def main(argv=sys.argv): """Main method of the Cloud Verifier Server. This method is encapsulated in a function for packaging to allow it to be called as a function by an external program.""" config = common.get_config() cloudverifier_port = config.get('cloud_verifier', 'cloudverifier_port') VerfierMain.metadata.create_all(engine, checkfirst=True) session = SessionManager().make_session(engine) try: query_all = session.query(VerfierMain).all() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') for row in query_all: row.operational_state = cloud_verifier_common.CloudAgent_Operational_State.SAVED try: session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') num = session.query(VerfierMain.agent_id).count() if num > 0: agent_ids = session.query(VerfierMain.agent_id).all()"agent ids in db loaded from file: %s" % agent_ids)'Starting Cloud Verifier (tornado) on port ' + cloudverifier_port + ', use <Ctrl-C> to stop') app = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/(?:v[0-9]/)?agents/.*", AgentsHandler), (r".*", MainHandler), ]) context = cloud_verifier_common.init_mtls() # after TLS is up, start revocation notifier if config.getboolean('cloud_verifier', 'revocation_notifier'): "Starting service for revocation notifications on port %s" % config.getint('cloud_verifier', 'revocation_notifier_port')) revocation_notifier.start_broker() sockets = tornado.netutil.bind_sockets(int(cloudverifier_port), address='') tornado.process.fork_processes( config.getint('cloud_verifier', 'multiprocessing_pool_num_workers')) asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app, ssl_options=context) server.add_sockets(sockets) try: tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() except KeyboardInterrupt: tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().stop() if config.getboolean('cloud_verifier', 'revocation_notifier'): revocation_notifier.stop_broker()
def do_DELETE(self): """This method handles the DELETE requests to remove agents from the Registrar Server. Currently, only agents resources are available for DELETEing, i.e. /agents. All other DELETE uri's will return errors. agents requests require a single agent_id parameter which identifies the agent to be deleted. """ session = SessionManager().make_session(engine) rest_params = web_util.get_restful_params(self.path) if rest_params is None: web_util.echo_json_response( self, 405, "Not Implemented: Use /agents/ interface") return if not rest_params["api_version"]: web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "API Version not supported") return if "agents" not in rest_params: web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "URI not supported") logger.warning( 'DELETE agent returning 400 response. uri not supported: %s', self.path) return agent_id = rest_params["agents"] if agent_id is not None: # If the agent ID is not valid (wrong set of characters), # just do nothing. if not validators.valid_agent_id(agent_id): web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "agent_id not not valid") logger.error("DELETE received an invalid agent ID: %s", agent_id) return if session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).delete(): # send response try: session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error('SQLAlchemy Error: %s', e) web_util.echo_json_response(self, 200, "Success") return # send response web_util.echo_json_response(self, 404) return web_util.echo_json_response(self, 404)
def do_DELETE(self): """This method handles the DELETE requests to remove agents from the Registrar Server. Currently, only agents resources are available for DELETEing, i.e. /agents. All other DELETE uri's will return errors. agents requests require a single agent_id parameter which identifies the agent to be deleted. """ session = SessionManager().make_session(engine) rest_params = common.get_restful_params(self.path) if rest_params is None: common.echo_json_response( self, 405, "Not Implemented: Use /agents/ interface") return if "agents" not in rest_params: common.echo_json_response(self, 400, "uri not supported") logger.warning( 'DELETE agent returning 400 response. uri not supported: ' + self.path) return agent_id = rest_params["agents"] if agent_id is not None: if session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).delete(): # send response try: session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') common.echo_json_response(self, 200, "Success") return else: # send response common.echo_json_response(self, 404) return else: common.echo_json_response(self, 404) return
