def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### if len(im.shape) == 3: im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if im.max() > 10: im = np.float32(im) / 255 locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im, sigma0=1, k=np.sqrt(2), levels=[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], th_contrast=0.03, th_r=12) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locsDoG, compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # TO DO ... locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) if len(im.shape) == 3: im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if im.max() > 10: im = np.float32(im) / 255 # for i in range(locsDoG.shape[0]): #, (locsDoG[i,0], locsDoG[i,1]), 1, color=(0,255,0), lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) # cv2.namedWindow("image", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) # cv2.imshow('image', im) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid, compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # TO DO ... locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) test_pattern_file = '/home/geekerlink/Desktop/Computer Vision/Homeworks/hw3/results/testPattern.npy' compareX, compareY = np.load(test_pattern_file) if len(im.shape) == 3: im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if im.max() > 10: im = np.float32(im) / 255 k = np.sqrt(2) levels = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] #print("locsdog") #print(locsDoG.shape) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locsDoG, k, levels, compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # TO DO ... # load test pattern for Brief test_pattern_file = '../results/testPattern.npy' if os.path.isfile(test_pattern_file): # load from file if exists compareX, compareY = np.load(test_pattern_file) else: # produce and save patterns if not exist compareX, compareY = makeTestPattern() if not os.path.isdir('../results'): os.mkdir('../results'), [compareX, compareY]) k = 1 levels = [-1,0,1,2,3,4] locs, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im, k, np.sqrt(2), levels, 0.03, 12) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locs, k, levels, compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # TO DO ... levels = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] k = np.sqrt(2) locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) test_pattern_file = '../results/testPattern.npy' compareX, compareY = np.load(test_pattern_file) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locsDoG, k, levels, compareX, compareY) #print(desc.shape) #print(locs.shape) #print(compareX.shape) #print(compareY.shape) #print(locsDoG.shape) #print(gaussian_pyramid.shape) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # TO DO ... if len(im.shape)==3: im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if im.max()>10: im = np.float32(im)/255 k=np.sqrt(2) levels=[-1,0,1,2,3,4] test_pattern_file = '../results/testPattern.npy' if os.path.isfile(test_pattern_file): # load from file if exists compareX, compareY = np.load(test_pattern_file) locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im,th_contrast = 0.03,th_r = 12) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locsDoG, k, levels, compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # TO DO ... # GRAYSCALE AND NORMALIZATION HANDELED IN CODE OF GAUSSIAN PYRAMID locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) print('locsDoG shape: ', locsDoG.shape) compareX, compareY = np.load(test_pattern_file) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locsDoG, k=9, levels=gaussian_pyramid.shape[2], compareX=compareX, compareY=compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # TO DO ... k = np.sqrt(2) levels = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locsDoG, k, levels, compareX, compareY) # print ("shape of locs is") # print (locs.shape) # print ("shape of desc is") # print (desc.shape) # print (locs) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # TO DO ... levels = None k = None if len(im.shape) == 3: im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if im.max() > 10: im = np.float32(im) / 255 locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) compareX, compareY = np.load('../results/testPattern.npy') locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locsDoG, k, levels, compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' locsDoG, gauss_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gauss_pyramid, locsDoG, np.sqrt(2), [-1,0,1,2,3,4], compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # Computer DoG locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) # Perform BRIEF to get the descriptors of feature points locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locsDoG, compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' if len(im.shape) == 3: im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) locs, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) # we use sample pattern saved as global locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locs, None, None, compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' test_pattern_file = '../results/testPattern.npy' compareX, compareY = np.load(test_pattern_file) locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, locsDoG, compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # TO DO ... locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) compare = np.load('../results/testPattern.npy') print(np.shape(compare)) compareX = compare[0] compareY = compare[1] locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locsDoG, np.sqrt(2), [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], compareX, compareY) return locs, desc
def briefLite(im): ''' INPUTS im - gray image with values between 0 and 1 OUTPUTS locs - an m x 3 vector, where the first two columns are the image coordinates of keypoints and the third column is the pyramid level of the keypoints desc - an m x n bits matrix of stacked BRIEF descriptors. m is the number of valid descriptors in the image and will vary n is the number of bits for the BRIEF descriptor ''' ################### # TO DO ... # For BRIEF computation, convert to gray scale of one channel if len(im.shape) == 3: im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if im.max() > 10: im = np.float32(im) / 255 test_pattern_file = '../results/testPattern.npy' if os.path.isfile(test_pattern_file): # load from file if exists compareX, compareY = np.load(test_pattern_file) else: # produce and save patterns if not exist compareX, compareY = makeTestPattern(patch_width=9, nbits=256) if not os.path.isdir('../results'): os.mkdir('../results'), [compareX, compareY]) locsDoG, gaussian_pyramid = DoGdetector(im) locs, desc = computeBrief(im, gaussian_pyramid, locsDoG, 9, [-1,0,1,2,3,4], compareX, compareY) return locs, desc