Exemple #1
    def testCheckProof5(self):
        """Empty instantiation."""
        theory.thy.add_theorem("trivial", Thm([], Implies(A,A)))

        x_eq_y = Eq(x,y)
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "theorem", args="trivial")
        prf.add_item(1, "substitution", args=Inst(), prevs=[0])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        th = Thm([], Implies(SVar('A', BoolType), SVar('A', BoolType)))
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps_stat(), (1, 1, 0))
        self.assertEqual(rpt.th_names, {"trivial"})
Exemple #2
    def testCheckProof5(self):
        """Empty instantiation."""
        thy = Theory.EmptyTheory()
        thy.add_theorem("trivial", Thm.mk_implies(A,A))

        x_eq_y = Term.mk_equals(x,y)
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "theorem", args="trivial")
        prf.add_item(1, "substitution", args={}, prevs=[0])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        th = Thm.mk_implies(A,A)
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps_stat(), (1, 1, 0))
        self.assertEqual(rpt.th_names, {"trivial"})
Exemple #3
 def testEvalSem5(self):
     com = While(Lambda(s, Not(Eq(s(zero), Nat(3)))), assn_true, incr_one)
     st = mk_const_fun(NatType, zero)
     st2 = fun_upd_of_seq(0, 3)
     goal = Sem(com, st, st2)
     prf = imp.eval_Sem_macro().get_proof_term(goal, []).export()
     rpt = ProofReport()
     self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf, rpt), Thm([], goal))
Exemple #4
    def testCheckProof2(self):
        """Proof of |- A --> A."""
        prf = Proof(A)
        prf.add_item(1, "implies_intr", args=A, prevs=[0])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf, rpt), Thm([], Implies(A,A)))
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps, 2)
Exemple #5
 def testEvalSem5(self):
     com = While(abs(s, logic.neg(eq(s(zero), nat.to_binary(3)))),
                 assn_true, incr_one)
     st = mk_const_fun(natT, zero)
     st2 = fun_upd_of_seq(0, 3)
     goal = Sem(com, st, st2)
     prf = hoare.eval_Sem_macro().get_proof_term(thy, goal, []).export()
     rpt = ProofReport()
     self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), Thm([], goal))
Exemple #6
    def testCheckProof(self):
        """Proof of [A, A --> B] |- B."""
        A_to_B = Implies(A, B)
        prf = Proof(A_to_B, A)
        prf.add_item(2, "implies_elim", prevs=[0, 1])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf, rpt), Thm([A_to_B, A], B))
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps, 3)
Exemple #7
def process_file(input, output):

    dn = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    with open(os.path.join(dn, 'examples/' + input + '.json'),
              encoding='utf-8') as a:
        data = json.load(a)

    output = json_output.JSONTheory(output, ["hoare"],
                                    "Generated from " + input)
    content = data['content']
    eval_count = 0
    vcg_count = 0
    for run in content[:5]:
        if run['ty'] == 'eval':
            com = parse_com(run['com'])
            st1 = mk_const_fun(NatType, nat.zero)
            for k, v in sorted(run['init'].items()):
                st1 = mk_fun_upd(st1, Nat(str_to_nat(k)), Nat(v))
            st2 = mk_const_fun(NatType, nat.zero)
            for k, v in sorted(run['final'].items()):
                st2 = mk_fun_upd(st2, Nat(str_to_nat(k)), Nat(v))
            Sem = imp.Sem(natFunT)
            goal = Sem(com, st1, st2)
            prf = ProofTerm("eval_Sem", goal, []).export()
            rpt = ProofReport()
            th = theory.check_proof(prf, rpt)
            output.add_theorem("eval" + str(eval_count), th, prf)
            eval_count += 1
        elif run['ty'] == 'vcg':
            com = parse_com(run['com'])
            pre = Lambda(st, parse_cond(run['pre']))
            post = Lambda(st, parse_cond(run['post']))
            Valid = imp.Valid(natFunT)
            goal = Valid(pre, com, post)
            prf = imp.vcg_solve(goal).export()
            rpt = ProofReport()
            th = theory.check_proof(prf, rpt)
            output.add_theorem("vcg" + str(vcg_count), th, prf)
            vcg_count += 1
            raise TypeError

Exemple #8
    def testCheckProofGap(self):
        """Check proof with gap."""
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "sorry", th = Thm([], Implies(A,B)))
        prf.add_item(1, "sorry", th = Thm([], A))
        prf.add_item(2, "implies_elim", prevs=[0, 1])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf, rpt), Thm([], B))
        self.assertEqual(rpt.gaps, [Thm([], Implies(A, B)), Thm([], A)])
Exemple #9
    def testApplyTheorem(self):
        thy = basic.load_theory('logic_base')
        A = Var("A", boolT)
        B = Var("B", boolT)

        th = Thm([logic.mk_conj(A, B)], A)

        prf = Proof(logic.mk_conj(A, B))
        prf.add_item(1, "apply_theorem", args="conjD1", prevs=[0])
        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.prim_steps, 4)