class TestVerfierDB(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.engine = create_engine('sqlite://') VerfierMain.metadata.create_all(self.engine, checkfirst=True) self.session = SessionManager().make_session(self.engine) self.populate_agent() def populate_agent(self): self.session.add(VerfierMain(**test_data)) self.session.commit() def test_add_agent(self): agent = self.session.query(VerfierMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() self.assertEqual( agent.v, 'cf0B779EA1dkHVWfTxQuSLHNFeutYeSmVWe7JOFWzXg=') self.assertEqual( agent.port, 9002) self.assertEqual( agent.tpm_policy, '{"22": ["0000000000000000000000000000000000000001", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"], "15": ["0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"], "mask": "0x408400"}') self.assertEqual( agent.revocation_key, '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\n6QsfbhjzBfFg1Zxp/h1tBqA=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n') self.assertEqual(agent.accept_tpm_hash_algs, [ 'sha512', 'sha384', 'sha256', 'sha1']) def test_count_agents(self): agent = self.session.query( VerfierMain.agent_id).count() self.assertEqual(agent, 1) def test_set_operation_state(self): self.session.query(VerfierMain).filter(agent_id == agent_id).update( {'operational_state': TENANT_FAILED}) self.session.commit() agent = self.session.query(VerfierMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() self.assertEqual(agent.operational_state, 10) def test_delete_agent(self): agent = self.session.query(VerfierMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() self.session.query(VerfierMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).delete() self.session.commit() agent = self.session.query(VerfierMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() self.assertIsNone(agent) def tearDown(self): self.session.close()
def do_PUT(self): """This method handles the PUT requests to add agents to the Registrar Server. Currently, only agents resources are available for PUTing, i.e. /agents. All other PUT uri's will return errors. """ session = SessionManager().make_session(engine) rest_params = config.get_restful_params(self.path) if rest_params is None: config.echo_json_response( self, 405, "Not Implemented: Use /agents/ interface") return if "agents" not in rest_params: config.echo_json_response(self, 400, "uri not supported") logger.warning( 'PUT agent returning 400 response. uri not supported: %s', self.path) return agent_id = rest_params["agents"] if agent_id is None: config.echo_json_response(self, 400, "agent id not found in uri") logger.warning( 'PUT agent returning 400 response. agent id not found in uri %s', self.path) return try: content_length = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) if content_length == 0: config.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Expected non zero content length") logger.warning( 'PUT for %s returning 400 response. Expected non zero content length.', agent_id) return post_body = json_body = json.loads(post_body) auth_tag = json_body['auth_tag'] try: agent = session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() except NoResultFound as e: raise Exception( "attempting to activate agent before requesting " "registrar for %s" % agent_id) from e except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error('SQLAlchemy Error: %s', e) raise if config.STUB_TPM: try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter( RegistrarMain.agent_id == agent_id).update( {'active': True}) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error('SQLAlchemy