Exemple #1
    def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
        """This will get called when the bot receives a message."""
        user = user.split('!', 1)[0]

        shushify = re.search('{}: (un)?shush'.format(self.nickname), msg)
        if shushify:
            args = msg.split()
            if shushify.groups()[0]:
                # Group 0: turn shush off
                self.quiet = None
                self.msg(channel, 'universal translation matrix re-enabled')
                m = 5
                if len(args) > 2:
                        m = int(args[2])
                    except ValueError:
                self.quiet = datetime.datetime.now() + \
                self.msg(channel, 'quiet time')

        elif channel == self.nickname:
            self.msg(user, translate_remyspeak(msg))

        elif user == 'oddshocks':
            translated = translate_remyspeak(msg)
            display = self.karma.sub('', translated)
            if not msg.lower() == translated.lower():
                self.can_talk(channel, 'What {} means is: {}'.format(
                         user, display))
Exemple #2
    def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
        """This will get called when the bot receives a message."""
        user = user.split('!', 1)[0]

        if user == 'decause':
            translated = translate_remyspeak(msg)
            display = re.sub(r'(\+\+)|(--)', '', translated)
            if not msg.lower() == translated.lower():
                self.msg(channel, 'What {} meant to say was: {}'.format(
                                    user, display))

        if channel == self.nickname:
            self.msg(user, translate_remyspeak(msg))
Exemple #3
    def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
        """This will get called when the bot receives a message."""
        user = user.split('!', 1)[0]

        shushify = re.search('{}: (un)?shush'.format(self.nickname), msg)
        if shushify:
            args = msg.split()
            if shushify.groups()[0]:
                # Group 0: turn shush off
                self.quiet = None
                self.msg(channel, 'universal translation matrix re-enabled')
                m = 5
                if len(args) > 2:
                        m = int(args[2])
                    except ValueError:
                self.quiet = datetime.datetime.now() + \
                self.msg(channel, 'quiet time')

        elif channel == self.nickname:
            self.msg(user, translate_remyspeak(msg))

        elif user == 'decause':
            translated = translate_remyspeak(msg)
            display = self.karma.sub('', translated)
            if not msg.lower() == translated.lower():
                self.can_talk(channel, 'What {} means is: {}'.format(
                         user, display))

        tag_list = self.xml.findall(msg.lower())
        untag_list = self.xml_close.findall(msg.lower())
        for tag in untag_list:
            if tag in tag_list:
        if tag_list:
            response = ''.join('</'+tag+'>' for tag in tag_list[::-1])
            self.can_talk(channel, response)
Exemple #4
    def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
        """This will get called when the bot receives a message."""
        user = user.split('!', 1)[0]

        # Regexes to handle non-kettlefish actions
        shushify = re.match('{}: (un)?shush(.*)'.format(self.nickname), msg)
        optional = re.match('{}: opt (in|out)$'.format(self.nickname), msg)
        thanks = re.search('({0}.*thanks)|(thanks.*{0})'.format(self.nickname), msg)
        tag_list = self.xml.findall(msg.lower())
        untag_list = self.xml_close.findall(msg.lower())

        # Anything PM-ed to kettlefish will be translated
        if channel == self.nickname:
            self.msg(user, translate_remyspeak(msg))

        # Handle being told to shush or unshush
        elif shushify:
            args = shushify.groups()
            # This tests the existence of the 'un-' prefix
            if args[0] == 'un':
                self.quiet = None
                self.msg(channel, 'universal translation matrix re-enabled')
                m = 5
                if args[1]:
                        # Don't shush longer than 90 minutes
                        m = min(int(args[2]), 90)
                    except ValueError:
                self.quiet = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=m)
                self.msg(channel, 'quiet time')

        # I provide a valuable service to the community!
        elif thanks:
            self.can_talk(channel, "{}: You're welcome!".format(user))

        # But not that valuable...
        elif optional:
            if optional.groups()[0] == 'out':
                self.describe(channel, 'recognizes that {} hates fun'.format(user))
            elif optional.groups()[0] == 'in':
                self.describe(channel, 'has noted that {} is a cool person'.format(user))
            with open('victims.json', 'w') as jfile:
                json.dump(list(self.victims), jfile)

        elif tag_list:
            for tag in untag_list:
                if tag in tag_list:
            if tag_list:
                response = ''.join('</' + tag + '>' for tag in tag_list[::-1])
                self.can_talk(channel, response)

        elif user in self.victims:
            translated = translate_remyspeak(msg)
            display = self.karma.sub('', translated)
            if not msg.lower() == translated.lower():
                self.can_talk(channel, 'What {} means is: {}'.format(user, display))
Exemple #5
    def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
        """This will get called when the bot receives a message."""
        user = user.split('!', 1)[0]

        # Regexes to handle non-kettlefish actions
        shushify = re.match('{}: (un)?shush(.*)'.format(self.nickname), msg)
        optional = re.match('{}: opt (in|out)$'.format(self.nickname), msg)
        thanks = re.search('({0}.*thanks)|(thanks.*{0})'.format(self.nickname), msg)
        tag_list = self.xml.findall(msg.lower())
        untag_list = self.xml_close.findall(msg.lower())

        # Anything PM-ed to kettlefish will be translated
        if channel == self.nickname:
            self.msg(user, translate_remyspeak(msg))

        # Handle being told to shush or unshush
        elif shushify:
            args = shushify.groups()
            # This tests the existence of the 'un-' prefix
            if args[0] == 'un':
                self.quiet = None
                self.msg(channel, 'universal translation matrix re-enabled')
                m = 5
                if args[1]:
                        # Don't shush longer than 90 minutes
                        m = min(int(args[2]), 90)
                    except ValueError:
                self.quiet = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=m)
                self.msg(channel, 'quiet time')

        # I provide a valuable service to the community!
        elif thanks:
            self.can_talk(channel, "{}: You're welcome!".format(user))

        # But not that valuable...
        elif optional:
            if optional.groups()[0] == 'out':
                except ValueError:
            elif optional.groups()[0] == 'in':
            with open('victims.json', 'w') as jfile:
                json.dump(self.victims, jfile)

        elif tag_list:
            for tag in untag_list:
                if tag in tag_list:
            if tag_list:
                response = ''.join('</' + tag + '>' for tag in tag_list[::-1])
                self.can_talk(channel, response)

        elif user in self.victims:
            translated = translate_remyspeak(msg)
            display = self.karma.sub('', translated)
            if not msg.lower() == translated.lower():
                self.can_talk(channel, 'What {} means is: {}'.format(user, display))