Conv2D(f1, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=input_shape), Conv2D(f2, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu'), MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)), Dropout(0.25), Flatten(), Dense(u1, activation='relu'), Dropout(0.5), Dense(len(labels), activation='softmax'), batch_size=32, epochs=epochs, verbose=False) """ result = {"lossTr": float(lTr), "accTr": float(aTr), "lossTe": float(lTe), "accTe": float(aTe), "time": float(time), "location": location, "number_epochs": n_epochs} # save results to result.yaml with open("results.yaml", "a") as f: f.write(yaml.dump_all([{location: {"params": params, "result": result}}], default_flow_style=False, explicit_start=False)) # print data to monitor how well we are doing taken = clock() - t avg_time = (avg_time * (it - num_skips) + taken) / (it - num_skips + 1) print("\nResults: Training: Acc: {:<10} Loss: {}".format(round(aTr, 8), round(lTr, 8))) print(" Test: Acc: {:<10} Loss: {}".format(round(aTe, 8), round(lTe, 8))) print(" Number of Epochs: {}".format(n_epochs)) print(" Time taken: {} (fit & evaluation time: {})" "".format(timedelta(seconds=taken), timedelta(seconds=time))) print(" Expected time left: {} (mean time: {})" "".format(timedelta(seconds=avg_time * (num_iterations - it - 1)), timedelta(seconds=avg_time))) os.chdir("./..") return folder