Error: %s', e) raise else: # TODO(kaifeng) Special handling should be removed if == "mysql": agent.key = agent.key.encode('utf-8') ex_mac = crypto.do_hmac(agent.key, agent_id) if ex_mac == auth_tag: try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter( RegistrarMain.agent_id == agent_id).update( {'active': True}) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error('SQLAlchemy Error: %s', e) raise else: raise Exception( "Auth tag %s does not match expected value %s" % (auth_tag, ex_mac)) config.echo_json_response(self, 200, "Success")'PUT activated: %s', agent_id) except Exception as e: config.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Error: %s" % e) logger.warning("PUT for %s returning 400 response. Error: %s", agent_id, e) logger.exception(e) return
def do_POST(self): """This method handles the POST requests to add agents to the Registrar Server. Currently, only agents resources are available for POSTing, i.e. /agents. All other POST uri's will return errors. POST requests require an an agent_id identifying the agent to add, and json block sent in the body with 2 entries: ek and aik. """ session = SessionManager().make_session(engine) rest_params = config.get_restful_params(self.path) if rest_params is None: config.echo_json_response( self, 405, "Not Implemented: Use /agents/ interface") return if "agents" not in rest_params: config.echo_json_response(self, 400, "uri not supported") logger.warning( 'POST agent returning 400 response. uri not supported: %s', self.path) return agent_id = rest_params["agents"] if agent_id is None: config.echo_json_response(self, 400, "agent id not found in uri") logger.warning( 'POST agent returning 400 response. agent id not found in uri %s', self.path) return try: content_length = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) if content_length == 0: config.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Expected non zero content length") logger.warning( 'POST for %s returning 400 response. Expected non zero content length.', agent_id) return post_body = json_body = json.loads(post_body) ekcert = json_body['ekcert'] aik_tpm = json_body['aik_tpm'] initialize_tpm = tpm() if ekcert is None or ekcert == 'emulator': logger.warning('Agent %s did not submit an ekcert' % agent_id) ek_tpm = json_body['ek_tpm'] else: if 'ek_tpm' in json_body: # This would mean the agent submitted both a non-None ekcert, *and* # an ek_tpm... We can deal with it by just ignoring the ek_tpm they sent logger.warning( 'Overriding ek_tpm for agent %s from ekcert' % agent_id) # If there's an EKCert, we just overwrite their ek_tpm # Note, we don't validate the EKCert here, other than the implicit # "is it a valid x509 cert" check. So it's still untrusted. # This will be validated by the tenant. ek509 = load_der_x509_certificate( base64.b64decode(ekcert), backend=default_backend(), ) ek_tpm = base64.b64encode( tpm2_objects.ek_low_tpm2b_public_from_pubkey( ek509.public_key(), )) aik_attrs = tpm2_objects.get_tpm2b_public_object_attributes( base64.b64decode(aik_tpm), ) if aik_attrs != tpm2_objects.AK_EXPECTED_ATTRS: config.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Invalid AK attributes") logger.warning( "Agent %s submitted AIK with invalid attributes! %s (provided) != %s (expected)", agent_id, tpm2_objects.object_attributes_description(aik_attrs), tpm2_objects.object_attributes_description( tpm2_objects.AK_EXPECTED_ATTRS), ) return # try to encrypt the AIK (blob, key) = initialize_tpm.encryptAIK( agent_id, base64.b64decode(ek_tpm), base64.b64decode(aik_tpm), ) # special behavior if we've registered this uuid before regcount = 1 try: agent = session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() except NoResultFound: agent = None except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error('SQLAlchemy Error: %s', e) raise if agent is not None: # keep track of how many ek-ekcerts have registered on this uuid regcount = agent.regcount if agent.ek_tpm != ek_tpm or agent.ekcert != ekcert: logger.warning( 