        # Reset data for the next check
        prf = Proof(logic.mk_conj(A, B))
        prf.add_item(1, "apply_theorem", args="conjD1", prevs=[0])
        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt, check_level=1), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.prim_steps, 1)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.macro_steps, 1)
Exemple #10
    def testBetaNorm(self):
        thy = basic.load_theory('logic_base')

        t = Term.mk_abs(x, f(x))
        prf = Proof(Term.mk_equals(t(x), y))
        prf.add_item(1, "beta_norm", prevs=[0])
                     args=Term.mk_equals(t(x), y),

        th = Thm.mk_implies(Term.mk_equals(t(x), y), Term.mk_equals(f(x), y))
        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.prim_steps, 8)

        rpt2 = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt2, check_level=1), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt2.prim_steps, 2)
        self.assertEqual(rpt2.macro_steps, 1)
Exemple #11
    def testRewriteGoal(self):
        thy = basic.load_theory('nat')

        n = Var("n", nat.natT)
        eq = Term.mk_equals
        zero = nat.zero
        plus = nat.mk_plus
        prf = Proof()
                     args=("plus_def_1", eq(plus(zero, zero), zero)))

        th = Thm([], eq(plus(zero, zero), zero))
        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.prim_steps, 9)

        rpt2 = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt2, check_level=1), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt2.prim_steps, 0)
        self.assertEqual(rpt2.macro_steps, 1)
Exemple #12
    def testCheckProofMacro(self):
        """Proof checking with simple macro."""
        thy = Theory.EmptyTheory()
        thy.add_proof_macro("beta_conv_rhs", beta_conv_rhs_macro())
        t = Comb(Abs("x", Ta, Bound(0)), x)

        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "reflexive", args=t)
        prf.add_item(1, "beta_conv_rhs", prevs=[0])
        th = Thm.mk_equals(t,x)

        # Check obtaining signature
        self.assertEqual(thy.get_proof_rule_sig("beta_conv_rhs"), Term)

        # Check proof without trusting beta_conv_rhs
        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps_stat(), (0, 3, 0))
        self.assertEqual(rpt.macros_expand, {"beta_conv_rhs"})

        # Check proof while trusting beta_conv_rhs
        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt, check_level=1), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps_stat(), (0, 1, 1))
        self.assertEqual(rpt.macros_eval, {"beta_conv_rhs"})
Exemple #13
    def testCheckProof4(self):
        """Proof of |- x = y --> x = y by instantiating an existing theorem."""
        theory.thy.add_theorem("trivial", Thm([], Implies(A,A)))

        x_eq_y = Eq(x,y)
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "theorem", args="trivial")
        prf.add_item(1, "substitution", args=Inst(A=x_eq_y), prevs=[0])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        th = Thm([], Implies(x_eq_y,x_eq_y))
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps, 2)
Exemple #14
    def testCheckProof3(self):
        """Proof of [x = y, y = z] |- f z = f x."""
        x_eq_y = Eq(x,y)
        y_eq_z = Eq(y,z)
        prf = Proof(x_eq_y, y_eq_z)
        prf.add_item(2, "transitive", prevs=[0, 1])
        prf.add_item(3, "symmetric", prevs=[2])
        prf.add_item(4, "reflexive", args=f)
        prf.add_item(5, "combination", prevs=[4, 3])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        th = Thm([x_eq_y, y_eq_z], Eq(f(z),f(x)))
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps, 6)
Exemple #15
    def testCheckProof4(self):
        """Proof of |- x = y --> x = y by instantiating an existing theorem."""
        thy = Theory.EmptyTheory()
        thy.add_theorem("trivial", Thm.mk_implies(A,A))

        x_eq_y = Term.mk_equals(x,y)
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "theorem", args="trivial")
        prf.add_item(1, "substitution", args={"A" : x_eq_y}, prevs=[0])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        th = Thm.mk_implies(x_eq_y,x_eq_y)
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps, 2)
Exemple #16
    def testArgCombination(self):
        thy = basic.load_theory('logic_base')
        macro = logic_macro.arg_combination_macro()

        x_eq_y = Term.mk_equals(x, y)
        fx_eq_fy = Term.mk_equals(f(x), f(y))
        th = Thm.assume(x_eq_y)
        res = Thm([x_eq_y], fx_eq_fy)
        self.assertEqual(macro.eval(thy, f, [th]), res)

        prf = Proof(x_eq_y)
        prf.add_item(1, "arg_combination", args=f, prevs=[0])
        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), res)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.macros_expand, {"arg_combination"})
        self.assertEqual(rpt.prim_steps, 3)
Exemple #17
    def testFunCombination(self):
        thy = basic.load_theory('logic_base')
        macro = logic_macro.fun_combination_macro()

        f_eq_g = Term.mk_equals(f, g)
        fx_eq_gx = Term.mk_equals(f(x), g(x))
        th = Thm.assume(f_eq_g)
        res = Thm([f_eq_g], fx_eq_gx)
        self.assertEqual(macro.eval(thy, x, [th]), res)

        prf = Proof(f_eq_g)
        prf.add_item(1, "fun_combination", args=x, prevs=[0])
        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), res)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.macros_expand, {"fun_combination"})
        self.assertEqual(rpt.prim_steps, 3)
Exemple #18
 def testStepCount(self):
     rpt = ProofReport()
     self.assertEqual(rpt.steps, 0)
     for i in range(10):
     self.assertEqual(rpt.steps, 13)
     self.assertEqual(rpt.steps_stat(), (2, 10, 1))
     self.assertEqual(rpt.th_names, {"th1", "th2"})
     self.assertEqual(rpt.macros_expand, {"macro1"})
     self.assertEqual(rpt.macros_eval, {"macro2"})