Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,
        Constructor for the KernelMachine class.

        k_func : KernelFunction
            The kernel function the kernel machine bases itself on

        learner_id : str
            Identifier for the estimator to be built based on the kernel function.
            Options: ``SVC`` and ``SVR``.
            Default: ``SVC`` (classifier version of SVM)

        normalized : flag
            Flag to indicate whether to keep the kernel matrix normalized.
            Default: False

        self.k_func = k_func
        self.learner_id = learner_id
        self.normalized = normalized
        self._estimator, self.param_grid = get_estimator(self.learner_id)
Exemple #2
def test_gaussian_kernel(sample_dim, num_samples, sigma):
    """Tests specific for Gaussian kernel."""

    gaussian = GaussianKernel(sigma=sigma, skip_input_checks=False)
    _test_for_all_kernels(gaussian, sample_dim)
    _test_func_is_valid_kernel(gaussian, sample_dim, num_samples)
Exemple #3
from kernelmethods.base import KMSetAdditionError, KernelMatrix, KernelSet, \
from kernelmethods.numeric_kernels import GaussianKernel, LinearKernel, PolyKernel
from kernelmethods.sampling import make_kernel_bucket

num_samples = 50  # 9
sample_dim = 3  # 2
target_label_set = [1, 2]

sample_data = np.random.rand(num_samples, sample_dim)
target_labels = np.random.choice(target_label_set, (num_samples, 1))

IdealKM = target_labels.dot(target_labels.T)

rbf = KernelMatrix(GaussianKernel(sigma=10, skip_input_checks=True))
lin = KernelMatrix(LinearKernel(skip_input_checks=True))
poly = KernelMatrix(PolyKernel(degree=2, skip_input_checks=True))

# lin.attach_to(sample_data)
# rbf.attach_to(sample_data)
# poly.attach_to(sample_data)

kset = KernelSet([lin, poly, rbf])

def test_creation():

        ks = KernelSet()
Exemple #4
                                           LinearKernel, PolyKernel)
from kernelmethods.sampling import make_kernel_bucket
from kernelmethods.tests.test_numeric_kernels import _test_for_all_kernels

default_feature_dim = 10
range_feature_dim = [10, 500]
range_num_samples = [50, 500]
num_samples = np.random.randint(20)
sample_dim = np.random.randint(10)
range_polynomial_degree = [2, 10]  # degree=1 is tested in LinearKernel()


# choosing skip_input_checks=False will speed up test runs
# default values for parameters
SupportedKernels = (GaussianKernel(), PolyKernel(), LinearKernel(),
num_tests_psd_kernel = 3

def gen_random_array(dim):
    """To better control precision and type of floats"""

    # TODO input sparse arrays for test
    return np.random.rand(dim)

def gen_random_sample(num_samples, sample_dim):
    """To better control precision and type of floats"""

    # TODO input sparse arrays for test
    return _ensure_min_eps(np.sqrt(1.0 / (2 * gamma)))

def gamma_from_sigma(sigma=0.1):
    return _ensure_min_eps(1.0 / (2 * sigma**2))

for name, ds_path in zip(ds_names, ds_paths):
    time_stamp = strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime())

    X, y = load_svmlight_file(ds_path)
    X = X.toarray()

    print('\n{:10}  {:20} {}'.format(time_stamp, name, X.shape))

    gamma = 0.1
    skl_svm = SVC(C=1.0, kernel='rbf', gamma=gamma)
    ss_cv1 = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=20, train_size=0.8, test_size=0.2)
    scores_skl = cross_val_score(skl_svm, X, y, cv=ss_cv1)

    ker_func = GaussianKernel(sigma=sigma_from_gamma(gamma))
    km_svm = KernelMachine(k_func=ker_func, learner_id='SVM', normalized=False)
    ss_cv2 = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=20, train_size=0.8, test_size=0.2)
    scores_km = cross_val_score(km_svm, X, y, cv=ss_cv2)

    print('\tSKLearn    Accuracy: {:.4f} +/- {:.4f}'
          ''.format(np.mean(scores_skl), np.std(scores_skl)))

    print('\tKM    SVM  Accuracy: {:.4f} +/- {:.4f}'
          ''.format(np.mean(scores_km), np.std(scores_km)))