'WARNING: Overwriting previous registration for this UUID with new ek-ekcert pair!' ) regcount += 1 # force overwrite'Overwriting previous registration for this UUID.') try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).delete() session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error('SQLAlchemy Error: %s', e) raise # Add values to database d = {} d['agent_id'] = agent_id d['ek_tpm'] = ek_tpm d['aik_tpm'] = aik_tpm d['ekcert'] = ekcert d['virtual'] = int(ekcert == 'virtual') d['active'] = int(False) d['key'] = key d['provider_keys'] = {} d['regcount'] = regcount try: session.add(RegistrarMain(**d)) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error('SQLAlchemy Error: %s', e) raise response = { 'blob': blob, } config.echo_json_response(self, 200, "Success", response)'POST returning key blob for agent_id: %s', agent_id) except Exception as e: config.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Error: %s" % e) logger.warning("POST for %s returning 400 response. Error: %s", agent_id, e) logger.exception(e)
def do_PUT(self): """This method handles the PUT requests to add agents to the Registrar Server. Currently, only agents resources are available for PUTing, i.e. /agents. All other PUT uri's will return errors. """ session = SessionManager().make_session(engine) rest_params = web_util.get_restful_params(self.path) if rest_params is None: web_util.echo_json_response( self, 405, "Not Implemented: Use /agents/ interface") return if not rest_params["api_version"]: web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "API Version not supported") return if "agents" not in rest_params: web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "uri not supported") logger.warning( 'PUT agent returning 400 response. uri not supported: %s', self.path) return agent_id = rest_params["agents"] if agent_id is None: web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "agent id not found in uri") logger.warning( 'PUT agent returning 400 response. agent id not found in uri %s', self.path) return # If the agent ID is not valid (wrong set of characters), just # do nothing. if not validators.valid_agent_id(agent_id): web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "agent_id not not valid") logger.error("PUT received an invalid agent ID: %s", agent_id) return try: content_length = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) if content_length == 0: web_util.echo_json_response( self, 400, "Expected non zero content length") logger.warning( 'PUT for %s returning 400 response. Expected non zero content length.', agent_id) return post_body = json_body = json.loads(post_body) auth_tag = json_body['auth_tag'] try: agent = session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() except NoResultFound as e: raise Exception( "attempting to activate agent before requesting " "registrar for %s" % agent_id) from e except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error('SQLAlchemy Error: %s', e) raise if config.STUB_TPM: try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter( RegistrarMain.agent_id == agent_id).update( {'active': int(True)}) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error('SQLAlchemy Error: %s', e) raise else: ex_mac = crypto.do_hmac(agent.key.encode(), agent_id) if ex_mac == auth_tag: try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter( RegistrarMain.agent_id == agent_id).update( {'active': int(True)}) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error('SQLAlchemy Error: %s', e) raise else: raise Exception( f"Auth tag {auth_tag} does not match expected value {ex_mac}" ) web_util.echo_json_response(self, 200, "Success")'PUT activated: %s', agent_id) except Exception as e: web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Error: %s" % e) logger.warning("PUT for %s returning 400 response. Error: %s", agent_id, e) logger.exception(e) return
