def run(self, retry, smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo, archive_file): self._buildInputfile(), retry) if not os.path.exists(self.output_file): logging.warning("The Daily Archiving failed, missing output file") subject = 'Daily Archiving Failed' body = 'The Daily Archiving failed with error: missing output file. Imagine logfile attached if it exists.' send_email(smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo, subject, body, {os.path.dirname(self.log_file):os.path.basename(self.log_file)}) return paths = os.path.split(archive_file) archive_file = os.path.join(paths[0], "%s_%s" % (self.asofdate, paths[1])) outputFile= file(archive_file, 'wb') for tempFile in [self.output_file]:'Reading part file %s' % tempFile) tfile = file(tempFile, 'rb') line = tfile.readline() while line: outputFile.write(line) line = tfile.readline() outputFile.close()"Done") return archive_file
def run(self): # 1. Run Trade Extract archive_filename = self.retry, self.smtp_server, self.email_from, self.email_to, self.trade_extract_filename ) message = "created %s" % archive_filename dispatch_archive_event( sender=self, path=archive_filename, rpath=None, source="imagine_maintenance", message=message ) # 2. Run Daily Movers, self.smtp_server, self.email_from, self.email_to) # 3. Run Credit Spread, self.smtp_server, self.email_from, self.email_to) # 4. Send email to confirm all complete."Daily OPS Process Complete") subject = "Daily OPS Process Complete" body = """Sending email to %s" % repr(self.email_to)) send_email(self.smtp_server, self.email_from, self.email_to, subject, body, {}) return
def run(self, retry, smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo): """Runs the service to update security level credit spread overrides in Imagine.""" # Get indices of arguments we'll need to change ios = self.args.index("-ios") + 1 f = self.args.index("-f") + 1 o = self.args.index("-o") + 1 try: # Run print portfolio i/o service self._buildPPInputFile() result =, retry) if result != 0: raise Exception, "IO Service failure" # Run update security environment i/o service self.args[ios] = "updateSecurityEnvironment" self.args[f] = self.use_input_file self.args[o] = self.use_output_file self._parsePPOutputFile() self._buildUSEInputFile(credit_spread=0.01) result =, retry) if result != 0: raise Exception, "IO Service failure" # Run print portfolio i/o service again self.args[ios] = "printPortfolio" self.args[f] = self.pp_input_file self.args[o] = self.pp_output_file result =, retry) if result != 0: raise Exception, "IO Service failure" # Run update security environment i/o service with Implied Credit Spreads inserted self.args[ios] = "updateSecurityEnvironment" self.args[f] = self.use_input_file self.args[o] = self.use_output_file self._parsePPOutputFile() self._buildUSEInputFile() result =, retry) if result != 0: raise Exception, "IO Service failure" except NoCreditSpreadHoldings:"All credit spread holdings in imagine have zero quantity, bypassing further downloads.") except Exception, e: logging.exception("The Credit Spread extract failed with error %s" % e) subject = "Credit Spread extract failed" body = "The Credit Spread service failed with error message %s. Imagine logfile attached." % e send_email( smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo, subject, body, {os.path.dirname(self.log_file): os.path.basename(self.log_file)}, )
def run(self, retry, smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo, archive_file): self._buildInputfile(), retry) if not os.path.exists(self.output_file): logging.warning("The Trade Extract failed, missing output file") subject = "Trade Extract Failed" body = "The Trade Extract failed, missing output file. Imagine logfile attached." send_email( smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo, subject, body, {os.path.dirname(self.log_file): os.path.basename(self.log_file)}, ) return paths = os.path.split(archive_file) archive_file = os.path.join(paths[0], "%s_%s" % (self.asofdate, paths[1])) self._formatOutputFile(archive_file)"Done") return archive_file
def _emailReport(self, server, email_from, email_to): """Generates daily flash report email in html format.""" if # Get data for header headers = data = {} for row in row = dict(zip(headers, row)) if row['Deals'] == 'Whiteclif': data = row navstring = '${:,.0f}M'.format(data['Total Value']/1000000) if abs(data['Day P&L']) < 1000000: pnl_string = '${:.0f}K'.format(abs(data['Day P&L']/1000)) else: pnl_string = '${:,.2f}M'.format(abs(data['Day P&L']/1000000)) if data['Day P&L'] < 0 : pnl_string = '(' + pnl_string + ')' subject = 'Whiteclif Valuation {0} / Day P&L {1} / Prior Period Adjustment $0K'.format(navstring, pnl_string) # Get attachments html = [doc[1] for doc in if doc[0]=='html'][0] pdf = [doc[1] for doc in if doc[0]=='pdf'][0]"Convert html to image") name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(html)[1])[0] imagefile = os.path.join(self.working_path, '{}.png'.format(name)) convert(html, imagefile, ["--width","800","--quality","50"]) message = "Flash PnL attachments can also be accessed here: \n\n" tail, head = os.path.split(pdf) href = os.path.join(self.reports_url, self.asofdate.strftime("%Y/%B/%d"), head) message = '%s\t<a href="%s">%s</a>\n' % (message, href, head) message = """<img src="%s"/> %s\n\nLinks to Operation's files: <a href="file:///\\corp.local\shared\Company%%20Shared\Kew%%20Portal\WhiteclifPnL">S:\Kew Portal\Whiteclif P&L</a> <a href="file:///\\corp.local\shared\Company%%20Shared\Kew%%20Portal\Trade%%20Extract">S:\Kew Portal\Trade Extract</a> """ % (imagefile, message) message = "<pre>\n\n%s</pre>" % message"Sending email to {}".format(email_to)) send_email(server, email_from, email_to, subject, body='', attachments={tail:head}, html=message) else: raise Exception, "No report files produced for Flash Report"
def run(self, retry, smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo): """Runs the daily movers service.""" self._buildInputfile(), retry) if not os.path.exists(self.output_file): logging.warning("The Daily Movers extract failed, missing output file") subject = "Daily Movers extract failed" body = "The Daily Movers failed, missing output file. Imagine logfile attached." send_email( smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo, subject, body, {os.path.dirname(self.log_file): os.path.basename(self.log_file)}, ) return body = self._parseOutputFile() subject = "Daily Movers %s" % self.asofdate.strftime("%d-%b-%Y") send_email(smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo, subject, body, {})
def run(self, retry, smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo, reports_db): """Runs the service to generate the flash report from Imagine.""" try: #Run print portfolio i/o service self._buildInputFile() result =, retry) if result != 0: raise Exception, "IO Service failure""Establishing session with database %s" % reports_db) engine = create_engine(reports_db) Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() self._loadDatabase(session) self._generateReport(session) self._emailReport(smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo) except Exception, e: logging.exception("The Daily Flash extract failed with error %s" % e) subject = 'Daily Flash extract failed' body = 'The Daily Flash service failed with error message "%s". Imagine logfile attached.' % e send_email(smtpServer, emailFrom, emailTo, subject, body, {os.path.dirname(self.log_file):os.path.basename(self.log_file)}) return