Exemple #1
def test_make_bucket():
    with warns(UserWarning):
        _ = make_kernel_bucket(kset)

    with raises(ValueError):
        _ = make_kernel_bucket('blah_invalid_strategy')

    # ensure correct values work
    for strategy in kernel_bucket_strategies:
        _ = make_kernel_bucket(strategy=strategy)
Exemple #2
def test_optimal_kernel_estimators():
    train_data, labels = make_classification(n_features=sample_dim,
    test_data = gen_random_sample(n_testing, sample_dim)

    # creating the smallest bucket, just with linear kernel, to speed up tests
    kb = make_kernel_bucket(strategy='linear_only')

    for OKEstimator in (

            ok_est = OKEstimator(k_bucket=kb)
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to instantiate OptimalKernelSVR!')

        # disabling sklearn checks to avoid headaches with their internal checks

        for invalid_value in (np.random.randint(10), 10.1, ('tuple')):
            with raises(ValueError):
                ok_est = OKEstimator(k_bucket=invalid_value)
                ok_est.fit(train_data, labels)

        ok_est = OKEstimator(k_bucket=kb)
def test_linear_comb():
    kset = make_kernel_bucket('light')
    weights = randn(kset.size)
    lc = linear_combination(kset, weights)

    with raises(ValueError):
        lc = linear_combination(kset, randn(kset.size + 1))
def test_linear_comb():
    kset = make_kernel_bucket('light')
    weights = randn(kset.size)
    lc = linear_combination(kset, weights)

    with raises(ValueError):
        lc = linear_combination(kset, randn(kset.size + 1))

    zero_weights = np.zeros((kset.size,1))
    lc0 = linear_combination(kset, zero_weights)
    if not np.isclose(lc0.max(), 0.0):
        raise ValueError('zero weights do not lead to zero KM!')

    with raises(RuntimeError):
        lc0 = linear_combination(kset, zero_weights, norm_weights=True)
Exemple #5
def test_attributes():

    kset.set_attr('name', 'linear')
    for km in kset:
        assert km.get_attr('name') == 'linear'
        assert km.get_attr('noname', '404') == '404'

    values = np.random.rand(kset.size)
    kset.set_attr('weight', values)
    for ii, km in enumerate(kset):
        assert km.get_attr('weight') == values[ii]

    kb = make_kernel_bucket()
    kb.attach_to(sample_data, attr_name='a', attr_value='b')
    # differing length
    with raises(ValueError):
        kb.set_attr('a', ['value'] * (kb.size - 1))

def test_composite_kernels():

    kset = make_kernel_bucket()
    kset.attach_to(gen_random_sample(num_samples, sample_dim))

    for ck in (AverageKernel, SumKernel, WeightedAverageKernel, ProductKernel):

        if issubclass(ck, WeightedAverageKernel):
            result_km = ck(kset, np.random.rand(kset.size))
            result_km = ck(kset)

        if not isinstance(result_km, CompositeKernel):
            raise TypeError(' Composite kernel {} not defined properly: '
                            'it must be a child of {}'
                            ''.format(result_km, CompositeKernel))


        reqd_attrs = ('composite_KM', 'full')
        for reqd in reqd_attrs:
            if not hasattr(result_km, reqd):
                raise TypeError('{} does not have attr {}'.format(result_km, reqd))
Exemple #7
from kernelmethods.sampling import make_kernel_bucket
from kernelmethods.ranking import find_optimal_kernel, rank_kernels, \
    alignment_ranking, min_max_scale, CV_ranking, get_estimator
import numpy as np
from pytest import raises, warns

kb = make_kernel_bucket()

def test_misc():

    raises(TypeError, find_optimal_kernel, 'bucket', None, None)

    with raises(NotImplementedError):
        rank_kernels(kb, None, method='align/corr')
Exemple #8
    def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None):
        """Estimate the optimal kernel, and fit a SVM based on the custom kernel.

        X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features)
            Training vectors, where n_samples is the number of samples
            and n_features is the number of features.
            For kernel="precomputed", the expected shape of X is
            (n_samples, n_samples).

        y : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
            Target values (class labels in classification, real numbers in

        sample_weight : array-like, shape (n_samples,)
            Per-sample weights. Rescale C per sample. Higher weights
            force the classifier to put more emphasis on these points.

        self : object

        If X and y are not C-ordered and contiguous arrays of np.float64 and
        X is not a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, X and/or y may be copied.

        If X is a dense array, then the other methods will not support sparse
        matrices as input.


        if isinstance(self.k_bucket, str):
                # using a new internal variable to retain user supplied param
                self._k_bucket = make_kernel_bucket(self.k_bucket)
                raise ValueError('Input for k_func can only an instance of '
                                 'KernelBucket or a sampling strategy to generate '
                                 'one with make_kernel_bucket.'
                                 'sampling strategy must be one of {}'
        elif isinstance(self.k_bucket, KernelBucket):
            self._k_bucket = deepcopy(self.k_bucket)
            raise ValueError('Input for k_func can only an instance of '
                             'KernelBucket or a sampling strategy to generate '
                             'one with make_kernel_bucket')

        self._train_X, self._train_y = check_X_y(X, y, y_numeric=True)

        self.opt_kernel_ = self._find_optimal_kernel()

        super().fit(X=self.opt_kernel_.full, y=self._train_y,

        # temporary hack to pass sklearn estimator checks till a bug is fixed
        # for more see: https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/14712
        self.n_iter_ = 1

        return self
Exemple #9
def gen_random_array(dim):
    """To better control precision and type of floats"""

    # TODO input sparse arrays for test
    return np.random.rand(dim)

def gen_random_sample(num_samples, sample_dim):
    """To better control precision and type of floats"""

    # TODO input sparse arrays for test
    return np.random.rand(num_samples, sample_dim)

kset = make_kernel_bucket('light')

def test_make_bucket():
    with warns(UserWarning):
        _ = make_kernel_bucket(kset)

    with raises(ValueError):
        _ = make_kernel_bucket('blah_invalid_strategy')

    # ensure correct values work
    for strategy in kernel_bucket_strategies:
        _ = make_kernel_bucket(strategy=strategy)