class TestRegistrarDB(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.engine = create_engine("sqlite://") RegistrarMain.metadata.create_all(self.engine, checkfirst=True) self.session = SessionManager().make_session(self.engine) self.populate_agent() def populate_agent(self): self.session.add(RegistrarMain(**test_data)) self.session.commit() def test_add_agent(self): agent = self.session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by(agent_id=agent_id).first() self.assertEqual( agent.ek_tpm, """-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0dLxdAABVJO6qxamjCMh yhWZgiFHZHnPEe0tMFyK3fNVr/w8lX9r+QOLxLmkT0IdgsEYtGZGefbD+qQl4O1s k25823Xzu5tEF8966rTdkfsv8CRrNaBLwWlnt/n+qjIoU3xZJMmR+mFfqTc3a6zV mPOYJstFtM8r4b9HPCUq6Mte/J3Wx4FxI9R4UrCUyiAeH++0QapIxuEGsVIYs92n GyvFQYBZFRU6cIt33iaqTrRCICJp+YblMnw54YJGAH2vTVQf6/fLAnQt5L1UfmTy R/ZA6advx8soekSBOIAW7XmV8Xp9mSquIHZdSXMJlcn/B35PU3BdkUtIYm5JuGGt PQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----""", ) self.assertEqual( agent.aik_tpm, """-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0dLxdAABVJO6qxamjCMh yhWZgiFHZHnPEe0tMFyK3fNVr/w8lX9r+QOLxLmkT0IdgsEYtGZGefbD+qQl4O1s k25823Xzu5tEF8966rTdkfsv8CRrNaBLwWlnt/n+qjIoU3xZJMmR+mFfqTc3a6zV mPOYJstFtM8r4b9HPCUq6Mte/J3Wx4FxI9R4UrCUyiAeH++0QapIxuEGsVIYs92n GyvFQYBZFRU6cIt33iaqTrRCICJp+YblMnw54YJGAH2vTVQf6/fLAnQt5L1UfmTy R/ZA6advx8soekSBOIAW7XmV8Xp9mSquIHZdSXMJlcn/B35PU3BdkUtIYm5JuGGt PQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----""", ) self.assertEqual( agent.ekcert, """-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEnzCCA4egAwIBAgIEMV64bDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBtMQswCQYDVQQGEwJE RTEQMA4GA1UECBMHQmF2YXJpYTEhMB8GA1UEChMYSW5maW5lb24gVGVjaG5vbG9n aWVzIEFHMQwwCgYDVQQLEwNBSU0xGzAZBgNVBAMTEklGWCBUUE0gRUsgUm9vdCBD QTAeFw0wNTEwMjAxMzQ3NDNaFw0yNTEwMjAxMzQ3NDNaMHcxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkRF MQ8wDQYDVQQIEwZTYXhvbnkxITAfBgNVBAoTGEluZmluZW9uIFRlY2hub2xvZ2ll cyBBRzEMMAoGA1UECxMDQUlNMSYwJAYDVQQDEx1JRlggVFBNIEVLIEludGVybWVk aWF0ZSBDQSAwMTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALftPhYN t4rE+JnU/XOPICbOBLvfo6iA7nuq7zf4DzsAWBdsZEdFJQfaK331ihG3IpQnlQ2i YtDim289265f0J4OkPFpKeFU27CsfozVaNUm6UR/uzwA8ncxFc3iZLRMRNLru/Al VG053ULVDQMVx2iwwbBSAYO9pGiGbk1iMmuZaSErMdb9v0KRUyZM7yABiyDlM3cz UQX5vLWV0uWqxdGoHwNva5u3ynP9UxPTZWHZOHE6+14rMzpobs6Ww2RR8BgF96rh 4rRAZEl8BXhwiQq4STvUXkfvdpWH4lzsGcDDtrB6Nt3KvVNvsKz+b07Dk+Xzt+EH NTf3Byk2HlvX+scCAwEAAaOCATswggE3MB0GA1UdDgQWBBQ4k8292HPEIzMV4bE7 qWoNI8wQxzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAgQwEgYDVR0TAQH/BAgwBgEB/wIBADBYBgNV HSABAf8ETjBMMEoGC2CGSAGG+EUBBy8BMDswOQYIKwYBBQUHAgEWLWh0dHA6Ly93 d3cudmVyaXNpZ24uY29tL3JlcG9zaXRvcnkvaW5kZXguaHRtbDCBlwYDVR0jBIGP MIGMgBRW65FEhWPWcrOu1EWWC/eUDlRCpqFxpG8wbTELMAkGA1UEBhMCREUxEDAO BgNVBAgTB0JhdmFyaWExITAfBgNVBAoTGEluZmluZW9uIFRlY2hub2xvZ2llcyBB RzEMMAoGA1UECxMDQUlNMRswGQYDVQQDExJJRlggVFBNIEVLIFJvb3QgQ0GCAQMw DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBABJ1+Ap3rNlxZ0FW0aIgdzktbNHlvXWNxFdYIBbM OKjmbOos0Y4O60eKPu259XmMItCUmtbzF3oKYXq6ybARUT2Lm+JsseMF5VgikSlU BJALqpKVjwAds81OtmnIQe2LSu4xcTSavpsL4f52cUAu/maMhtSgN9mq5roYptq9 DnSSDZrX4uYiMPl//rBaNDBflhJ727j8xo9CCohF3yQUoQm7coUgbRMzyO64yMIO 3fhb+Vuc7sNwrMOz3VJN14C3JMoGgXy0c57IP/kD5zGRvljKEvrRC2I147+fPeLS DueRMS6lblvRKiZgmGAg7YaKOkOaEmVDMQ+fTo2Po7hI5wc= -----END CERTIFICATE-----""", ) self.assertEqual(agent.virtual, 0) self.assertEqual(, int(False)) self.assertEqual(agent.key, "R0xKMU5maWVEaHVxQ0poZUZhWm9yRVkyRHZZUkVIMFA=") self.assertEqual(agent.provider_keys, {}) self.assertEqual(agent.regcount, 1) self.assertEqual(agent.ip, "") self.assertEqual(agent.port, 9002) def test_delete_agent(self): agent = self.session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by(agent_id=agent_id).first() self.session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by(agent_id=agent_id).delete() self.session.commit() agent = self.session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by(agent_id=agent_id).first() self.assertIsNone(agent) def tearDown(self): self.session.close()
def do_PUT(self): """This method handles the PUT requests to add agents to the Registrar Server. Currently, only agents resources are available for PUTing, i.e. /agents. All other PUT uri's will return errors. """ session = SessionManager().make_session(engine) rest_params = common.get_restful_params(self.path) if rest_params is None: common.echo_json_response( self, 405, "Not Implemented: Use /agents/ interface") return if "agents" not in rest_params: common.echo_json_response(self, 400, "uri not supported") logger.warning( 'PUT agent returning 400 response. uri not supported: ' + self.path) return agent_id = rest_params["agents"] if agent_id is None: common.echo_json_response(self, 400, "agent id not found in uri") logger.warning( 'PUT agent returning 400 response. agent id not found in uri ' + self.path) return try: content_length = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) if content_length == 0: common.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Expected non zero content length") logger.warning( 'PUT for ' + agent_id + ' returning 400 response. Expected non zero content length.' ) return post_body = json_body = json.loads(post_body) if "activate" in rest_params: auth_tag = json_body['auth_tag'] try: agent = session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') if agent is None: raise Exception( "attempting to activate agent before requesting registrar for %s" % agent_id) if agent.virtual: raise Exception( "attempting to activate virtual AIK using physical interface for %s" % agent_id) if common.STUB_TPM: try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter( agent_id == agent_id).update({'active': True}) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') else: ex_mac = crypto.do_hmac(agent.key, agent_id) if ex_mac == auth_tag: try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter( agent_id == agent_id).update({'active': True}) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') else: raise Exception( "Auth tag %s does not match expected value %s" % (auth_tag, ex_mac)) common.echo_json_response(self, 200, "Success")'PUT activated: ' + agent_id) elif "vactivate" in rest_params: deepquote = json_body.get('deepquote', None) try: agent = session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') if agent is None: raise Exception( "attempting to activate agent before requesting registrar for %s" % agent_id) if not agent['virtual']: raise Exception( "attempting to activate physical AIK using virtual interface for %s" % agent_id) # get an physical AIK for this host registrar_client.init_client_tls(config, 'registrar') provider_keys = registrar_client.getKeys( config.get('registrar', 'provider_registrar_ip'), config.get('registrar', 'provider_registrar_tls_port'), agent_id) # we already have the vaik tpm = tpm_obj.getTPM(need_hw_tpm=False, tpm_version=agent['tpm_version']) if not tpm.check_deep_quote( agent_id, hashlib.sha1(agent['key']).hexdigest(), agent_id + agent['aik'] + agent['ek'], deepquote, agent['aik'], provider_keys['aik']): raise Exception("Deep quote invalid") try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter( agent_id == agent_id).update({'active': True}) except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter( agent_id == agent_id).update( {'provider_keys': provider_keys}) except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') common.echo_json_response(self, 200, "Success")'PUT activated: ' + agent_id) else: pass except Exception as e: common.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Error: %s" % e) logger.warning("PUT for " + agent_id + " returning 400 response. Error: %s" % e) logger.exception(e) return
def do_POST(self): """This method handles the POST requests to add agents to the Registrar Server. Currently, only agents resources are available for POSTing, i.e. /agents. All other POST uri's will return errors. POST requests require an an agent_id identifying the agent to add, and json block sent in the body with 2 entries: ek and aik. """ session = SessionManager().make_session(engine) rest_params = common.get_restful_params(self.path) if rest_params is None: common.echo_json_response( self, 405, "Not Implemented: Use /agents/ interface") return if "agents" not in rest_params: common.echo_json_response(self, 400, "uri not supported") logger.warning( 'POST agent returning 400 response. uri not supported: ' + self.path) return agent_id = rest_params["agents"] if agent_id is None: common.echo_json_response(self, 400, "agent id not found in uri") logger.warning( 'POST agent returning 400 response. agent id not found in uri ' + self.path) return try: content_length = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) if content_length == 0: common.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Expected non zero content length") logger.warning( 'POST for ' + agent_id + ' returning 400 response. Expected non zero content length.' ) return post_body = json_body = json.loads(post_body) ek = json_body['ek'] ek_tpm = json_body['ek_tpm'] ekcert = json_body['ekcert'] aik = json_body['aik'] aik_name = json_body['aik_name'] tpm_version = int(json_body['tpm_version']) # try to encrypt the AIK tpm = tpm_obj.getTPM(need_hw_tpm=False, tpm_version=tpm_version) (blob, key) = tpm.encryptAIK(agent_id, aik, ek, ek_tpm, aik_name) # special behavior if we've registered this uuid before regcount = 1 try: agent = session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') if agent is not None: # keep track of how many ek-ekcerts have registered on this uuid regcount = agent.regcount if agent.ek != ek or agent.ekcert != ekcert: logger.warning( 'WARNING: Overwriting previous registration for this UUID with new ek-ekcert pair!' ) regcount += 1 # force overwrite'Overwriting previous registration for this UUID.') try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).delete() session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') # Add values to database d = {} d['agent_id'] = agent_id d['ek'] = ek d['aik'] = aik d['ekcert'] = ekcert d['virtual'] = int(ekcert == 'virtual') d['active'] = int(False) d['key'] = key d['provider_keys'] = {} d['regcount'] = regcount try: session.add(RegistrarMain(**d)) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error(f'SQLAlchemy Error: {e}') response = { 'blob': blob, } common.echo_json_response(self, 200, "Success", response)'POST returning key blob for agent_id: ' + agent_id) return except Exception as e: common.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Error: %s" % e) logger.warning("POST for " + agent_id + " returning 400 response. Error: %s" % e) logger.exception(e) return
def do_POST(self): """This method handles the POST requests to add agents to the Registrar Server. Currently, only agents resources are available for POSTing, i.e. /agents. All other POST uri's will return errors. POST requests require an an agent_id identifying the agent to add, and json block sent in the body with 2 entries: ek and aik. """ session = SessionManager().make_session(engine) rest_params = web_util.get_restful_params(self.path) if rest_params is None: web_util.echo_json_response( self, 405, "Not Implemented: Use /agents/ interface") return if not web_util.validate_api_version(self, rest_params["api_version"], logger): return if "agents" not in rest_params: web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "uri not supported") logger.warning( "POST agent returning 400 response. uri not supported: %s", self.path) return agent_id = rest_params["agents"] if agent_id is None: web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "agent id not found in uri") logger.warning( "POST agent returning 400 response. agent id not found in uri %s", self.path) return # If the agent ID is not valid (wrong set of characters), just # do nothing. if not validators.valid_agent_id(agent_id): web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "agent id not valid") logger.error("POST received an invalid agent ID: %s", agent_id) return try: content_length = int(self.headers.get("Content-Length", 0)) if content_length == 0: web_util.echo_json_response( self, 400, "Expected non zero content length") logger.warning( "POST for %s returning 400 response. Expected non zero content length.", agent_id) return post_body = json_body = json.loads(post_body) ekcert = json_body["ekcert"] aik_tpm = json_body["aik_tpm"] initialize_tpm = tpm() if ekcert is None or ekcert == "emulator": logger.warning("Agent %s did not submit an ekcert", agent_id) ek_tpm = json_body["ek_tpm"] else: if "ek_tpm" in json_body: # This would mean the agent submitted both a non-None ekcert, *and* # an ek_tpm... We can deal with it by just ignoring the ek_tpm they sent logger.warning( "Overriding ek_tpm for agent %s from ekcert", agent_id) # If there's an EKCert, we just overwrite their ek_tpm # Note, we don't validate the EKCert here, other than the implicit # "is it a valid x509 cert" check. So it's still untrusted. # This will be validated by the tenant. ek509 = load_der_x509_certificate( base64.b64decode(ekcert), backend=default_backend(), ) ek_tpm = base64.b64encode( tpm2_objects.ek_low_tpm2b_public_from_pubkey( ek509.public_key(), )).decode() aik_attrs = tpm2_objects.get_tpm2b_public_object_attributes( base64.b64decode(aik_tpm), ) if aik_attrs != tpm2_objects.AK_EXPECTED_ATTRS: web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, "Invalid AK attributes") logger.warning( "Agent %s submitted AIK with invalid attributes! %s (provided) != %s (expected)", agent_id, tpm2_objects.object_attributes_description(aik_attrs), tpm2_objects.object_attributes_description( tpm2_objects.AK_EXPECTED_ATTRS), ) return # try to encrypt the AIK (blob, key) = initialize_tpm.encryptAIK( agent_id, base64.b64decode(ek_tpm), base64.b64decode(aik_tpm), ) # special behavior if we've registered this uuid before regcount = 1 try: agent = session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).first() except NoResultFound: agent = None except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error("SQLAlchemy Error: %s", e) raise if agent is not None: # keep track of how many ek-ekcerts have registered on this uuid regcount = agent.regcount if agent.ek_tpm != ek_tpm or agent.ekcert != ekcert: logger.warning( "WARNING: Overwriting previous registration for this UUID with new ek-ekcert pair!" ) regcount += 1 # force overwrite"Overwriting previous registration for this UUID.") try: session.query(RegistrarMain).filter_by( agent_id=agent_id).delete() session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error("SQLAlchemy Error: %s", e) raise # Check for ip and port contact_ip = json_body.get("ip", None) contact_port = json_body.get("port", None) # Validate ip and port if contact_ip is not None: try: # Use parser from the standard library instead of implementing our own ipaddress.ip_address(contact_ip) except ValueError: logger.warning( "Contact ip for agent %s is not a valid ip got: %s.", agent_id, contact_ip) contact_ip = None if contact_port is not None: try: contact_port = int(contact_port) if contact_port < 1 or contact_port > 65535: logger.warning( "Contact port for agent %s is not a number between 1 and got: %s.", agent_id, contact_port) contact_port = None except ValueError: logger.warning( "Contact port for agent %s is not a valid number got: %s.", agent_id, contact_port) contact_port = None # Check for mTLS cert mtls_cert = json_body.get("mtls_cert", None) if mtls_cert is None: logger.warning( "Agent %s did not send a mTLS certificate. Most operations will not work!", agent_id) # Add values to database d = {} d["agent_id"] = agent_id d["ek_tpm"] = ek_tpm d["aik_tpm"] = aik_tpm d["ekcert"] = ekcert d["ip"] = contact_ip d["mtls_cert"] = mtls_cert d["port"] = contact_port d["virtual"] = int(ekcert == "virtual") d["active"] = int(False) d["key"] = key d["provider_keys"] = {} d["regcount"] = regcount try: session.add(RegistrarMain(**d)) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: logger.error("SQLAlchemy Error: %s", e) raise response = { "blob": blob, } web_util.echo_json_response(self, 200, "Success", response)"POST returning key blob for agent_id: %s", agent_id) except Exception as e: web_util.echo_json_response(self, 400, f"Error: {str(e)}") logger.warning("POST for %s returning 400 response. Error: %s", agent_id, e) logger.exception(e)